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Office of De/en/ion alld Removal Opera/ions

U.S. D~pllrtmc nt of Homeland S«urity

425 I SlrceL NW
Washington. DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

b 6 b 7 C
Corrections Bureau Commander
Lee County Sheriffs Office
14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33912


Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. The 287(g)
Program Management Office (PMO) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U. S.
Immi gration and Customs Enforcement (I CE) are in receipt of your request for trainjng for the
Kentucky Department of Correct ions.

On December 8, 2006, the 287(g) PMO at ICE Headquarters forwarded your request to the
Field Office Director (FOD) of Detention and Removal Operations, Tampa, FL, and the
Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Tampa, FL. Local representatives from these two divisions
will be in contact with you soon to conduct a preliminary assessment and detennine whether
the 287(g) program is the appropriate app li cat ion to address your local law enforcement

The local ICE point of contact regarding the 287(g) program is Assistant Field Office Director
(AFOD) ITb!61."lt:XlIic"il who can be reached at 813-225, cXo).{bJlIi I

'"': -----

(b X6), (b X7)(C)

287(g) DRO Unit cruer

:Mi#.! Scott State of Florida
Office of the Sheriff COli nty of Lee


Lee County Sheliff's Office

14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33912

Assistant Field Office Director

Criminal Alien Program
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
500 East Zack Street, First Floor
Tampa, Florida 33602

RE: Section 287(9) Immigr-atlon and Natlonaltty Act

Me W ing,

The Lee County Sheriffs Office Corrections Bureau has received a copy of the 287(9) survey of the
Immigration and Nationality Act. We have thoroughly reviewed the survey and would like to participate in
the Immigration and Nationality Act as it pertains to the detainment of illegal aliens. We will employ our
resources fully in to this project and look forward to 'NOrking with your agency in the future Should you
have aiiqUestions regarding our participation with the program or facilities feel free to contact my office
at 4(1511 XC)

Lee County Sheriff's Office

.)...J. ,-4'SU Six Mile Cypress Jl3rkway • Fort M~· ers. Fludda .U9 12--'-'06 • {239~ .477- 1000
:Mik.! Scott State of Florida
Office of the Sheriff County of Lee


lee County Shariff's Office

14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33912

~eld Office Director

Criminal Alien Program
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
500 East Zack Street, First Floor
Tampa, Florida 33602

RE : Section 287(g) Immigration and NationalHy Act

The lee County Sheriffs Office Corrections Bureau has chosen the following Lee County Corrections
Deputies to attend the 287(9) Immigration and Nationality Act Training:


;n""mat",n or assistance regarding the employee selections you may contact


Lee County Sheriff's Office

.~. 1.4750 Six !\lile Cypress Parkway· Fore rvtyer.-. Florida .13912-W06· (2~9) ""-1000
9d~Scott State of Florida
Office of the Sheriff County of Lee

May 13, 2008

Dear Mr . b6.b7c

I want to personally thank you for considering the Lee C oun ty She riff's O ffice to
partner w ith the Fede ral Government on Immigra tion is sues and concerns b y
providing training to our C orrectional Deputies.

A year or so a go, we were in line to d edicate seve ral Correctio n De puties to

participate in the 28 7 (g) trainin g and initia tive set forth by Ho meland Security
to id entify illegal alie ns entering into our correctional facilitie s. Due to recent
state t ax cuts and local budget restraints, the County has a s ked u s , along w ith
the other governme ntal entitie s , to s ignificantly c ut and dow nsize existing
budgets a nd to streamline pers onnel func tio ns w ithin the operatio ns of o ur
divisions .

With this in mind, we re gretfully will not b e able to d ed icate personnel to

attend trainin g for the 4- week period a nd then to allocate them to perfo rm
functions not viable to the everyday s ecuri ty and supervision of the current
inmate population o f the facilitie s, w hich at the present time is running 7 00
over bed c apacity.

Fortunately, Lee County is unique in that next to the d owntown Maximum

Security Jail , IC E operates their local office that Lee County C orrections
Pe rsonne l w ork diligently with to identifyin g daily, those individuals arre s ted
that are forei gn born. I will as s ure you that we w ill make every effort to
continue our c urrent collaborative effo rts with the local ICE authoritie s to
ide ntify, detain and ultimately deport those persons of interes t to the Federal

Sincerely ,

She riff Mike Scott

14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway. Fort Myers, Florida 33912-4406. (239) 477-1000

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