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MAN 404


Hayrettin KAHRAMAN
Prof. Dr. znur YKSEL

MARCH 2015

I hereby declare that all information in this report has been obtained and presented in
accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these
rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all materials and results that are not
original to this work.


/ /2015

Students Name and Surname


Hayrettin KAHRAMAN

This paper aims to examine The Strategic Investor Takes The Drivers Seat article. Now in
the global world, investors wanted to consult a broker or some other professional rather than
trusting themselves. This article basically explains a strategy that investors will follow alone.
This strategy also includes several applications that will help the investor, see his/her own
investment in different perspectives. Also all of the steps during this strategy have real time
examples which creates a better aliveness.
Keywords: Strategy, Investment, Self-Trust, Applications, Rivals, Capital, Broker

STATEMENT OF NON-PLAGIARISM.............................................................................2
EXAMINING ARTICLE......................................................................................................5


1) Cuno Puempin, Heinrich Liechtenstein, Fariba Hashemi & Brian Hashemi. The Strategic
Investor Takes the Drivers Seat, IESE Insight (Fourth Quarter, 2013) , pp.. 54-61.
2) This article is a guide of conventional approach for investments, especially for bonds and
stocks that reserves the main capital. In order to create a wealth, brokers are not to be
employed directly. The main reason for that is the high taxes and expenses which are made for
brokers. IESE institution suggests a strategic approach to such cases for investors. This
approach includes 7 steps and all the steps were explained with examples throughout this
3) First of all they made several literature searches while writing this article. They decided
which research will necessary and which one will not by thinking together. At the beginning
they have created a fake scenario for the reader (Martins Situation). Moreover, in every page
and section, authors used real time examples. These examples were from well-known real
corporate companies. The main reason they tracked such way is to keep the readers attention
constant on the article and to obtain better understanding. They did not make any statistical
analysis. Basically they collected information from real companies.
4) During their research, they found that putting investor back at core will be more suitable
way rather than consulting a broker. They generated a new strategic approach for the investors
and explained these strategies in detail during this article. Their system includes 7 steps. Some
of them are well known applications but the main issue is to maintain the right sequence for
these steps. Authors ordered those steps and explained to the reader clearly.
5) In all the steps, authors courage investors for creating their own investment by themselves.
They suggest, this strategy will save money for the investors in long time period. Personally I
also agree with the authors and think that this strategy is significant because with this way
investors will be able to see themselves in every step including their strengths and
weaknesses. Also they will save money from the broker taxes.
6) They are useful to finance executives. Especially Exploiting Opportunities step is helpful
for finance executives. All these steps were applicable for investors.


Puempin, C., Liechtenstein, H., Hashemi, F. & Hashemi, B. (2013). The Strategic
Investor Takes the Drivers Seat. IESE Insight, 19, 54-61.

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