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S36497 - Deployment - Make it easier to scale XAF ASP.

NET applications over multiple Web servers | DevExpress Support Center

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Deployment - Make it easier to scale XAF ASP.NET applications over multiple Web servers
Tags: .NET, Frameworks (XAF & XPO), eXpressApp Framework

Created O n :
1/6/2011 1:16:54 PM

Mo dified O n :
3/24/2015 5:11:06 PM

Dennis (DevExpress Support) 5 years ago

Problem description
XAF ASP.NET WebForms UI was designed to build business applications that will be used on local Intranet, for instance within a company. It is not fully
optimized for public internet usage with many simultaneous users.
Technically, an XAF Web application uses the ASP.NET session to store non-serializable service information (XafApplication, WebWindow and many other
entities by means of the IValueManager interface, etc. - see the B221002 ticket for an approximate list of dependencies on the ASP.NET session object)
about the current application state. Maintaining the session state allowed us to deliver a greater functionality and an easier development model to XAF
developers. For instance, you can implement a Controller and access and store a reference to the current View and its controls, ObjectSpace, other
Controllers, etc. without caring a lot about ASP.NET page life cycle specifics. However, the chosen approach has its own drawbacks that may require a bit
more effort from you while addressing certain business requirements such as good scalability, because you cannot use a session state mode other than

Current solution
Since the application state cannot be serialized and thus only the InProc session mode can be used, you can load balance web servers and route requests
from clients to the same content server (aka "sticky" sessions). Here is a good blog post on how to do this: . We do not provide special guidelines or documentation for this particular scenario as
an XAF Web app is a regular ASP.NET WebForms app that maintains its state within the ASP.NET session. That said, you can look for public community
resources devoted to ASP.NET apps with a similar configuration. For instance, you may find other links under the eXpressApp Framework > Deployment >
Deployment Tutorial > Deployment Troubleshooting Guide article helpful as well.
Proposed solutions/Future considerations:
1. Avoid session state at all. For instance, there may be a lightweight HTML5 web client added with a RESTful service for the backend or a reworked version
of the existing ASP.NET WebForms UI;
2. Decrease memory consumption per user session (see for more details on the
current memory requiremens);
3. Make it possible to serialize/deserialize session data of XAF ASP.NET applications (support the StateServer and SQLServer session state modes, AppFabric
caching, etc.).
See also:

Robert Thomas 2 years ago

W e h ave o ver 1500 u ser acro ss 60 cu sto mers n o w an d w e really n eed to ab ility to take servers in an d o u t o f th e lo ad b alan cer. Righ t n o w if a
server dies, th e u ser is fo rced to lo g o n again . Th is h as b een h ere fo r 4 years. Are th ere an y p lan s to make XAF W eb scalab le in th is scen ario ?
Th an ks.

Dennis (DevExpress Support) 2 years ago

@ Ro b ert: I am afraid I can n o t give an y p ro mises regardin g makin g XAF W eb ap p s stateless an d su ggest yo u co n sider altern atives fo r th is
p articu lar scen ario . W h ile th is scen ario lo o ks h elp fu l o verall, XAF W eb U I w as n o t o rigin ally design ed to b e u sed b y man y co n cu rren t u sers at
a time. Tech n ically, su p p o rtin g th is mean s rew ritin g a lo t o f th in gs n o t to sto re an yth in g w ith in th e ASP.NET sessio n + h u ge b reakin g
ch an ges fo r existin g ap p s as th ere w ill b e a differen t ap p licatio n life cycle an d flo w . In an y even t, w e w ill take yo u r feedb ack in to acco u n t fo r
th e fu tu re.

Robert Anderson 2 years ago

'Scalin g o u t' is easy. It is o n ly 'scalin g in ' w h ich resu lts in dro p p ed sessio n s. Ideally DevExp ress w ill co me u p w ith so me w izardry to p ermit XAF
statelessn ess, b u t mean w h ile h ere are so me su ggestio n s.
Sh o rt term, th e b est so lu tio n is to get th e lo ad b alan cer to h an dle th e gracefu l sh u tdo w n o f a su rp lu s server. W h en a server n eeds to b e
remo ved, th e lo ad b alan cer sh o u ld b e co n figu red to sto p sen din g NEW sessio n s to th e server, b u t co n tin u e to redirect EXISTING sessio n s to
it. Th en w h en th e su rp lu s server even tu ally h as zero sessio n s (b ecau se o f lo go ffs an d sessio n timeo u ts) th en yo u can remo ve it w ith o u t
co n sequ en ces. (Yo u co u ld eith er mo n ito r th e n u mb er o f existin g sessio n s, o r ju st w ait fo r a su itab le lo n g time, e.g., an h o u r b efo re assu min g
all sessio n s are o ver).
U n fo rtu n ately I've n ever go t aro u n d to tryin g to set th is u p , b u t I b elieve it's p o ssib le w ith man y h ardw are lo ad b alan cers o r a reverse p ro xy
su ch as n gin x. Also , it migh t n o t b e to o h ard to w rite yo u r o w n C# lo ad b alan cer (see fo r in stan ce
h ttp ://w w w .co dep ro m/Articles/318290/Ho w -to -Imp lemen t-Lo ad-B alan cin g-to -Distrib u te-W o rk) w h ich yo u co u ld exten d to h an dle th e
gracefu l sh u tdo w n redirectio n an d mo n ito rin g.
O n a related n o te, th e Elastic Lo ad B alan cer u sed b y th e Amazo n Clo u d do es n o t h ave an y su ch cap ab ilities o u t o f th e b o x, b u t th ere is th is
fo ru m p o st h ttp s://fo ru s.amazo n .co m/th read.jsp a?th readID= 61278 w h ich yo u can fo llo w in case th ey su p p o rt it o n e day. (I b elieve th e
same p ro b lems exist w ith Azu re). Yo u migh t also like to read my b lo g p o st o n th e issu e h ttp ://b lo sh arp .co m/dep lo y-xaf-asp -do t-n etap p licatio n s-to -amazo n -w eb -services-p art-5-lo ad-b alan cin g/

Dennis (DevExpress Support) 2 years ago

Th an ks fo r yo u r additio n al feedb ack an d lin ks, Ro b ert. I th in k it w ill b e h elp fu l fo r o th er u sers w ith th e same requ iremen t u n til an u ltimate
so lu tio n fo r su ch scen ario s is p ro vided.

CM Tee 3 months ago

Pro p o sed so lu tio n s/Fu tu re co n sideratio n s:
3. Make it p o ssib le to serialize/deserialize sessio n data o f XAF ASP.NET ap p licatio n s (su p p o rt th e StateServer an d SQLServer sessio n state
mo des, Ap p Fab ric cach in g, etc.).
1 vo te.

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S36497 - Deployment - Make it easier to scale XAF ASP.NET applications over multiple Web servers | DevExpress Support Center

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