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All target set to closest

Position 1: TD tanker - Max Dura Closest set to min range with AS Laser (mv 11)
Position 2: EE tanker - Max Att Lure set to min range with AS Laser(mv 7). Can use THO for this
Position 3-8: Laser hitter set to max range (mv 7)
I prefer my hitter not to be hit, so I make my hitter fleets with mv 7. This is to ensure all my hitter
fleets are behind the tankers
I use CQ-X with Eurues for my hitters while my tankers I used Deimos.


ALL Targets set to Closest
Position 1 to 7 = Laser hitters set to Max Range with movement 7 only. Use Eurus or Boreas with
mixture of Heat and Mag lasers. Try not to mix the weapons in the slots. Each slot should have 1
main weapon. Example slot 1-3 heat, slot 4-6 mag. Play around which weapon goes to first row
Position 8 = Max Att Lure Tank either use missile or SB with movement 7 only. Use GF or AS. I
used The Dictators for this fleet. As for the ships, I use Deimos front row tanker with 10 sagan
heat and 10 sagan mag with DCS ARA and agil. the 2nd and 3rd row just mix and match with SB
to make it movement 7.
Positon 9 = Min Att Tank set to Max Range using Bali weapon with movement 9. I used Deimos
with 10 sagan heat and 10 sagan mag. Middle slot just use AS. I used THO here so that their DE
can be debuffed. Please note that 0 stats DE can still proc. Best to use Technomancers if you
Position 10 = Closest tank using Laser set to min range with movement 11. Do use AS with this
fleet as this is the MOST IMPORTANT fleet. Use EE or DE for this fleet as this fleet must be able
to proc the most when dealing with Bael. This fleet cannot die - if die, can just stop the instance
unless left a few pirates left. I used Deimos front row with 20 sagan heat. Even with 1.3k dodge
and Negator-X, I still get damage from Eurus bali heat when my EE failed to proc
1. Hitters I use move 7 because I don't want my fleets to go too front. In round 1, none of the
hitters will be hitting anything, that is OK because you want your hitters to be alive
2. Closest Tank must be at the front, therefore I used movement 11 so that it be the front. You will
notice Min att tank is movement 9 so that it be behind closest tank while Max att lure be at the
3. Closest tank must use AS with laser set to min range. Setting min range using laser ensure
that it will move everyone. Using AS will regenerate shield. Max att and min att lure don't need
AS, you can use Gforce. Of course if Gforce can't help to tank, then try to use AS
4. Hitters must have above 100 speed to move first. Same goes to tankers. Practically, all comms
must have above 100 speed
My he3 consumption ranges from 4.5mil to 7mil. It depends on how much 0 stats DE proc and
also how much my EE failed to proc
Comms used
Hitters = 9* HoL, 8* QoB, 9* FF, 9* FnF, 9* HW, 9* KB, 9* TTT
Closest = 9* EE

Max att tank = 9* TD

Min att tank = 7* THO
He3 pumped
Hitter = 1,000,000 he3
tanker = 3,000,000 he3
Please don't share it out in your Corp group page. Leave this guide here for your reference. If you
want to tell your corp mates, tell in your own words


Here we go.Firstly, some explanation to go.
Luna MUST DIE FIRST in first round. ALL Luna must die first in first round. Even if Luna didn't die
all in first round, you can still continue if left 1 or 2 Luna. However, you must PRAY that Luna don't
proc in the first round. Seriously PRAY. LUNA can be targetted as MAX DURA
Secondly, this instance is made for the use of Boreas ships. I've struggled in the first week
because I've no Boreas ships. All I had was Eurus and Airboard. You will need Boreas Lasers to
survive this constellation. As for Tankers, best to use Deimos with Sagan Heat to tank Balistic and
Sagan Magnetic to tank Lasers
Thirdly, for flagship, use Abyssal for tankers and Ladon for hitters. If you don't have Ladon, CQ-X
still can use with exception to 1 fleet. I explain later to why you need at least 1 Ladon fleet. Don't
really need 3k Ladon ships, use 5 tanker ships Ladon can do
Please refer to krtools instance viewer for positions
Position 1: Your main tanker. This is your CLOSEST TANKER. This is a very important tanker that
tanks Slayer Bael and Queen of Blades. This tanker cannot die and you will need either DE or
EE. Your commander must be able to proc in order to survive. Don't really need to proc 100%
since my EE can't anyway.
As for the Ships use Deimos. If you can do, this Deimos uses Sagan Heat only. I made mine with
20 sagan heat and 10 ARA with of course DCS and full agility. Now, you need to ensure that this
fleet MOVE the 3rd. It means that, this fleet will move on the 3rd turn. Later I show which move
1st and 2nd. Of course I say the reason
As for Flagship, I would recommend Abyssal. You don't need full 3k - 1k will be sufficient with 1
small little BALI weapon for it to move to the front. For this fleet, I use only 7 slots. Front row 3
slots, middle row 3 slots and last row 1 slot in the middle. This is to ensure that it won't have too
much durability
Position 2: You main hitter and MUST move FIRST. This fleet is to kill the nearest Techomancer. If
you refer to instance viewer, you will notice that its front row is using Megaran Grudge. Therefore,
for this fleet you will need Boreas Heat weapon. I don't have the latest weapon, so I just use
Force Majoris. Pure steering and 17x Force Majoris. This hitter fleet MUST
completely kill the Technomancer fleet. Therefore, set to max range and target closest
Position 3: Your 2nd main hitter and MUST move SECOND. This fleet is to kill the next nearest
which is the Luna fleet behind the Technomancer. Again, this fleet must kill the Luna fleet. If you
refer to instance viewer, the front row is using Deimos. This means you need Boreas Magnetic
weapon. I have Arctic Cresent, so I used that. You can try using Frostbite.

Set to max range and target closest

You can use CQ-X for Position 2 and Position 3.
Now, the reason your Position 1 tanker moves after Position 2 and Position 3. This is to ensure
that the tanker reaches the nearest possible location to all the fleets there. I've some unfortunate
tries that the main tanker move 2nd where it is not the nearest, ending 1 or 2 hitter being killed.
From now onwards, HITTERS will target Max Dura set at max range. The reason is, first round
targetting Max Dura will hit the Luna fleets. Use your best hitter commanders and CQ-X except for
1 position. I would assume that all your fleets has at least 11 movement. 12 is the best
movement. As for weapons, please USE Boreas with Magnetic Weapon. You need to to destroy
those pesky Deimos
Position 4: This will be your MAX DURA tanker. Use your best ships that has 0 weapons. I would
recommend using 9* commander with at least 1000 dodge. Don't worry, by right this fleet will not
receive any damage - just as long all LUNA are dead in first round. Don't bother to continue if
LUNA was able to proc on this fleet. For this fleet, you can use GF-X and Deimos. Ensure that
this fleet has the highest Durability. If needed, use Dura chip if you think it is not high enough.
For the flagship, I use missile Abyssal set to min range targetting closest. This is to ensure that it
is quite near but not too near. With missile, the range is 5 from the nearest Enemy. You can use
SB Abyssal or GF-X, but please set to min range. I failed many tries for setting max range
because it went too far behind. Those Technomancers that is behind could not reach and they hit
my hitters.
Position 5: This is your MAX ATT tanker. This is also your important fleet and should not die. Best
to use either EE or DE.
Compared to Position 1 tanker, this is 2nd important. Position 1 closest tanker is much important.
Therefore, the best comm use in Position 1 while 2nd best comm use in Position 5. I used 9* EE
in Position 1 and use 8* DE for Position 5.
Please ensure that this tanker MUST HAVE LESS dura. For me I also use Deimos. To ensure I've
lesser dura, I just use 1000 flagship. For flagship you NEED to use Abyssal because this fleet will
take damage due to being a MAX ATT lure (lesser shield). Your shield need to regenerate. If
possible, use hull repair chip to ensure better success rate
As for the flagship, I used Abyssal with Lasers. My Deimos is using SB weapon to maximise
attack power. The reason I used
Lasers (1 weapon) is to ensure I go front to the nearest and can move in every round. Target set
to closest and min range.
Position 6: Hitter
Position 7: Hitter

Position 8: This will be your MIN ATT tanker. It is recommended to use TECHNOMANCERS as
enemies Dune will be targeting this fleet. I don't have Techno, so I used THO to debuff DE's skill.
This fleet do not need any weapon and I used 2 slots only. Middile front row I put Deimos (use
sagan heat if can) and middle 2nd row I use Abyssal. You can use GF-X.
This fleet doesn't move and has NO WEAPONS. This is to ensure it is Min Att fleet.
Position 9: Hitter
Position 10: Hitter
Position 11: Hitter
Position 12: Hitter
Now, all your hitters can actually use CQ-X with 11 or 12 movement. HOWEVER, it is
recommended that Position 11 hitter use Ladon if you fleet is less than 12 movement. The reason
for Position 11 may need Ladon is due to it is the furthest fleet which has a possiblity it won't
reach the Luna fleets. Position 11 fleet MUST HAVE at least 14 movement. If you fleet has 14
movement, then don't need Ladon
Please ensure that all your commanders has more than 100 speed to move first

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