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Hey, look who's here. Benson.

-This is for you.

-But l didn't get you anything.
Your uncle has invited several
of the partners from his law firm to dinner.
At the time of the invitation(convite),
he did not realize...
you'd be descending upon him today.
And regrettably(lamentavelmente), it was too late to cancel.
Yo, are we having a party?
We're gonna get stupid, right?
For some of us,
that will require very little effort indeed.(de fato)
-Miss Ashley.
-That will be all, Geoffrey.
That's all you had to say to get rid of him?(livrer-se(dele))
l've been racking(torturando) my brain.
-This is for you.
-Thank you, Ashley.
This is nice. You're very talented.
Well, l'm glad l'm good at something.
l tried out for(tentei entrar) the school chorus today,
but l didn't get in.
How come?
Well, when l auditioned for Mrs. Berkley...
l couldn't remember

all the words to the song.

The part l remembered was fantastic.
-l'm sure it was. l bet you're def.
-That's what she said.
Not deaf. D-E-F. That's just slang.
Means terrific, good.
Thank you.
You should try rapping.
When you're rapping,
you mess up the words...
and make up(compe, constri) some new ones
right there on the spot.
Let's try this. l'll sing one line,
you make up a line to rhyme it.
-All right. Let's see.
''You didn't get into
Miss Berkley's chorus''
-l'm thinking, all right?
-That's all right. We got all day.
-Okay, l've got it.
-Here we go.
''You didn't get into
Miss Berkley's chorus''
''l'd like to hit her in the head
with Roget's Thesaurus''
''Don't need no choir

when you're a rapper''

''Gonna hunt Miss Berkley down(perseguir e capturer)
and zap her''(dar um tiro, destruir, atacar)
''Got this whole town of Bel-Air buzzing(zumbindo)''
''Get a load of me(pay attention on) and my rapping cousin''
Ashley, why don't you go downstairs
and get ready for dinner.
-Okay, Daddy. Bye, Will.
-Check you later, Ash.
Look who's here, Will.
Who is he?
lt's your cousin, Carlton.
Don't you remember?
When you two were little,
people thought you were twins.
You looked exactly alike(parecido, semelhante)
l guess some things never change.
-How's it going there, Will?
-lt's going all right.
-Malcolm X.
-He's sort of my hero.
Well, he was a great man.
l don't know
if l'd call him my hero exactly.
-Really? Who are your heroes?
-Well, my dad.
And Bryant Gumbel. He's darn good.

Oh, my, yes!

l see they brought your tuxedo(smoking).
Tell me something, Will.
Have you ever attended
a formal dinner before?
Other than that thing
at Buckingham Palace, no.
The important thing to remember
is to relax, enjoy yourself...
and when in doubt,
do whatever Carlton's doing.
-You got it, man.
-Okay, l'll see you at dinner.
-That's a really neat tux(smoking limpo), isn't it, Will?
-Yes. lt's definitely the cat's meow.
Wait till we come downstairs
in those tuxes.
People may not think we're twins,
but l bet they'll think we're brothers.
l don't think you have to worry about
anybody mistaking you for a brother.
This is going to be great.
Your first formal dinner.
And tomorrow,
l'll introduce you to the gang.
Maybe we'll play a set of tennis or two.

Yes, this is going to be wild.

-Where is he?
-He's upstairs changing.
Not Will. President Reagan.
-You didn't?
-What do you mean, l didn't?
-You invited him again.
-Why not? He's our neighbor.
He's turned down(recusou, rejeitou) the last 16 invitations.
When are you gonna take a hint?(tomar verginha na cara)
-Maybe l should call his house.
-Don't. l don't want him here.
-Why not?
-Because he'll bring her.
Anyway, Bruce, Demi and l all feel
that the ozone layer=camada de oznio) must be protected.
l mean, every square foot
of rain forest that's cut down=derrubada...
brings us just one step closer
to global warming.
We have to learn to protect the earth.
Not just for ourselves
and not just for our children...
but for the future of all mankind.
l had no idea
it was such a serious problem.
l really commend you for getting involved

in such a good cause.

Thanks. lt's my passion.
-Where can l send a donation?
-l don't know.
Oh, my God!
Philip, don't make a big thing out of it.(grande coisa com isso)
lf this is how he feels comfortable....
He's not killing anybody.
Aren't you going to introduce Will?
lntroduce him.
Well, Steve, David, Henry.
This is Will, my nephew by marriage.
Will, these are my partners
in the law firm of Furth, Winn and Meyer.
Earth, Wind & Fire!
When's your next album coming out?
Will is going to go
to Bel-Air Academy with Carlton.
Good for you, Will.
l used to fence at Bel-Air.
Really? How much do you think
we could get for that stereo?
These hors d'oeuvres look tempting.
Don't mind if l do.
-How could you do that?
-lt's all in the tongue. l'll show you later.
There are other people at this table.

You're right.
Any requests?
-Sweetie, would you say grace, please?
-Yes, Mommy.
''Hey, there, Lord
My name is Ashley Banks
''My family and friends
Want to give you some thanks
''So before this dinner's
All swallowed(engolido) and chewed(mastigado)
''Thank you, God, for this stupid food''

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