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Following the laws of historical development of systems, a certain point comes in which these reach
their limit, and must either mutate (adapt to the changing circumstances that it generates and are
generated by its context or environment) or be demolished. The first option presents big difficulties
for current, imperialist capitalism and its neoliberal values; this will be demonstrated in the
following items, and well see which the possible ways of moving forward are. Not all of them will
be positive; a problem always presents multiple solutions. Here, as a pro-active text, well consider,
at the end, the best possible way to continue based on the Synthetic-Universalist theorys
ideological criteria; but well also examine a little shade of the pragmatic-egoist modifications done
to capitalism which allows it to keep on going in other forms, as it has already done through
radical changes, facing other structural crises -economic as well as social-.
Financial causes: It is a real fact that an autonomous circuit of speculative capital has been
established, that uses arbitrarily-generated virtual currency -without real backing-this currency
isnt only created from nothing, but it always lends itself to interests; interests that grow
exponentially through time. A constantly increasing debt, way faster and not dependent of the
economys real growth (price/value of goods and services); this growth can never reach the debts
interest rates. But the demand for the money is still there; an increasing, quadratic asymmetry
(compound interest), that can never fulfill itself; an unsolvable abyss between the world of property
as physical fact and the world of money numbers. Even beyond this serious issue, there is another
one that performs it in irreversible fashion: The automation of financial procedures.
More and more corporations around the world, and therefore stock exchanges, banks, etc. work
through computers to do transactions (and not only calculate them of perform them but, importantly,
evaluate them and decide them on their own). Due to the speed and precision of calculus and the
faultless use of models, these practices provide big, relative benefits to the organizations that use
them. But individual gain is collective loss; these algorithms, based on game theory and other
branches of logical-mathematical-evolutionary research applied to the market, never consider the
total effects of their actions on the system, only the gains or losses of the particular user; therefore,
these entities, acting in a selfishly rational way, can easily harm everyone.
When calculi dont fit, a self-destructive cycle begins, which can, in hours, make organizations of
thousands of millions -in value terms- go broke, generating a chain reaction that ruins global
markets, without a single direct intervention by human beings. Thats why it is said that some bank
institutions must always be rescued; they are too big to fail. The free-market supporters, who
call for conservation of the current system, but also for the demise of those who get too much into
debt, are simply non-realists who dont understand the true way things work: if a domino piece
falls, all the other fall. The cards castle cant stand if a card of removed from the base. But it is,
already, a structure way too big to stand through its parts; that which gives it life are the millions of
millions coming out of the state arks in order to cover these black holes of debt generated by the
perverse dynamics of transactions, and the close interdependent network between them.
But it doesnt matter how much states bleed themselves out giving their budgets to key private
entities: its an endless pit. The system only becomes more efficientthrough the same, own
mechanisms that make it untenable. Because of that, if its not redesigned enough, its doomed to
fall in a very near future. And this is only the tip of the iceberg of all the factors that determine the
imminent collapse of all the capitalist structural and supra-structural machinery

Labor and Social causes: Today in industrialized countries, human resources are less efficient that
mechanical resources. This generates unemployment since businesses benefit more when robots or
other machines are available for manual labor, rather than employees; not even for intellectual labor
are employees necessary since computers can do similar work with minimal maintenance and
without wages. The very nature of the capitalist market makes this transition necessary since its
always looking for better efficiency for capital; those who dont get it will be in disadvantage to
compete and will be wiped off. The crisis, in this sense, is nothing more than a huge transference
of money and power, from the inferior 99% of the population to the 1% of the economic scale,
which has already increased its assets and incomes to very high levels. It should be obvious with the
most rudimentary analysis: all workers rights, benefits and guarantees -already insufficient- are
surprisingly cut using the excuse of insolvency; meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of millions of
dollars are -literally- given to banks and corporations, to rescue them!
Governments must act as middlemen to avoid the system being replaced by the masses, who will
see their necessities unsatisfied; but in the end, governments must also act on the side of capital,
otherwise it will see its nation-state doomed due to the smallest market failure. On the other hand,
the noted decrease in immediate consumption of mass products, which results in massive
unemployment and cuts in real salaries, forces production to be more oriented to the bourgeoisie
that can afford such products and are monetarily benefited with labor-productive reorganization.
These huge amounts of have-nots, with no capital or relevant labour power (that cannot be
performed more efficiently by automating it), becoming kind of useless or redundant to the
market, little more of an annoyance, will be discarded, repressed, doomed to a miserable existence,
or to death -as it even happens today to those who dont contribute to the system or arent
integrated to it; the outcasts-with the difference that in a near future, they might be the neartotality of the human population.
Deferred, outcast and progressively excluded from the productive circuit that raised them and
helped to uphold, they shall be carefully controlled by the system; without a doubt through the
corporatist illusion of the common situation within the system and the shared interest of it
working with no other possible choice; and mixed with the usual lies, controls, intimidations
and mass psychology operations to keep submission in time of adjustments (promoted by
politicians, too, in a finally pointless attempt -but which, meanwhile, helps in doing the transitionto keep its populations competitiveness facing the machine, or globalized human resources in
deliberately underdeveloped countries).
Those who wont be crushed by the economic mechanism of rejection will be the capitalists
(owners of machinery, and whose only economic submission is to the abrasive logic of competition,
and its consequences in every interaction), and those who provide other services -currently- not
replaceable with automation, whether in cases where computers might not do it, like engineers,
technicians (of many levels, the inferior ones will be less needed with time), analysts, journalists
and intellectuals; or due to the needs for interaction and life in society (e.g. politicians, artists,
celebrities, etc.) but this only will keep happening if bigger majorities do not think,
communicate and move to change the system with the weight of their numbers and their
constructive, emancipatory social theses.

Expansive and Intensive causes: The life of international capitalism has consisted in the conquest
of new spaces for its sphere of influence -in life as well as in the world-; so that it could expand
itself with new labour markets, markets of buying-selling, of imports-exports, and natural resources
to exploit. The current problem is that all markets are already covered and unified around the world.
Its very unlikely that there might remain a relevant place to go and spread the free market
gospel. The last great adventure of capitalism was after the fall of real socialism during the
1990s; since then, the unipolar world was entirely conquered, except for small, rebel fragments
that are, anyways, in a constant process of treatment, through operatives, etc. But this cant be
compared to the big stimuli of the past like colonization, opium wars, occupations, conquests, world
conflicts, neo-colonialism, and so on.
Just as every corner of the world has been conquered and dried, so has each aspect of life. From
family relations, to pets, sexuality, romance, friendships, knowledge, the body, culture, myths,
stories, even religions and spirituality, fantasy(ies), eating, communication, beauty, health,
psychology, social and inner life, and (why not?) morality itself, even the very rebellion to the
system, and an infinity of etcseverything has been commercialized, turned, one way or another,
into commodity fetishism and consumer goods. Progressively, all of these were taken away from
their previous, natural or traditional forms, and adapted to a universal way of buy-and-sell, of need
and temporary, fake satisfaction. Its hard (or maybe impossible) to find aspects that havent been
exploited; in fact many of these things have been mixed in even absurd ways with the single
purpose of finding something new to sell. In this sense, capitalism has also reached its limit.
Extractive and Environmental causes: When resources are thought not to be scarce, but quasiinfinite, not a lot of value is given to them, not even intrinsic value. In fact they are completely
absent from both capitalist and Marxist economic theories. This is due to the old view of nature as a
sort of endless barrel that can be exploited extensively without thinking of consequences or an end.
But, actually, today we feel the consequences, as were reaching the end of the barrel. With the end
of unexploited wide, virgin paradises in developed and underdeveloped nations, the catastrophe
of extractivist policies is aheadother than climate change and pollution, both terrible
consequences over people and the whole biosphere, we find another problem: an economic one.
What happens when resources are over? If this plan has been followed, it was because it brought the
greatest benefits, and resources are for free, they belong to no one; few things are even considered
worthy beyond its possibilities of extraction, conversion and being sold, and almost none bought
in its natural state, but taken directly; this total lack of cost or protection of resources in their
original state results in the unregulated use of them by markets: after all, if they dont take it,
someone else will; and the more is taken, the better, no matter the efficiency of the potential they
might have. For example, when considering deforestation wood as free beyond its extraction cost,
as well as infinite or endless, the use given to trees is totally inefficientin fact, wasting most
of them since, in a mercantilist sense, its easier to cut an extra tree (or ten) than making use of all
the wood, or any other material or property. This modus operandi exists in almost all
entrepreneurships that share the free extractive aspect, and so we get into the bottom of the
barrelof oil.
For decades, petroleum has been used carelessly, even today, due to cultural inertia. But as it turns
out, a barrel of crude oil costs ten times more than thirty years ago (even adjusted to the dollar
inflation). What changed? Its simple, there is less of it and extracting it became harder -and more
expensive-. But its not just that: in quantitative terms, production reached its historical limit. Today
we live in times of peak oil. As of now, production will start to decrease, until its full
disappearance within five decades or maybe less.

Thats why there have been many wars and conflicts in countries with lots of petroleum, but the
appropriation of these reserves by global imperialism only avoids the unavoidable: Most electric
energy, trucks, cars, ships, planes, plastic products, make-up, space rockets, tanks and other warlike
vehicles, asphalt, etcall of them work by means of hydrocarbons. This includes, evidently, the
means for world trade and human transport, as well as the functioning of electric products. There
are other forms of energy but due to the historical commercial advantages of hydrocarbons, today
they are very underdeveloped when compared. Biodiesel, the alternative that capitalism tries to sell,
is nothing more than the conversion of food into fuel, increasing deforestation (for cultivation) and
even worsening starvation (which already affects, permanently, more than 1000 millions of people
and kills 10 millions per year), making food fields compete with diesel fields. And worse: its not
ecological, as it generates carbon monoxide and other toxic substances in similar amounts to that
produced by gasoil.
In another related field, only during the last eighty years, the surfaces of forests and rainforests have
been reduced in more than 70%. This means that there is less than a third part regarding its previous
levels; which were already far from being the natural ones. Going into further detail about the many
outcomes and the widely negative effects of this (even for human society) would be beyond the
scope of this essay, but it must be known that its serious, and this is only a big molehill that along
with many others like the destruction of reefs and dramatic decreases in wild species populations,
both terrestrial and marine, and even of beings we consume massively (and therefore need), paint
a bleak and desolate view.
As if any of this werent enough, the preservation of the extractive model of capitalism now
threatens the very existence of life in the world. Theres no need for a nuclear war; every day, more
than 200 unique species are extinguished. At this point, if it keeps on going like this (when actually
it does nothing else but grow), in less than 200 years the existence is 15000000 species will be
overtaking into account that there are less than 2 millions of catalogued species and 15 millions
exceeds the account of existent ones. In other words, less than four centuries would be necessary,
since the beginning of human capitalist industrialism, to finish the result of 3500 years of evolution
and biological diversification. Proportionally, it is equivalent to a ten-thousandth of second in an
hour. Even someone with a cold, selfish, anthropocentric perspective (which, also, would be wrong)
would be deeply mistaken if he judges these data as mere zoological anecdotes, that only belongs to
the annals of the future for nostalgic, conservationist biologistsquite the opposite, it would mean
our own doom as a species.
The terrestrial biosphere is a complex, balanced (in its natural state), self-regulated, and
interdependent system. Homeostasis and the Gaia hypothesis are, today, facts for specialists; this
means that altering the balance of cycles and interactions of terrestrial life through continuous,
destructive action may have irreversible consequences that would turn the planet into a non-fit place
for existence: barren and unfertile grounds, polluted air and water with no oxygen, inability for
reproduction, carried toxins through the food cycle, genetic corruption, scarcity, etcgenerating
chain reactions that could progressively end any hope of recovery (other than artificial, isolated,
unsustainable and limited ecosystems).

The course of present society has many prefigurations, but one of them is particularly appropriate
as historical prophecy related to these topics: Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, was, at a
time, home to an autonomous culture. With a strong tribal, hierarchical class culture, a population
of over 15000, an unusually dominant religious-competitive culture and a rich but essentially
limited and isolated environment, it is the perfect example of a civilization that exceeds the limits of
its environment and pays the price.
Even before the arrival of the first Europeans, the population was closer to 2000the frenzy during
the building of the huge stone statues, the exhaustion around, the overpopulation, led to a collapse.
Of the many species of trees and had ever existed, some of them over 15 meters, 21 had been
extinguished, and only isolated, arboreal species of less than 3 meters high remained. Almost all
birds -most prominent among the fauna- were extinguishedthe crisis got deeper to the point
religion changed. The statues, representing ancient providers, were systematically knocked down as
the tribes were defeated during the civil war. Then, every year, leadership was passed, through
ritual, to the first man who could find bird eggs. People had to live in caves and suffer starvation,
cold weather and even cannibalism; together with European interventions, they never recovered.
All of these problems can be really and effectively solved only with horizontally organized people,
through direct, deliberative democracy, in a perpetual, reflexive, pro-active process, inclined to
think society from the beginning, building and creating a new model focused on the universal
common good.
The Alternatives Ahead
It is a question of passive will, if the next form of organization is an even more dystopian and
authoritarian continuation of the actual form; theres probably a prophetic prefiguration: China, with
the biggest growth in the world, a bureaucratic technocracy that justifies authoritarianism posing as
socialism, and capitalism as a farce of convenience. This form of organization has, at its disposition,
a collectivist, distributive will (based on corporatist, not egalitarian criteria), capable of dealing with
massive social exclusion that would lead to institutional collapse and the imposed social contract to
be broken; on the contrary, it can avoid such things with discipline, work, and an affirmativecollectivist culture that is lacking in western, individualist, liberal capitalism.
On the other hand, its statist-institutional handling of the economy allows it to avoid the
consequences of financial chaos -ultimately unsustainable and self-destructive- which result from
game theory applied to speculation. Information control is pervasive, even in an absolute way, but
also open and transparent, meaning that its accepted with no need to be hidden, as an integral part
of existence and daily life. To sum it up, the illusion and desire for liberty, in a liberal and
individual sense, has been erased and considered as unnecessary; limits applied to all spheres of life
are well defined and are recognized as totalitarian, without the negative connotation. On the
contrary, so-called free market societies require this illusion and fake liberty, which is harder
(and more costly) to preserve when facing adverse situations.
Then, they should either make a transition towards a chinese-like model (stronger state-corporate
control, unified discourse, imposed reality, end of illusions that consumerism allows, austerity,
precarious work, subordination, political narrowness), or socio-cultural conditions will develop too
fast (they are already developed, due to the productive model being more technical and no need for
massive labor) to exercise informational, economic and physical control; which means that these
governments and states will lose legitimacy and will be replaced with new forms, where property
and the market are consciously controlled for social benefit, instead of society being unconsciously
controlled for property and market benefit.

The alternative to the next phase of capitalism -even more exclusive, more repressive and
totalitarian- is, therefore, a true revolution that allows society, for the first time, to have a unitary
consciousness of itself as an organism, and of what is really good for it and for the individuals and
groups that make and are part of it.
Through history, we never have had more reasons to proclaim: The Future is Ours!
If we dont do it, there wont be any future to reclaim for the vast majority of us.
FREE the consciousness and the body from the current, market-fundamentalist systems
iron cage, and the pervasiveness of its characteristics at every level.
REJECT the logic of utilitarian egoism, both within the individual mind and within
interpersonal and social relationships.
ESTABLISH the concept of (continuous) liberation and universal well-being as desirable,
sensible and necessary.
TAKE the monopoly of violence away from culture and lifestyle.
REORGANIZE society in horizontal fashion, where decisions that involve the whole are
decided through direct, collective debate.
-END compulsory consumerism, planned obsolesce and repetitive, sickening advertising.
DISOLVE hierarchical organizations, business/corporations and their governments, and
governments and their states.
DISMISS institutionalized individual/group authority.
ABOLISH individual/group relations of economic and labour dependency
REDISTRIBUTE according to contribution, responsibility and need, instead of an arbitrary
notion of private property.
DISPLACE the role of competition as primary
PUT EMPHASIS on the primordial importance of cooperation

[RE]HABILITATE those who have difficulties to express themselves.

TURN the productive system into a sustainable one, based on resources and renewable
energies that dont harm life.
HEAL environmental and biological damage generated by the current system, done to
people as well as to the biosphere.

INTERNAL REVOLUTIONARY PROCEDURES (though not less universal):

ESTABLISH the concept of (continuous) liberation and universal well-being as desirable,
sensible and necessary.
EVALUATE, through logic and reason, the means, requirements and the best way to reach
these goals.
REFLECT on conscious and/or sentient beings in all biological, psychological and sociocultural aspects.
RECONSIDER the subject(s) of rights, based on these reflections.
DETERMINE the current situation.
MAKE projects with basic and integral solutions.
DO and perform according to the determined course.
OBSERVE and evaluate the progress and possible mistakes.
DIAGNOSE problems and interpret facts.
SOLVE difficulties.

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OTHER TEXTS: Prelude to the Synthetic-Universalist Manifesto Theoretical and Practical

Foundations Individualism and Collectivism in Contrasting Systems Against Self-Denial
Crtique of Labour-Syndicalism

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