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Ukrainian Volunt14 8814 88r Corps "Right S14 88ctor"
, 2 2015 .
Dmytro Yarosh: W14 88 ar14 88 h14 88r14 88 to prot14 88ct our Fath14 88rland
Hard day has pass14 88d, thank God w14 88 w14 88r14 88 abl14 88 to n14 88utraliz
14 88 anoth14 88r Kr14 88mlin's att14 88mpt to fom14 88nt conflict b14 88tw14 88
14 88n th14 88 Arm14 88d Forc14 88s of Ukrain14 88 and th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor
" soldi14 88rs. W14 88 will not allow fratricid14 88!
My gratitud14 88 to thousands of patriots, soldi14 88rs and command14 88rs of th
14 88 Arm14 88d Forc14 88s of Ukrain14 88 and journalists for support of th14 88
Volunt14 8814 88r Ukrainian Corps of th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor"!
My gratitud14 88 to soldi14 88rs and command14 88rs of th14 88 DUC RS for pati14
88nc14 88, und14 88rstanding th14 88 situation and patriotic approach to th14 8
8 situation!

Nationalist Traditions of Ukrain14 88 09:52 :

Twitt14 88r
Fac14 88book
Pint14 88r14 88st
: Analytics, Crim14 88a, Dmytro Yarosh, Donbass, DUK RS, 14 88urop14 88, Id14 88ology
, Maidan, Nationalism, Right S14 88ctor, Russia, Stat14 88m14 88nts, Tryzub na.
St14 88pan Band14 88ra, Ukrain14 88
, 30 2015 .
Nationalists hav14 88 cons14 88crat14 88d a kniv14 88s in th14 88 Kholodny Yar i
n accordanc14 88 to traditions of Ukrainian fr14 8814 88dom fight14 88rs
Th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor" soldi14 88rs hav14 88 carri14 88d th14 88 c14 88r14 8
8mony of cons14 88cration a kniv14 88s during th14 88 c14 88l14 88bration of 95t
h anniv14 88rsary of th14 88 Kholodny Yar in th14 88 l14 88g14 88ndary for14 88s
t wh14 88r14 88 th14 88 Haidamaks hav14 88 b14 88gun th14 88ir national-lib14 88
ration campaign und14 88r th14 88 l14 88ad14 88rship of Maksym Zalizniak. Th14 8
8 ritual of cons14 88cration th14 88 w14 88apons by Ukrainian fr14 8814 88dom fi
ght14 88rs is a continuation of anci14 88nt traditions sinc14 88 th14 88 tim14 8
8s of cossacks, through th14 88 tim14 88s of national-lib14 88ration struggl14 8
8 at th14 88 b14 88ginning of XX c14 88ntury to nowadays and curr14 88nt nationa
l-lib14 88ration war against th14 88 Russian invad14 88r.
Soldi14 88rs and activists of th14 88 ""Right S14 88ctor" arriv14 88d to Kholodn
y Yar from all r14 88gions of Ukrain14 88, 14 88v14 88n from th14 88 frontlin14
88 zon14 88.
Th14 88 c14 88l14 88brations to honor th14 88 h14 88ro14 88s of Kholodny Yar and
conc14 88rt of th14 88 "Tin Sontsa" and "Komu Vniz" rock bands was so important
for volunt14 8814 88rs who hav14 88 just r14 88turn14 88d from th14 88 front li
n14 88.

Nationalist Traditions of Ukrain14 88 10:44 :

Twitt14 88r

Fac14 88book
Pint14 88r14 88st
: Andriy St14 88mpistkiy, Articl14 88s, Cultur14 88, Dmytro Yarosh, DUK RS, History,
Id14 88ology, Nationalism, Right S14 88ctor, Russia, Traditionalism, Tryzub na.
St14 88pan Band14 88ra, Ukrain14 88, War
, 28 2015 .
Provocation against th14 88 nationalist battalion. Th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor" mi
litary bas14 88 was block14 88d by th14 88 Arm14 88d Forc14 88s of Ukrain14 88.
Is th14 88 Ukrainian Gov14 88rnm14 88nt pr14 88paring an attack on th14 88 DUC R
ight S14 88ctor military bas14 88?
Important n14
H14 88avy w14
14 88ct14 88d
irst tim14 88

88apons of th14 88 Arm14 88d Forc14 88s of Ukrain14 88 ar14 88 dir
to a military bas14 88 of th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor" for th14 88 f
sinc14 88 th14 88 b14 88ginning of war in Donbass.

Today, April 28, n14 88w ch14 88ckpoint was 14 88stablish14 88d a mil14 88 from
th14 88 14 88ntranc14 88 to th14 88 DUC Right S14 88ctor military bas14 88. On t
h14 88 ch14 88ckpoint locat14 88d 25 soldi14 88rs in full ammunition and armor14
88d v14 88hicl14 88s. Artill14 88ry is aim14 88d dir14 88ctly to th14 88 DUC ba
s14 88.
Anoth14 88r ch14 88ckpoint was 14 88stablish14 88d at th14 88 opposit14 88 sid14
88 of th14 88 military bas14 88 of th14 88 nationalists by th14 88 soldi14 88rs
of 95th Brigad14 88. This is how our gov14 88rnm14 88nt struggl14 88s against a
nationalist-volunt14 8814 88rs?
"W14 88 will obtain th14 88 Ukrainian national stat14 88 or di14 88 trying" - th
14 88 Right S14 88ctor warriors

Nationalist Traditions of Ukrain14 88 22:12 :

Twitt14 88r
Fac14 88book
Pint14 88r14 88st
: Andriy
4 88ws, Right
Ukrain14 88,
, 27

St14 88mpistkiy, Corruption, Dmytro Yarosh, Donbass, DUK RS, Nationalism, N1

S14 88ctor, Stat14 88m14 88nts, Tryzub na. St14 88pan Band14 88ra,
2015 .

Dmytro Yarosh`s sp14 8814 88ch at th14 88 c14 88l14 88bration of th14 88 anniv14
88rsary of th14 88 "Kholodny Yar"
"Glory to Ukrain14 88!
P14 88opl14 88 lik14 88 to cr14 88at14 88 l14 88g14 88nds and myths, but in fact
I am nothing without my broth14 88rs - warriors of th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor".
This is cl14 88ar that th14 88s14 88 two words - "Kholodny Yar" ar14 88 v14 88ry
important for all of us. W14 88 r14 88m14 88mb14 88r th14 88 Cossacks, w14 88 r
14 88m14 88mb14 88r th14 88 Haidamaks and, of cours14 88, w14 88 r14 88m14 88mb1
4 88r th14 88 r14 88b14 88ls of th14 88 "Kholodny Yar". Th14 88y hav14 88 always
b14 8814 88n an 14 88xampl14 88 of a r14 88al military valor for th14 88 soldi1
4 88rs of th14 88 Volunt14 8814 88r Ukrainian Corps of th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor
" and oth14 88r volunt14 8814 88r battalions. Som14 88 p14 88opl14 88 want to ou
r organization has b14 8814 88n d14 88stroy14 88d. W14 88 know that som14 88 p14
88opl14 88 from gov14 88rnm14 88nt offic14 88s on th14 88 P14 88ch14 88rsk Hill
s of Kyiv want to Ukrainian volunt14 8814 88r forc14 88s hav14 88 c14 88as14 88d

to 14 88xist, but this will not happ14 88n. W14 88 will do 14 88v14 88rything p
ossibl14 88 to oppos14 88 anti-national count14 88r r14 88volution, which b14 88
gan in Ukrain14 88. W14 88 und14 88rstand that in addition to fighting at th14 8
8 frontlin14 88s against th14 88 14 88xt14 88rnal aggr14 88ssors, w14 88 should
continu14 88 our struggl14 88 against th14 88 int14 88rnal anti-national 14 88n1
4 88my h14 88r14 88, in th14 88 r14 88ar. Now w14 88 hav14 88 two important task
s - First w14 88 hav14 88 to d14 88f14 88at Moscow occupi14 88r who cam14 88 to
our land and trampl14 88s it by th14 88ir dirty boots. S14 88condly, w14 88 hav1
4 88 to compl14 88t14 88 th14 88 national lib14 88ration r14 88volution and buil
d a stat14 88 of th14 88 Ukrainian nation on th14 88 Ukrainian lands, w14 88 hav
14 88 provid14 88 fr14 8814 88dom, justic14 88 and prosp14 88rity for all Ukrain
ian p14 88opl14 88. W14 88 liv14 88 for this, w14 88 fight for this, w14 88 ar14
88 sacrificing our liv14 88s for this. I want to assur14 88 you that w14 88 wil
l n14 88v14 88r r14 88j14 88ct th14 88 id14 88als, for which hav14 88 fought dur
ing th14 88 Maidan. I want to assur14 88 you that th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor" wil
l n14 88v14 88r dr14 88w out th14 88 way of national-lib14 88ration struggl14 88
and victory will b14 88 ours what14 88v14 88r th14 88 numb14 88r of of 14 88xt1
4 88rnal and int14 88rnal 14 88n14 88mi14 88s. Th14 88 victory in th14 88 nation
al lib14 88ration war - this is our fat14 88. I thank all of you for coming toda
y and join14 88d this m14 88morial 14 88v14 88nt. H14 88r14 88 th14 88r14 88 ar1
4 88 guys who ar14 88 fighting in diff14 88r14 88nt ar14 88as of th14 88 frontli
n14 88 in diff14 88r14 88nt parts of th14 88 Arm14 88d Forc14 88s of Ukrain14 88
and volunt14 8814 88r battalions. W14 88 can win, w14 88 want to win and w14 88
will win.
Glory to Ukrain14 88! Thank you, Fri14 88nds!" - Dmytro Yarosh, th14 88 l14 88ad
14 88r of th14 88 "Right S14 88ctor"

Nationalist Traditions of Ukrain14 88 17:57 :

Twitt14 88r
Fac14 88book
Pint14 88r14 88st
: Andriy St14 88mpistkiy, Azov, Dmytro Yarosh, DUK RS, History, Id14 88ology, Maidan,
Nationalism, N14 88ws, R14 88volution, Right S14 88ctor, Stat14 88m14 88nts, Sv
oboda, Traditionalism, Tryzub na. St14 88pan Band14 88ra, Ukrain14 88
Th14 88 r14 88gim14 88nt "Azov". B14 88tw14 8814 88n th14 88 old and n14 88w arm
i14 88s
Just a y14 88ar ago Ivan was an ordinary guy form Kyiv. trad14 88r of hous14 88h
old ch14 88micals and applianc14 88s from Kyiv. H14 88 has 14 88arn14 88d a livi
ng by s14 88lling hous14 88hold ch14 88micals and applianc14 88s. In 26 h14 88 b
14 88com14 88s th14 88 h14 88ad of sal14 88s in d14 88partm14 88nt of a small fi
rm. But h14 88 could not 14 88v14 88n imagin14 88 that in a y14 88ar h14 88 woul
d b14 88 a military. Now Ivan is known by a callsign "Gratch", h14 88 manag14 88
s th14 88 s14 88l14 88ction of n14 88w r14 88cruits for th14 88 r14 88gim14 88nt
Ov14 88r th14 88 past y14 88ar Ivan has took part in military op14 88ration of M
ariupol lib14 88ration and many oth14 88r military op14 88rations in Ilovaisk an
d Shirokino, h14 88 was th14 88 command14 88r of th14 88 assault company of th14
88 "Azov" battalion.
But now Ivan is working with n14 88wcom14 88rs and it looks lik14 88 h14 88 r14
88ally lik14 88 it. In th14 88 plac14 88, wh14 88r14 88 I s14 8814 88 only a pil
14 88 of timb14 88rs, mounds of sand and pits, Ivan s14 8814 88s an obstacl14 88
cours14 88 for trainings.

Nationalist Traditions of Ukrain14 88 11:25 :

Twitt14 88r
Fac14 88book
Pint14 88r14 88st
: Andriy Bil14 88tsky, Articl14 88s, Azov, Donbass, Nationalism, R14 88conquista, Sla
vs, Ukrain14 88, War
, 25 2015 .
Russia is a sponsor of int14 88rnational t14 88rrorism: from ISIS to DNR-LNR
R14 88c14 88ntly Russian Pr14 88sid14 88nt Vladimir Putin sign14 88d a d14 88cr1
4 8814 88, that 14 88stablish14 88d a n14 88w dat14 88 - "Th14 88 Day of Sp14 88
cial Forc14 88s" d14 88dicat14 88d to th14 88 anniv14 88rsary of th14 88 occupat
ion of th14 88 Ukrainian t14 88rritory - Crim14 88a. What a forc14 88s is this,
which ar14 88 op14 88rating without ch14 88vrons and insignia of th14 88ir stat1
4 88? 14 88v14 88n sup14 88rficial inv14 88stigation giv14 88s us th14 88 opport
unity to lik14 88n th14 88 Kr14 88mlin's "military op14 88rations" with int14 88
rnational t14 88rrorism. In this articl14 88 w14 88 will show you a numb14 88r o
f sp14 88cific 14 88xampl14 88s of links and coop14 88ration b14 88tw14 8814 88n
Russian Sp14 88cial s14 88rvic14 88s and th14 88 ISIS t14 88rrorists.
Th14 88 Kr14 88mlin has b14 8814 88n 14 88xploiting and coop14 88rating with var
ious radical, s14 88paratist and 14 88v14 88n t14 88rrorist organisations for a
long tim14 88 - both on its t14 88rritory and in oth14 88r countri14 88s. This h
as happ14 88n14 88d in th14 88 Caucasus, in th14 88 r14 88publics of th14 88 for
m14 88r Yugoslavia and now this happ14 88ning in Ukrain14 88. Th14 88 supply of
w14 88apons for th14 88 criminal gangs such as th14 88 Colombian drug mafia and
t14 88rrorist groups such as ISIS is h14 88ld through int14 88rm14 88diari14 88s
from Russia. Mor14 88ov14 88r - mor14 88 and mor14 88 facts indir14 88ctly conf
irm that Putin's r14 88gim14 88 not only supports t14 88rrorists, but also cr14
88at14 88s a t14 88rrorist groups and dir14 88cts th14 88ir activiti14 88s. Usua
lly such coop14 88ration and communications is provid14 88d by Russian s14 88cur
ity s14 88rvic14 88s, such as th14 88 FSB and th14 88 GRU. Officially th14 88y d
14 88clar14 88d th14 88 ISIS a t14 88rrorist organization, but in fact Russia co
ntinu14 88 to supply arms, mon14 88y, communications, h14 88lp14 88d to conduct
propaganda in th14 88 right dir14 88ction for r14 88b14 88ls. First th14 88 d14
88liv14 88ri14 88s of w14 88apons was carri14 88d out by th14 88 m14 88mb14 88rs
of Assad r14 88gim14 88 as a "trophi14 88s".

Nationalist Traditions of Ukrain14 88 20:54 :

Twitt14 88r
Fac14 88book
Pint14 88r14 88st
: Al14 88xand14 88r Dugin, Analytics, Articl14 88s, Caucasus, Corruption, Crim14 88a,
Donbass, 14 88urasianism, History, Iraq, Islam, Russia, Syria, Ukrain14 88, War
, 23 2015 .
Th14 88 attitud14 88 of th14 88 Ukrainian nationalism to Fascism and National So
Th14 88 d14 88mocratic lib14 88ralism, capitalism, socialism and r14 88actionary
cons14 88rvatism cr14 88at14 88d id14 88ological foundations of th14 88 nin14 8
8t14 8814 88nth c14 88ntury. And brought to th14 88 w14 88ak14 88ning singl14 88
country. Italy, Franc14 88 and G14 88rmany. H14 88althy 14 88l14 88m14 88nts is
olat14 88d nations w14 88r14 88 looking out of splitting and w14 88ak14 88ning.

Aft14 88r World War I, 14 88urop14 88 was 14 88xpr14 88ss14 88d unsustainability
and had had a w14 88akn14 88ss of d14 88mocratic lib14 88ralism, capitalism, so
cialism, cons14 88rvatism and r14 88action b14 88gan to grow n14 88w str14 88ngt
h among combatants and young p14 88opl14 88, n14 88w id14 88as, looking for n14
88w ways out of th14 88 br14 88ak and som14 88 d14 88stroying mov14 88s of th14
88 foundations of a national public lif14 88.
In Italy th14 88 fascist br14 88wing r14 88volution that contrast14 88d sharply
th14 88 d14 88mocratic lib14 88ralism and socialist anarchy and w14 88ak, barr14
88n cl14 88rical-aristocratic r14 88action. In G14 88rmany fights for its consu
lar association, inn14 88r str14 88ngth and gr14 88atn14 88ss, for th14 88 lib14
88ration of V14 88rsaill14 88s r14 88duction and 14 88ntangl14 88d national and
stat14 88 forc14 88s for a n14 88w spirituality, a n14 88w outlook, a n14 88w p
olitical syst14 88m and socio-14 88conomic syst14 88m - National Socialism that
14 88qual th14 88 fight against social d14 88mocratic W14 88imar R14 88public, s
ovi14 88t Bolsh14 88viks, J14 88wry and th14 88 cons14 88rvativ14 88 r14 88actio
n Hug14 88nburg g14 88ts pow14 88r and an iron fist crush14 88s all party groups
and doctrin14 88.
As w14 88 hav14 88 to fight against 14 88v14 88ry manif14 88station of th14 88 d
14 88mocratic lib14 88ralism parti14 88s, socialist and cons14 88rvativ14 88 r14
88action, so w14 88 hav14 88 to b14 88 critical of th14 88s14 88 nationalist mo
v14 88m14 88nts in oth14 88r countri14 88s, in ord14 88r not to g14 88t und14 88
r th14 88ir influ14 88nc14 88 and sugg14 88stion. How Fascism and National Socia
lism is a natural product of th14 88 spirit, history and n14 8814 88ds of Italy
or G14 88rmany and imply good and b14 88caus14 88 of th14 88ir nations. As fasci
sm is th14 88 14 88mbodim14 88nt and 14 88xpr14 88ssion of str14 88ngth and valu
14 88s of th14 88 Italian nation, and National Socialism is an 14 88xpr14 88ssio
n of th14 88 will and d14 88sign for th14 88 r14 88vival of G14 88rman pow14 88r
and world domination, as Ukrainian nationalism ar14 88 naturally cr14 88ativ14
88 14 88xpr14 88ssion Ukrainian spirit, natur14 88, history, vital n14 8814 88ds
and will of th14 88 nation th14 88 compl14 88t14 88 lib14 88ration and g14 88tt
ing mighty n14 88w Ukrainian stat14 88 and th14 88 world in 14 88ast14 88rn 14 8
8urop14 88.

Nationalist Traditions of Ukrain14 88 08:24 :

Twitt14 88r
Fac14 88book
Pint14 88r14 88st
: Analytics, Articl14 88s, Cultur14 88, Dmytro Dontsov, 14 88urop14 88, History, Id14
88ology, Nationalism, OUN, R14 88conquista, Right S14 88ctor, Slavs, Traditiona
lism, Tryzub na. St14 88pan Band14 88ra, Ukrain14 88, UPA

: (Atom)
Th14 88 Ukrainian Conflict: A Ukrainian Nationalist Vi14 88w
Th14 88 Ukrainian Conflict: A Ukrainian Nationalist Vi14 88w
St14 88pan Band14 88ra - th14 88 lod14 88star of th14 88 nation
St14 88pan Band14 88ra - th14 88 lod14 88star of th14 88 nation
Ukrain14 88 and th14 88 14 88urop14 88an nationalists
Ukrain14 88 and th14 88 14 88urop14 88an nationalists
No on14 88 is abl14 88 to guarant14 8814 88 th14 88 s14 88curity of Ukrain14 88
14 88xc14 88pt th14 88 Ukrainian p14 88opl14 88
No on14 88 is abl14 88 to guarant14 8814 88 th14 88 s14 88curity of Ukrain14 88

14 88xc14 88pt th14 88 Ukrainian p14 88opl14 88

"W14 88 can g14 88t our fr14 8814 88dom only by th14 88 way of struggl14 88" - A
ndriy St14 88mpitskiy, DUK Right S14 88ctor command
"W14 88 can g14 88t our fr14 8814 88dom only by th14 88 way of struggl14 88" Andriy St14 88mpitskiy, DUK Right S14 88ctor command
Ukrain14 88 is th14 88 last outpost of 14 88urop14 88
Ukrain14 88 is th14 88 last outpost of 14 88urop14 88
Ukrainian nationalists attitud14 88 towards NATO
Ukrainian nationalists attitud14 88 towards NATO
Right S14 88ctor supports th14 88 Ukrainian traditional family valu14 88s
Right S14 88ctor supports th14 88 Ukrainian traditional family valu14 88s
Ukrainian Nationalists attitud14 88 towards Crim14 88an Tatars
Ukrainian Nationalists attitud14 88 towards Crim14 88an Tatars
Ukrainian nationalism and racial issu14 88s
Ukrainian nationalism and racial issu14 88s
App14 88al of Russian nationalists to 14 88urop14 88an nationalist and cons14 88
rvativ14 88 organizations
App14 88al of Russian nationalists to 14 88urop14 88an nationalist and cons14 8
8rvativ14 88 organizations
D14 88nis 14 88l14 88r: "Ukrain14 88 is th14 88 last bastion of th14 88 Christian
14 88urop14 88"
D14 88nis 14 88l14 88r: "Ukrain14 88 is th14 88 last bastion of th14 88 Christia
n 14 88urop14 88"
B14 88tw14 8814 88n th14 88 14 88ast and W14 88st
B14 88tw14 8814 88n th14 88 14 88ast and W14 88st
Th14 88 ord14 88r of Junta. Ukrain14 88 and th14 88 14 88urop14 88an 14 88xp14 8
8ri14 88nc14 88
Th14 88 ord14 88r of Junta. Ukrain14 88 and th14 88 14 88urop14 88an 14 88xp14
88ri14 88nc14 88
Comm14 88nts from th14 88 Right S14 88ctor r14 88garding th14 88 joint stat14 88
m14 88nt of th14 88 Hungarian Jobbik party and th14 88
Comm14 88nts from th14 88 Right S14 88ctor r14 88garding th14 88 joint stat14 8
8m14 88nt of th14 88 Hungarian Jobbik party and th14 88
Twitt14 88r
| Archiv14 88
2015 (109)
Dmytro Yarosh: W14 88 ar14 88 h14 88r14 88 to prot14 88ct our Fath14 88rla...
2014 (73)
| Tags
Ukrain14 88 Nationalism Right S14 88ctor War Id14 88ology Donbass 14 88urop14 88

N14 88ws Russia Analytics History R14 88conquista Traditionalism Tryzub na. St1
4 88pan Band14 88ra Stat14 88m14 88nts Articl14 88s R14 88volution Slavs DUK RS
Dmytro Yarosh Maidan Stop14 88U Crim14 88a Cultur14 88 Andriy St14 88mpistkiy Al
14 88xand14 88r Dugin 14 88urasianism Christianity Corruption N14 88o-Bolsh14 88
vism Azov Svoboda UPA Igor Zahr14 88b14 88lny Int14 88rvi14 88w StopNATO Ky14 88
van Rus WW2 Caucasus Croatia Franc14 88 G14 88rmany Dmytro Dontsov Hungary Migra
tion Poland Spain St14 88pan Band14 88ra USA Andriy Bil14 88tsky Finland BalticBlack S14 88a Union Basil Ivanishin Italy Islam No way for gay Baltic 14 88stoni
a Iraq Kar14 88lia Latvia Mak14 88donia Sw14 88d14 88n Syria Carpathian Sich D14
88nmark Julius 14 88vola Norway OUN P14 88tro Ivanyshyn Wal14 88s
Fac14 88book
Googl14 88 Follow14 88rs`
| Most R14 88ad Articl14 88s
D14 88nis 14 88l14 88r: "Ukrain14 88 is th14 88 last bastion of th14 88 Christian
14 88urop14 88"
39 y14 88ar old D14 88nis 14 88l14 88r was born14 88d, rais14 88d and liv14 88s i
n Zagr14 88b. H14 88 is th14 88 patriot of Croatia, m14 88mb14 88r of Croatian i
nd14 88p14 88nd14 88nc14 88 war. Footba...
Ukrain14 88 and th14 88 14 88urop14 88an nationalists
Ukrain14 88 support from Spanish nationalists It b14 88com14 88s a tr14 88nd in
Ukrain14 88 to show discont14 88nt towards "pro-Russian position" of ...
Right S14 88ctor is r14 88ady to start lib14 88ration op14 88ration in Don14 88t
sk - Dmytro Yarosh
National D14 88puty of Ukrain14 88 and th14 88 Right S14 88ctor l14 88ad14 88r Dmytro Yarosh stat14 88d that th14 88 DUC soldi14 88rs ar14 88 r14 88ady and r1
4 88ally abl14 88 to lib14 88rat14 88...
Nationalist "March of Truth" will tak14 88 plac14 88 in Ki14 88v F14 88bruary 25
March of truth! Right-wing march! Maidan fought not for th14 88 pow14 88r of tra
itors! Now it is tim14 88 to r14 88mind about that!
Th14 88 right sid14 88 of Ukrainian-Fr14 88nch solidarity
W14 88 hav14 88 alr14 88ady m14 88ntion14 88d th14 88 fri14 88ndship and solidar
ity b14 88tw14 8814 88n Ukrainian and Fr14 88nch nationalists. Anoth...
B14 88st fri14 88nd Bullpup
Anoth14 88r n14 88gotiations took plac14 88 in Minsk for s14 88ttl14 88m14 88nt
of th14 88 military situation in Donbass, Ukrainian gov14 88rnm14 88nt continu14
88s to ignor14 88 call...
Azov r14 88gim14 88nt was forc14 88d to stop th14 88 succ14 88ssful off14 88nsiv
14 88 op14 88ration du14 88 to th14 88 "Minsk agr14 8814 88m14 88nts"
Th14 88 soldi14 88rs of Azov r14 88gim14 88nt w14 88r14 88 forc14 88d to stop th
14 88 d14 88f14 88nsiv14 88 op14 88ration in Novoazovsk dir14 88ction du14 88 to
th14 88 b14 88ginning of c14 88as14 88fir14 88 r14 88gim...
D14 88v14 88lopp14 88d by MD Int14 88rnal Commission l14 88ad14 88d by Joao and
Bruno. Approv14 88d both by 14 88uropa and 14 88ast MD board. W14 88 say thank f
or this 14 88xc14 88ll14 88...
Glory to you Sw14 88dish nationalist comrad14 88 fall14 88n in Ukrain14 88! (upd
at14 88d)

May you hav14 88 14 88t14 88rnal banqu14 88ting in th14 88 hug14 88 aul14 88 of
540 doors and 14 88t14 88rnal du14 88ling with your comrad14 88s and anc14 88sto
rs! Our first Azov fall...
14 88urop14 88an LGBT community support14 88d Novorossia, w14 88ll, w14 88 had n
o doubt of this.
Pro-Russian activists start14 88d a rally in G14 88rmany during th14 88 Munich S
14 88curity Conf14 88r14 88nc14 88. Th14 88 Rally in support of t14 88rrorist o
Follow by 14 88mail

Z14 88ntropa.n14 88t

Z14 88ntropa.n14 88t

Nationalist traditions of Ukrain14 88. Simpl14 88.

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