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National Polytechnic Institute.

Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering campus Guanajuato

The viruses, humbles and deadly organism

The viruses are infectious agents of microscopic size that can multiply only inside the
cells of other organisms. They infect all types of organisms without exception from animals and
plants to bacteria and archaea. Viruses have been around for a long time, from the beginnings of
life on earth and evolutional gone through the years to adapt and survive any situation that arises;
both viruses are found in almost all ecosystems Earth today, making them the most abundant
type of biological identity. They consist of three parts: genetic material (hereditary information
either DNA or RNA), a protein coat that protects these genes (capsid), and some have a lipid
bilayer that surrounds them when they are outside of the cell (viral envelope).
Nonetheless, despite the lethality of some of these microorganisms, humanity through
science and technology today gives us weapons to fight them using virus for our benefit either
for research using them as cloning vectors or transcription vectors, or for immunization, such as
vaccines. Throughout history there are records of epidemics, that is when a disease affects people
in a higher than expected rate for a certain time, which are caused by viruses or bacterias in a
most of cases lead to death of a significantly high of people, number such is the case as yellow
fever, caused by the virus of yellow fever, which he suspected was transmitted from monkey to
human, another example is the black plague, which was a disease which became pandemic (who
attacked populations from different parts of the continent), one of the most devastating in the
history of humanity, attributing the death of one third of the total population at the time,
transmitted through flea bites that have been in contact with infected rodents. Another example
in this time is the HIV and Ebola virus, virus so deadly that due to the characteristics of their
morphology and physiology are difficult to create a vaccine for the population immune to this
Therefore even though of the tiny are these viruses become very lethal for humanity,
because cases submitted has developed a science called virology that studying the virus, his
structure, classification, evolution, fashion infect, etc. To help in some way to prevent unwanted
spread of a virus or to developed vaccines that help us to immunize against them. Far away
humanity is winning the war against the virus but do not lose yet.

Cristian Eduardo Espinoza Flores. 3BM1. English III

Pgina 1

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