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Which of the following was a reason why

some Paleolithic societies were able to settle
in permanent villages?
2. Which region that experienced the
Agriculture Revolution did not have a
comparable process of animal
3. The prophet Zarathustras teachings were
the basis of what religion?
4. What is the Old Kingdom?
5. This cultural tradition, born in the classical
era, urged withdrawal into the world of
nature as the best response to disorder in
6. Which of the following statements is true of
women in early Christianity?
7. Of what empire was it said that there is no
nation which so readily adopts foreign
8. Which statement accurately describes the
political philosophy of the Mauryan treatise
called Arthashastra?
9. What is a jaiti?
10.What was a helot?
11.What is gender parallelism?
12.What caused the massive slave revolt that,
in later in the ninth century, badly disrupted
the Abbasid Empire?
13.Which of the following statements best
describes West African slavery in the period
600-1500 CE?
14.Which is the correct definition of Xiongnu?
15.Why is ShotokuTaishi important to world
16.What is the meaning of the word umma?
17.A Shia religious authority, with religious
authority to interpret revelation and law
infallibly, is known as?
18.This Muslim holy building was constructed
on the site of the Jewish Temple.
19.What effect did the Crusades have on
relations between Eastern and Western
20.Under the leadership of Modun, this people

The end of the Ice Age, which improved

conditions for hunting and gathering.
The Americas .. southwest asia

Egypt . Egyptian history between 2663 and
2195 b.c.e

As the religion developed, its leadership

became almost exclusively male.
Persian Empire

It advocates that rulers ignore considerations of

morality and act pragmatically to do whatever
is best for the state.
One of the thousands of occupationally based
groups in Indian civilization
A conquered, semi-enslaved subject of Sparta
A "separate but equal" definition of gender
The horrible conditions of the thousands of
African slaves on plantations and in salt
At first most slaves were women, but male
slaves were increasingly employed for heavy
An early nomadic confederacy that was a
serious threat to China.
He was the first leader of the effort to turn
Japan into a centralized bureaucratic state.
The whole community of Muslims bound
together by ties of religion

Dome of the Rock

They led to worsening relations, as westerners
saw Orthodoxy as blasphemous and soon came
to attack

of the steppes founded a massive military

confederacy in the third and second
centuries BCE.
21.Which of the following best describes
Mongol military organization under Chinggis
22.Which statement best describes the
Mongols relationship to international trade?

23.In what way were the Chinookan people of

the northwestern North America similar to
24.What was the purpose of Zheng Hes
25.Which Islamic state ruled the area that is
now Iran from 1501 until 1736?
26.What was the single most important factor
that aided the European conquest of the
27.What was the main source of the silver that
transformed the world economy in the early
modern period?
28.Which of the following rulers initiated a
massive modernization and administrative
reform of Russia in the decades that the turn
of the seventeenth century?
29.What was the name given to the near
extinction (90% mortality rate) of the
indigenous people of the Americas?
30.What American crop allowed for enormous
population growth in Eurasia?
31.The network of communication, migration,
trade, and transfer of plants and animals is
called what?
32.The theory that governments should
encourage exports and accumulate bullion
to serve their countries is called what?
33.Which two empires made up the bulk of
global trade between 500-1500 CE?
34.Which of the following statements best
describes the Portuguese entry into the
Indian Ocean trade?
35.Which of the following did NOT make trade
between 500-1500 CE significant?
36.Which of the following religions benefited
the greatest via the Silk Road?
37.Which of the following statements best

They were organized by a decimal system

into units of 10, 100, 1000, and 10,000.
They became acquainted with and tried on for
size all the world and universal religions. They
also spread horseback riding across AfroEurasia. STRONGLY ENCOURAGE TRADE
Both lived by gathering and hunting.
The expeditions were intended to establish
Chinese prestige in the Indian Ocean and to
control foreign trade.
The Ottoman Empire. THE SAFAVID EMPIRE

Mexico and Peru

Peter the Great

European colonization. PRE-COLUMBIAN

Columbian Exchange


Roman and Chinese

They adopted a policy of attacking and
destroying native ships and ports to achieve
dominance by force.
The Atlantic ocean roads across the eastern
Atlantic between Europe and equatorial West
It was relatively easy and often bloodless

describes the Spanish conquest of the

38.Which of the following distinguished slavery
in the early modern Americas from other
slavery in world history?
39.The Black Death spread in large part thanks
to which empires unification of much of
40.What became to part of the definition of
modernity in the early modern era?
41.Based on the video watched in class, who is
Neil deGrasse Tysons favority scientist?
42.Did the Protestant Reformation have a
significant impact on the status of women?
43.According to Martin Luther, salvation can
only come from a single source, what is it?
44.The great European religious conflict of the
early seventeenth century that eventually
included much of Europe is known as the?
45.Which three nation states remained largely
Catholic during and after the Protestant
46.What made Emperor Kangxi forbid the
teaching of Christianity in China in 1715?
47.Scholars have often questioned whether this
revolution was a revolution at all, since it
was a conservative movement that aimed to
preserve existing liberties rather than create
new ones.
48.The Atlantic revolutions all grew out of
which historical era?
49.Except for Haiti, the main beneficiary of the
Atlantic Revolutions was what group?
50.This king and queen of France were
executed in 1793, marking a new stage of
revolutionary violence in France.
51.Which of the following revolutions was
acclaimed as the hope and model of the
human race?
52.What was the leading reason why large
numbers of Indian and Chinese indentured
servants came to work in the Americas in
the nineteenth century?
53.Which colony was regarded as the richest in
the world during the Atlantic Revolutions?
54.Which group in Great Britain had the littlest
material loss during the Industrial

Slaves came exclusively from one region of the


Protestantism worsened womens position in
society by closing convents, which had given
women an important alternative to marriage.
Thirty Years War

Spain, France, Italy

The pope claimed authority over Chinese

Christians and forbade the Jesuit policy of
American Revolution

Late 18th + early 19th centuriesEUROPEAN

Middle class white males
Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette

The North American Revolution /// THE US

The abolition of slavery left owners desperate for

workers in mines and on plantations.

Saint Domingue (later called Haiti)


55.Although social inequality was common

throughout Latin America in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a
nationwide revolution only broke out in
which country?
56.Which American political group denounced
corporate interests during the Industrial
57.Which German writer resident in England
was so shocked by the conditions of Britains
Industrial Revolution that he concluded that
industrial capitalism would collapse and give
way to a classless socialist society?
58.Which country experienced the Industrial
Revolution first?
59.Which of the following helps explain why the
United States did not develop a major
Marxist or Socialist movement as other
industrializing countries did?
60.By 1914, which country was the worlds
leading industrial power?
61.What kind of culture was created in the
United States through the spread of
advertising, catalogs, and department
62.Which innovation in 1869 made it much
easier and quicker for Europeans to reach
63.In general, what kind of control did
Europeans favor with their new colonies?
64.Which of the following was a reason for the
increasing sense of African identity that
had developed by the end of the nineteenth
65.Which country was best able to resist
Christian missionaries efforts during the
second wave of European colonialism?
66.Which two African nations remained largely
untouched during the Scramble for Africa?
67.Which of the following statements s true
about colonial economies in the long
nineteenth century?
68.The worst abuses by Europeans against
Africans occurred in what colony?
69.Which colonys rebellion led to Great
Britains direct control over it?
70.In what country did militias known as
Boxers kill numerous European and
Christian converts, besides besieging
foreign embassies in the capital?


Populism? -that was the movement but idk who

Karl Marx

The religious, ethnic, and racial diversity of
American workers prevented class solidarity.

Britain//// THE USA


Suez Canal

Europeans did not spread their political values

in any meaningful way to their colonies.
Africans from many states increasingly felt a
sense of common experience in the face of
colonial oppression and racism.
Asia OR india ??

Ethiopia and Liberia

The economic position of farmers and artisans
was badly eroded.


71.Which of the following statements is true of

Japan in the period 1600-1850?
72.Which of the following statements best
describes the Meiji Restoration?
73.Which of the following states was created
from the dismemberment of the Ottoman
Empire at the end of World War I?
74.What country did Serbia have an alliance
with at the beginning of World War I?
75.Which factor did NOT contribute to the
outbreak and character of the Great War?
76.Which term is defined as whole countrys
population being mobilized for war?
77.Which of the following states enjoyed
significant economic growth in the 1930s,
while the rest of the world was sunk deep in
the Great Depression?
78.Which of these newly independent Central
European nations were NOT created after
World War I?
79.What new political ideology became
important in much of Europe between 19191945?
80.Hitler came to be known as what mystical
identity during his rise to power?
81.What happened to the pope when the
fascists came to power in Italy?
82.During the 1920s, Japan did NOT experience
which of the following?
83.Which event occurred almost exactly 3
months after the surrender of Germany?
84.In the revolutionary period, which of the
following sectors of the Chinese population
provided essential support for Chinese
85.What was the name of the Chinese
Nationalist Party?
86.Which previous revolutions mystique did
the Communist revolutions draw upon?
87.What was the other name given to the
Soviet Great Purges of the late 1930s?
88.How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?

89.The buffer of friendly nations created by

Stalin in Eastern Europe were called what by
90.Among the changes in China after Deng
Xiaoping took control in 1976 was?

Japan's samurai evolved into a bureaucratic

and administrative class
It involved large scale borrowing from the west,
combining foreign elements with Japanese ones

Japanese Militarism

Nations that WERE created Poland,

Czechoslavakia, Yugoslavia

De Re Modality//// FUHRER
The pope made a series of agreements with
Mussolini that made the Vatican a sovereign
state and protected church property.
Recession??? economic problems
Japanese surrendered- V-J Day//D-DAY

Great Terror
The Soviet government removed the missiles it
had placed in Cuba in return for a U.S. promise
not to invade the island.
Iron curtain??

The reappearance of previously banned plays,

operas, films, and western books

91.Why is Nelson Mandela important to the

history of the twentieth century?
92.Historians often use the notion of
conjuncture to explain the end of colonial
rule in the twentieth century. What is

93.Gandhis efforts in South Africa were

focused on helping which ethnic group?
94.Satyagraha encourages what approach to
political action?
95.What is the other name given to the
splitting of India and Pakistan in 1947 by the
96.What effect did the Shah of Irans efforts to
westernize his country have?

97.Upon the Shahs abdication in 1979, who

assumed control of Iran?
98.Where did the conference meet that in 1944
established rules for postwar globalization,
including the creation of the World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund?
99.Which of the following is a reason for the
erosion of the American middle class over
that last few decades?
100. Which best characterizes the strategies
that the Islamic fundamentalist groups
pursued to achieve their political aims?

He was the first black president of South Africa.

The coming together of several separate
developments at the same time Conjuncture
literally means "joining together" and is used to
describe the coincidence in timing of several
key developments that helped bring down the
colonial world.
Confrontational, nonviolent////GANDHIAN
Partition of india??

It provoked an intense backlash, leading to the

Islamic revolution in 1979.
The shah's westernizing efforts provoked bitter
resentment from traditional Muslims and the
Shiite clerical establishment, leading to the
Islamic revolution in 1979.
Ayatollah Khomeini
Bretton Woods

Millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost to

foreign factories.
Most attempted to gain power through
elections and by placing members in influential
government and social positions, but some
sought violent revolutions

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