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Today, employers have generally accepted welfare. The state only

intervenes to widen the area of applicability. It is now accepted that is a social
right. The Committee on Labor Welfare (CLW),formed in 1969 to review the
Employee welfare scheme, described it as social security measures that
contribute to improve the conditions under which workers are employed in India.
Void considers it is an expression of assumption by industry of its responsibility
for its employees. Though industrial workers conditions necessitate more than
minimum amenities, and hence most statutory legislation applies to them.
Dorab Tata, the successor of J.N.Tata, remarked in 1917 when the industrial
resolution has just taken root in this country, The welfare of the labouring
classes must be one of the first cares of every employer. Any betterment of their
conditions must proceed more from the employers downward rather than be
forced up by demands from below, since labour contented, well housed, well
fed, well looked after is not only an asset to the employer, but serves to raise the
standard of industry and labour in the country.
The Gandhian concept of industrial relations assumes that the employers
are trustees of national wealth. It is, therefore, necessary for them to take care fo
the basic needs of the workers. Welfare activity is thus an essential part of the
management function.

According to S.D.Punekar.The Industrial revolution brought in its wake a

commercial revolution resulted in the migration of people in millions. The
character of the countryside transformed: many rural areas urban towns.


Employee welfare work has been classified by Dr.Broughton in two specific

categories, namely (a) Intramural (b) Extramural. Welfare facilities within the
precincts of the establishment are called as intramural facilities. They include
facilities such as latrines and urinals, washing and bathing facilities, crches, rest
rooms and canteens, arrangements for drinking water, arrangements for
prevention of fatigue, health services including water, arrangement for
prevention of fatigue, health services including occupational safety, uniform and
protective clothing and shift allowances. Welfare facilities outside the
establishment are called as extramural. They comprise of facilities like maternity
benefit, social insurance measures including gratuity, pension, provident fund,
benevolent funds, medical facilities, housing, recreational facilities including
sports, cultural activities library and reading rooms, holiday homes and leave
travel facilities, consumer cooperative services, fair price shops, welfare of
women, youth and children and transport and from place of work.


Welfare measure place and important role in the development of human

resources of any organisation. This is most important aspects which exploits an
employed unlimited capacity and potential such capacity and potential of
employees have to develop for the benefit of an organization by applying proper
welfare measure.

The problem of welfare measures is serious in any type of organisation

whether it is public sector or private sector being TSPNDCL has to play as on
model employer being the most important power sector organisation it is
believed that in Indian Organisation there is a charge in consciousness and
aspirations of the workers in this context every employee should fields should
fields satisfied.


The main objective of the studies to analysis the impact of welfare methods
on works environment culture employee satisfaction and human productivity,
profitability hence the other specific to arrive the prime objectives of the study or

To review the state of welfare measure in India in general TSNPDCL in



To find out the satisfaction of employees of TSNPDCL over the welfare

measures through the opinion analysis.


To findout the graphs, flows and differences, in application of welfare



To suggest suitable changes in Welfare measures for betterment of welfare

of employees at TSNPDCL.


The methodology adopted in collecting the data, selection of samples,

analysis of data and interpretation of data as follows:
1. Data collection:
The source of the primary data has been collected in the form of a schedule in
which workers have asked various questions related to the various Employee
welfare measures provided to the workers.
2. Sample size:
For the purpose of collection of primary data fifty workers have been selected and
were asked questions related to Employee welfare as in the questionnaire.


The entire report has been divided into five chapters. The first chapter
introduces to the topic Employee welfare and Research Methodology, which
include objectives of the study, need for welfare work, scope of the study, sources
of data and methodology.
The second chapter presents a Concepts and significance of Employee welfare.
The third chapter presents the -profile of TSNPDCL and Employee welfare
provided at TSNPDCL.
The fourth chapter deals analysis of the study such as opinions of workers, on
the existing Employee welfare measures and to know their level of satisfaction
regarding the welfare measures.

The fifth chapter, which is the last one, includes the conclusion and
suggestions, which may help in improving the welfare measures in TSNPDCL.

1. Zaheeruddin,Labour Welfare Laws and working conditions in India with
special reference to Beedi and Cigar workers, Deep and Deep publications,
New Delhi,1985.
2. Prayag Mehta, Welfare of Unorganized Workers The case of Central
Welfare Organisations, Vikalpa, July-September, 1985,pp. 279 - 302.
3. Vidhya Srinivasan, Social Welfare Practice in Industry: A Perceptive study of
Manufacturing Organisations in Madras, Tata Institute of Social Science,
Mumbai, 1992, pp. 429-449.
4. Mathur D.C., Personnel Problems and Labour welfare: A Study of Cotton
Textile Industry; Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 1993.
5. Sewa Singh Chauhan, Labour welfare Administration in India, Kanishka
Publishers Distributors, Delhi, 1993.
6. Krishnan N.V.,Saftey Management in Industry, Bombay, 1993.
7. Debi S.Saini, Cases on Labour Law - Minimum Conditions of Employment,
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1995, p.xxii + 386.
8. Chu paul, The Modern Approach to Industrial welfare, International
Labour Review, Geneva, Vol. 135, 3-4, 1996, pp.371 381.
9. ILO Bureau for Workers Activities, Your health and safety at Work, ILO,
Geneva, 1996.
10.Shankar Lingam.N, Labour Management Relations in Tamil Nadu
Electricity Board, The ICFAI Journal of OB April 2005 pp 67-83.

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