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Mark Twain satirized Battle Hymn of Republic (Document) Look for

Americas Destiny (1900)
Albert Beveridge
DESTINY, we have no control over it, we must do it.
Its our DUTY to annex
China is a valuable market that will sustain America
MISSION of our race
American civilization needs to be universal. America is the greatest
civilization and needs to be spread
CHOSEN by god to save a civilization. Save Philippines.
Everything in this document leads back to commerce
We are going to war in the Philippines to secure our market

Eugen Sandow
Victorian-era body builder
T. Roosevelt worried that American men are getting weak
o Going to places such as Coney Island (cheap amusemants)
Roosevelts social values about strong men = Views on foreign policy

Progressive Era (Late 19th century WWI)

o Cartoons that question society
o Puck Magazine
Read by new emerging middle class
Why Do We Want To Export To China?
Overproduction of goods in U.S.
o Need for new markets
o Require new markets for quick production of goods that new
farming practices produce
DEFINE THE DEBATE (Imperialist vs. Anti-Imperialist)
Moodle Documents
Anti-Imperialist League (1899)
Against Declaration of Independence and Constitution to annex
Spanish-American War (1898)

Politicians getting mixed business interests and mixed requests about

annexation (i.e. Hawaii and sugar refinement)
Platt and Teller Amendment
We need to guide the lesser people towards civilization (whites vs.

TELLER We have no territorial interests in Cuba.

Some thought the spirit of the amendment meant no territorial
annexation anywhere
Some took it literally and only protected Cuba
E. Alquinado (18XX)
Only 2% of Americans are going to college, E. Alquinado is well
There is no justice or liberty in American policy
Wants to ensure that safe means are used
Woodrow Wilson (pg. 95)

Pledges the U.S. will never take another foot of territory by

U.S. shall devote herself to showing that she can make honorable
and useful progress with current territory


Debate ongoing about Womans role
o Wilson reluctant to jump onto the Womans revolution

Great Migration
Government Propaganda
Robert LaFoulette
George Creel
League of Nations
WWI started with assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Black Hand
of Serbia
United States doesnt have a treaty at beginning of war to drag them into it

Midwest Republicans will be isolationists

Washington and Monroe Doctorine
Breweries (Germans)
There are many conflicts of allegiance within the U.S. because of new
immigration and citizenship
Wilson gets elected on the promise of keeping America out of war
American Business is shipping to both sides of the war
British are boarding American ships by setting up a blockade around
Germany and taking our goods
Germans set up submarines and are sinking American ships
Talk about WWI in relation to Progressivism (PIE)
Various agencies and labor unions to affect commerce. #1 is war
effort. Go on strike and have the government intervene for the laborers.
Trying to direct capital & public opinion
Search for chaos. Search for order.

WWII breaks isolationism

Creates international organizations
Paradoxes and Contradictions, Affluence and Anxiety
Contradiction is an element of paradox
o Dealers required to have the Ford Newspapers out
Everyone should learn old traditional dance
Ford hates urban change, but he is responsible for the growing
changes paradox
o Kid grew up and everyone he knew, none of their parents had
English as their first language

Harry Bennet
Ford Factory Policies
Not allowed to talk
Not allowed to go to bathroom
Social Gospel Ask what Jesus would do?


Fuses fundamentalism with modern Hollywood sex appeal
o Girls can participate in new culture, use dope and cold cream,
Converted at age 17 by a preacher whom she later married
Learned religious entertainment as well as traditional
o Sorta like a televangelist, early version, entertainer
Had a flair for dramatic, marketed her attributes (looks and drama)
into a religious business
Had college of her own, oversees missionaries
Christian publishing company
Radio transmitter was so strong that it interfered with other
stations, KFSG
Bob Shuler
Drowned at the beach?
o Amy reappeared, who said she was kidnapped by Mexicans
o Seen in an affair in Carmelo, CA.
1919? worst year ever, depends on who you are (strike wave)
Strikers called red, pained red, commies
Harding Administration
Veterans hospital scandals

(Bolshevik Revolution in Russia during WWI)

Diversity U.S. most diverse, most of people German immigrants
why women shouldnt vote, diluting vote, blacks, women
1920 reemergence on KKK, control gov. of Oregon and one other
KKK, restrict immigration to keep WASPs in power
Hollywood stars

& Contradiction
Black folks couldnt go to see black musicians
Harding serving, buying alcohol in White House w/ taxpayer dollars
Prohibition and the Green Door in Chicago 1921

Theta Bera?
Paramount Pictures
Lots of anxiety about corporations

Why are they advertising the company?

o They want you to buy the company, too
Set in ancient times (Babylon)
You in the 1920s are also a wanderer
o Youve strayed away from old ideals, now youre going to
speakeasies and etc.
Paramount saying, look, were not bad. We can do more than the
little guy and our product is good
Combining Fundamentalism and Hollywood

Evolution Debate
Williams J. Bryan, Democrat
John Scopes
o Broke law in Tennessee, taught evolution in High School
o Persecuted by Williams J. Bryan, assigned by state
o Defended by (NY?) Urban atheist lawyer, Clarence Darrell
Chain Stores
Big business controls local Chamber of Commerce and gov.
Little merchants being chased out by bigger stores
(B)Ponzi?, Charles - swindler

couldnt prove they were guilty

traded currencies in different countries
Told people they could get rich with him
50% return in 90 days, give $100,000 and get back $150,000
o people would reinvest
Take money from other investors and give it to other investors,
then people will reinvest
o As long as the base gets bigger, youre fine

Roosevelt wins HUGE election (1936)

Hoover (1928)
FDR (1932, 1936, 1940, 1944)
Roosevelt didnt want to create a class of people who became
dependent on the Federal Government for their livelihood
Buy stocks on margin?

Brokers loaning money to buyers

Brokers borrow money from banks
Margin call broker can just sell stock and then tell buyers after
o Brokers panic selling during stock market crash

Bubbles.? Creating bubbles with loans, money.. Housing bubble of

Hoover Progressive Republican, Lassiez-faire died in the early 20 th
Contradictions. Government helping produce hogs, then destroy them
to lower supply.
RECOVERY doesnt come from New Deal, but there is RELEF and
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)
Modeled on the War Finance Corporation of WWI
o Made Gov. loans to companies to keep them operating
(bankers), trying to keep banks solvent

Hoover created (1931)

(Something) public works program
o Spent money at Brooklyn Navy yard
Creating things for a naval area Or something
Bonus Army (1932), FDR
After WWI, Congress passes a bonus bill for veterans
Vets begin to travel to Washington D.C.
General MacArthur ends up firing on the Bonus Army
o Vets not violent. In a silent protest that they wanted their
bonus NOW
Hoover was president when this happened
When Roosevelt first enters office, RECOVERY is the first focus,
because RELIEF and REFORM wont be needed.
Roosevelt Bank Holiday (1933)
Banks are closed for like 4 days, then the Federal Government
comes in a inspects the bank
FDIC (1933)
Say, Weve inspected this bank, and its sound USE THIS BANK,
kind of like FOOD INSPECTION ACT and European markets buying
American meat again
Also says, The Federal Government will ensure your money in
these banks

Gov. starts saying that the will buy pay farmers to take land OUT of
I think this is the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (1933)
National Recovery Administration (NRA) and Section 7a (1933)
All of these (FDIC, AAA, NRA) are all about business
An attempt to eliminate "cut-throat competition" by bringing
industry, labor and government together to create codes of "fair
practices" and set prices
Section 7a Workers have the right to organize in a union
o Strike wave (1934)
Strikes to form a populous/group to
Wagner Act (1935)
Roosevelt signs it because its what the PEOPLE want


No-no boy?
Soviets ally of U.S. at end of WWII
Sleeping car porters? (Pullman?)
o Institutionalized racism
o Porter, organized 1000 person march on Washington
Wanted Roosevelt to issue E.O. to erase racism in
armed forces

Roosevelt refuses, but did pass E.O. 8802, which states

Defense contractors could not discriminate against
people because of race
Includes private companies who want to sign
contracts with the gov.
Porter doesnt march on Washington
1948, Truman desegregates military
Zoot Suit, Mexicans, where industry grows, immigration grows
The Office of War Information films
o Propaganda
Woman veterans enjoyed same benefits as male benefits, but still
Because of the war, not depression, that government has such big
Technological advancement agent orange
o The potential for nuclear warfare develops
o All the testing that happens influences American society
o Defense spending
o Gov. agencies





Rise of Imperial Presidency

Obtain Pentagon, Secretary of Defense
Foreign policy big influence on modern government (also, executive
War crushed Japanese and German economies
U.S. exited war in a very privileged position
Those in spheres, became a part of that economy (Soviet sphere,
American sphere)
Joseph McCarthy Senator (cold war?)
United Nations developed during Cold War
Had permanent members
Civil war develops in Greece

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

British stop investing in Greece, stop funding regime in Greece
NLF, received support from Josef Tito?
o Stalin and Tito both communists, Stalin didnt like Tito
1940, We cannot expect stability without consistent international
trade, some secretary of trade something
Both U.S. and Soviets see each other as wanting global domination
(American McCarthy hearings?)
o McCarthy created places where communists might be
U.S. sends aid to places where they believe are resisting influence
from outside agitators, etc.
Something about Greece and running their foreign economy,
Greece, Truman paints portrait of Free institution (freedom) VS.
(something) (communism) (Truman says this other is repression,
control of media, etc.) IDEOLOGICAL CONTRADICTIONS

Adali Stevenson Democratic candidate against Eisenhower (52 &


Women need to save the home

Need to be content there
We have crisis domesticity?

Increasing amount of people gained power to consume

Families starting to be able to survive on one salary households
6 kids as a minimum production goal...?

in 1870 less than 2% of 18-21 year olds attended college

1970 its 40%
Look up tax rates in the 20th century
1929 5% earned 20% of natl income?
of farmers in poverty
40s 60s number of blacks living outside the south doubled
by 1960, DC became predominately black, and whites moved to
Post War Red Scare
Whittaker Chambers, journalist
o Told House on American Activities Committees
Used to be a part of a Soviet spy group
Provided papers, called Pumpkin Papers
Evidence Hist was working for spys
Huack pressured him
Arthur Miller Crucible
o Compared Salem Witch Trials to communist hearings

o Believed people had a right to their political views no matter

what they were
Hollywood 10, accused of being communists
Rosenberg passed secrets to the soviets
McCarthy Era, this is all encompassing, just out of order
o McCarthyism
Billy Graham
o Merged fear of Armageddon with the _____
o 1957, communism masterminded by Satan
Anti-communism fused with American religion

Within 1950 that Congress found God

1954 Eisenhower.
o Preacher liked doing religious politics
Said One Nation Under God be added into the pledge
of allegiance
adding would differentiate between America and
Building a prayer room attached to Congress
Eisenhower not that religious
Fall 1949, two days after we see Russians have an atomic bomb
1950 - 55% of people in churches, 1956 62%

Laws passed against atheists and agnostics, not able to serve for
public office or adopt
Desegregated military 1948
Jackie Robinson, 1947
NAACP, African Americans who sought to end discrimination through
Used Brown vs. Board
o Segregation harms children, psychologically, etc.
o Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren
Arkansas, Central High School
Governor puts Natl Guard under his authority to bar entrance to
black students
Within 24 hours, President puts Natl Guard under his authority to
get black students into school
States started closing public schools and would build private schools
for white students
Virginia, more states
Malcom X vs. MLK Jr.
Rosa Parks refused to give up seat for white man on a bus (1955)

Non-violent protest

SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)

The authority they saw the federal government had was the FBI
taking notes as local police beat innocent black citizens
1961, Freedom Riders
April 1963, MLK Jr.
New media turned Americans onto the side of MLK and blacks
Also seen throughout the world
President of University of Alabama (Wallace)
Denied black students entrance to university
Alabama last state to end public education segregation
November 1963, JFK assassinated
His comprehensive civil rights bill stuck in congress
o Would be enacted under Johnson

1964 Civil Rights Act

Illegal to segregate in public places
Still a part about denying voting based on literacy
1965 Voting Rights Act
ends literacy tests
Black politicians being elected in high density Black areas
Marcus Garvey, wanted Black Nationalism in 1920s
Black leaders inspired by black national movements in Africa
Black separatists in order for blacks to thrive, we need to have our
own religion and our own names that our white owners did not give us

1968 Presidential Campaign

Johnson decides not to run
o Based on opposition to the war
Democrats wanted Robert Kennedy to run
o Bobby Kennedy killed by Arab Nationalist in LA
Eugene McCarthy
o Runs on an anti-war platform
o Thousands of students worked for McCarthy
Tet offensive occurs in 1968
Democratic Convention in Chicago
o Democrats divided between Hawks and Doves
o Hubert Humphrey vs. McCarthy
The Great Society
6 things
Some said that it destroys initiative of workers
Unemployment 69-71 doubled

The Rust Belt

Nxion, lost to Ford
Oil-Embargo, 1973-74 during Nixons presidency
Israel Arab war
Arab nations cut off oil to U.S.
Nixon froze wages
Economic woes comes partially from escalating costs from Vietnam
Look up tax rates in 20th century
Increased military spending had to be spent with increased tax dollars
Occurred during a time of inflation
Nixon won Civil and Voting Rights acts
Civil Rights, 1866
Someone (Nixon or someone else) reduced enforcement of fair
housing acts

Clean Air Act, Water Improvement Act, EPA made Nixon

Vietnam, Nixon was one president involved
Watergate Scandal Nixon
Nixon entered small arms deals with Soviets
Nixons plumbers (White House Plumbers?)
National debt increased under Carter
Carter asked business to hold down price increases
Asked labor unions to not ask for increased wages
By 1979, inflation was increasing by 10% a year
I met a girl a wonderful girl, I guess shes got a lot to recommend her
for a girl, a fabulous creature without any doubt, hey what am I getting so
Reagan, like Humphrey, Reagan was a democrat
He joined the SAG
o SAG became increasingly political during Red Scare
He became President

SAG said they were for capitalism and against

Nancy Davis, was accidentally put on blacklist
Reagan began working for GE, would go and speak on GEs behalf
(promote the company image to the employees)
Began to be seen as a corporate spokesperson
By the time he spoke for Goldwater, he was a Republican
(Goldwater Wing of the Republican Party)
Reagan came to hate what he formally endorsed

Cuts usually means growth rates (If a program gets a 10% increase in
funding every year, it gets 5% the next year)
Reagan tried to gut the Environmental by appointing a schmutz as
Secretary of the Interior
Asked Congress to drastically cut federal funding to the poor (social
Said budget deficit had to decrease

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