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2004 lntemationaf Conference on

Power System Technology POWERCON 2004

Slngapore, 2f-24 November 2004

The Automatic Routing System of Urban MidVoltage Distribution Network Based on Spatial GIS
Chengshan Wang and Saiyi Wang

Absrruct- Considering the features of spatial data structure in

mid-voltage distribution network, the CIS spatial database and
planning model suitable to distribution network planning are
designed. On this basis and according to the property that the
distribution lines are arranged along the streets, the line
structure can be represented by length-varying character
chromosome encoding strategy and the preIiminary network is
formed by the shortest path method. Then, the preliminary
network is optimized by genetic tabu hybrid aIgorithm. In the
routing process, different methods are designed adapt to several
familiar connection modes such as radial, multi-sectioned and
multi-linked, and switching station network. By means of the
analysis on actual calculation example, a practical method for
distribution network planning is discovered in which the spatial
CIS is used for phtform, the distribution network planning is
tightly correlated with geographical environment and the
searching process is guided by optimization algorithms.
Itider Terms- distribution network planning; CIS spatial

tabu hybrid algorithm (GATS), which combines the global

searching trait of genetic algorithm (GA) and the strong local
searching trait of tabu search algorithm (TS). Because of the
asymmetry of load densities and the different demands of
actual system, the actual M V distribution network is usually a
complex network including several connection modes with
both overhead lines and cables, such as radial, multi-sectioned
and multi-linked, and switching station network. In this paper,
three steps are taken to complete the automatic routing of
these connection modes. After this, the flexible automatic
routing method of manifold connection modes based on
different load densities is proposed. Lastly, the method
introduced in this paper is proved to be feasible by analyzing
the actual example.

Why UseGIS
In power system, transmission and distribution networks,
substations and facilities, consumers and loads are all oriented
to geography [3]. In order to " a g e and use these data
RBAN mid-voltage distribution network planning is a information, we should store these data with spatial data
U c o m p I e x NP-hard opthimtion problem full of structure by combining with geographical conditions.
characteristics such as multi&jects, uncertain, non-linear, and
GIs is a computer system, which can gather, save, manage,
multi-stages. In recent years, many papers put forward analyze and reproduce the information related to geographical
intelligent algorithms and geographical information system spatial data. The most important portion of GIs is spatial data,
(GIS) to solve this complex problem, such as [1]-[3]. And which effectively expresses the spatial locations and
these successful applications give some usefbl ideas to this attributive information. GIS spatial database is a system that
paper. htelligent urban mid-voltage distribution network can save these spatial data mare availably. Based on this, the
planning, one of the research hotspots at present, should spatial database management system can provide spatial query,
complete routing of M V lines automatically and form the spatial anaIysis, and also credible assistant design method for
complex network structure including manifold connection urban mid-voltage distribution network planning.
modes with both overhead lines and cables. And this network
B. GIs Spatial Database Design
should accommodate to the development of city consbvction
Based on analyzing the data structure models of some
and the increase of loads, and also satisfy with the demands of
GIs sofhvare home and abroad, and considering the
customers to power quality and supply reliability.
The automatic routing system introduced in this paper speciatties of distribution network spatial data structure, this
adopts the idea of designing GIs database and combines paper designs GIs spatial database suitable to distribution
routing optimization with geographic conditions in order to network planning.
Every street segment is a beeline Without any crossing or
solve distribution network restriction problem in condition of
graphical interfaces. The core algorithm of system is genetic barrier points after the street is intersected. That is, the linear
street segment can be a segment between two corners or
barriers of the street. Fig. I is the sketch map of segments of
Chengshan Wang is with the School of Electrical Engineering and polygonal streets. Tables I and II express the spatial data
Automation, Eanjin University, Tianjin 300072, People's Republic of China structure of street and street segment with linear topology
Saiyi Wang is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,

database; character chromosome encoding strategy; shortest

path method; genetic algorithm; tabu search; connection mode


Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, People's Republic of China (smail:

. -

o-7ao3-~610-81041$20.00o 2004 IEEE


where Fm is the annual investment and operation costs of each

equipment, and i can be S, L, or K. Zi and Yi are original
investment cost and annual operation cost of each equipment
including annual loss and maintenance costs. n, is the life
period of each equipment and ro is the interest rate of power
After the economy object is up-built, some constraints
correlated with the practical operation trait of urban M V
distribution network should be considered as follows.

Fig. 1. Segments ofpolygonal streets.


a) Reliability constraint


Record Name
Data Type
street name
street id
topologic type
start-point id
m-point coordinates
end- oint id
e n d - p o i n ~
total leu&
segment numbex
ink er

RAm,average supply availability index (ASAI), is used to

evaluate the reliability index in order to reflect the ponderanix
and importance of system interruptions as follows.


name of street
unique id of each street
topologic type: line
unique id of street start-point
start-pointcoordinates of s a e t
uni e id of street end- oint
endm r iat c00rdiaates
d i n ofaSUM
the total len of sweet
the number of meet se mts



N,, x 8 7 6 0 - x U j N i


the street id matched with Table I


where Nto,d is the total customers of the system.

is the
average annual interruption duration and NJ is the outage
customers. 8760 i s the total hours in one year and R- is the
lower limit of reliability index.
b) Capability constraint


street id

P, I

e",I = l ; - . , N ,


where P, and 4- are the totd loads and the upper limit
loads of the line I. NIis the total number of lines of H V
c) Voltage drop constraint

vk- sv, I v k - , k = l , - . * , N ,


There are only basic fields in Table I because of the limit where Vpm, Vkm and Vkare the lower limit, upper limit and
space of the paper. The other spatial data structures can be
designed according to the above method. After this, database
management system (DBMS) i s used to manage all these
spatial data tables, and the integrated spatial GIs is formed
with the graph system.

Genetic Tabu Hybrid Algorithm
Modern hemistic methods such as genetic algorithm (GA)
and tabu search algorithm (TS) provide feasibility to solve the
large NP-bard problem because of their proper strong global
searchhg ability. Nevertheless, GA is easy to get into local
optimization and its convergence speed is lower. In the other
hand, the local searching ability of TS is much stronger. So it
will get satisfying solutions if combining these two algorithms
and applying this hybrid algorithm in the distribution network
planning. By analyzing the theory of GA, it is obvious that the
aim of mutation operation is to improve the local searching
ability of GA, maintain the variety of populations, and avoid
appearing the earliness. What's more, the effects of mutation
operation are equal to 'move' operation of TS, which this
operation of searching from one point to the other point is
applying to improve the structures of solutions. So genetic


The model used in this paper is the distribution network
planning model which takes the economy index as object
function and takes the reliability index, equipment capability,
and voltage drop as constraints. The economy object can be
represented as follows.

minF=FNst Fm + Fm

normal operation voltage of the beginning or end p i n t of the

line sections. N, is the total number of the b e w i n g or end
points of the line sections,


where F is the object function. FNs,Fm and Fm are the annual

investment and operation costs of HV substations, M V lines
and switches. The annual investment cost has been converted
into the cost shared alike in each year by the economic method
represented as follows.


tabu hybrid algorithm (GATS)with TS mutation operation

will improve the local searching ability of GA. In this paper,
the automatic routing system of distribution network adopts
this hybrid aIgorithm as system core algorithm.


B. Encoding Strutegv
It is very important to select a good encoding strategy while
solving the distribution network planning using GATS. The
prevalent method is gathering all possible feeder sections as
variables muster of the planning problem. But this method will
make the planning process not so effective and need long time
to get the satisfying solutions because there are usuaIly plenty
of ill-suited solutions in the iterative process. So a better
encoding strategy should make each test solution as radial
structure in order to improve the efficiency of the searching
process and shorten the process period.
Length-varyingcharacter chromosome encoding strategy [4]
is used in this paper to make the lOkV main lines up of Si (the
serial numbet of substations), Ti (the serial number of
substation outgoing points), and Ri (the serial number of main
street segment points). This encoding strategy can express the
locations of lines in the urban geographical map. There maybe
exist Fi (the serial number of sectioned switches) and Bi (the
serial number of outgoing points o f the first ramose lines)
between differentTi and Ri.
It is flexible to define the structures of radial lines using
this length-varying encoding strategy. For example, ZI and I?
are possible radial l i e s of substations SI and SI, so the
structures can be &-Ti-R1-R7&-&
as the radial line
I1 and S 2 - T 3 - R r R s R ~ R e
as the radial line 12. Then
the code cluster S1-Tl-R1-R2-R3-&-RgRrR~R5
- T 3 a 2 forms the l i e d connection mode of different
substations SIand S2,and R4-Re expresses the linked line
between different lines 11 and 12.
A chromosome, network scheme of an urbm MV
distribution system, is made up of several HV substation
sub-individuals and one linked lines sub-individual. Among
these sub-individuals, the H V substation sub-individual
includes some radial lines and the linked lines sub-individual
includes linked lines between all radial Iines, which are also
made up of street segment points.

C. The Process ofAutomatic Routing System

Fig. 2 is the flow chart of the automatic routing system
based on GATS. There are two iterative processes in the
search. One is the genetic optimization main-process in order
that the solutions are met with gfobal convergence, the other
one is TS mutation optimization sub-process in order that the
populations are various and the solutions are met with local


manage and

Solutian output
by GIS


TS mutation

The initialized populations including radial network,

multi-sectioned and multi-linked network, switching station
network and their combinations are generated by the method
proposed in Section V.
The new solutions are generated through selection,
crossover, and mutation operations to the last population. As
inkoduced ahead, the objects of crossover and mutation
operations are Ti and R,.The informationof new chromosomes
is changed aRer the operations are completed.
Select and Cmsmver Operations
The selection operation adopts elitist preservation strategy
[4]. That is, some individuals with good fitness of the cment
population dont participate in crossover and mutation
operations. Whats more, the same number of individuals
generated by crossover and mutation operations are replaced


with these individuals.

The crossover operation adopts edge recombination (ER)
operator [4].The most important step is to build J~dge(x)(the
relation adjacency muster) between different Ti and Ri in the
lines of two parent individuals, where x are and R j selected
in the last two parent individuals in crossover operation. The
lines of children populations are made up of relevant Ri
selected fkom the built Je+(x) through the relation adjacency.
Here, it is notified that Ri appeared in the two parent
individuals simultaneouslyare selected f d y .


TS Mutation Operation
The idea of tabu search is making the current solution to

generate a set of neighbor test solutions by move in the

optimization process [5]. Among the generated neighbor
solutions, the one that improves the fitness best is selected to
be the new current solution as the best solution up to the
present in the optimization process. Repeat this tabu searching
sub-process until the stop criterion is satisfied.


As introduced ahead, each line is made. up of RI by

length-varying character chromosome encoding strategy. The
current solution is not the best one if some lines are routed
with unreason. The unreasonable network structure is formed
that the loaded rates of these Lines are lower OT these circuitous
lines are too long. So the Ri md loads of these lines need to be
changed in order to optimize the network The simplest
defying criterion is used in this paper in order to prevent the
loss of excellent solutions [5]. If the fitness of some solution is
better than the c m n t best solution, then the solution will
replace the current best solution and the current
solution without considering its tabu property.


Fitness Calculation
Fitness is correlated to each chromosome [4]-[5]. In the
paper the fitness is the total object F introduced in Section KU
including annual investment and operation costs and reliability
index, etc. The individual with best fitness is the best classic
one. In the other hand, the individuals with bad fitness are not
feasible and will be washed out in the whole optimization
Punished function method is used to deal with the
individuals after each index is calculated. If the constraints are
not satisfied, the individuals are difficult to exist and are
washed out after their fitness is evaluated to be very large as


G are satisfied

M,, G aren't satisjkd

where F' is the filness of individual and F is economy index
calculated by (1). G are the constraints a, b, and c proposed in
Section IlI and M,, i s a very large positive number.
Stop Criterion
The optimization process is over if one of the two stop
criterions used in the search is satisfied. The result returns to
the spatial GIs of distribution network if the GA stop criterion
is satisfied, and if the TS stop criterion is satisfied the TS
mutation operation is over.
a. The difference of the fitness of best solutions, gained
&om the continuous populations in the optimization
process, is in the range bounded by E (some random small
positive number).

where F L and F& are the best solution fitness of the

new and last populations.
b. The stop iterative number of GA or TS is satisfied.


In actual urban M V distribution system, the load density of
each area is usually different so that the economy and
reliability demands of power supplying are also different to
each area. So, there need to be different connection modes to

satisfy with the power supplying demands of different areas.

In the condition of different load densities, economy and
reliability indexes of several familiar connection modes with
overhead lines and cables are calculated and analyzed to get
some useful proposed advices in [SI.These advices are usually
related with the whole planning of the city. That is, except that
the load forecasting is accurately carried out, some practical
demands are also considered in order to get the actual urban
MV distribution system of manifold connection modes.
It is commonly difficult to get the network structure
automatically of manifold connection modes with overhead
h e s and cables by programming. Based on applying the
repository theory of expert system, a simple method with
a c b I effects is used before the automatic routing is to be
done. Firstly, one or two main connection modes of the
planning city are cordinned by the experts based on the
different demands of areas and the advices proposed in [6].
Secondly, some schemes are gained afier the automatic routing
of M V main lines is completed according to the dissimilar
combinations of the confirmed main connection modes and
some rules introduced below. Lastly, the final scheme i s
c o h e d based on the analysis of economy and reliability
indexes of these schemes.
RULES-There are some rules that can be used in the
automatic routing of several familiar connection modes as
a. For radial network, routing operation can be carried out
by the method proposed in Part A of Section V and in [7].
b. For multi-sectioned and multi-linked network, muting
operation should be carried out based on the actual
landforms of the city. Detailed method sees in Part B of
Section V and in IS].
c. For switching station network, routhg operation can be
carried out by the method proposed in Part C of Section V
and in [9]. It should be notified that the lOkV switching
stations are b d t when the loads of some area are dense
and far from the HV substations or the outgoing lines of
the H V substations are not enough.
d. The proportion of overhead lines and cables in the
network is c o n h e d based on the practical needs of
distribution system planning.


Automatic Rowing of Radial Network

The automatic routing methods of each connection mode

described in this paper are all carried out by the same idea of
optimizing the initialized network with the core algorithm
proposed in Section IV.
The main idea of radial network initialization algorithm is
to route the radial line one by one, which is to complete a
radial line routing by the shortest path method in each time.
The source point is the substation, while the end point is the
farthest load far fiom the substation in the unsupplied loads
muster. In the process of each radial Iine routing, it is
important to form the correlated muster of street segment
points through the relations of street segments. Then some
disposals are used to the muster. For example, the street
segment points existing already in the line are deleted in order
to avoid getting a circle. And it is necessary to judge whether


the constraint of the maximal number of lines in the street is

reached, naturalness, the street segment points dissatisfied this
constraint are also deleted. In the next step, one street segment
point is selected randomly in the disposed muster to be a
tending towards of the line. At the same time, the loads are
selected in the order of the load values in the load areas beside
the confirmed street segment. If the load is in the supplying
area of the correIated substation and main line, the load is
selected. Otherwise, the load is not selected. The iterative
searching process is kept up until the constraint of the
maximal allowed power of the line is reached. Thus, the
automatic routing of this radial line is completed.

points is carried out by the path search between the

discretional two points in the condition of some relations.

C. Automatic Routing ofswitching Sfation Nefwork

The switching station is made up of some mother lines and
switches. When the loads are far fiom the substation so that
the Line length is much longer using the direct supplying
modes, a switching station is necessary to build up near these
loads or in the allowable places considering the demands of
surroundings effects. Then these loads can be supplied
naturally through the outgoing lines of the built switching
station. Though the investment cost of the whole distribution
system scheme increases because o f the investment of the
B. Automatic Routing of Multi-sectioned and Muiti-linked switching stations, the probability of failures is lower as the
lengths of switching station outgoing lines are much shorter
The multi-sectioned and single-linked network is the most than the direct supplying modes [6].So the reliability of the
familiar and simplest one of multi-sectioned and multi-linked switching station network is much improved so that it is much
connection modes. The automatic routing of multi-sectioned more wed in the areas where high reliability is needed such as
and single-linked network proposed in the paper is to search urban flourishing.
both radial lines and linked fines at the same time. The routing
Though this connection mode is very applied, the automatic
process is made up of the routing of normal and reverse radial routing method is more difficult. The steps of the algorithm
lines in one time. The initialized routing of normal radial line are proposed as follows.
The best number and locations of switching stations are
is carried out based on the general method introduced in Part
A of Section V, which the source point is the substation and
confumed based on spatial GIs of distribution network
the end point is the farthest load far rom the substation in the
and the method of substation locating and capacity
unsupplied loads muster. The routing method of reverse radial
line is in the other way round the normal radial line, which the
Then, the automatic routing of incoming lines is put
source point i s the supplied load and the end point is the
forward as searching the shortest paths between the
substation of the supplied load. The meaning of the substation
switching stations and the HV substations through the
of the supplied load is that the load is supplied through the
main streets.
substation. The supplied load is selected randomly near the
Finally, the outgoing lines are automatically routed based
end of the normal line and confirms the substation. Then, the
on the automatic routing method of multi-sectioned and
reverse radial line is routed in the supplpg area of the
multi-linked network introduced in Part B of Section V.
confirmed substation, Thereby, the routing of the n o m 1 and
reverse radial lines is related through the idea of global
searching so that a multi-sectioned and single-linked
Tbe case used in this paper is M V distribution network
connection unit is formed.
planning of Pujiang centre town in Shanghai of P. EL China,
Based on the automatic routing method of single-linked which has ten 3*20MVA 35kV HV substations. The loads in
connection mode, the general automatic routing method of the middle and south parts are denser than the north part but
mutti-sectioned and multi-linked network is proposed as the supply areas of 35kV substations in the north part are
larger than the others. By the analysis of the load distributions
The maximal allowed power of each radial h e is ofthe town, many situations are suitable to build the lOkV
confirmed by the linked connection mode in the normal switching stations. Several feasible schemes are gained by
operation BS (8).
using the method proposed in the paper. And the final
distribution network of the town is confirmed after the
economy and reliability indexes of these feasible schemes am
calculated and analyzed. The total annual investment and
where P--id and Pm4k are the maximal load and operation costs are 51.685 million yuan and the reliability
allowed power of the line. m is the number of linked index is 0.99993087.
points of each radial line at most and thus the connection
Because of the limit space of the paper, the planning
mode is multi-sectioned and m-linked network,
solution of the south part is introduced mainly in the paper.
Then, the routing of the radial lines and linked lines at Fig. 3 is the scheme of final solution. Thick lines are the 35kV
end-point is carried out based on the automatic routing substations direct supplying modes with two-linked or
idea of multi-sectioned and single-liked network single-linked hybrid connection modes using YJV-3*400mmz
introduced above. The sectioned switches and other cables or LGJ-3*240mz overhead lines. Thin lines are the
linked points are also confirmed in this step.
outgoing lines of lOkV switching stations with loop
Finally, the optimal path routing between other linked connection mode using YJV-3*120mm2cables. In order to


show clearer, the sectioned and linked switches are not

aaoeared in Fig. 3.

3s kv




kVA MV svbstatm


NP-hard optimization problem full of characteristics such as

multkbjects, uncertain, non-linear, and multi-stages.
Considering the merits of heuristic methods and the traits of
distribution network planning, genetic tabu hybrid algorithm
(GATS) is used to optimize the planning problem. By using
the spatial GIs and artificial intelligent optimization
algorithms, three steps are taken to complete the automatic
routing, such as automatic routing of radial, multi-sectioned
and multi-linked,and switching station network. By means of
the analysis on actual example, a practical method for
distribution network planning is discovered in which the
spatial GIs is used for platform, the distribution network
planning is tightly correlated with geographical environment
and the searching process is guided by optimization


sgritching station

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Fig. 3. Final scheme of MV disiribution network planning in south of

Pujiang center town.

Fig. 4 is the scheme map of incoming lines of lOkV

switching stations in the town with double sources connection
mode usinrr YJV-3*400mm2cables.

Fig. 4. Sketch map of incoming Lines of switching stations in south of

hjiang center town.

It is obvious from the figures that the solution is absolutely

according with the actual urban M V distribution network full
of multi-sectioned and multi-linked, and switching station
connection modes. And it is shown ftom the analysis of the
case that the method proposed in the paper is feasible.


The automatic routing system of urban mid-voltage

distribution network needs plenty o f data analysis. And GIS
can provide data management to the system strongly so that
the solution will be more practical. In addition, this
intelligentized distribution network planning is a complex

M. Bimwms
Chengshan Wang was born in Tanjin of P. R C h a , 111 November 1962.
And now he is a professor of the School of Electrical Eogirreering aad

Automation in liaajin University. His research interests are distribution

system o p t i o n and planning, and power system stability.
Saiyi Wang was born in Ningbo, Zhqiang Rovince of P. R. China, on
January 30, 1978. He received his BS and MS degrees io electrical
engineering in Tianjin University. And he is now a doctor student majored in
the same university. His research interests include the applications of GIS and
artificial intelligencein distribution sytem planning.


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