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HHS4M Ind. & Fam.

in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment

Group Media Project

PURPOSE: A transition to the diversity of modern families has

evolved throughout history. You and your group will illustrate this
transition of the main groupings from hordes to pre-industrial to
contemporary Canadian families.

PREMISE: Your group has been chosen to create a pilot episode

depicting a family in history. Your show can be a comedy, drama,
thriller, etc. which will clearly demonstrate/depict how the life of a
family operated in a specific era we have learned about in class.



Part 1 GROUP - PLANNING: Your group will create a written script.

“Acting Roles” will be assigned here and an episode will be written out in detail
on paper.


• Obvious roles for each person in your group (even if it’s just
• Organization; an easy to follow script manual with obvious
• 3-5 minutes in length (you all should read through this to
make sure it is within the proper time frame)
• detailed descriptions of the setting or settings
• detailed descriptions of props which will be used (if relevant)

HHS4M Ind. & Fam. in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment

Part 2 GROUP - VISUAL: Your group will create a visual of your pilot
television episode. You may chose to portray this through one of the following:

• Storyboard – (shown in poster form presented to class)

see the following link for description:

• Power point presentation (slides of each scene shown on

computer to class)

• Film (filmed acting then projected from computer to class)

• Skit (acting in front of class)

Part 3 INDIVIDUAL - WRITTEN: You will include a written overview

describing the following:

• A - Your contribution to the project

• B - Other people’s contribution (or lack of) on the project

• C-What you learned from this experience about:

1) working with others in a group

2) your historical family group (or contemporary) – be sure

to discuss the structure of the family, use terms related
to this era and family type and the psychological and
economical functions, etc. pertaining to your family era

*Must be handed in the day of your “performance,” and it should be about one page long
(typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font).

HHS4M Ind. & Fam. in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment

Marking Sheet – A Family in History – Group Media Project

Name: _______________________________ TOTAL:

______ / 40
Family Era: _______________________________

Part 1 GROUP – PLANNING (SCRIPT) (12 pts)

SEE SCRIPT RUBRIC (pg. 4 of this packet) _____ / 10

Part 2 GROUP – VISUAL (10 pts)

(check which visual type was used in this group’s project) (pgs. 5-8 in this packet)

storyboard power point film skit

SEE RUBRIC _____ / 10

Part 3 INDIVIDUAL – WRITTEN (15 pts)

All sections are complete (A, B, C) _____ / 3

Participated fully and communicated well with group _____ / 5

Describes strengths/weaknesses regarding group work (part C, a) _____ / 2

Communicates information and ideas clearly with specific

reference to economic changes and family needs and functions
when discusses the family era (part C, b) _____ / 4

Grammar, spelling and mechanics are used properly _____ / 1


Handed in the assignment on time _____ / 5

date submitted

HHS4M Ind. & Fam. in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment

Script Rubric

Script Writing Rubric

4 3 2 1
Writer makes so many
Writer makes 1-2 errors Writer makes 3-4 errors Writer makes 5-6 errors errors in grammar,
Grammar & Spelling in grammar, spelling, in grammar, spelling, in grammar, spelling, spelling, punctuation or
(Conventions) punctuation or punctuation or punctuation or sentence sentence structure that
sentence structure. sentence structure. structure. the script does not
engage the reader.
The script is somewhat
The script is written in The script is mostly
written in the correct The script is NOT
the correct format. All written in the correct
format. Some lines have written in script format;
Written in Script lines have the correct format. Most lines have
the correct margin and no clear titles are used
Format margin and obvious the correct margin and
titles are used to guide and it is lacking in
titles are used to guide obvious titles are used
the reader, though could organization.
the reader clearly. to guide the reader.
be better organized.

The story contains The story contains a

The story contains a few
many creative details few creative details There is little evidence
creative details and/or
and/or descriptions that and/or descriptions that of creativity in the
descriptions, but they
Creativity contribute to the contribute to the
distract from the story.
story. The author does
reader's enjoyment. reader's enjoyment. not seem to have used
The author has tried to
The author has really The author has used much imagination.
use his imagination.
used his imagination. his imagination.

Project includes
Project includes all
most Project is lacking
material needed to Project is missing
material needed to several key
gain more
Accuracy a comfortable
than two key
a comfortable and has
understanding of the elements.
understanding of the inaccuracies.
time period chosen.
time period chosen.

Script does NOT make

Script is easy for a Script has parts that Script is difficult to read
Easy to Understand reader to understand are confusing but the and understand. It does sense. Reader can not
follow or understand
& Follow and follow. It flows and overall intention is not flow. An attempt has
the intention or where
makes sense. clear. been made.
the script is going.

Total ___ / 10

HHS4M Ind. & Fam. in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment

Power Point Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Background and
Background and text Background and text
Background and text do detract
do not detract from do not detract only a
text detract from from content and
Background content or other little from content or
content and other other graphics and
& Text graphics and is other graphics and is
graphics but is is not
appropriate for this appropriate for this
appropriate for this appropriate for this
project. project.
project. project.
Presentation has a Presentation has a
couple of couple of Presentation has
Presentation has no Misspellings/ Misspellings/ more than 2
Spelling and misspellings or grammatical errors, grammatical grammatical
Grammar grammatical errors. but does not take errors, but does and/or spelling
away from the not take away from errors.
presentation. the presentation.
All graphics are
Several graphics
All graphics are A few graphics are attractive but a
attractive (size and not few do
unattractive AND
Use of colors) and support attractive but all not seem to
Graphics the support the support the
from the content of
theme/content of the theme/content of the theme/content of
presentation. presentation. the
Project includes all Project includes most
Project is lacking
material needed to material needed to Project is missing
several key
gain gain more
Effectiveness a comfortable a comfortable than two key
and has
understanding of the understanding of the elements.
time period chosen. time period chosen.
Student had many
Student presented
difficulties Student was
Student presented material but could
presenting clearly unprepared
Presentation the material with have
materials and and lacked
confidence. been more confident
lacked organized.
and organized.

Total ___ / 10

HHS4M Ind. & Fam. in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment

Storyboard Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
The storyboard
The storyboard visually The storyboard
Visual The storyboard visually
follows the script,
visually follows the
visually follows the
repr follows the script using script, visually telling
visually telling the story script, visually telling
symbols and clear the story with some
ese labels, visually telling
with a good degree of
accuracy. More
the story with a low
accuracy. Labels are degree of accuracy.
ntat the story with a high
mostly detailed and
labels could be used
Poor use of labels
ion degree of accuracy. and/or could be more
clear. and/or symbols.
Storyboard depicts
Storyboard depicts Storyboard depicts Storyboard depicts
mostly all of the
Completion all of the scenes
scenes from the
some of the scenes only a few scenes
from the scrip. from the script. from the script.
Presentation has a Presentation has a Presentation has
couple of few several
Presentation has no
misspellings / misspellings / grammatical
Spelling and obvious misspellings
grammatical errors, grammatical and/or spelling
Grammar or
but does not take errors, but does errors which takes
grammatical errors.
away from the not take away from away from the
presentation. the presentation. presentation.

The storyboard is
presented The storyboard is The storyboard is
in an interesting, presented presented The storyboard is
Creative professional form in an interesting in an orderly form presented
presentation with obvious form with a good but with little with little effort.
preparedness and effort. effort.

Project includes most

material needed to
Project includes all
a comfortable Project is lacking
material needed to Project is missing
understanding of the several key
gain more
Effectiveness a clear
time period chosen;
than two key
another key element and has
understanding of the elements.
could have been inaccuracies.
time period chosen.
used to demonstrate
the time period more

Total ___ / 10

HHS4M Ind. & Fam. in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Students use effective
Students use verbal & Students use verbal &
verbal & non-verbal Students did not use
non-verbal language to non-verbal language
language clearly to depict an accurate
depict a meaningful and to depict a somewhat
depict a meaningful and representation of the
accurate representation accurate
Accuracy accurate representation
of the family era. The representation of the
family era. There was
of the family era. The either a lack of detail
story was shown with a family era. The story
story was shown with a and clarity or
high degree of was shown with some
high degree of misinformation given.
accuracy. degree of accuracy.
Students did not
Students followed
Students mostly follow a script or
the script
followed the script. the film lacked
somewhat. Only
Students obviously Lines were mostly direction. There
some lines were
followed the script. memorized and was obvious
memorized and
Lines were there was a clear disorganization
there was some
memorized and flow, which captured and forgotten lines,
Organization there was a clear the audience. There
flow, though the
which took away
audience was not
flow, which captured was a technical from the story.
always engaged.
the audience. There problems, but it did There were
There were a few
were no technical not distract the technical
technical problems
problems. audience much or problems, which
or one that
take away from the were very
distracted the
story. distracting to the
Students did not
Some props were use props to
All props were Most props were useful in telling the demonstrate a
interesting and were interesting and were story, though more good
useful in telling the useful in telling the could have been representation of
Use of story. Students go story. Students used. Students the time period or
Props above and beyond to demonstrated a demonstrated the props that
demonstrate the great representation some were used were
time period. of the time period. representation of vague and not
the time period. specific to the time
Project includes all Project includes most
Project is lacking
material needed to material needed to Project is missing
several key
gain gain more
Effectiveness a comfortable a comfortable than two key
and has
understanding of the understanding of the elements.
time period chosen. time period chosen.
Overall Students presented Students presented Students
the material with material with presented Students presented
Performance a high degree of confidence. material with some material with little
confidence and ease. confidence. or no confidence.

HHS4M Ind. & Fam. in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Students use effective
Students use verbal & Students use verbal &
verbal & non-verbal Students did not use
non-verbal language to non-verbal language
language clearly to depict an accurate
depict a meaningful and to depict a somewhat
depict a meaningful and representation of the
accurate representation accurate
Accuracy accurate representation
of the family era. The representation of the
family era. There was
of the family era. The either a lack of detail
story was shown with a family era. The story
story was shown with a and clarity or
high degree of was shown with some
high degree of misinformation given.
accuracy. degree of accuracy.
Students followed Students did not
Students obviously Students mostly the script follow a script or
followed the script. followed the script. somewhat. Only the film lacked
Lines were Lines were mostly some lines were direction. There
Organization memorized and memorized and memorized and was obvious
there was a clear there was a clear there was some disorganization
flow, which captured flow, which captured flow, though the and forgotten lines,
the audience. the audience. audience was not which took away
always engaged. from the story.
Students did not
Some props were use props to
All props were Most props were useful in telling the demonstrate a
interesting and were interesting and were story, though more good
useful in telling the useful in telling the could have been representation of
Use of story. Students go story. Students used. Students the time period or
Props above and beyond to demonstrated a demonstrated the props that
demonstrate the great representation some were used were
time period. of the time period. representation of vague and not
the time period. specific to the time
Presentation Presentation
Presentation is Presentation
includes all includes most
missing more is lacking
material needed to material needed to
than two key several key
Effectiveness gain gain
elements and/or elements
a comfortable a comfortable
there is an and/or has
understanding of the understanding of the
inaccuracy. inaccuracies.
time period chosen. time period chosen.

HHS4M Ind. & Fam. in a Diverse Society
Unit 1 – The History of the Family Assignment

Students presented Students Students presented

Students presented
Overall the material with
material with
presented material with little
Performance a high degree of material with some or no confidence.
confidence and ease. confidence.

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