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Action Items ‘Minooka Community Consolidated School District 201 Executive Summary March 25, 2015 ‘Agenda items: Action lems & Report ‘Attachments: Atlachments Recommendations for Action: 1. Motion, second, ond approval of Minutes, List of Bil, and Treasurer's Report. 2. Motion, second, and approval of the Grundy County Pre-School Program action terns (including resolutions) 3. Motion, second, and approval of Full Day Kindergarten for the 2015-16 Academic year. Personnel ‘4. Motion, second, and approval ofthe following resignctions: Cara Fett (Cheerleading), Joe Orosco (Bus Aide). Doe Vaientine (Bus Driver), Anthony Contreras (Bus Aide), Marjorie Hunnewell (MPC School Psych.), Rebecca Culen (Lunch Aide — Wi), Amy Johnson (MIS Teacher), Ashley Pershey (MJHS Rt), 5. Mofion, second, and approval of the following reliremen's: Superintendent and Ale Davis (Bus Driver), 6. Motion, second, and approval of a Leave of Absence for: Katie Strein (AUX Teacher) 7. Motion, second, and approval of staf as follows: | Part Time Special Education Program Assistant (MPC), 1 FIE Network Manager Postion and Full Day Kindergarten Staffing (9-10 teachers). 8, Motion, second, and approval to employ: Mary Raether [PA MES), Dina Caporale (PA~MES], anda Bus Mechanic (TEN) Motion, second, and approval of the resolution to non-tenew staff os presented, Motion, second, and approval of the resolution to renew certified staf as presented, Motion, second, and approval of the resolution to grant tenure to certified stat as presented. 12, Motion, Second, and approval of the MOU with the MEEA regarding the fist day of school 13, 1D-Year Life/Satety ond Roof, Wal, ond Hard Surface Surveys: Motion, second, and ‘approval to hire STR Pariners 7o complete the surveys this summer/fall as proposed. 14. 2015-16 School Calendar: Motion, second, and approval of the 2015-16 Schoo! Calendar as presented 18.2015-16 School Luncin Prices: Motion, second, and approval of establishing the lunch fees for the 2015-16 school year as presented, 16. May Board Meeting (change®]: Motion, second, and approval to move the May 20" Board Meeting fo May 27, 2015. 17. School Snack Policy: Motion, second, and approval of the third reading of the school snack policy. 18, School Lunch/Recess Policy: Motion, second, and approval of the second reading of the proposed policy 19, Adsittonal Recess Policy: Motion, second, and approval of the second reading of the proposed policy. 20. Recordings: Motion, second, and approval fo destroy closed session minutes recordings dating back to March of 2013. Background Information: My reports os folows: a ‘Minutes, Uist of Bis, and Treasurer's Report Action: These items are commonly referred to as “consent” agenda items. The bils are Included in your packet. The Board can approve them altogether or it you would prefer the Board could act on each iter independent. At-Risk Pre-School Program Action: Attached you will find Mis, Miler’s Board Packet for the Grundy County Pre-School. Your approval authorizes payment of bis aligned to the grant and other GC Pre-School soard action, Full Day Kindergarten: Al the “special” Board Meeting held this month, | shared presentation on the topic of “Full Day Kindergarten”. The enrolment projections {in special meeting packet) and facilties utiization {in special meeting packel) demonstrate that although we continue fo grow, we will not need to add classroom space for at leat! five ‘years (evenif we add Full Day Kindergarten}. Adding full day Kindergarten will require minimally an added $400,000 expense. Fortunately, athough it may seem somewhat ilogical to some of us. our added General State Aid revenue (using the current GSA Formula), willincrease district revenues (conservatively) by atleast §1 milion {annualy). This © competing reason to add Ful Day Kindergarten, because we cleady know the academic benefits of a full doy program. The additional revenue (~$400,000] can be used to ass! the ‘community's taxpayers to parialy offset our existing deficit. Adging Full Day Kindergarten, wil not eliminate the district's need to pass an operating fax rate increase in the next five years (or s0}, but if staffed appropriately wil offset « portion of the existing deficit and ‘therefore requie the district to seek less ofc rate increase to resolve the deficit). Personnel Resignations: Attached. Retirement: Attached Leaves: Attached, Staffing: Special Education Director, Tifany Staab has shared her recommendation on the atfached! summary. The other postions are as follows: Network Manager: We again, are seeking approval of the adaliional ‘technology postion (Network Manager] fo assist Mr. Souza. As yOu know Aaron, presented information on this topic back in December and was encouraged. by the Board to bing the proposal forward for action. We shared the ‘additional information at the January Meeting, but did not ade the ‘documentation fo the February Board Packet. | opologize for not including the summary information at the February Meeting. That is my error) Attached YoU wil fing the summary information. The position is 260 day positon, that will require minimally « BS degree. We estimate the storing salary to be $0,000 10 $55,000 annually Employment: Attached you wil ind several eacommencctions, [MEEA MOU: Attached you will nd a copy of the MOU for the fi st day of school. 10-YarUe/Stety ond Roo, Wl & Hard uece surveys: Atacnesyu ifn he poneaa tenon aries atton, ited er er aan Uae Wo woud ike speard cough neaing heworheanie Siig esta Comet yoo pete yout fale epooned clan. We cre ieutg cprrorsiel ne Moree mesing Set5%6 Shoo tunen Pees: ochos you wife suneeny fom Niguel Fr (Coteeto anager, ters he tts fam St oe he onl soo torch bows toceiicinn/earlnchreus eo Arama watioag earereae cate cas fom szashuncnte aire Aryou wow lisvany sore Rok reoeerecotonreae Le {ago wen we were audited {and we were audited again this year). Please know that we {re not allowed fo "make a profit” on our lunch program {and we don't). The lunch program is designed fo pay for iself andi does. We are recommending that we establish Lunch Program prices os folows: - Lunch $2.46 per meal (up $0.10 from las! year’s pricing} = Mik $0.30 per carton (same as last year) ~ Lactoid $0.60 per carton (up $0.05 from last year's pricing} ‘May Regular Board Meeting: We would like to know ifthe Board would lke to move the May Board Meeting from May 20% to May 27", 2015. As you know, last year when we approved the Board Meeting dates, we moved the May 27” meeting to May 20h to avoid conticting with 8 Grade Graduation. Since graduation has now been set for Fidoy, May 27%, we suggest moving the date to the 4" Wednesday of the month, ‘Snack Policy: Attached you wil find a copy of the policy thal was revised and proposed by the Poicy Commitiee. ‘Schoo! Lunch/Recess Policy: Attached you will find a copy of the revised and proposed lunch/recess poicy that ore recommenced by the Policy Committee. ‘Aditional Recess Policy: Attached you willind the revised and proposed policy. ‘Monthly Review of Closed Session Recordings: Monthly we seek approval to destroy closed session recordings that are twenty-four (24) months oid or older. Please call it ou have questions (office - 467-3128, home ~ 487-6202, or cell- 274.091]. Projected Enctmont ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS Mook 1418, eet cm in epee oe = TEs 4 2S z - : a + = z = Es = = = ee 3 3 = - st = a = = ¢ “8 i a = $ s +3 t * = = a 3 = = = + eee cee eh i | 4 {sonar eowar rcoacoor —t : feel : ern | = = x ae rE a = F Feat Tas ia ae = # +—+ oe eee ws vo 4 ae Deane seater ee ceca Ee os ee = oes | : : =e SS SS ; ‘ a ee eee s SE . eee = tee eee eae eae 2 oe eee = +e Boohe eS - Z| artes sues ae 8 EE BoERe 2 BR ee ee Sear | Hae te 5 eee 2 ae te ae Se ei he . = 3 = t ere = Pace Projected Enrolments ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS Minooks 1-16-FTE Regular Eateaton Gassoom Needs mae a a [as Ea [a mf] ZT Projected ErvtinenafGrade Level ag i | 5 eae | porear | Boers | aise zoie-20 | zeae 7 gt vise [ ire var | 1206 [raat 55 263 oS) Yas | tana | “vast 4480] 86 | 1510 | tess a 20] | i ‘Seaing/Ciaseroom Space = 62 ayer T rE5| (ie Let —aowape | BOYS | 20187 | 204748 wae cafe a a 33 | [308 a1 Es 55 %| (“see < a5 ae ert Tos jee tas Tas er | Raed Casson oReerrert terete 24 et] i [eed facmeatO 46 Page 1 Projected Enrolment ani272015 750 aM jet Eanes [EXROLIMENT PROJECTIONS Mock 14-15, Day K Regu Eston Cason Neds Prjeced Evotnent aot EEE eERePE EEE Es z = eee leer 34 = == =| aah 3 ISORORT SURMTAL ale eu t ME YEAR AVERAGE, ae [a = = art eae — | — a ala [oa aaa i Paget Projected Enrotments ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS Ninooka 14-16-Full Dey K Regular Education Classroom Needs Projected Enrolment an220%5 Tt AM se nim Ce [ fe En [oe en oH | z Projected Envolimente/Grade Levels 38 ear al + ‘56| | Grae Levis | Aways 2076-16 | 2016-47 | 2087-78 | isa | 2070-24 ora] KZ oor | ts7e_[ 1405 | 1438, 46 [ 1644 35] 26; 3te S| taee | tata] t608 | 628 | 1834 | 1580__| 1560 sez} see [ron [ am fee tery} tose a 30 t L i ei] Es a T 3] | Gene ie mie46 | 20ISIT | DOTAB | Bote 7020-24 6a Regen ene 87 ios oO es [ET 64 65 Bios a7 ca Eg ‘4 | 88 35 | 6] | 808, at 43 arf a 8 29 7] [Totals [94 J 51} tga) t82 | te 780 28 | Aid Classrooms 8 20 38 cama it let 2 23 28 Page 1 Projected General State Aid Worksheet for the 2011-2012 Claim Payable in 2012-2013 Foundation Level =95,11900 14 2010 Agu Roa CAV THEE 2mm asm 18. GSA AY om 2012 oan aon Fay 1 Aterave Espen Ca) 1 GSA EAY nd fr FY 2019 2 Thre: yar Ara ADA Doo oNs Lon eame Cat P"honttes rsh 511 DS Low ae Cour Tt 5: AVG OHS Low name Coot rest 2 mrocomnreecainz01) rr 8, Daittow nae Gonantn (ave & Gussoton Ras en a 108 1 Amie Loc Resouces sir013e300 a oe 8: Amite Len Reoies por ADA Mowe POST — 5: Pecan Foundation Loe ‘ares footing Rat tas fos ogra cay ae 1997.60 ais amos Bane oa ork Lz Pavan Coste (are faced tmnt nate (SERS 10, Fenaaion ew ADA ‘xa.760008 1%, Artal ae Renate sr7ora eae 12: FOUNDATION FORA AMOUNT mn 80 1 lin tunes Soom 18 Grmnetine om 4. wie gor oun 1. ACTER FORMULA AMOUNT S000 19, FAT ORANT FORMULA AMOUNT som (S218 ADA) lunes < 15 ten Povey Grant = $555 x Une Bae Poverty Gat = (26425 + (2700 x(ne x Une) xLlneS 20, Amount pr Low cae Count cod 21, FY13.GROSS POVERTY ENTITLEMENT seu eos 22. GROSS FORIALA ENTITLEMENT s5.682.18590 | Proron (Grae GSA Enteant + Poverty) a roo Gun xenon ROE Dominga Se dssTicrNANe _NOOKA COME CONS DIST 20 spoon te tO (GENERAL STATE AIO ENTITLEMENT FOR 2013-2014 PAYABLEIN 20842015 See 2 pate Ln Rs une Enos 4. Foon Foden at sas {UC core Ln Pat LST ET Fe a 2 econo net et esas ae es ano Minooka Community Consolidated School District 201, Executive Summary ‘March 25, 2015 ‘Agenda item: Technology Staffing ‘Attachments: Altachments Background Information: Tne demands for technology at Minooka 20] have been increasing over the past three years and every year the technology team works harder 1o meet those demands. With ‘additional devices, « technoiogy infused curticulum and an even higher expectation from the teachers. As cresult, we need fo augment our cuter technology team if we are fo continue to provide the high level support and service that is expected. Whether itis a teacher laptop, student classroom computers, a cart of laptops, phones at ony location, video surveillance, or the projectors in each classroom distict-wide, all of the equipment and software needs to be maintained. In adcition to regular maintenance, tne technology team continues to improve our already rich technology ‘based environment. For teachers and students, these infistives tiave made it easier for them to incorporate technology in the classroom and communicate with parents, students, ond colleagues, which enhances teaching and learning. For example, the "student Home Page", s a place where teachers can easily posta link to alow access to their entre class. This has faciltated increased communication between teachers, students, ond parents The technology team has continued to maintain all of our curent devices and provide ‘excellent service to our teachers and students, but we have been very cost-conscious. In the past year alone the technology ream nas saved over $100,009. See page two for the details on the sovings. The below table highigh's the differences seen in just a couple years. [seer | eu reesreereeierse [amin "Tech SaMlevel ‘gull Time Employees “[7 full Time Employees “computers 2.500 computers 3400 computers [Curriculum Tategration_| Workbook Curiculum “Technology Enhanced Currculum Internet Capabilty | Max Internet Capsciy: 7Ombps 'Maxinternet Capacity: 250 mbps We ate proposing the increased staff member in order to continue to provide the level of service currently expected. The additional person wil take the lead on day to day network monitoring and second level troubleshooting fer technical sues. This person ‘wil aso serve as the primary backup when a buliing technician is not avaliable (sick or cout of town); this wil provide (maintain) the excellent response to technology related issues that is (and should be] expected. This person wil aso assist the IT Director with al high level projects incluaing (but not imited fo): working with training teachers ana principats fo utlize even more technology both in and aut of the classroom, migration foward our new e-mail system, and re-inventing our current technology associate {raining program and methodology. The proposed salary for the newly created postion is: $50,000. 208 Technology 14-15 Savings Pian rma Item Savi [antivirus $7840.00 $ 458300 $3,257.00 Switcied Antivirus Company for District [Backup Suppor $3200 § $3,120.00 Horrible Suppor: Fired ka Classroom wires ‘$3,900.00 § 150000 $2,400.00 Transfer of licensing / Support Reduction er '$15,262,00_§ 11,512.00 § 3,750.00 Cir Ucensing Reduction [Teachertase $0,892.00 $39,392.00 _§ 1,500.00. Negoiated 2 year dea for dicount= (540,892 was orginal 1415 quote) [sulaing (WAR) Connection $38,000.00 _$ 1,500.00 $37,500.00. Bultng Wireless Towers Yeur 1 of year ROW) [Subtotot. Annual Savings $ $4,527.00 ial Opportunity / Capital Savi [Ara Bling Dispute (Nber) ‘$17,400.00 $1700.00 Catching ATAT Over Billing 203 (Fiber) [ATA Bling Dispute (phones) ‘$3,966.07 § 4,362.68 Catching ATAT Over sling 201 (Phones) purchase of sco Rovter/CPU 'S__ 3500.00” $9,590.00 Purchased Recertified Harcware: New $13,080 [Subtotat: Special Opportunity ‘$_31352.68 Switching To Google $3400.00 § $3400.00 Discontnuing suppor/icensing for email system [Subtotal Board Annual $3400.00 Board. scaiai i at switching To. Google $15,000.00 $= $15,000.00 Not having to buy a new email backup, and archive server [Subtota: Board Copal $15,000.00 é otal Annual Savings $ $4,927.00. (Annual tem Savings «Board Annual Savings) ‘Total Capital Savings $41,990.00 (Special Opportunity / Capital Savings + Board Capital Savings] [Total 14-15 Saving 20g ‘To: Dr. Paliuk ‘WieckaGommunhyGonakised | "om: Tiffany M Stab, Director of Special Education ‘iano eat Me A.Gegerneimer Date: Thursday, March 11,2015 Si che test sox4s7 Mawoxa sau Re: Reques for Position Prone (15) 4676121 Be Foe ar-aae i spnenP ‘The Office of Special Education, n conjunction with Minka Primary Centr, ‘it Seoehiee ‘efues fo extend apartdme ade pordon toa fll tie aide poston, A Moe a Stent ranted Tt th dst neasty Mac wih masz nedsrequing thon: a07 3127 ‘one on oe id for safety within the school environment. Samantha Wagner retusa ie corel pat-time ade nthe morning session a Minooka Primary Comer. ex Way S00 ‘We would ik o extend Ms. Wagner's contact oa ullime side poston. Brectorof spec education MMnocie tsar Prone: a) 47-421 a2 Thank you, Foceiadr sou ‘aoewity Cook we relpl hie Som Morn Tiffany M, Swab Phone (5) 467-531 Foe @rs)asraise Sotet soa” Bree Rocoy Hr Prone, (12) 29-710 fois) 0720 ‘Sacosay ote Mrooka habe? Pines Nala tater hone: oi) 4-224) roc is) auras SE ne ev Roos Moot abte Pinca Ms seona Pott Nat Pascipt-s Cia Monro Phone ei) a-aar2 rocwesyauraiat Siw. Weewy tood Freel Soon Moma AS Pincpet is Angra stu IL Pinepb™ me aes one (ai) 47 2194 Foc 19) 407-087 ie ence mer a Sniwynsiore bm Shomwood ube Priel” Ns ation Choshrock Prone (18) 2907000 Foe 8) 290-740 Gurmassen in nooks Communty Consokied Schoo Ost #20) sloprove gach chi the Communi wih se cat caring emoran ho! adureses he eau Mee “Gnd potential of en secant n oTmanner mar encourages teen amg, To: FROM: RE: MEMORANDUM 2015-03-11 Superintendent Gegenheimer Members of the Board of Education ‘Stef Palaniuk Recommendation for Employment of full time Program Assistants at MES Lam asking that you move to employ the following to fill the full time Program Assistant positions at MESfor the 2014-2015 school year. Mary Raether-$10.30/hour—start date 3/10/15 Dina Caporale-$10.30/hour Both have received a satisfactory fingerprint response. Thank you. MEMORANDUM 2015-03-18 Superintendent Gegenheimer Members of the Board of Education Stef Palaniuk Recommendation for Employment of Linda Gonzales Tam asking that you move to employ Linda Gonzales to {fill the full time Social Work position at the Minooka ‘Primary Center for the 2014-2015 school year. Mrs, Gonzales should be placed at the MA Step III level ‘making hier salary $44,498.00 for the 2014-2015 school year. Her salary will be prorated based on fer start date of 03/16/2015. She has recetved satisfactory fingerprint results. Thank you. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: 2015-03-18 Superintendent Gegenheimer Members of the Board of Education ‘Stef Palaniuk Recommendation for Summer Custodial Workers Lam asking that you move to employ the Following to fill the summer custodial positions with the Minooka School District. Rye Baxter Kelly DeRocco Colleen Martin Nikko Garcia Ann Kinzer Hoyden OBrien Juan Morales David Plaskett Grant Ferbend Rebecca Homa Chadwick Charland Brandon Stang Ben Shively Thank you. RI Budde Geraldine Weserhotf Erin Martin Danny Harris Nate Wilhelmi Maggie OBrien ‘Neal Tyrell Samantha Young Austin Thompson Nicole Krzywanos Adam Holstine Alison Shanholtzer 220 MEMORANDUM FROM: RE: 2015-03-18 Superintendent Gegenheimer Members of the Board of Education Stef Palaniuk Recommendation for Jump Start am asking that you move to employ the following to fill the jump start positions with the Minooka Schoo! District. Fran Driver Sarah Froom Heather Meade Cara Filetti Lois Berger Annmarie Crowley Tammy Pyzek Thank you. pre {RAI FROM: RE: MM 2015-03-18 Superintendent Gegenheimer Members of the Board of Education Stef Palaniak Recommendation for ELL Extended Program Lam asking that you move to employ the following to fill the extended program positions with the Minooka Schoo! District. Lindsay Howe ‘Sara Smith ‘Sara Weeks Anne Resmussen Thank you. a 2015-03-25 To: ‘School Board Superintendent FROM: Stef Palaniuk Re: 2015 Recommendations for Rehire Non-Renewal None First to Second Year- Sarah Barnes Dustin Heap Tonya Mckinney JenniferTonelli Alison Garcia Terri Willams Lindsay Howe Anna Fiday Jile Krolezyk yan Kabara Lindsay Gisselman —Kristianna Kunz Megan Olin ‘Amber Stambaugh Olivia Dzledzinsky} Second to Third Year- Lindsay Wiech Kate Simcox Anita Stimac Karyn Weimer Gina Jones Ashley Richards Deanna Monahan Sarah Holloway ‘Third to Fourth ¥ Jessica Knezetic Amy Popp. Lara Cogan. Linda Kapple Robin Weatherbee Kathy Joerger Terri Shields Michael Beguin Ashley Gremillion Rachel Klode Melissa Prasun Joel Zedrow Cathianne Kafka Nicole Blakenship, Melinda DiLorenzo Nichole Hamilton ‘Amy Maday Elizabeth Roechner Ashlee Bulls si Lustik Jennifer stiles Jacob Salazar Genie Cross Previn Verghese Janine terza Susan Scherer Meg Benhart Deana Palesh Jan Schmitt Leah Larson Jennifer Lindsey ‘Amber Haas ‘Andrea Sewabowski Kelly Schmit Kim Pattinaro Danielle Vanderploeg Chris tincoln ‘Sarah Stretz Emily LaRocque Chelsea Moan izabeth Pyde kristen Briliandt Linda Terese Elizabeth Ramadani se Breese Jenna Ponio Jule Mosses Sarah Smith Kimberty Gregory Lauren Miler Sarah Weeks > Fourth to Tenure- Renae Batsch Haaker Stephanie Thuot Kim Zito Tayior Malone Elizabeth Mason 24 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDIN This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into by and between the Board of Education of Minooka School District No. 201, Will, Grundy and Kendall Counties, tinois (‘Board” or “Distict”) and the Minooka Flementary Education Association, IFA-NEA Association”), collectively referred to asthe “Parties.” WHEREAS, the Board and the Association are parties 1o a collective bargaining agreement, which commenced as of the first teacher work day of the 2011-12 school year and ‘expires on the day prior tothe star of the 2014-2015 school year (“2011-2015 Agreement”) and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to modify the teacher work day as set forth herein, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: RECITALS. The recitals set forth hereinabove are rue and correct and are incorporated in this Memorandum of Understanding by reference. FIRST AND LAST DAY OF SCHOOL YEAR. The last sentence of Article 4, Section G, Paragraph 5 of the Agreement is amended as follows: “The first day of pupil attendance shall be a full instructional day for teachers and students and the last day of ‘pupil attendance shall bea five (5) hour instructional day for teachers and students 3. EARLY DISMISSAL DAY. A new Article 4, Section G, Paragraph 6 shall e add to the Agreement as follows: “Commencing with the 2015-2016 school year, all ieaciers shall be free to leave ten (10) minutes after students are dismissed on one (1) seheduled Early Dismissal Day each school year that is designated by the Meet and Confer ‘Committee prior to the start of each school year. In the event the Meet and Confer ‘Committee is unable to agree on the student Early Dismissal Day to be designated as the teachers’ Early Dismissal Day by the Superintendent shall determine the Early Dismissal Day in his/her sole discretion 4. INCLUSION IN SUCCESSOR AGREEMENT. The Parties agroe to include the terms set forth in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Memorandum of Understanding in the successor collective bargaining agreement to the 2011-2015 Agreement to become effective following the expiration of the 2011-2015 Agreement. 5. COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING. This Memorandum of Understanding sets forth all, of the promises, agreements, conditions and understandings between the Parties relative to the subject matter hereof and no other promises, agreements or understandings whether coral or written, expressed or implied exist between the Parties. This Memorandum of Understanding supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements, and communications ‘between the Parties concerning the subject matter of the Memorandum of Understanding, nero ren retort 25 AMENDMENTS. No provisions or requirements expressed in this Memorandum of ‘Understanding may be altered, modified, changed andior canceled aftr the effective date of this Memorandum of Understanding, except upon the express written consent ofall Parties EFFECT OF AGREEMENT. This Memorandum of Understanding shall inure to the benefit of and bind the Board and its respective Board members, administrators, agents, employees, insurers, suecessors and assigns and the Association and is offices, agents, representatives, successors and assigns. & EXECUTION. This Memorandum of Understanding may be executed in multiple counterparts, and a set of counterparts bearing the signatures of the Parties hereto shall ‘constitute the Memorandum of Understanding a fully as ifthe Parties had signed. single document. The Parties agree to accept facsimile or electronically transmitied copies of this Memorandum of Understanding as if original copics. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Memoranium of ‘Understanding on this __day of. 2015. BOARD OF EDUCATION MINOOKA ELEMENTARY MINOOKA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.201__ EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, TEA-NEA B By Its: President lis: President ATTEST: By: Its; Secretary, Board of Education page2t2 2 ore February 16,2015 M.A Gegenneimer Supemtendert Minoota Community Consolidated Schoo! Dt 201 {308 West Church Steet Minooka. 60447 ke: Proposal Lotter—Dishict-Wide 10-YoorLte-Safety Surveys 2015, SIR Project No. 16012 Dear Mr. Gegenneimer: Tonk you for this opportunty to asst Oishi 200 wth 10-Year Ute Satety sures at {ve of Ditict 201's seven schoos. As you know, STR as pesormed Work 09 YOU schools and is fami wih these budge To continue wir siR’s Principal sence and management, Coby Lew, AIA willbe the Pineipoti Charge ana wll oversee the Mo-sofey suvey werk win appropiate tat Per our dscusions, we have prepared the folowing proposal for sevice relating to {he preparation of 10-Yeat esately suey fepor's and fing of submittal materae to the lols Sate Boats of Education. Scope of Senvices 1. STR wil asistDisict 201 in locating or acquinng “reasonably accurate” exng Bulg ang ste eleconie (CAB) or ofr graphic documeriaten. "Ugon choo! Bulding ane! associated se.” hese CAD tawings wil be “earonably ‘ccurate,” ioscae, aie plans ond foo: plans. Those CAD drawings wil be Wed 1¢ rtorohce forthe le-sataly auveys and 0 bate forthe preparstion of saety fetoronce plans. In adaition, STR wit make avaliable these CAB arawnge 1108 By Disict 201 os Buicing and se tterence cravings 2, $1R wil moot wih key bulding statt and conciue! an inspection of the folowing facies fe ldontty condons that aro nol m compliones with applicable Fe sooty codes. ‘Aux Sable Elementary Schoo! 79,705 Minooka Blementary Schoo! 76.084 st Minooka Junor High v9.20 Minooka Primary Center (including Olt Office) 55.589 1 _Wotnut Tras Elementary Schoo! re27281 Total Aveo 409.3208 Jones Bemantary Schoo! (10-Year duein 2018, no! 8.8921 inclugedin ts proposa), Minaoks nvermediate School (10-Yeor due in 2012, 121.917, net nchadea inh propose), soe * nreos por STR 1oko-ot 3. Usng the information gathered i te staff meetings ond facies Inspections sR ‘ul propare a schedule of veittons fr each facity on Saks WAS system. Fn \ioltions ex, SiR wil prepare a cenficate of compliance fot ing wih te Wecle Slate Board of dueation (880), 4. STRSEG wit conduct exterior facies Inspections of wo, 1001, ond hardscope ‘Paved areas par the atiochaa proposal 5, Using the violation schedule for each bulcing, SIR wil determine cost-eecia ‘one appropriate means of solving the identified sfe-atety violtions, nd wl provide cost estimates of proposed corection work 6. STR wil evaluate the violations cttaions anc wal prtze them as folows: fe. Uigont B. Reauled © Resonmendes 7. STR wil propare keyed plan cravings foferoncing and identiying the locations of the creas requring work 8. SIR wil meet seth Dice? 201's acinktrave stat ond Boats of Education 10 ‘dsciss the vlatlons uncovered, nel pity, cos of amediaion and ossocileg Scope of work 4. Folowing hese meetings, SIR wil prepare and revise the WAS docurnents or {och faeuiy, neorporating Diet 201 commonts, 10. SiR wil nolty Dsict 201 when the IWAS documents are ready for approval by Bele 2 11. Folowing Dstict 201s on ot SIR wil monitor he progres of BE h reviewng ne reper. 12 Upon reviow by IBE,Distict 201 and SIR wat be normed as fo whether the report hos boon ppvoved of toques covrecton. lf coractione aro required, SR vl prompiy mate the necessay covtectons and rosubra he vequted rater, Schedule ur propesals based upon conducting fel suveys pimarly dung summor beck ais, of oer nonschosl Gays during The year. The folowing fre durations ator inovica toss ome of may be performed eoncurenty. Preparation of Base CAD drawings: 2 weeks ‘Se Vie/Bulding Sureeys 3 weoKs Budi! Esimoting: 3 weeks Confirmation by Dan of tems to be included for Boor review: 1 month TWAS pul prlontiztion and cost estimating: 2 weeks Preparation of safely reference plans. | month 2% nd Feary ats sey Poposee Preparation of Final 10-Year Le Safety Suwvey Ropott: 3 weeks folowing reve ‘meeting wih Distict 201s Adrnnsaton and Board of EduccHon. Wich Ye ‘he suvey wil be cscussod Note tna! SiR wil meet wth Jony Sit ond coordinate wolkth;oughs 1o ascertain his Input oa neeas pro to his rarement Compensation + Bate Proposol Compensation Bote Proposal SIR. proposes fo be compensated fo! protessional services, ‘etchiive of fembunable expenses, per bulding os folows ‘Aux Sable lementary Schoo! $4,400 Minooka Bomentary Schoo! ‘6500 Minooka Junior igh noo Minooka Hirsary Center (nekudng Distict Office) ‘5.000 Wout Tras Eomentary Schoo) 5.300 Bose Fee Proposal 535.400 Roof, Wall and Hardscape Proposal. por the attached si 56. or exon 33.980 Tool Fee Propotat $45,560 + Reimbursable Expenses The tees for profesionc! survices Indicated above are excsve of standard empursable ‘expenses, suchas. reproduction, plotting, Tal, Tmicape and

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