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Consumr bhavior


Consumr bhavior is "th study of individuals, groups or organizations and th
procsss thy us to slct, scur, us and dispos of products, srvics, xprincs or idas to
satisfy nds. ssntially, consumr bhavior dals with how frquntly a prson or organization
may purchas an itm from a company. It closly rlats to lmnts of customr srvic--such
as problm rsolution and ovrall satisfaction and to markting stratgis such as pricing,
promotion and product placmnt.
Consumr rsarch allows companis to markt mor ffctivly by including imags and
txt dsignd to rsonat with a targt dmographic and by schduling thos ads during crtain
shows or tim slots. As wll, undrstanding bhavior may lad to changs in th dsign of a pilot
product, a product's packaging or its position within th stor. Undrstanding why customrs buy
what thy do also hlps a company crat campaigns to ncourag rpat purchas and rfrrals.
By bing awar of consumrs' currnt bhavior, a company has an opportunity to crat a
comptitiv dg and to stal businss from th comptition. This can includ stratgically timd
sals, nw dsigns, improvd customr srvic or vn a nw channl. Priods of tim, such as
th grat rcssion of 2008, show anothr fundamntal rason why companis nd consumr
bhavior rsarch. Knowing whn a turnaround is going to bgin can b crucial for production
Th following stags wr mployd whn I wnt to buy lctronic appliancs for my


Problm/Nd Rcognition This is oftn idntifid as th first and most important stp in th
Customrs Dcision Procss. A purchas cannot tak plac without th rcognition of th nd.
Th nd may was triggrd by an xtrnal stimuli which includd advrtising and word of
Information Sarch Having rcognizd a problm or nd, I did som rsarch in ordr to find
out what I flt was th bst solution. This is th buyrs ffort to sarch intrnal and xtrnal
businss nvironmnts, in ordr to idntify and valuat information sourcs rlatd to th
cntral buying dcision. I rlid on print, visual, onlin mdia and word of mouth for obtaining
valuation of Altrnativs. I valuatd diffrnt products or brands at this stag on th basis of
altrnativ product attributs, thos which hav th ability to dlivr th bnfits I was sking. A
factor that havily influncd this stag is my attitud.
Purchas Dcision Th pnultimat stag is whr I did th actual purchas. Th final purchas
dcision may b disruptd by two factors: ngativ fdback from othr customrs and th lvl
of motivation to accpt th fdback.
Post-Purchas Bhavior. This involvd comparing th products with my prvious xpctations
and I could b ithr satisfid or dissatisfid. Thrfor, ths stags ar critical in rtaining
customrs. This can gratly affct th dcision procss for similar purchass from th sam
company in th futur, having a knock-on ffct at th Information Sarch stag and valuation
of Altrnativs stag.


Consumr involvmnt
Consumrs rciv and procss information to us it whn thy nd (in buying product
and srvics). On of th ffctiv lmnts in information procssing is consumr involvmnt.
Th typs of dcision making procss in involvmnt, affcts on th mthod of slcting
consumrs. Whn consumrs us high involvmnt instad of low involvmnt, slcting procss
is diffrnt.

Concption of low involvmnt not only affcts on advrtising, but also on markting
rsarch about consumr bhavior. Thus, lvl of involvmnt can affct on information procss,
dcision making and raction to advrtising. Rsarchrs of consumrs bhavior bliv that,
involvmnt is a modrat variabl in dcision making procss of buying. Morovr, consumr
involvmnt is undr affct of rlatd indx of product, consumr, and situational lmnts such
as buying dcision making. In my cas, I was dply involvd in th whol procss and thrfor
my dcision couldnt hav bn bttr.


Fill, C., Markting Communications: Contxts, Stratgis and Applications, London: Prntic
Hall, 1999.
Gordon, W., Th 21st Cntury Consumr: A Nw Modl of Thinking, Intrnational Journal of
Markt Rsarch, Vol.42 No.2, 185-99, 2000
Kinly, T., t al., Shopping bhavior and th involvmnt construct, Journal of Fashion
Markting and Managmnt, Vol. 14 No. 4,562-575, 2010.
Laaksonn p., "Consumr Involvmnt: Concpts and rsarch routldg: London.
UK, 1997.

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