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Autor: bulac Mariana

Tema: Relaiile culturale dintre Republica Moldova i Romnia (1991-2005),
tez de doctor n istorie, anul perfectrii tezei 2010, or. Chiinu.
Structura tezei: const din ntroducere, trei capitole, concluzii i
recomandri, adnotri n limbile romn, englez i rus, bibliografie din 311
surse, .... pagini text de baz, cu ....anexe,
inclusiv ..tabele i figuri. Rezultatele obinute au fost publicate n 14 lucrri tiinifice.
Cuvinte-cheie: relaii culturale, raporturi bilaterale, Poduri de flori, spaiu
cultural i spiritual comun, cooperare transfrontalier, schimburi academice,
simpozioane internaionale, turism, integrare european.
Domeniul de studiu se refer la relaiile culturale ale Republicii Moldova cu
Romnia i urmrete scopul elucidrii bazei teoretice i practice n cercetarea
cauzalitii i intensitii activismului cultural al Republicii Moldova dup
proclamarea independenei din 1991 pn n 2005, precum i elaborarea n cadrul
investigaiilor a algoritmului de prezentare a evoluiei culturii Republicii Moldova,
prin prisma relaiilor de colaborare cu Romnia n cadrul participrii sale la procesele
de integrare european.
Noutatea tiinific a cercetrii rezid n definirea conceptelor istorice
fundamentale, determinnd cercetarea retrospectiv a evoluiei relaiilor culturale ale
Republicii Moldova cu Romnia, stabilirea particularitilor distinctive ale cooperrii
culturale n cadrul spaiului romnesc. Principiile obiectivismului i istorismului stau
la baza lucrrii, fiind utilizat criteriul interpretrii complexe a evenimentelor,
evaluarea influenei factorilor social-politici, economici i culturali.
Originalitatea cercetrii const n elaborarea unui nou algoritm al
investigrii locului i rolului culturii Republicii Moldova n contextul romnesc al
spaiuliu cultural i spiritual comun; Model conceput din perspectiva epistemologiei
cunoaterii n tiinele fundamentale i a cunoaterii n tiina istoric.
Semnificaia teoretic a lucrrii se exprim n argumentarea tiinific,
definirea i abordarea n context istoric a conceptelor de relaii bilaterale, colaborare
academic, cooperare transfrontalier, integrare european i conceptualizarea
procesului identificrii culturii Republicii Moldova n arealul valorilor culturale
romneti i recunoaterii acesteia pe arena internaional.
Semnificaia practic a tezei este certificat de stabilirea reperelor
metodologice ale proceselor de democratizare a Republicii Moldova dup 1991,
eficientiznd dinamizarea politicii externe moldoveneti n domeniul culturii,
relaionarea acesteia cu instituiile de resort din Romnia, precum i elaborarea unor
obiective de sprijin n dezvoltarea strategiei culturale a Republicii Moldova i a
integrrii acesteia n Uniunea European.

Author: bulac Mariana
Topic: The Cultural Connections and Relationships between the Republic of
Moldova and Romania PhD, Thesis in history, year 2010, Chisinau.
Thesis Structure: Introduction, three chapters, conclusions and recommendations,
bibliography has .reference sources, pages of basic text, annexes, including
tables and pictures. The results of investigations had been published in 14 articles.
Key words: cultural relationships, bilateral connections, flower
bridges, common cultural and spiritual background, cross-border
collaboration, academic exchange, international symposiums,
European integration
The field of the study. The paper is concerned with the cultural relationships between
the Republic of Moldova and it aims to highlight the theoretical and practical basis of
the causality and intensity of the cultural activism in the republic of Moldova after the
proclamation of independence of the country in 1991 till 2005. Also it is concerned
with elaborating, by means of investigation, of an algorithm of presenting the
evolution of culture in Moldova from the perspective of the collaboration with
Romania within the processes of European integration
The scientific novelty of the research lies in defining of fundamental historical
concepts in recent history of Moldova, determining the retrospective study of the
evolution of the cultural relationships between Moldova and Romania, identifying the
specific features of the cultural cooperation within the Romanian areal, using the
approach of the complex interpretation of the events, the evaluation of the impact of
social, political, economical and cultural factors.
The originality of the research is in the aim to elaborate a new algorithm of
evaluation of the importance and place of the Moldavian culture within the Romanian
common Romanian cultural and spiritual area: A model that has been created on the
basis of the epistemological perspective of cognition in the fundamental science and
in the historical science.
to develop of historical model of the genesis of problem, the preconditions and the
ground, on which the directions of the Moldavian foreign policy were based, are
studied here. The special attention is paid to the research of the material, concerning
the development of the..
Theoretical significance of the paper consists in scientific proving, defining and
approaching the historical background of such concepts like bilateral
connections, cross-border collaboration, academic collaboration,
European integration ,the conceptualisation of the process of
identification of Moldavian culture within the common ground of the
Romanian cultural values and the recognition of the Moldavian
values on the international level.
Practical significance of the paper is certified by identifying the methodological
basis of the processes of democratisation which took place in Moldova from 1991,
enhancing the development of the Moldavian foreign policy in the field of culture, the

relationships with the Romanian bodies from the field, as well as the elaboration of
several objectives in order to support the strategy of development of the Moldavian
culture and the integration of the country into the European Union.

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