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Lecture 12

Control and Information


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe
Taibah University
Information Systems
College of Computer Science & Engineering

Topic list
About Control
 Security/Threats and risk
 Intrusion Prevention
 Contingency planning
 Building control into an information
 Privacy and data protection
 Internal vs External Threat

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering

About control

Control is the process through

which standards for performance of
people and processes are set,
communicated, and applied.
Effective control systems use
mechanisms to monitor activities
and take corrective action, if

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering

About control (cont)

The control process is a continuous

flow between measuring, comparing
and action. There are different steps
in the control process, for example:

Establishing performance standards,

Measuring actual performance,
Comparing measured performance
against established standards, and
Taking corrective action.

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering

About control (cont)

Security controls are the set of organizational

structures, policies, standards, procedures, and
technologies which support the business functions
of the enterprise while reducing risk exposure and
protecting information

Preventative: Designed to keep errors or

irregularities from occurring
Detective: Designed to detect errors and
irregularities which have already occurred and to
report to appropriate personnel
Responsive: Designed to respond to errors or
irregularities to restore operations and prevent
future issues
Administrative: Processes and procedures
Technical: Software and hardware technologies
Physical: Facility and environmental security

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering

Why information Security? (cont)

Security in information
management context means the
protection of data from accidental
or deliberate threats which might

unauthorised modification,
disclosure or destruction of data, and
the protection of the information system
from the degradation or non-availability
of services

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Information Security is the protection of

information to prevent loss,
unauthorized access or misuse.
It is also the process of assessing
threats and risks to information and the
procedures and controls to preserve:
 Confidentiality: Access to data is
limited to authorized entities
 Integrity: Assurance that the data is
accurate and complete
 Availability: Data is accessible, when
required, by those who are authorized
to access it
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering

Data management (cont)

Security protection of personal information

starts with strong data management
 Database Management
 User access controls
 Database administrator access
 Restrictions on view, update,
modification, or deletion of data
 Appropriate usage guidelines for data
 Use of real personal information in
development and test environments

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering

Data management (cont)

The disaster recovery plan allows an organization to

respond to an interruption in services by
implementing a disaster recovery plan to restore
critical business functions and data


Backup media should be secure

Backups should be reliable for recovery purposes
Backup and restore processes should be controlled
to avoid errors and unauthorized access
Backup media should be tested regularly to ensure


Recovery plans should be documented and tested

Data recovery is usually integrated with disaster
recovery and business continuity plans

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering

Intrusion Prevention
Prevention is the best possible cure
 Content scanning
 Security patches
 Emerging intrusion prevention
 User awareness

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Contingency planning

Risk is a function of the likelihood of a threat exploiting a

security vulnerability with a resulting impact

Potential threats
Emergency situations or natural events
Organized or deliberate malicious actions
 Internal accidents, carelessness, or ignorance
 Malicious code (virus, worms, spyware, malware)
 Loss of utilities or services
 Equipment or systems failure
 Serious information security events
Security vulnerabilities
 Unsecured accounts
 Unpatched systems
 Insecure configurations
 Network perimeter weaknesses
 Inappropriate trust models
 Untrained users and administrators

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Why information Security?

I.T and Computers have brought

Information Age
The spread of Internet & relative
ease of access made easier
Information Breach
Unauthorised reading of data
Unauthorised modification of data
Unauthorised destruction of data

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Why Information Security? (cont)

Your future is not secure if your

information is not secure
Information Resources need to be
guarded, protected and controlled

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Internal vs External Threat

The External Threats
Organisations connection to Internet

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Phishing: a high-tech scam that uses email or websites to deceive

you into disclosing your credit card numbers, bank account
information, Social Security number, passwords, or other sensitive
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Mobile Code: Automatically

runs hostile programs on
your computer without
your knowledge simply
because you visited a web

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


To ensure your system does not get infected by viruses you

should perform all of the following:
Scan all email attachments,
Ensure your anti-virus software scans your system daily,
Turn off the option for your email to automatically download
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Physical access control

Personal identification numbers

Door locks
Card entry systems
Computer theft

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Building control into an information system

Control can be classified into:

 Security control
 It is about protection of data from accidental or
deliberate threats
 Integrity control:
 In the context of security is preserved when data is
the same as in source documents and has not been
accidentally or intentionally altered, destroyed or
 System integrity:
 Operating conforming to the design specification
despite attempts (deliberate or accidental) to make it
have incorrectly.
 Contingency controls:
 It is an unscheduled interruption of computing
services that requires measures outside the day-today routing operating procedures
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Building control into an information system (cont)

Data will maintain its integrity if

it is complete and not corrupt.
This means that:
 The original input of the data
must be controlled
 Any processing and storage
should be set up so that they
are complete and correct

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Building control into an information system (cont)

Input control should ensure the

accuracy, completeness and

Data verification involves ensuring data

entered matches source documents
Data validating involves ensuring that
data entered is not incomplete or
unreasonable. Various checks:
Check digits
 Control totals
 Hash totals
 Range checks
 Limit checks

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Privacy and data protection

 The right of the individual to
control the use of information
about him or her, including
information on financial status,
health and lifestyle (i.e. prevent
unauthorised disclosure).

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Data protection principles

Personal data is information about a

living individual, including
expression of opinion about him or
her. Data about organisation is not
personal data
Data users are organisation or
individuals who control personal
data and the use of personal data
A data subject is an individual who
is the subject of personal data
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Internet security issue

Establishing organisation links to

the Internet brings numerous
security dangers

Corruptions such as viruses on a single

computer can spread through the
network to all the organisation's
Hacking: involves attempting to gain
unauthorised access to a computer

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



About virus

A program or piece of code that is loaded onto

your computer without your knowledge and runs
against your wishes.
Viruses can also replicate themselves. All
computer viruses are manmade.
A simple virus that can make a copy of itself
over and over again is relatively easy to
Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it
will quickly use all available memory and bring
the system to a halt.
An even more dangerous type of virus is one
capable of transmitting itself across networks
and bypassing security systems.
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Type of virus/program

File virus: Files viruses infect program files

Boot sector or stealth virus: the boot sector
is the part of every hard disk and diskette.
The stealth virus hides from virus detection
programs by hiding themselves in boot
records or files.
Trojan: it is a small program that performs
unexpected function. It hides itself inside a
valid program.
Logic bomb: a logic bomb is a program that is
executed when a specific act is performed.

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Type of virus/program (cont)

Time bomb: a time bomb is a

program that is activated at a
certain time or date, such as Friday
the 13th or April 1st
Worm: it is a type of virus that can
replicate (copy) itself and use
memory, but cannot attach itself to
other programs
Droppers: it is a program that
installs a virus while performing
another function
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Type of virus/program (cont)

Macro virus: it is a piece of selfreplicating code written in an

applications macro language.
Example, Melissa was a well
publicised macro virus

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering


Tutorial Question
Information system management and
security on the Internet

Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering




Barbara C. McNurlin and Ralph H.

Sprague (2003): Information Systems
Management in Practice 6th edition,
Prentice Hall.
Kioskea, IT Security - Introduction to IT
ntro.php3, accessed on 15/03/2010.
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University
Lecture Notes, 2010.
Rackspace, Securing an IT Infrastructure:
A Decision Makers Guide to Securing an
IT Infrastructure, A Rackspace White
Paper , 2010
Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Taibah University , College of Computer Science & Engineering



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