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Oxford English for

Careers Technology 2
Unit 1
aeronautical (adj)
apprentice (n)
degree (n)
earn money (v)
environmental (adj)
find faults (v)
know-how (n)
marketing (n)
media (n)
paperwork (n)
production costs (n pl)
qualification (n)
quality assurance (n)
skilled (adj)
work experience (n)
Unit 2
barbed wire (n)
canning (n)
crop (n)
dehydration (n)
fermentation (n)
germinate (v)
grain (n)
harvesting (n)
irrigation (n)
pasteurization (n)
preservation (n)
pressurize (v)
refrigeration (n)
seed (n)
yield (n)
Unit 3
accuracy (n)
cable (n)
compression (n)
distortion (n)
lining (n)

pier (n)
project (n)
reinforced concrete (n)
sewer (n)
shear (n)
suspension bridge (n)
tension (n)
tolerance (n)
weaken (v)
Unit 4
bacteria (n)
biodegradable (adj)
cellulose (n)
component (n)
consumer (n)
dispose of (v)
durable (adj)
packaging (n)
pigment (n)
plasticizer (n)
raw materials (n pl)
thermoplastic (n)
thermoset (adj)
versatile (adj)
wrapping (n)
Unit 5
activate (v)
carbon emissions (n)
collapse (v)
commercially viable
convert (v)
converter (n)
fossil fuel (n)
gearbox (n)
hydraulic system (n)
offshore (adv)
renewable energy (n)
transmit (v)
turbine (n)
wave (n)
wind (n)

Unit 6
approach (v)
cockpit (n)
drag (n)
flaps (n)
landing gear (n)
lift (n)
pitching (n)
rolling (n)
rotor (n)
spoilers (n)
stabilizers (n)
thrust (n)
trailing edge (n)
wingspan (n)
yawing (n)
Unit 7
access (n)
accommodation (n)
adaptable (adj)
condensation (n)
construct (v)
convertible (adj)
environment (n)
foundations (n)
global warming (n)
resist (v)
self-sufficient (adj)
structure (n)
underground (adj)
ventilation (n)
well-insulated (adj)
Unit 8
barge (n)
cargo (n)
congestion (n)
container ship (n)
fascinating (adj)
goods (n pl)
location (n)
magnetic (adj)
motorway (n)
passenger (n)

proposed (adj)
public transport (n)
rail (n)
statistics (n pl)
vessel (n)
Unit 9
attach to (v)
bit (n)
constituent (n)
deal with (v)
drill (n)
hydrocarbon (n)
lower (v)
lubricate (v)
platform (n)
qualified (adj)
raise (v)
refine (v)
rig (n)
seabed (n)
shore-based (adj)
Unit 10
apologize (v)
confirm (v)
contamination (n)
environmental impact
filtration (n)
flue gas treatment (n)
impurities (n)
recommend (v)
remediation (n)
remind (v)
reservoir (n)
sewage (n)
suggest (v)
waste (n)
water purification (n)

Unit 11
acoustic (adj)
automation (n)
caterpillar tracks (n pl)
exert (v)
explosive (n)
extreme (adj)
impact (n)
infrared (adj)
movable (adj)
navigable (adj)
navigate (v)
parallel to (adv)
power source (n)
program (v)
sensory system (n)
Unit 12
appliance (n)
assembly (n)
drawer (n)
energy-saving (adj)
evaporate (v)
hinge (n)
immerse (v)
inner (adj)
molecule (n)
outer (adj)
oven (n)
panel (n)
refrigerant (n)
vibrate (v)
welded (adj)
Unit 13
armoured (adj)
countermeasure (n)
hacker (n)
high-tech (adj)
hull (n)
minimize (v)
non-lethal (adj)
radar (n)
sonar (n)
stealth (adj)

trigger (v)
unmanned (adj)
unscrewed (adj)
visible (adj)
warship (n)
Unit 14
amplify (v)
capacitor (n)
conduct (v)
current (n)
diode (n)
frequency (n)
induce (v)
modulate (v)
oscillator (n)
pulse (n)
relay (n)
resistor (n)
switch (n)
transformer (n)
transistor (n)
Unit 15
ability (n)
applicant (n)
application (n)
apply (v)
attendance record (n)
candidate (n)
covering letter (n)
decision maker (n)
multitasking (n)
opportunity (n)
promotion (n)
reference (n)
responsibility (n)
skill (n)
team (n)

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