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0 Introduction
For year 1 English Language KSSR syllabus, there are the elements of
learning about the pronunciation of phonics sound. All of the alphabetical letters are
having their own phonic sounds which differ from pronouncing the letters itself during
the old days.
Teaching the pupils on how to pronounce the phonemes is easy but it
challenge the teacher well in making the pupils to produce the perfect pronunciation
for every phonemes. The teacher himself have to be expert in providing the correct
pronunciation whether pronouncing it by himself or providing the example done by
the native speaker. Besides, poor speaking skill of the pupils might become the
hardest challenge for the pupils to succeed in producing the correct pronunciation of
the phonemes. Usually the learning process of this particular element needs drilling
a lot and the problem of too much drilling session provides boredom to the pupils.
The only way of making it successful is to make it in a fun way.
In order to overcome this problem, the researcher decided to use Song as
the material to drill and learning of producing the correct pronunciation of phoneme
r to year 1 pupils. This research attempted to investigate the effectiveness of using
the drilling session through singing the song containing the words which having the
phoneme of r to improve year 1 pronunciation of the sound of phoneme r.

1.1 Background
This study is to make research about the effectiveness of using song to
improve the pronunciation of the phonic r. It can be defined as the way of improving
the pronunciation of the pupils in pronouncing the phonic r by having a drilling
session through singing the song. Song is the method used by the teacher to
overcome the problem of the pupils which is pronouncing the phonic r correctly. This

study implemented in order to fulfil the syllabus of year 1 KSSR English Language
which includes the learning of the phonic sounds.

1.2 Reflection of Past Teaching Experience

The pupils in my class were having a problem in pronouncing some phonics sound
correctly. They often produce the wrong pronunciation of some phonics even if it was
taught several times. I was already producing the correct pronunciation of those
phonemes during the teaching session. The pupils seem to be bored of the teaching
session as it was only focusing on the drilling of producing the correct pronunciation
of the phonics sound. The pupils expect some fun element when having the drilling
session. From my observation during the previous teaching session, the pupils tend
to corporate well in an active manner when the teaching was having a game. They
expect to have exact same activity which was a game or other some fun activity for
the teaching process of pronouncing the phonics sound as they like to fun activities.
I may say that their preferred ways of learning is through an active and fun activity.


2.1 Research issue
Based on the reflection of my previous teaching experiences, I want to study about
how to overcome the problem of the year 1 pupils in pronouncing the phoneme r.
The issue here is very important to overcome as the pronunciation of phoneme is the
basic root in forming the correct pronunciation of words. Wrong pronunciation of the
phonemes usually lead to the wrong pronunciation of the whole word as the
combination of phonics sound to form words is at the wrong manner from the

beginning. The importance of overcoming the issue is that without having the pupils
pronouncing the phonics sound correctly means that the pupils have not completely
achieved the syllabus in the year 1 KSSR English Language subject. It is important
for the pupils to complete it to successfully proceed to the next syllabus in their future
learning. This research also important for the researcher as the future teacher which
will definitely have to provides the best knowledge and practices during the teaching
process in the future. As for that, it is important for the researcher to find the best
solution and teaching method for this kind of issue. The issue is on the pupils
speaking skill which to be exact on the capability of the pupils in pronouncing the
phonics sound correctly. This research can be carried out easily as the participant of
the research is the taken from the class taught by the researcher. Besides, the issue
in this research is focusing on the pupils speaking skill which can be improved using
drilling session. Other than that, the preparation for the research would not be too
hard as the researcher can implement it during the teaching session. The only
limitation of this research is that the different level of the proficiency of the
participants involved.
2.2 What have I learnt about my research issue?
3.1 Research Objectives
This research aims to explore ways in which I can improve the pronunciation of
phonics sound effectively.
3.2 Research Questions
How can I improve the pronunciation of phonics sound effectively?


The process of choosing the participants is by using the diagnostic test to find the
pupils which was having the problem in pronouncing the phonics sound correctly.

The chosen participants included both gender which are males and females to
observe the difference level of proficiency between both genders.
5.1 The intervention is in the form of a song. The song is using the music of some
children song but the lyric is change into some other lyrics to be really drilling on the
phonics sound of r. The song lyrics have a special element whereby is can be
changed into some other lyrics depending on the phonics sound that the researcher
wants to drill.

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