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is a chemical substance with the chemical formula H2O. Its molecule
contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected
by covalent bonds.
covers 70.9% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms
of life.
it is found mostly in oceans and other large water bodies, with 1.6% of
water below ground in aquifers and 0.001% in the air as vapor,
clouds (formed of solid and liquid water particles suspended in air),
and precipitation.
known scientifically as the hydrologic cycle
refers to the continuous exchange of water within the hydrosphere,
between the atmosphere, soil water, surface water, groundwater, and
Water moves perpetually through each of these regions in the water
cycle consisting of following transfer processes:

1. Evaporation from oceans and other water bodies into the air
and transpiration from land plants and animals into air.
2. Precipitation, from water vapor condensing from the air and
falling to earth or ocean.
3. Runoff from the land usually reaching the sea.
Water pollution
is the contamination of water bodies.
Water pollution affects, plants, and organisms living in these bodies of
water; and, in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to
individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological
Water pollution is a major global problem
Water that are found on the surface of the earth.
Seeps through the soil and ground and eventually becomes ground water.

refers to contaminants that enter a waterway from a single, identifiable

source, such as a pipe or ditch.
The CWA definition of point source was amended in 1987 to include
municipal storm sewer systems, as well as industrial storm water, such
as from construction sites.
refers to diffuse contamination that does not originate from a single
discrete source. NPS pollution is often the cumulative effect of small
amounts of contaminants gathered from a large area.
Instructions to identify the source of pollution
Point Source Pollution
Inspect major animal farm "factories" where there are large amounts of
chicken coops, swineherds in cages and cows kept in pens.
Tour your community's water treatment plant. Determine if the tests are
appropriate to clean the water before it returns to the holding system.
Think about what the water looks like when you go swimming. Consider
whether you would want to enter the water you are inspecting.
Water that are found under ground.


wide spectrum of chemicals
elevated temperature
COLIFORM BACTERIA are a commonly used bacterial indicator of water
pollution, although not an actual cause of disease.
High levels of pathogens may result from inadequately
treated sewage discharges. This can be caused by a sewage plant
designed with less than secondary treatment (more typical in lessdeveloped countries).
Organic water pollutants
Disinfection by-products found in chemically disinfected drinking water,
such as chloroform
Food processing waste, which can include oxygen-demanding substances,
fats and grease

Insecticides and herbicides, a huge range of organohalides and

other chemical compounds
Petroleum hydrocarbons, including fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuels,
and fuel oil) and lubricants (motor oil), and fuel combustion by products,
from storm water runoff
Tree and bush debris from logging operations
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as industrial solvents, from
improper storage. Chlorinated solvents, which are dense non-aqueous
phase liquids (DNAPLs), may fall to the bottom of reservoirs, since they
don't mix well with water and are denser.
Various chemical compounds found in
personal hygiene and cosmetic products
Inorganic water pollutants
Acidity caused by industrial discharges (especially sulfur
dioxide from power plants)
Ammonia from food processing waste
Chemical waste as industrial by-products
Fertilizers containing nutrients--nitrates and phosphates--which are
found in storm water runoff from agriculture, as well as commercial and
residential use

Heavy metals from motor vehicles (via urban storm water

runoff) and acid mine drainage
Silt (sediment) in runoff from construction sites, logging, slash and
burn practices or land clearing sites
Macroscopic pollution
large visible items polluting the watermay be termed "floatables" in an
urban storm water context, or marine debris when found on the open
Trash or garbage (e.g. paper, plastic, or food waste) discarded by people
on the ground, along with accidental or intentional dumping of rubbish,
that are washed by rainfall into storm drains and eventually discharged
into surface waters
Nurdles, small ubiquitous waterborne plastic pellets
Shipwrecks, large derelict ships

Safeguarding our Groundwater Supply

For example:
leaking underground storage tanks can be replaced by tanks that will
not corrode

landfills can be sited in locations where leachates will not contaminate

underlying groundwater
and the impacts of spills of hazardous materials reduced by restricting
access to recharge areas.
Thermal pollution
is the rise or fall in the temperature of a natural body of water caused by
human influence.
unlike chemical pollution, results in a change in the physical properties
of water.
A common cause of thermal pollution is the use of water as a coolant by
power plants and industrial manufacturers.
can also be caused by the release of very cold water from the base
of reservoirs into warmer rivers.
Removal of trees along the shore line
Power plants
Dumping of waste warm water by nuclear plants.

Sudden and peroiodic increase in temperature producing a

thermal effect
Changed dissolved oxygen
distribution of organisms among major and minor communities.
Death of steno hermic animals
Changes to reproductive powers and increased susceptibility to disease
production of heat shock proteins for thermotolerance.
Control of Thermal Pollution
Construction of cooling ponds
Construction of cooling towers for radiation.
Use cogeneration where the heat is recycled
1. Bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms.

Human & animal wastes.

Harmful effects:

2. Oxygen Demanding Wastes Organic

Sewage, animal feedlots, paper mills, an food processing facilities.

Harmful effects:
This causes fish and other forms of oxygen-consuming aquatic life to die.
3. Inorganic chemicals

Surface runoff, industrial effluents and household cleansers.

Harmful effects
1) make fresh water unusable for drinking or irrigation,
2) cause skin cancers and crippling spinal & neck damage (F)
3) damage the nervous system, liver and kidneys (Pb and As),
4) harm fish and other aquatic life,

5) lower crop yields, and

6) accelerate corrosion of metals exposed to such water.
5. Plant Nutrients
Sewage, manure, and runoff of agricultural and urban fertilizers.

Harmful effects:
Can cause excessive growth of algae & other aquatic plants,
7. Radioactive Materials
Nuclear and coal-burning power plants, mining and processing of
uranium and other ores, nuclear weapons production, natural sources.

Harmful effects:
Genetic mutations, miscarriages, birth defects, and certain cancers.
Common Diseases Transmitted to Humans Through Contaminated
Drinking Water

1. Bacteria
Typhoid fever (diarrhea, severe vomiting, enlarged spleen, inflamed
intestine, often fatal if untreated.)
Cholera (diarrhea, severe vomiting, dehydration; often fatal if untreated.)
Bacterial dysentery (diarrhea, rarely fatal except in infants without
proper treatment.)
Enteritis (severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting; rarely fatal)
2. Viruses
Infectious hepatitis (fever, severe headache, loss of appetite, abdominal
pain, jaundice, enlarged liver; rarely fatal but may cause permanent
liver damage)
3. Parasitic protozoa
Amoebic dysentery (Severe diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, chills,
fever; if not treated can cause liver abscess, bowel perforation and
Giardiasis (Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, flatulence, belching, fatigue)
4. Parasitic worms
Schistosomiasis (Abdominal pain, skin rash, anemia, chronic fatigue, and
chronic general ill health)

is an odorless and tasteless semi-metal element. It finds its way into

drinking water supplies from agricultural and industrial practices and
natural deposits in the earth.
It is associated with several health hazards such as thickening and
discoloration of the skin, nausea, vomiting, stomachaches, diarrhea and
even partial paralysis and blindness. In extreme cases it can even lead to
is also a pollutant that affects drinking water.
Excessive lead can lead to delays in physical and mental development, as
well as learning disabilities and poor attention spans amongst children.
Contaminated Sediments
Several contaminants affect the sediments in natural water sources. In
some form or the other, they flow from virtually every human habitation,
whether agricultural or urban. Some of the most problematic sources of
contaminants are industrial and municipal waste discharges.
gets into surface water through rocks, soil, industrial activities and
wastewater treatment facilities.
This metal is extremely dangerous for fish and the animals that eat them.

added to drinking water to protect it from microbial pathogens, which

are also very dangerous pollutants.
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Water Quality Management
- to control the discharge of pollutants so the water quality is at an
acceptable level.
Factors to consider for water quality management in rivers:

Nature of pollutants
Unique characteristics of the individual river
Important Characteristics
Surrounding vegetation
Climate of the region
Mineral heritage of watershed
Land use patterns
Types of aquatic life in the river
Effects of oxygen-demanding wastes on rivers
Causes depletion of the dissolved oxygen in the water
May endanger aquatic life
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Theoretical oxygen demand (ThOD) depends on chemical composition
to know the amount of oxygen needed to oxidize a substance to carbon
dioxide and water.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) contrast to ThOD

COD Test a test which uses a strong oxidizing agent mixed in the water
sample and boiled.
*The difference between the amount of oxidizing agent used at the
beginning and that remaining at the end of the test is used to calculate
the COD*
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
BOD - the chemical procedure to determine the intake rate of dissolved
oxygen by the microorganisms
BOD Test most widely used method of measuring organ matter as well
as measuring the change in dissolved oxygen concentration
Aerobic decomposition the process in which the microorganisms uses
oxygen as it consumes waste
Ultimate BOD maximum oxygen consumption possible when waste has
been completely degraded
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Method 1: Low BOD Levels (0 6 mg/L)

BOD is calculated from two separate dissolved oxygen measurements

made using the Dissolved Oxygen Probe. The initial dissolved oxygen
reading is taken at the sampling site using the procedures outlined in
Test 5. Using a light-free sample bottle, a water sample is collected at the
same site. The sample is transported back to the lab and incubated at
20C for a total of five days. After five days, the incubated sample is
tested for dissolved oxygen. The oxygen reading at the end of the five
days is subtracted from the initial reading. The resulting value is the
BOD level.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Method 2: High BOD Levels (> 6 mg/L)
This method is recommended when testing stagnant or polluted waters,
in which all of the dissolved oxygen may be consumed before the end of
the 5-day period. The initial dissolved oxygen test, sampling, storage and
incubation, are performed in the same manner as found in Method 1.
Differences for Method 2 are:
Five water samples are collected.
A sample is tested for dissolved oxygen every 24 hours for five days.
If, before the fifth day, the dissolved oxygen concentration falls below
2 mg/L, oxygen is added to the remaining samples by aeration.
Add each bottles change in dissolved oxygen concentration to obtain
the BOD value.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

Nitrogen Oxidation
Process of Oxidation:
Nitrogenous oxygen consumption due to oxidation of nitrogen
Carbonaceous oxygen consumption due to oxidation of carbon
Nitrogen Oxidation
*nitrogen is released as ammonia cation. This cation plus the ammonia
released by industrial waste is oxidized to nitrate. The nitrate is then
consumed by a special group of nitrifying bacteria.*
DO Sag Curve
DO (dissolved oxygen) determines the health of the river
DO Sag Curve assess the ability of a river to absorb waste discharge
*Rivers are able to self-purify itself and as long as DO Curve is group up,
the river can still manage the waste discharge, but if it goes below the
critical point, this may cause changes in the living plants or animals in
the river.*
DO Sag Curve
Effects on Nutrient on Water Quality in Rivers
Nutrients causes excessive plant growth

Nutrients are the following:

Carbon be dissolved in water
Nitrogen toxic to fish
element for excessive growth of algae
Phosphorus vital element for the growth of algae
Trace elements treated in water facilities
Effects on Nutrient on Water Quality in Rivers
*When algae dies, it becomes an oxygen demanding material
All lakes gradually accumulate silt and organic materials they undergo a
natural aging process known as EUTROPHICATION.
OLIGOTROPHIC (few foods) characterized mainly by a low nutrient
content and low plant productivity
- excessive addition of inorganic nutrients
(usually of phosphorous and nitrogen), organic matter, and silt to lakes
that causes a corresponding increase in biological productivity

- when eroded soil and silt from the land enter

lakes in large quantities, they increase water-column turbidity and
reduce water depths as these materials accumulate as sediments on the
lake bottom
Cultural Eutrophication - caused by human activities ( primarily
Natural Eutrophication - inevitable and takes many years to occur
Overuse of Lakes - while aquatic recreational demands increase, the
amount of the resource stays the samereservoirs and large lakes
rarely are constructed any more
Time Zoning - some uses are restricted to certain times of the day
Space Zoning - different areas of the lake are designated for particular
Exotic Species or Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) - such species often are
better competitors and often drive out native species (include algae,
plants, fish, and invertebrates)

ANS Education Programs - aimed at school children will educate the next
generation of lake users about the dangers of invasive and exotic species
lake management must begin in the watershed, or drainage basin
dredging can remove accumulations of sediments and their associated
Fish can be stocked in the lake to create a more balanced fishery
Water quality assessment
For the period 2001 to 2005, the EMB monitored a total of 196 inland
surface waters: 192 rivers and four lakes. Of the 196 monitored water
bodies, only 127 met the required four sampling events and were
included in the analysis. Data on the status of water quality contained in
the EMB National Water Quality Status Report using each of the
parameters mentioned earlier are presented below.
Dissolved oxygen (DO)
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen that is dissolved in water
and is essential to healthy streams and lakes. Dissolved Oxygen is one of
the water quality parameters used as an indication of how polluted the
water is and how well the water can support aquatic plant and animal
life. A higher dissolved oxygen level usually indicates better water
quality. If dissolved oxygen levels are too low, some fish and other
organisms may not be able to survive (Stevens Institute of Technology,
The Global Water Sampling Project 2007).

Generally, the national standard for DO is 5 mg/L, except for water

bodies classified as Class D and Class SD, with standards set at 3 mg/L
and 2 mg/L, respectively (PEM, 2004).
Low DO levels may be found in areas where organic material (dead plant
and animal matter) is decaying, as bacteria require oxygen to
decompose organic waste, thus, depleting the water of oxygen. Areas
near sewage discharges sometimes have low DO levels due to this effect
(Stevens Institute of Technology, The Global Water Sampling Project
Furthermore, low concentrations of DO, when combined with the
presence of toxic substances may lead to stress responses in aquatic
ecosystems because the toxicity of certain elements, such as zinc, lead
and copper, is increased by low concentrations of dissolved oxygen
(Enderlein et al., 1996).
The EMB report on monitoring of DO levels shows that approximately 47
percent of 127 water bodies are found to have good water quality and
could be tapped as sources for water supply.
Forty percent recorded fair water quality, which means that the water
bodies partially comply with the designated water quality criteria but do
not support its intended beneficial use in 50 to 97.99 percent of
sampling instances.
Thirteen percent, however, showed poor water quality. These include
the four rivers in NCR San Juan River, Paraaque River, NavotasMalabon-Tullahan-Tenejeros River, and Pasig River; Guadalupe River in
Region VII; Meycauayan and Bocaue Rivers in Region III; and Calapan
River in Region IV-B.

Data in the PEM 2004 issue states, however, that as of 2004, 15 rivers
nationwide have dissolved-oxygen at or below zero, indicating that they
are dead during the dry months. In addition, Environment Secretary
Angelo Reyes also mentioned in a published news article early this year
(2007) that as many as 50 of the 421 rivers in the country can be
considered "biologically dead" (Gaylican, C, PDI, 2007).
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
Biochemical oxygen demand, or BOD, measures the amount of oxygen
consumed by microorganisms in decomposing organic matter in stream
water. BOD parameter measures the organic strength of wastes in water;
the greater the BOD, the greater the degree of organic pollution.
BOD also directly affects the amount of dissolved oxygen in rivers and
streams. The greater the BOD, the more rapidly oxygen is depleted in the
stream. This means less oxygen is available to higher forms of aquatic
life. The consequences of high BOD are similar as those for low dissolved
oxygen: aquatic organisms become stressed, suffocate, and die.
National standards for BOD vary from 1 to 15 mg/L based on beneficial
water usage and classification.
For this parameter, 47 percent of the 107 water bodies with at least four
sampling events were found to show good water quality, 41 percent have
fair water quality, while the remaining 12 percent have poor water
quality with the highest BOD recorded at the downstream section of
Bulua Creek in Region X. According to the report, this indicates high
organic discharges from manufacturing facilities, runoff from livestock
production, and discharges from households.

The EMB Report further mentions that there are three rivers that
recorded zero percent compliance of all samples with the BOD criterion.
Total suspended solids (TSS)
TSS parameter measures the amount of undissolved solid particles in
water such as level of siltation, decaying plant and animal matter, and
domestic and industrial wastes. For water bodies used for water supply
the standard for TSS is 25 mg/L for Class AA and 50 mg/L for Class A
(EMB, 2006).
Out of forty-six Class A/AA water bodies monitored for TSS, about 23
percent have good water quality, 69 percent have fair water quality, and
eight percent have high TSS levels, indicating poor water quality. Among
those with poor water quality are: Pampanga River in Region III, Bicol
River in Region V, and Iponan and Alubijid Rivers in Region X.
According to EMB, the presence of a high percentage of TSS confirms the
effects of sand and gravel quarrying activities and runoff from denuded
forests and agricultural lands.
Total dissolved solids (TDS)
TDS is generally used as an aggregate indicator of the presence of a
broad array of chemical contaminants. The primary sources of TDS in
receiving waters are agricultural runoff, leaching of soil contamination,
and point source water pollution from industrial or domestic sewage
(EMB, 2006).
For water bodies classified as Class AA, the standard for TDS levels is
expected not to exceed 500 mg/L and 1,000 mg/L for both Class A and D

Of the 30 monitored Class AA/A water bodies, three have two

classifications; hence, a total of 33 classifications. About 55 percent have
good TDS levels, which mean that these water bodies comply with set
water quality criteria based on their intended beneficial use. Forty-two
percent have fair TDS levels and only Marilao River has poor water
quality, with annual average TDS levels ranging from 1,785 to 3,265
Heavy metals
EMB reports that heavy metals are parameters included in monitoring
activities only for receiving water bodies where mining, electroplating,
tanning, and other similar activities are operating.
Among inland surface waters, only Meycauayan, Bocaue, and Marilao
Rivers have been monitored. Annual average monitoring results of
Meycauayan River in 2001, 2003, and 2004 show an excess (based on
minimum criteria and value) for chromium (2001), cadmium (2001),
and lead (2004) (EMB, 2006).
Monitoring results of Bocaue River indicate that the River met the
criteria for chromium, copper, and cadmium. However, it showed high
lead concentrations in all its sampling stations particularly during the
dry season in 2004. The Marilao River showed similar excess (relative to
existing standards) in lead and cadmium in its Class A and C waters.
Potential sources of heavy metals are tanneries, electroplating, and
other similar industries located in nearby areas.

The Marilao River was the subject of two Greenpeace reports in 1996
(Lead Overload: Lead Battery Waste Trade and Recycling in the
Philippines) and, again, in 2003 (Toxics Reloaded: Revisiting the Impacts
of Lead Battery Waste Trade and Recycling in the Philippines) for lead
contamination. Effluent samples taken from a discharge canal of the
Philippine Recyclers, Incorporated (PRI) had lead levels of 190 ppm or
3,800 times higher than the 0.05 ppm or mg/L standard set for lead in
effluent from old and existing industries.
Continuous monitoring of mercury and cyanide levels in rivers and
creeks traversing Small Scale Mining Areas in some parts of Eastern
Mindanao is being undertaken by the MGB and EMB. MGB Region XI
reported in December 2003 that mercury levels were found to be
beyond the 0.002 mg/L criterion in filtered water samples in some
monitoring locations in Naboc River. Likewise, cyanide was detected in
the mixing zone at Sitio Deptro, Upper Ulip (EMB, 2006).
In October 2005, mine tailings from the operations of Lafayette
Philippines Inc. spilled into creeks in Rapu Rapu Island causing massive
fishkills in the receiving marine waters. On July 18, 2006 while on a test
run that would eventually lead to the full resumption of its operations,
another fishkill was reported. Greenpeace took samples of water from
the Mirikpitik Creek in August 2006 and found cadmium, copper and
zinc levels that were many hundreds of times higher than typical
background concentrations (Lafayette causes pollution during 30-day
trial run).
The PEM 2003, on the other hand, reported that heavy metals and toxic
pollutants from industrial sources were found to contribute to pollution
in Metro Manila, Central Luzon, Southern Tagalog, Cebu and mining
sources in the Cordillera Autonomous Region and CARAGA.
Philippine Clean Water Act of

2004 (RA 9275)

Signed on 22 March 2004
Implementing Rules and Regulations
approved in May 2005 (DENR
Administrative Order 2005-10)
To pursue economic growth in a manner
consistent with the protection,
preservation, and revival of the quality of
our fresh, brackish, and marine waters;
framework for sustainable development
shall be pursued
Coverage of the Act
Water quality management in all water
bodies, primarily to the abatement and

control of pollution from land-based

Objectives: Philippine Clean Water Act
Aims to protect the countrys water bodies
from pollution from land based sources
Provides for a comprehensive and integrated
strategy to prevent and minimize pollution
through a multi sectoral and participatory
approach involving all stakeholders
Designation of Water Quality Management Areas using appropriate
physiographic units
with governing boards, action plans, management funds, and other
support mechanisms
Designation of water bodies with pollutants exceeding standards as
nonattainment areas (NAA)
Preparation and implementation of National Sewerage and Septage

Management Program to manage domestic sewage collection, treatment,

and disposal in Metro Manila and other HUCs
Financial liability mechanisms shall be put in place for environmental
rehabilitation and clean-up operations
Institutional and linkage mechanism is defined with DENR as the lead
Establishment of a National and Area WQM Fund from fines, penalties,
damages, permit fees, donations, endowments, and grants
With provisions on Incentives and Rewards as well as Civil Liabilities,
Penal Provisions
Wastewater Charge System and Discharge Permit shall be implemented
Wastewater Discharge Permit:
Discharge Permit For : owners/operators of
facilities that discharge regulated water
pollutants into Philippine waters and/or land
Discharge Permit is the legal authorization
granted by the Department to discharge

Discharge Permit specify:

The quantity and quality of effluent
The compliance schedule
The monitoring requirement ( SMR)
Engineers Report- prepared by registered Chemical or sanitary
Copy of ECC
Proof of compliance
Notarized Application form
Payment of fees
Additional Requirements For Discharge of
Effluent for Agricultural Purposes:

Certified true copy of land ownership or MOA

Effluent shall not contain hazardous substances
Certification from DA
Baseline data of ground water quality
Emergency plan
Accreditation of PCO
Notarized application
OR for payment of fees
Proof of compliance
Ln refers to the net waste load (kg/year),

Ln (BOD5/TSS) = [ (Cf Ca) (Qf x Nf)] x 0.001

Cf - average daily effluent concentration (mg/L) for
priority pollutant parameter (BOD or TSS)
Qf - average volumetric flow rate measurement or final
discharge effluent (m3/day)
Nf -total number of discharge days in a year (days/year)
Ca -average water quality concentration for priority
pollutant parameter (BOD or TSS) of abstract or intake
water (mg/L).
Grounds for Revocation/Suspension of DP
Non-compliance or gross violation
Deliberate or negligent submission of false
information/monitoring data
Refusal to allow lawful inspection

Non-payment of the appropriate wastewater discharge fee

Other grounds provided by law
1. Discharging, depositing material of
any kind w/c could cause water
2. Operating facilities that discharge
regulated water pollutants without the
valid required permits
3. Refusal or failure to submit reports
required by the Department
4. Refusal to allow entry, inspection ,
monitoring by the Department
5. Refusal or failure to designate
Pollution Control officer


Any person who commits any of the prohibited acts or violates any
provision of this Act.

Fine - P10-200T/ day of violation

- subject to the PAB discretion
Gross Violation
Imprisonment - 6 to 10 years
Fine - P 0.5-3M / day
deliberate discharge of pollutants per RA 6969
5 or more violations of any of the
prohibited acts w/in 2 yrs.
blatant disregard of PAB order
State of Water Quality

Of the 19 rivers being monitored by EMB nationwide, 14 rivers showed

improvement in BOD and DO level as of 2006 . However, only 8 of the 19
rivers meet the standards for BOD and DO, namely: Imus river, Mogpog
river, Malaguit river, Panique river, Anayan river, Iloilo river, Luyang
river and Sapangdaku river. All the rivers in Metro Manila still exceed
the criteria for DO/BOD
Sources of Water Pollution
(The Problem)
National Level
Agricultural 37%
Industrial 15 %
Domestic 48 %
Metro Manila Level
Industrial 37%
Domestic 58%
Solid Waste 4 5 %
In Metro Manila
Only 7% of the total population is connected to sewer system

In Metro Manila only 11 % of the population is directly or indirectly

connected to sewerage system
Remaining 85 % are served by over 2 million ill maintained septic
No toilet 4 % of population

Water Quality Management Efforts

The EMB and its regional offices continue to intensify its implementation
of Sagip Ilog Program by closely monitoring the effluents of
commercial firms and
industries so that they conscientiously comply with tandards and at the
same time also undertake river rehabilitation efforts
In 2007, the EMB issued a total of 2,580 wastewater discharge permits
and monitored a total of 2,568 firms nationwide. Effluents of those 1,190
firms which have been identified to be potentially pollutive were tested
and 308 firms were found to exceed the standards and were issued NOVs

Water Quality
Management Programs in the Philippines

Legal framework for water governance in the Phils.

1987 Constitution which mandates that all water resources belong to the
Presidential Decree (PD) 1067 in 1976 or The Water Code of the
Republic Act (RA) 8041 in 1995 or The Water Crisis Act;
Executive Order No. 364 in 1996, which created the Presidential Task
Force on Water Resources Development and Management; and
Clean Water Act in 2004

R.A. 9275 Clean Water Act (CWA) in 2004

its innovations in water quality management, the Act and its IRR
require integrated approach,
stronger collaboration among
stakeholders, and
promotion of
coownership of the water
ADB warned that water availability in the Philippines could be
"unsatisfactory" in eight of its 19 major river basins and in most major
cities before 2025 (ADB, 2007);
Local governance initiated on water quality management program
(WQMP) and intervention reforms;
Major Institutions involved in the Philippine Water Sector

Policies and Laws on water quality management Program

Some Local Community Policies and
Regulations on Water Quality Management Program

Some Water Quality Management Program

Implemented by Government.
Water Quality Management Program
WQMP emanates from national policies and regulations;

Specific enforcement requirements are mandated through enactment of

ordinances from provincial, municipal, or city governments;
Programs and activities to control water pollution and protect water
bodies are spearheaded by various government agencies,
The Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water of 1993 outlines
various parameters to be used in the analysis of drinking water quality;
There are currently 56 bacteriological, physical, chemical, radiological,
and biological parameters to be monitored.
Source water and product water are subject to regular monitoring by the
local health office.
The national standards for drinking water contains 56 parameters that
must be complied with.
Only DOH-accredited laboratories are allowed to conduct water testing
and analysis. The frequency of monitoring is as follows:
Bacteriological quality -at least monthly
Physical quality -at least every six (6) months
Chemical quality -at least every six (6) months
Biological quality -at least once a year
Monitoring of radioactive contaminants shall be done only if there is
significant input of radiation from the surrounding environment.

Parameters monitored (Physicochemical):

dissolved oxygen (DO),
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
total suspended solids (TSS),
total dissolved solids (TDS), and
heavy metals
DO, coliform, and heavy metals for coastal and marine waters; and
biological parameters such as phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthos
were monitored in selected water bodies.

Challenges in WQMP
Strict Enforcement of Water Policies
Enhance enforcement capability
address deteriorating water bodies

and capacity to immediately

Promote compliance to all industries discharging to the Regions water

Strengthening of InterAgency Collaboration

Collaborate with other agencies like the Department of Health (DOH),

Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), National Water
Resources Board (NWRB), and LGUs in implementing WQMP
Enhancement of Resources and Capabilities of Personnel
Augment water quality management personnel (Currently, four
fulltime personnel are incharge of monitoring more than 78,000
industries and 84 water bodies.)
Build capacity on water quality management through continuous
Increase budget allocation to meet the s water quality management
Management of Domestic Wastes
Enhance solid waste management program by providing support to the
LGUs through capacity building programs
Sustained Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Campaign
by Education Institutions
Establish disclosure mechanism on water quality management issues
Develop and publish IEC materials regularly
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in WQMP

River Water Quality Managementcapacitated local farmers in

understanding and performing water quality monitoring that was
focused on drinking water quality and its impact to public health (World
Bank, 2003).
Lake Water Quality ManagementLaguna Lake is one of Southeast Asias
largest inland water bodies. Since its establishment in 1966 through RA
4850, the LLDA has been protecting and preserving the quality of the
Lake as well as the 21 river systems that flow into it
PublicPrivate Sectors Collaboration to Promote CP. Interagency
collaboration has demonstrated success in transforming the paradigm of
industries to focus on an integrated, preventive environmental strategy
to processes, products, and services to increase efficiency and reduce
risks to humans and the environment.
Table 1. Progress in Achieving MDG Targets, and IDWA values.
Food and WQMP Initiatives at MMSU
regular food and water quality monitoring to special studies on
analytical method formulation and/or validation and testing of
substances to assess impacts on water pollution and food product
development to help local entrepreneurs.
initiative is being done to conduct current good manufacturing practices
(cGMP) on food and water resources for crop production, dormitories,
faculty houses and water refilling projects for MMSU and for food
processors of vinegar/wine, local sausage and other local food products
in the community.

Clean Water Act of 2004 require appropriate planning processes,

regulations, capital investments, and resources;
It is evident that more actions and resources are needed to build on
existing water quality management programs;

Organizing Stakeholders
Major water quality challenges are felt to improve the quality of its
surface, ground, and coastal waters;
The government pursue aggressive strategic plans to address the
seemingly decreasing trend of the quality of water bodies;
The active involvement and participation of stakeholders is important in
implementing WQMP;
Successful WQMP requires a strong communitybased effort with
stakeholder involvement, good partnership building and collaborative
decision making on best management practices;
The challenge is to internalize the message that water is an important
resource and that everyone has to play a role in the conservation and
management of our water environment;

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