You are on page 1of 10

--------------------------------2015/1/28 12:35:44------------------------------A memory block has been leaked.

The size is: 116

This block was allocated by thread 0x175C, and the stack trace (return addresses
) at the time was:
[0088A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[00891592] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@NewUnicodeString
[008917C3] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@UStrFromPWCharLen
[00B4DFE5] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseClasses.TAIMPStringList.ParseBuffer [+13] (Lin
e: 1204)
[00B4E70E] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseClasses.TAIMPStringList.SetText [+1] (Line: 14
[004A16B9] [ AIMP3.exe] AIMPCmdLineProcessor.TAIMPCommandInfoItem.Execute [+8]
(Line: 326)
[004A0FB7] [ AIMP3.exe] AIMPCmdLineProcessor.TAIMPCommandProcessor.DoExecute [
+5] (Line: 177)
[004A0FFF] [ AIMP3.exe] AIMPCmdLineProcessor.TAIMPCommandProcessor.Execute [+2
] (Line: 184)
[004A13E1] [ AIMP3.exe] AIMPCmdLineProcessor.TAIMPCommandProcessor.Initialize
[+3] (Line: 263)
[0049DAC4] [ AIMP3.exe] AIMPMain.TAIMPMainForm.WndAppProc [+33] (Line: 1755)
[00B3E016] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Forms.
The block is currently used for an object of class: UnicodeString
The allocation number is: 60339
Current memory dump of 256
B0 04 02 00 01 00 00 00 30
00 73 00 69 00
63 00 5C 00 61 00 61 00 32
00 39 00 30 00
35 00 30 00 66 00 62 00 37
00 64 00 61 00
63 00 37 00 2E 00 6D 00 70
00 31 D8 98 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 C4 17 89 00
E6 DF B4 00 0F E7 B4 00 BA
00 17 E0 B3 00
5C 17 00 00 5C 17 00 00 C6
00 A1 8F 8C 00
0A 84 41 00 73 F4 88 00 72
00 A1 AF 20 8B
. . . . . . . 0
s . i .
c . \ . a . a . 2
. 9 . 0 .
5 . 0 . f . b . 7
. d . a .
c . 7 . . . m . p
. . . . . . . . .
. . .
\ . . . \ . . .
A . s
. r

bytes starting at pointer address 7F98D6B0:

00 00 00 44 00 3A 00 5C 00 4D 00 79 00 20 00 4D 00 75
00 36 00 63 00 66 00 62 00 65 00 38 00 66 00 63 00 61
00 64 00 65 00 66 00 66 00 63 00 32 00 31 00 37 00 35
00 33 00 00 00 C8 46 FB 7A 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 EB 00 00 AA A2 88 00 93 15 89
16 4A 00 B8 0F 4A 00 00 10 4A 00 E2 13 4A 00 C5 DA 49
A2 88 00 50 1A 89 00 50 94 C3 00 EF 8D C3 00 73 F4 88
D5 B4 00 37 38 96 00 2C 33 96 00 70 00 00 00 B0 04 02
. . . D . : . \ . M . y .

. M . u .

. 6 . c . f . b . e . 8 . f . c . a
. d . e . f . f . c . 2 . 1 . 7 . 5
. 3 . . . F z K . , . K . . . . .
. .
. J



. .
. J


. . J

, 3


. .
. J . I . .

. s
p . . . . . .

--------------------------------2015/1/28 12:35:44------------------------------

-A memory block has been leaked. The size is: 20

This block was allocated by thread 0x13D0, and the stack trace (return addresses
) at the time was:
[0088A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[0088F356] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.NewInstance
[0088FB69] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@ClassCreate
[00B53111] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseFileUtils.TFileStreamW.Create (Line: 1167)
[00B4AE56] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseStreamUtils.StreamCreateReader [+1] (Line: 427
[00C30470] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPSoundOutDecoders.TAIMPSoundOutSourceParams.CreateS
tream [+2] (Line: 454)
[00C36DF3] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPSoundOutDecodersBASS.TAIMPSoundOutBassDecoder.Crea
teBassHandle [+1] (Line: 205)
[1100306E] [
[11002665] [
[11022269] [
[00C36D1A] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPSoundOutDecodersBASS.TAIMPSoundOutBassDecoder.Chec
kBassState [+12] (Line: 175)
The block is currently used for an object of class: TFileStreamW
The allocation number is: 634621
Current memory dump of 256
D4 04 B5 00 DC 03 00 00 BC
00 A1 38 FA 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 C4 17 89 00
D7 42 8C 00 6E 34 40 00 31
00 AA A2 88 00
5C 17 00 00 5C 17 00 00 B2
00 38 0D 89 00
B2 13 89 00 1D AB 4A 00 54
00 F3 33 C9 EC
38 06 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C
00 01 42 FA 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 ED 4A 89 00
1E 4C 89 00 54 A2 98 00 55
00 98 D3 97 00
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. n 4 @ . 1
\ . . . \ . . .
. . J . T
8 . K . , . K . ,
. B
. . . . . . . . .
. L
. T
. U

bytes starting at pointer address 7FFA2480:

D6 98 7F 00 00 00 00 B1 C9 1B 43 2C 09 4B 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 3B 20 00 AA A2 88 00 93 15 89
B6 A1 00 6E 34 40 00 7D 34 40 00 3F 44 40 00 7F 44 40
16 89 00 AE 39 89 00 D7 39 89 00 ED 38 89 00 3E 09 8D
11 E0 75 99 B2 15 77 6C B2 15 77 14 00 00 00 B0 04 02
09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 0C CC 36 13 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 42 00 00 5E 46 40 00 E7 A2 88
A3 98 00 77 A3 98 00 5E A7 98 00 0D D5 97 00 D6 D5 97


. .
K .



, .

. .
. . K
@ . }
. w l
K . ,


. C
@ .
. w
K .



K .
@ .
. .
6 .

. .
> .
. .

. .
@ .
. .
. .



. . . . . . . 8 B . . ^ F @ .

. J

. w

. ^

. .

--------------------------------2015/1/28 12:35:44------------------------------This application has leaked memory. The small block leaks are (excluding expecte
d leaks registered by pointer):
13 - 20 bytes: TFileStreamW x 1
101 - 116 bytes: UnicodeString x 1

Note: Memory leak detail is logged to a text file in the same folder as this app
lication. To disable this memory leak check, undefine "EnableMemoryLeakReporting
--------------------------------2015/2/28 11:12:02------------------------------FastMM has detected an attempt to call a virtual method on a freed object. An ac
cess violation will now be raised in order to abort the current operation.
Virtual method: Offset +28
The allocation number was: 49528
The object was allocated by thread 0x49C, and the stack trace (return addresses)
at the time was:
[0089A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[0089F356] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.NewInstance
[0089FB69] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@ClassCreate
[008A6E9A] [ AIMP3.dll] System.UTF8ToString
[0089F229] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.ClassName
[05326482] [ AIMP3.exe]
[0532649A] [ AIMP3.exe]
[053263FA] [ AIMP3.exe]
[00455EE2] [ AIMP3.exe] AIMPPluginsModuleHostUpdater.TAIMPModuleUpdater.Module
Load [+7] (Line: 61)
[00C3D3A3] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPluginsCore.TAIMPModule.SetEnabled [+4] (Line: 673
[00C3D4A8] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPluginsCore.TAIMPModulesManager.ConfigLoad [+4] (L
ine: 704)
The object was subsequently freed by thread 0x49C, and the stack trace (return a
ddresses) at the time was:
[0089A2C5] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@FreeMem
[0089F374] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.FreeInstance
[0089FBB4] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@ClassDestroy
[053253D9] [ AIMP3.exe]
[0089F472] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.Free
[008D8FA0] [ AIMP3.dll] System.SysUtils.
[0532653E] [ AIMP3.exe]
[008A6588] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TInterfacedObject._Release
[008A647A] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@IntfClear
[00455FB6] [ AIMP3.exe] AIMPPluginsModuleHostUpdater.TAIMPModuleUpdater.Module
Unload [+4] (Line: 71)
[00C3D3AF] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPluginsCore.TAIMPModule.SetEnabled [+6] (Line: 675
The current thread ID is 0x49C, and the stack trace (return addresses) leading t
o this error is:
[00BD32D8] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseNetwork.TAIMPNetworkClientHttp.SyncThreadCompl
ete [+6] (Line: 1235)
[0098C031] [ AIMP3.dll] System.Classes.
[0098BBAA] [ AIMP3.dll] System.Classes.
[00B4E736] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Forms.
[7601881E] [ USER32.dll]
[760188C8] [ USER32.dll]
[0098F909] [ AIMP3.dll] System.Classes.
[760186EE] [ USER32.dll]
[76018875] [ USER32.dll]
[7601881E] [ USER32.dll]

[0098F909] [

AIMP3.dll] System.Classes.

Current memory dump of 256

38 06 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C
00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C
00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C
00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C
00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C
00 91 D3 A6 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 C4 17 8A 00
A9 BD C3 00 B2 BF C3 00 00
00 AC C2 C3 00
9C 04 00 00 9C 04 00 00 C6
00 6E F3 89 00
8 . K . , . K . ,
. , . K .
, . K . , . K . ,
. , . K .
, . K . , . K . ,
. , . K .
, . K . , . K . ,
. , . K .
, . K . , . K . ,

. . . . . . . . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

bytes starting at pointer address 7FA6D650:

09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B
09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B
09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B
09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B
09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 82 1C D8 57 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 BC 00 00 AA A2 89 00 93 15 8A
78 C4 00 FF 76 C4 00 90 77 C4 00 C0 C4 C3 00 9F CD C3
A2 89 00 4D 16 8A 00 A5 39 8A 00 ED 38 8A 00 E3 F4 89
. K . , . K . , . K . , . K . , . K
. K . , . K . , . K . , . K . , . K
. K . , . K . , . K . , . K . , . K
. K . , . K . , . K . , . K . , . K
. K . , . K . , . K .

. W . . . .

. . . . . . . P . .
. .
x . v .
w . .

. M .
. 9
. 8
. n

--------------------------------2015/2/28 11:12:06------------------------------A memory block has been leaked. The size is: 20
This block was allocated by thread 0x49C, and the stack trace (return addresses)
at the time was:
[0089A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[0089F356] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.NewInstance
[0089FB69] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@ClassCreate
[0097C63C] [ AIMP3.dll] System.Classes.
[05325A55] [ AIMP3.exe]
[0532554A] [ AIMP3.exe]
[05326FDE] [ AIMP3.exe]
[00A24CE0] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Controls.
[00B96CF2] [ AIMP3.dll] MySkinButtons.TMySkinButton.Click [+4] (Line: 931)
[00B96814] [ AIMP3.dll] MySkinButtons.TMySkinCustomButton.DoButtonClick [+1] (
Line: 763)
[00B5C9A9] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseClasses.MyCallNotifyEvent [+1] (Line: 366)
The block is currently used for an object of class: TFileStream
The allocation number is: 2332507
Current memory dump of 256 bytes starting at pointer address 7F37FB70:
B0 1D 95 00 10 04 00 00 5C DF F6 7F 00 00 00 00 64 B5 15 EF 2C 09 4B 00 00 00 00
00 11 FE 37 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 2E 25 00 AA A2 89 00 57 F3 89

00 6A FB 89 00
44 F4 89 00 96 C8
00 AB BB 98 00
9C 04 00 00 9C 04
00 D2 C8 C5 00
29 C9 C6 00 73 F4
00 B0 6D 27 8E
38 06 4B 00 2C 09
00 31 01 38 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 6A FB 89 00
44 F4 89 00 ED C7
00 37 E7 B4 00
. . .
. . . . . .

. . .
) . s
8 . K . , .
1 . 8
. . . . . .

C5 00 93 C7 C6 00 29 D0 C7 00 E5 DB C7 00 B3 98 C8 00 D0 72 C8
00 00 C6 A2 89 00 75 F3 89 00 B5 FB 89 00 66 F4 89 00 73 F4 89
89 00 6A D0 C7 00 89 65 8A 00 AB 64 8A 00 14 00 00 00 24 15 B8
4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 4F 92 D8 71 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CB 2E 25 00 AA A2 89 00 57 F3 89
C6 00 29 D0 C7 00 E5 DB C7 00 B3 98 C8 00 D0 72 C8 00 AB BB 98

K .

. . .

, . K




, .

. . d
. .
K . ,


. ,
% .
. f
. .
K . O

. K

. .





. .
. .

. . . . . . . . . . . % .
. W
. ) . .
. r .

--------------------------------2015/2/28 11:12:07------------------------------A memory block has been leaked. The size is: 100
This block was allocated by thread 0x49C, and the stack trace (return addresses)
at the time was:
[0089A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[0089F356] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.NewInstance
[0089FB69] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@ClassCreate
[00BD216D] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseNetwork.TAIMPNetworkClientHttpThread.Create (L
ine: 830)
[0089FBD7] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@AfterConstruction
[00BD26BF] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseNetwork.TAIMPNetworkClientHttp.RequestThreaded
[+6] (Line: 1002)
[05325572] [ AIMP3.exe]
[05326FDE] [ AIMP3.exe]
[00A24CE0] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Controls.
[00B96CF2] [ AIMP3.dll] MySkinButtons.TMySkinButton.Click [+4] (Line: 931)
[00B96814] [ AIMP3.dll] MySkinButtons.TMySkinCustomButton.DoButtonClick [+1] (
Line: 763)
The block is currently used for an object of class: TAIMPNetworkClientHttpThread
The allocation number is: 2332508
Current memory dump of 256
68 FA BC 00 60 08 00 00 60
00 50 D6 A6 7F
70 3E CB 7F 00 00 00 00 20
00 00 00 00 00
E0 16 B8 00 00 00 00 00 50
00 0E 5A 88 68
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 00
00 00 00 00 00
77 AF 22 00 AA A2 89 00 FF
00 D6 45 40 00
B2 33 A2 00 AA C9 B5 00 76

bytes starting at pointer address 7FCB3E70:

03 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 A8 32 BD
C0 98 00 70 3E CB 7F 00 00 00 00 90 22 DA 7F 00 00 00
D6 A6 7F 0C E1 F5 7F 70 FB 37 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 81 35 CB 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
E4 8C 00 72 E5 8C 00 FC 47 A2 00 88 47 A2 00 AD 45 40
A2 21 00 A4 5E BE 00 9C 04 00 00 9C 04 00 00 C6 A2 89


m '

. j
. 7

00 9E E5 8C 00
97 1C A2 00 75 F3 89 00 B5 FB 89 00 FC 13 A2 00 EC E4 A2 00 40 B5 B9 00 FA 64 A2
00 15 F1 A2 00
98 0F B8 00 5A 00 00 00 5A 00 00 00 CF 26 57 8C 38 06 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B
00 2C 09 4B 00
h . ` . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . P


. K
. .
K .

. . . .

. p >
. . . . . P
. , . K . . . . .


. v

. . . Z

. r
! .

. . .

. . . .
. . . . . . .
p 7
. . . . . . . . . Z
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

. G .
^ .
. . .
. . . @
& W
8 . K . , .


E @ . E @

d . .
. K . , .

--------------------------------2015/2/28 11:12:07------------------------------A memory block has been leaked. The size is: 212
This block was allocated by thread 0x49C, and the stack trace (return addresses)
at the time was:
[0089A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[008A1592] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@NewUnicodeString
[008A17C3] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@UStrFromPWCharLen
[008CE9D7] [ AIMP3.dll] System.SysUtils.
[75BC07F1] [kernel32.dll]
[75BC07FE] [kernel32.dll]
[7598712C] [KERNELBASE.dll]
[75987166] [KERNELBASE.dll]
[75E5A0CE] [ SHLWAPI.dll]
[75E5A76C] [ SHLWAPI.dll]
[75E54997] [ SHLWAPI.dll]
The block is currently used for an object of class: UnicodeString
The allocation number is: 2517006
Current memory dump of 256
B0 04 02 00 01 00 00 00 5A
00 69 00 6F 00
6C 00 61 00 74 00 69 00 6F
00 65 00 73 00
73 00 20 00 37 00 35 00 39
00 6D 00 6F 00
64 00 75 00 6C 00 65 00 20
00 53 00 45 00
2E 00 64 00 6C 00 6C 00 27
00 66 00 20 00
61 00 64 00 64 00 72 00 65
00 30 00 30 00
00 00 3A C8 0E C5 4B 00 2C
00 31 FA D7 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 6A FB 89 00
. . . . . . . Z
i . o .
l . a . t . i . o
. e . s .

bytes starting at pointer address 7FD7F3D0:

00 00 00 41 00 63 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 73 00 20 00 76
00 6E 00 20 00 61 00 74 00 20 00 61 00 64 00 64 00 72
00 38 00 39 00 36 00 39 00 42 00 20 00 69 00 6E 00 20
00 27 00 4B 00 45 00 52 00 4E 00 45 00 4C 00 42 00 41
00 2E 00 20 00 57 00 72 00 69 00 74 00 65 00 20 00 6F
00 73 00 73 00 20 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30
09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 57 00 00 AA A2 89 00 57 F3 89
. . . A . c . c . e . s . s .
. n .

. a . t .

. v .

. a . d . d . r

s .
. m
d .
. S
. .
. f
a .
. 0
. .
. .

. o
u .
. E
d .
d .
. 0

. .

7 .
l .
l .
d .

5 . 9 . 8 . 9 . 6 . 9 . B .
e .

. i . n .

. ' . K . E . R . N . E . L . B . A

l . ' . . .

. W . r . i . t . e .

r . e . s . s .

. o

. 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0

K . , . K . , . K . , . K . , . K . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . F W . .

. W

. j

--------------------------------2015/2/28 11:12:07------------------------------A memory block has been leaked. The size is: 36
This block was allocated by thread 0x49C, and the stack trace (return addresses)
at the time was:
[0089A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[0089F356] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.NewInstance
[0089FB69] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@ClassCreate
[008D51B7] [ AIMP3.dll] System.SysUtils.
[008DC5FB] [ AIMP3.dll] System.SysUtils.
[008D5BE4] [ AIMP3.dll] System.SysUtils.
[77666B8D] [ ntdll.dll]
[7598969A] [KERNELBASE.dll]
[776632F7] [ ntdll.dll]
[77663326] [ ntdll.dll]
[7766707D] [ ntdll.dll]
The block is currently used for an object of class: EAccessViolation
The allocation number is: 2516999
Current memory dump of 256
FC 2D 8C 00 DC F3 D7 7F 00
00 00 00 00 00
7C EB E4 20 2C 09 4B 00 00
00 00 00 00 00
30 56 00 00 AA A2 89 00 57
00 85 F1 B4 00
93 75 4A 00 02 AB 4A 00 54
00 75 F3 89 00
B5 FB 89 00 F1 B7 45 00 73
00 3B 9C 8C 00
77 13 8A 00 20 00 00 00 D4
00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C
00 61 21 DA 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 6A FB 89 00
, . K . .
. .
0 V . .
. W
u J . . J . T

. E . s
w .
. . .

bytes starting at pointer address 7FDA2290:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 74 12
00 00 00 A1 1E DA 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
F3 89 00 6A FB 89 00 4A B6 45 00 56 A7 45 00 73 A7 49
11 BC 75 99 B2 66 77 9C 04 00 00 9C 04 00 00 C6 A2 89
F4 89 00 A1 8F 8D 00 60 A9 49 00 92 D6 98 00 56 25 B4
B5 45 00 90 C7 A7 76 38 06 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B
09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 6F 38 58 89 2C 09 4B 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3A 56 00 00 AA A2 89 00 57 F3 89
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T t . . . . .
. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. j
. J E
. u
f w
. .

. ` I
E .
v 8 . K

. V E .
. . .

. , . K .


I .

. u
% . ;
. K . , . K

, . K . , . K . , . K . , . K . o 8 X
, . K . . . . .
a !
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : V . .
. W
. j
--------------------------------2015/2/28 11:12:07------------------------------A memory block has been leaked. The size is: 164
This block was allocated by thread 0x49C, and the stack trace (return addresses)
at the time was:
[0089A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[008A1592] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@NewUnicodeString
[008A2C1E] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@UStrSetLength
[00B643C3] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseEncoding.DecodeUTF8 [+4] (Line: 316)
[00BD56D5] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseXML.TMyXMLDocument.DecodeValue [+4] (Line: 999
[00BD45EE] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseXML.TMyXMLParser.ParseNodeValue [+19] (Line: 5
[00BD43C3] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseXML.TMyXMLParser.Parse [+24] (Line: 434)
[00BD5921] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseXML.TMyXMLDocument.LoadFromStream [+9] (Line:
[00BD588B] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseXML.TMyXMLDocument.LoadFromStream [+1] (Line:
[0532586C] [ AIMP3.exe]
[053256C4] [ AIMP3.exe]
The block is currently used for an object of class: UnicodeString
The allocation number is: 93543
Current memory dump of 256
B0 04 02 00 01 00 00 00 47
00 2E 00 73 00
75 00 2F 00 73 00 74 00 6F
00 63 00 39 00
38 00 34 00 34 00 36 00 65
00 34 00 30 00
37 00 39 00 64 00 38 00 33
00 70 00 5F 00
33 00 2E 00 36 00 30 00 2E
00 D4 A9 00 F3
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 00
00 00 00 00 00
C1 C1 00 00 AA A2 89 00 D9
00 88 3F 34 05
57 3A 34 05 FF 5B 45 00 A4
00 16 41 9F 00
. . . . . . . G
. . s .
u . / . s . t . o
. c . 9 .
8 . 4 . 4 . 6 . e
. 4 . 0 .
7 . 9 . d . 8 . 3
. p . _ .
3 . . . 6 . 0 . .
. .
, . K . , . K . .
. .
. .

bytes starting at pointer address 7FF5E100:

00 00 00 77 00 77 00 77 00 2E 00 61 00 69 00 6D 00 70
00 72 00 61 00 67 00 65 00 2F 00 65 00 30 00 65 00 30
00 30 00 31 00 64 00 31 00 64 00 38 00 36 00 36 00 34
00 30 00 39 00 39 00 35 00 63 00 2F 00 61 00 69 00 6D
00 31 00 34 00 38 00 33 00 2E 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 00
00 00 00 A1 88 F5 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
3F 9F 00 5B 41 9F 00 47 4A 9F 00 6B 4E 9F 00 7F 65 B6
D3 C3 00 A9 D4 C3 00 9C 04 00 00 9C 04 00 00 C6 A2 89
. . . w . w . w . . . a . i . m . p .
. r . a . g . e . / . e . 0 . e . 0
. 0 . 1 . d . 1 . d . 8 . 6 . 6 . 4
. 0 . 9 . 9 . 5 . c . / . a . i . m
. 1 . 4 . 8 . 3 . . . e . x . e . .
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. . .

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--------------------------------2015/2/28 11:12:07------------------------------A memory block has been leaked. The size is: 148
This block was allocated by thread 0x49C, and the stack trace (return addresses)
at the time was:
[0089A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[008A1592] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@NewUnicodeString
[008A2C1E] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@UStrSetLength
[008A2C75] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@UStrCat
[05325A40] [ AIMP3.exe]
[0532553B] [ AIMP3.exe]
[05326FDE] [ AIMP3.exe]
[00A24CE0] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Controls.
[00B96CF2] [ AIMP3.dll] MySkinButtons.TMySkinButton.Click [+4] (Line: 931)
[00B96814] [ AIMP3.dll] MySkinButtons.TMySkinCustomButton.DoButtonClick [+1] (
Line: 763)
[00B5C9A9] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseClasses.MyCallNotifyEvent [+1] (Line: 366)
The block is currently used for an object of class: UnicodeString
The allocation number is: 2332506
Current memory dump of 256
B0 04 02 00 01 00 00 00 3D
00 5C 00 61 00
72 00 69 00 2E 00 61 00 72
00 61 00 74 00
61 00 5C 00 52 00 6F 00 61
00 33 00 5C 00
55 00 70 00 64 00 61 00 74
00 72 00 2E 00
65 00 78 00 65 00 00 00 40
00 51 E3 F6 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 C4 17 8A 00
4D FB B5 00 FE EF B5 00 DE
00 54 11 BC 75
9C 04 00 00 9C 04 00 00 4D
00 C1 D7 B5 00
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U . p . d . a . t
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bytes starting at pointer address 7FF6DF50:

00 00 00 43 00 3A 00 5C 00 55 00 73 00 65 00 72 00 73
00 69 00 66 00 69 00 6E 00 5C 00 41 00 70 00 70 00 44
00 6D 00 69 00 6E 00 67 00 5C 00 41 00 49 00 4D 00 50
00 65 00 49 00 6E 00 73 00 74 00 61 00 6C 00 6C 00 65
13 40 52 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 0F 00 00 AA A2 89 00 93 15 8A
88 BC 00 22 EE B5 00 AD 88 BC 00 D4 B3 C3 00 FD AA 4A
16 8A 00 A5 39 8A 00 ED 38 8A 00 ED 39 8A 00 B0 D9 B5
. . . C . : . \ . U . s . e . r . s .
. i . f . i . n . \ . A . p . p . D
. m . i . n . g . \ . A . I . M . P
. e . I . n . s . t . a . l . l . e
. @ R , . K . , . K . , . K . . . .
. . . . . . . @ . . .
. .
. " .
. . J . T .
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. .

--------------------------------2015/2/28 11:12:07------------------------------This application has leaked memory. The small block leaks are (excluding expecte
d leaks registered by pointer):

13 - 20 bytes: TFileStream x 1
21 - 36 bytes: EAccessViolation x 1
85 - 100 bytes: TAIMPNetworkClientHttpThread x 1
133 - 148 bytes: UnicodeString x 1
149 - 164 bytes: UnicodeString x 1
181 - 212 bytes: UnicodeString x 1
Note: Memory leak detail is logged to a text file in the same folder as this app
lication. To disable this memory leak check, undefine "EnableMemoryLeakReporting

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