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The Word Part 2


Pelogos Project 1
The Word Part 2


EXPOSE – You will be exposed to these key thoughts in this lesson.
· We have a complete Bible and nothing more will be added or taken away.
· We should use scripture to interpret scripture.
· The Bible is our final authority for life.
How would you summarize the verses below?
2 Timothy 3:15-17 :: Galatians 1:8-9




Should we be looking for additional scripture to be added or any part of it that we

already have to be subtracted? Why or Why Not?




How would you summarize the verses below?

John 6:45 :: 1 Corinthians. 2:9-12


Pelogos Project 2
The Word Part 2



How does God reveal our salvation to us?





How would you summarize the verses below?

1 Corinthians 11:13-14 :: 1 Corinthians 14:26 :: I Corinthians 14:40 :: 2 Peter 3:16
Psalms 19:7 :: Psalms 119:130




Is the Bible completely clear as it relates to different cultures? Why or Why Not?




Pelogos Project 3
The Word Part 2

How should we live when things are not clear?





How would you summarize the verses below?

Isaiah 8:20 :: Acts 15:15 :: John 5:39 :: 1 Corinthians 14:6-28 :: Colossians 3:16




Are we expected to translate the Bible into different languages? ___________________

How would you summarize the verses below?

2 Peter 1:20-21 :: Acts 15:15-16




Pelogos Project 4
The Word Part 2

Can we use another source besides scripture to interpret scripture? ________________

What is the difference between interpreting scripture and clarifying the historical and
cultural context in which the scripture was written?




How would you summarize the verses below?

Matthew 22:29-32 :: Ephesians 2:20 :: Acts 28:23




Who or what is the supreme judge of all controversies that may arise concerning the


What specific experiences have you had that would validate what you learned from the
above verses and questions?

Pelogos Project 5
The Word Part 2





Experiential Activity:
Before our next gathering, please take a moment to interview three spiritual leaders
(pastors, priests, youth pastor, nuns, etc….) in three different denominations and ask
them the following questions and record your answers below:
How does a person come to understand the Bible?



In general, how do you settle disputes that may arise in your church?





What is the most common method you use to interpret the Bible?

Pelogos Project 6
The Word Part 2





Do you believe we have a completely accurate Bible for today?






Before the next gathering, please take a moment to express your understanding The
Word. Your expression may include, but is not necessarily limited to a poem, an art
sculpture or painting, a paper, a song, a drama, a debate, and/or a video.


The truth of the Bible as God’s written authority for faith and life is absolutely essential
as a core belief of a follower of Jesus. Using scriptural proof from the lesson and before
the next gathering, write down how you would respond to someone who said, “I can’t
understand the Bible and that is why I never read it.”




Pelogos Project 7
The Word Part 2


















Pelogos Project 8
The Word Part 2



Pelogos Project 9

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