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Cyril & Methodius Parish

SS. Cyril and Methodius Christianity and had him martyred by tying him to an anchor
(Constantine and Methodius) and throwing him into the Crimean Sea. Eight centuries
later, Cyril and Methodius miraculously found his body
Constantine and Methodius through an angel who parted the sea. While the brothers
were Greek brothers, sons of a continued their missionary works they would bring along
high senatorial family of the remains of St. Clement, impressing and inspiring the
Thessalonica. Methodius, the Slavic natives, as well as the Papal court in Rome. They
older of the two brothers, returned St. Clement’s body to Rome for burial and when
became an important civil Cyril died while still in Rome, Adrian II insisted Cyril be
official. He grew tired of buried in the basilica that would be named after St. Clement.
worldly affairs and retired to a
monastery. Constantine Adrian II formed an Archdiocese of Moravia, made it
became a scholar and a independent of the German Church, and appointed
professor in Constantinople. Both were gifted theologians Methodius Archbishop. In 870 King Louis and the German
and linguists. bishops summoned Methodius to a council in Germany.
Here he was deposed and condemned to prison. After three
They were living in a monastery when the Khazars sent years he was liberated at the command of Pope John VIII
to Constantinople for a Christian teacher. Constantine was and reinstated as Archbishop of Moravia. He zealously
selected and was accompanied by his brother. They learned endeavored to spread the faith among the Bohemians and
the Khazar language and converted many of the people. also among the Poles in Northern Moravia.
Soon after there was a request from the Moravians for a Soon, however, he was summoned to Rome again due
preacher of the Gospel. The Moravians wanted a teacher to allegations of the German priests who objected to the use
who could instruct them and conduct Divine services in the of Slavonic in the liturgy. But John VIII sanctioned the
Slavonic tongue. Because of their familiarity with the Slavonic Liturgy, decreeing however, that in the Mass the
language, Constantine and Methodius were chosen for the Gospel should be read first in Latin, then in Slavonic.
work. In preparation for it, Constantine invented the
Glagolitic alphabet (its descendant alphabet, the Cyrillic Methodius went to Constantinople
alphabet is still used by many languages today). With the and with the assistance of several
help from Methodius, they translated the Gospels and priests, completed the translation of the
necessary liturgical books into Slavonic. Holy Scriptures. The enemies of
Methodius did not cease to antagonize
Despite their success, they were him however. His health was worn out
regarded with distrust by the Germans from the long struggle and he died on
because they held the Church services April 6, 884. He is buried at the
in the Slavonic language. They were Cathedral of Velehrad in Moravia.
summoned to Rome by Nicholas I,
who died however, before their Cyril was regarded by his disciples
arrival. His successor Adrian II as a saint following his death. His cult
received them, and convinced of their spread among the nations he
orthodoxy, commended their evangelized and subsequently to the St. Methodius Statue
SS. Cyril & Methodius Church,
missionary activity and sanctioned the wider Christian Church, resulting in the Lemont, Illinois
Slavonic Liturgy. Constantine never renown of his holiness, along with that
returned to Moravia. Falling ill, he of his brother Methodius. They were canonized by Pope Leo
retired to a monastery, assumed the XIII in 1880. In 1980, Pope John Paul II declared them
St. Cyril Statue monastic robes and the name Cyril Patrons of Europe. The two brothers are known as the
SS. Cyril & Methodius Church, and died on February 14, 869. Legend "Apostles of the Slavs" and are still highly regarded by both
Lemont, Illinois
tells us that his older brother was so Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Saints Cyril and
grief-stricken and perhaps upset by the political turmoil, that Methodius' feast day is celebrated on February 14th in the
he intended to withdraw to a monastery himself. Cyril’s Roman Catholic Church (to coincide with the date of St.
dying wish, however, was that Methodius return to the Cyril's death).
missionary work they had begun.
Prayer: Saints Cyril and Methodius, watch over all
One of the miracles said to have been performed by missionaries but especially those in Slavic countries. Help
Cyril and Methodius was the discovery of the body of St. those that are in danger in the troubled areas. Watch over
Clement who was the third successor to St. Peter in Rome. the people you dedicated your lives to. Amen.
The Romans were angered by St. Clement preaching
SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish
SS. Cyril and Methodius Christianity and had him martyred by tying him to an anchor
(Constantine and Methodius) and throwing him into the Crimean Sea. Eight centuries
later, Cyril and Methodius miraculously found his body
Constantine and Methodius through an angel who parted the sea. While the brothers
were Greek brothers, sons of a continued their missionary works they would bring along
high senatorial family of the remains of St. Clement, impressing and inspiring the
Thessalonica. Methodius, the Slavic natives, as well as the Papal court in Rome. They
older of the two brothers, returned St. Clement’s body to Rome for burial and when
became an important civil Cyril died while still in Rome, Adrian II insisted Cyril be
official. He grew tired of buried in the basilica that would be named after St. Clement.
worldly affairs and retired to a
monastery. Constantine Adrian II formed an Archdiocese of Moravia, made it
became a scholar and a independent of the German Church, and appointed
professor in Constantinople. Both were gifted theologians Methodius Archbishop. In 870 King Louis and the German
and linguists. bishops summoned Methodius to a council in Germany.
Here he was deposed and condemned to prison. After three
They were living in a monastery when the Khazars sent years he was liberated at the command of Pope John VIII
to Constantinople for a Christian teacher. Constantine was and reinstated as Archbishop of Moravia. He zealously
selected and was accompanied by his brother. They learned endeavored to spread the faith among the Bohemians and
the Khazar language and converted many of the people. also among the Poles in Northern Moravia.
Soon after there was a request from the Moravians for a Soon, however, he was summoned to Rome again due
preacher of the Gospel. The Moravians wanted a teacher to allegations of the German priests who objected to the use
who could instruct them and conduct Divine services in the of Slavonic in the liturgy. But John VIII sanctioned the
Slavonic tongue. Because of their familiarity with the Slavonic Liturgy, decreeing however, that in the Mass the
language, Constantine and Methodius were chosen for the Gospel should be read first in Latin, then in Slavonic.
work. In preparation for it, Constantine invented the
Glagolitic alphabet (its descendant alphabet, the Cyrillic Methodius went to Constantinople
alphabet is still used by many languages today). With the and with the assistance of several
help from Methodius, they translated the Gospels and priests, completed the translation of the
necessary liturgical books into Slavonic. Holy Scriptures. The enemies of
Methodius did not cease to antagonize
Despite their success, they were him however. His health was worn out
regarded with distrust by the Germans from the long struggle and he died on
because they held the Church services April 6, 884. He is buried at the
in the Slavonic language. They were Cathedral of Velehrad in Moravia.
summoned to Rome by Nicholas I,
who died however, before their Cyril was regarded by his disciples
arrival. His successor Adrian II as a saint following his death. His cult
received them, and convinced of their spread among the nations he
orthodoxy, commended their evangelized and subsequently to the St. Methodius Statue
SS. Cyril & Methodius Church,
missionary activity and sanctioned the wider Christian Church, resulting in the Lemont, Illinois
Slavonic Liturgy. Constantine never renown of his holiness, along with that
returned to Moravia. Falling ill, he of his brother Methodius. They were canonized by Pope Leo
retired to a monastery, assumed the XIII in 1880. In 1980, Pope John Paul II declared them
St. Cyril Statue monastic robes and the name Cyril Patrons of Europe. The two brothers are known as the
SS. Cyril & Methodius Church, and died on February 14, 869. Legend "Apostles of the Slavs" and are still highly regarded by both
Lemont, Illinois
tells us that his older brother was so Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Saints Cyril and
grief-stricken and perhaps upset by the political turmoil, that Methodius' feast day is celebrated on February 14th in the
he intended to withdraw to a monastery himself. Cyril’s Roman Catholic Church (to coincide with the date of St.
dying wish, however, was that Methodius return to the Cyril's death).
missionary work they had begun.
Prayer: Saints Cyril and Methodius, watch over all
One of the miracles said to have been performed by missionaries but especially those in Slavic countries. Help
Cyril and Methodius was the discovery of the body of St. those that are in danger in the troubled areas. Watch over
Clement who was the third successor to St. Peter in Rome. the people you dedicated your lives to. Amen.
The Romans were angered by St. Clement preaching

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