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a) Describe Caesar's role in the First Triumvirate (10 marks)

The role of Julius Gaius Caesar (July 12/13 100BCE March 15 45BCE) in the First Triumvirate
was quite important as he played an arbiter between Pompey and Crassus and acted as the
diplomatic operator gratifying the wants of both Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and Marcus Licinius
Crassus to seal their loyalty to him. However important his role in the First Triumvirate was for
the other two key players, the price he paid in favour of Crassus and Pompey was not in the
slightest selfless as many historians have argued and stated that it was Caesar who benefited
most from this new found alliance gaining consulship and rising further up the ranks to fulfil his
lifes worth of success marking the face of this history forever.
Introducing this unofficial alliance (known to most as the First Triumvirate) between the two men
was crucial as both the men were beginning to become increasingly hostile towards one
another, Caesar was able to become consul, his first step towards total dictatorship. Caesars
first main role in the First Triumvirate was as an instigator between both Crassus and Pompey,
effectively bringing them together. Prior to this alliance Caesar had married Pompeia, a distance
relative of Pompey, and during the alliance Caesar handed his daughter, Julia, to wed with
Pompey. This sealed the partnership between Caesar and Pompey.
Having Crassus on Caesars side in this alliance enabled him to quickly gain the money that he
was indebted to Crassus with. As consul Caesar became the diplomatic operator between
Crassus and Pompey as he was able to ratify Pompeys concessions with which he had earlier
tried to get but was denied by the senate as Appian states they were moved by envy against
Pompey. By helping Pompey to ratify the laws he need passed, Caesar further gained loyalty
from Pompey, such a powerful man who had gained favour from within the Senate prior to his
victories in the East. Caesar understood that if he were to only have ones favour within the
partnership his rise to prominence would quickly cease so he had effectively gained both their
loyalty in order to secure his future.
Caesars role in the First Triumvirate was of great importance as many scholars and historians
have already claimed. He had gained the most within this partnership and by bringing them
together himself as Cassius Dio states [Caesar] reconciled the men themselves, but because
he saw that they were most powerful.
Within this Alliance Caesar was able to gain exposure and he was able to rise to prominence
rapidly. His role within the First Triumvirate was of the most important as he was able to bring
the two opposing men together in reconciliation and further strengthen the alliance, however,
this alliance came to a crumbling end when Julia, Caesars daughter died, passively destroying
the relationship between Pompey and Caesar and furthermore destroying the alliance altogether
was the death of Crassus in battle.

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