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Q.1 DNA is made of two chains that twist about one another in the shape of a _______.
(a) Broken ladder (b) Straight ladder (c) Straight spiral (d) Double helix
Q.2 Satellite DNA is useful tool in (a) Genetic engineering (b) Organ transplantation (c) Sex determination (d) Forensic science
Q.3 Enzymes called ______ add complementary nucleotides, floating inside the nucleus.
(a) DNA polymerase (b) DNA synthetase (c) Lipoprotein lipase (d) None of these
Q.4 If the total amount of adenine and thymine in a double-stranded DNA is 45%, the amount of guanine in this DNA will be
(a) 22.5% (b) 27.5% (c) 45% (d) 55%
Q.5Repressor proteins are coded for by ______ genes.
(a) Structural (b) Operator (c) Promoter (d) Regulator
Q.6 The one aspect which is not a salient feature of genetic code, is its being
(a) Specific (b) Degenerate (c) Ambiguous (d) Universal
Q.7 RNA molecules that act as enzymes are called ribozymes
(a) Polymerase (b) Ribozymes (c) Transcriptase (d) Both (A) and (B)
Q.8 In history of biology, human genome project led to the development of?
(a) Bioinformatics (b) Biosystematics (c) Biotechnology (d) Biomonitoring
Q.9 RNA polymerase is only capable of catalyzing the process of ________
(a) Termination (b) Elongation (c) Initiation (d) All of these
Q.10 The organelles in the cell where protein synthesis occurs are _________
(a) Ribosomes (b)ER (c) Nucleus (d) mRNA
Q.11 HIV is classified as a retrovirus because its genetic information is carried in
(a) DNA instead of RNA (b) DNA (c) RNA instead of DNA (d) Protein coat
Q.12 The primary control of gene expression takes place at the level of
(a) Translation (b) Transcription (c) DNA-replication (d) None of these
Q.13 Okazaki is known for his contribution to the understanding of
(a) Transcription (b) Translation (c) DNA replication (d) Mutation
Q.14 What is not true for genetic code?
(a) It is unambiguous (b) A codon in mRNA is read in a non-contiguous fashion (c) It is nearly universal (d) It is degenerate
Q.15 DNA sequence that code for protein are known as (a) Introns (b) Exons (c) Control regions (d) Intervening sequences
Q.16 DNA is a polymer made of ______(a) Amino acids (b) Fats (c) Sugars (d) Nucleotides
Q.17___ occurs in RNA instead of the nitrogenous base thymine found in DNA. (a)Uracil (b)Cytosine (c)Guanine (d)Ribose
Q.18 Chromosome is made up of (a) DNA + pectin (b) RNA + DNA (c) DNA + Histone (d) Only histone
Q.19 The region of tRNA which consists of three bases complementary to a mRNA codon is ______.
(a) Codon (b) Intron (c) Anticodon (d) Interferon
Q.20 A DNA segment which serves as a kind of on-off switch for transcription is a/an ______.
(a) Regulator gene (b) Operator (c) Promoter (d) Structural gene
Q.21 Mitochondria are semi -autonomous as they possess (a) DNA (b) DNA + RNA (c) DNA + RNA Ribosomes (d) Protein
Q.22 RNA has the sugar ______, instead of deoxyribose.
(a) Fructose (b) Ribose (c) Sucrose (d) Deoxyribose
Q.23 There is no DNA in (a) Hair root (b) An enucleated ovum (c) Mature RBCs (d) A mature spermatozoan
Q.24 The Segments of DNA, capable of moving from one location to another are
(a) Introns (b) Transposons (c) Exons (d) Operons
Q.25 Removal of introns and joining the exons in a defined order in a transcription unit is called
(a) Capping (b) Splicing (c) Tailing (d) Transformation

Q.26 The segment of DNA which acts as the instrumental manual for the synthesis of the protein is
(a) Nucleoside (b) Nucleotide (c) Ribose (d) Gene
Q.27 Which of the followings are cancer-causing genes?
(a) Carcinogens (b) Mutagens (c) Metastases (d) Oncogenes
Q.28 What are those structures that appear as 'beads-on-string' in the chromosomes when viewed under electron
microscope? (a) Base pairs (b) Genes (c) Nucleotides (d) Nucleosomes
Q.29 Molecular scissors which cut DNA at specific site is (a) Pectinase (b) Polymerase (c) Restriction endonuclease (d) Ligase
Q.30 Balbiani rings are the sites of
(a) DNA replication (b) RNA and protein synthesis (c) Synthesis of lipids (d) Synthesis of polysaccharides
Q.31 The genetic material of Rabies virus is
(a)Double stranded RNA (b)Single stranded RNA (c)Double stranded DNA (d) ssDNA
Q.32 During transcription, RNA polymerase holoenzyme binds to a gene promoter and assumes a saddle-like structure. What
is its DNA-binding sequence?
(a)TATA (b) TTAA (c) AATT (d) CACC
Q.33 During transcription, if the nucleotide sequence of the DNA strand that is being coded is ATACG, then the nucleotide
sequence in the mRNA would be
Q.34 In a DNA strand the nucleotides are held together by:
(a) Peptide bonds (b) Phosphodiester bonds (c) Glycosidic bonds (d) Hydrogen bonds
Q.35 The reaction, Amino acid + ATP Aminoacyl-AMP + PP depicts
(a) Amino acid assimilation (b) Amino acid transformation (c) Amino acid activation (d) Amino acid translocation
Q.36 mRNA directs the building of proteins through a sequence of
(a) Introns (b) Codons (c) Exons (d) Anticodons
Q.37 Enzyme responsible for reverse transcription is :
(a) Reverse transcriptase (b) DNA polymerase (c) RNA polymerase (d) RNA dependent RNA polymerase
Q.38 DNA has equal number of adenine and thymine residues (A = T) and equal number of guanine and cytosine (G = C).
These relationships are known as
(a) Chargaff's rule (b) Coulomb's law (c) Le-Chatelier's principle (d) Van't Hoff plot
Q.39 Central dogma of protein synthesis is
(a) DNA RNA Protein (b) DNA DNA Protein (c) RNA DNA Protein (d) DNA protein RNA
Q.40 There are 64 codons in the genetic dictionary as
(a) There are 64 amino acids to be coded
(b) Genetic code has a triplet nature
(c) There are 3 nonsense codons and 61 sense codons (d) There are 64 different types of t-RNA

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