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Tra n s i tTi m es .
a e 0 ACT
Volume 2 Number 7 OAKLAND, NOVEMBER 1959

Voters Approve Transit Bond Issue;

New Service Due To Start on July I
District: Financing Transit Board Acts on
Plan Authorized by Necessary Program to
Substantial Margin launch District System
The East Bay metropolitan area joined Selection of a :6.rm of :6.nancial consult-
with other major community centers in ants and the creation of new staff posi-
the nation last month when voters ap- tions have been approved by the board
proved financing for a publicly owned of directors in an effort to push forward
transit system. the district's plans for operation.
The $16,500,000 bond issue, submitted At their meeting this month, transit di-
by the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit rectors retained Blyth & Company, na-
District for the purposes of buying transit tionally-known :6.nancial :6.rm, to advise in
equipment and other facilities, will allow the marketing of the district's $16,500,000
the district to replace the privately- bond issue recently passed by the voters.
owned operations of the Key System in Under terms of a $19,000 contract, the
the area. firm will conduct all preparatory and con-
The measure, which needed majority sulting work necessary for the bond sales.
approval, received 62,875 affirmative and District officials hope to obtain an in-
48,891 negative votes. Of the total 111,- terest rate on the issue under 4 per cent.
766 ballots cast, 56.3 per cent favored the Equipment Purchases
proposal. Bond proceeds will finance equipment
Plans of the district propose to revital- purchases for the start of district transit
ize public transit with new, streamlined operations, possibly as early as July 1st
motor coaches, a network of fast express of next year.
lines utilizing highways and freeways, New district positions include con-
and more than 200 miles of new or im- troller, transportation analyst, a secretary
proved local neighborhood routes. and stenographer-clerk.
Altogether, the district will operate In a report'to the board, General Mana-
more than 700 miles of transit routes in ger John R. Worthington declared:
nine East .Bay cities and adjacent unin- 'We are facing an extremely difficult
corporated area. period where there is a great deal of de-
(Continued on Page 7J' (Continued on Page 3)
What the Editors Are Saying About Transit Board Retains Experts To Assist on Bond
District: Reminded of Its Promises; Support Pledged
Sales, Approves Four New Staff Positions
(Contin';ed from Page 1) district. Hearings on a condemnation
Reprinted from the San Leandro Morning-News: tailed work and planning that must be suit, filed by the district against specific
accomplished in the changeover from our Key System properties before the State
I Nspiraling
THIS DAY of near revolt against
taxes, the voters of Alameda
serious traffic congestion on streets and
present limited staff to the force neces-
sary in operating a transit property.
Public Utilities Commission, are expected
to be held next month.
and Contra Costa counties have, with Therein lies the secret of success. "We must have experienced transit men 3-Launch discussions with various
some caution, placed their trust in an- For certainly buses would be of no available to effect the coming transition." city administrations toward establishing
other taxing agency by telling it to go great assistance in relieving congestion Worthington outlined immediate steps in their respective cities new transit
ahead and solve our transit problems. if they were simply added to the already ahead required to place the district in service and other improvements recom-
The Alameda -Contra Costa Transit growing number of cars on the freeways, operation as follows: mended by the engineers. The district
District, which won approval of a $16,- especially during rush hours. The buses I - Complete final specifications for the expects to make effective as many of the
500,000 bond issue Tuesday, told the vot- would, in fact, make the congestion new design city and suburban Transit recommended improvements as possible
ers that, in case of passage, the present worse. Liner coaches, with contracts to be by the July 1st take-over time.
2.9 cent tax rate would not go up. This pushes some of the burden back awarded early next year. Worthington said that suggestions from
Indeed, transit officials have indicated upon the motorists. For the plan to work, 2-Commence negotiations with the the public and representative organiza-
that the tax would go down and possibly more people must leave their cars at home Key System, looking toward acquisition tions for improvements not specifically
be eliminated altogether by the proposed and commute on buses. of specific properties and toward devel- recommended by the engineers will be
self-supporting transit system. We don't think that commuters would oping an understanding as to the surren- welcomed and given study during the im-
The transit people sold a bill of goods suffer from such a switch. The buses to der of Key's area-wide operations to the mediate months ahead.
on this basis. Now the big sales job is over be used by the transit district are ultra-
they're on the production line. modern, air-conditioned, roomy and com-
The majority of voters, not an over-
whelming majority, by any means, have Barber continued: "The district is Plan To Hire Key Personnel Studied
agreed that the worsening transit snarl hopeful that it can commence operation Transit directors are considering the "Practically all of the employees re-
must be untangled; but they indicated, on July 1. This date, however, will de- adoption of an official policy declaring quired are in a skilled category," Worth-
also, that they don't want the hungry pend upon such contiIigencies as the first their intention to' offer jobs to the 1,500 ington said, adding that the costs of train-
mouth of a taxing agency to take any available date for the delivery of new bus drivers, mechanics, clerks and other ing personnel if the district attempted to
bigger bite out of their tax dollar. equipment ..." workers now employed by Key System build up and train a new and independent
They are already giving until it hurts. "We consider the program to be the Transit Lines. work force would involve very substan-
The transit district now has the main best and most feasible plan possible for Such a policy would assure to most of tial expenditures over that now contem-
responsibility of providing what it has improved transit without taxing the peo- Key System's personnel their present jobs plated of between $1,000,000 and $2,-
promised: a first-class East Bay transit ple to pay for it." when the district takes over operations of 000,000.
system at no extra cost to the taxpayer. We're with you, Bob . . . the private carrier next summer. "The employment of Key System oper-
Robert K. Barber, district board presi- The policy statement, recommended ating personnel will insure an experi-
dent, said: "East Bay citizens, in endors- More Information by General Manager John R. Worthing- enced organization that also would per-
ing the transit bond measure, have taken A note or phone call to the transit dis- ton, is being considered by a committee mit take-over with as little disruption of
a great step forward in making their cities trict will place your name on the mailing of the board, and is expected to come be- service and management as possible,
better places in which to live, and in help- list for Transit Times if you are not al- fore the full membership at their regular Worthington added.
ing to assure the future prosperity prom- ready regularly receiving a copy of the meeting December 2. President Robert K. Barber, in refer-
ised for this area." monthly newsletter. The district also can Worthington, in a report to the board, ring the matter to board committee, en-
"The many improved services planned make available a 20-minute color movie declared: dorsed the recommendation.
by the district are expected to draw in- which shows improvements to public "It would only be good sense and eco- "It has always been assumed the dis-
creasing numbers of transit users from transit that are taking place in other large nomics to secure as much of our required trict will hire Key System's operating
their private cars and thus help to reduce cities throughout the country. staff and personnel from the ranks of personnel when the district takes over
2 present Key System personnel as possible. public transportation service."
Speetat ieeptnt
Turning Point for Transit May Be Here The statement reprinted below was issued by Robert
K. Barber, president of the transit Board of Directors,
New Facts Disclose Nation-wide following the recent special transit bond election.

Trend of Public Transit Use

May Soon Start Upward
I Nexplosive
THE FACE of mounting traffic congestion and
population growth, East Bay voters have
stamped their approval on a public-owned transit sys-
Two current developments have been correlated by a tem to replace dwindling services of the Key System.
leader of the American transit industry to show what may East Bay citizens, in endorsing the transit bond
indicate a change in the public's attitude toward the use of measure, have taken a great step forward in making
public transit facilities. their cities better places in which to live, and in help-
The official, Walter S. Rainville, Jr., director of research ing to assure future prosperity promised for this area.
for the American Transit Association, drew upon figures re- The many improved services planned by the district
leased by the Federal Reserve which indicate that a smaller . are expected to draw increasing numbers of transit
percentage of "spending units" in the country own private users from their private cars and thus help to reduce
automobiles in 1959 as compared with 1957. serious traffic congestion on streets and freeways.
'While the number of two-car 'spending units' has in- Citizens will be able to travel about their cities with
creased along with the population and the number of auto- greater freedom. Those using public transit will enjoy a
mobiles," he explained, "the percentage of non-car-owning superior transit service now provided in many Eastern
'spending units' has risen in this two-year period from 28 to cities but long denied our people here in the East Bay.
29 per cent." The district is hopeful that it can commence opera-
tions on July 1st. This date, however, will depend upon
Postwar Transit Decline Levels Off such contingencies as the first available date for the
Rainville also pointed out that the sharp postwar decline delivery of new equipment.
in transit patronage has leveled off during the past nine or We believe this transit program best represents what
10 months. In fact, for two consecutive months prior to the the people want-better public transportation serving
steel strike, transit riding actually showed an increase over more of the people, yet supported by those who will
the corresponding months of the previous years. use the service.
"I would hesitate to forecast from this coincidence of sta- We consider the program to be the best and most
tistical behavior that transit faces a coming millenium," he feasible plan possible for improved transit without tax-
said. "But we who are charged with planning the future of ing the people to pay for it.
our nation's urbanized areas may well pause and ponder The inauguration of a publicly-owned transportation
whatever significance may evolve from these interesting insisted, "transit should be used where it will result in the system is indeed a complicated matter, yet the people
events in the coming months." best balanced solution, taking into account the three basic have indicated their faith in a proposed system which
Rainville, in a lecture before graduate students at the Yale ingredients of street and highway facilities, parking and ter- we believe is financially sound, will merit widespread
University Bureau of Highway Traffic, described transit as a minal facilities, and transit itself. use, and will contribute to healthy property values and
"valuable tool of the community," adding that through a strong, vigorous economy.
proper use it can become an "extremely valuable future tool Total Reliance on Autos Promises Chaos On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank
for the highway engineer, the traffic engineer, the city plan- Rainville warned of the "eventual chaos which increasing the many hundreds of civic-spirited leaders in our East
ner and the public official." reliance on the automobile in congested areas can bring." Bay cities who helped to explain the transit program
Transit can serve best wherever there are volumes of peo- Rainville concluded by reviewing many steps that have and achieve a successful vote. We owe a special debt of
ple to be moved, because of its basic efficiency in the use of been taken to improve transit service and vehicles and em- gratitude to A. H. Moffitt, Jr., of Alameda, who guided
street space, he said. phasized particularly the success that has been achieved with the citizens committee campaign as general chairman.
"From the standpoint of community benefits," Rainville transit service on new urban freeways and expressways.
4 5
West Contra Costa Citizens Committee To
Study Alternates for:Local Transit Service
A special citizens transit study commit- service to be given without annexation or
tee has been formed in Western Contra contracting to the district.
Costa County to develop a plan for local They also include establishing a new
transit service in the area. local transit district with a separate gov-
Annexation to the Alameda-Contra erning board or through the Bay Area
Costa Transit Di~trict is one of 10 possi- Rapid Transit District or through a
bilities under study by the committee, county service area administered by the
which is charged with helping the cities board of supervisors; having a municipal
decide what to do about the prospective transit operation run jointly by the two
loss of the bulk of their local bus service. city councils, and checking on protection
More than a year ago the courts upheld given by the State Public Utilities Com-
taxpayers, who challenged the legality of mission against withdrawing the existing
Richmond and San Pablo being included bus service.
when the district was formed in 1956.
Alternates Eliminated
Loss of Local Service
But with approval of the transit district John Garvey, secretary to the commit- WELCOME ABOARD-Inspecting model of new, streamlined motor coach to be oper-
bonds last month, the area faces the loss tee, said the technical group hopes that ated by Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District are, left to right, Hayward developer
of local service when the district replaces study would eliminate some of the alter- George Oakes; J. R. Worthington, transit district general manager, and Hayward
nates so that eventually the committee Mayor Floyd M . Attaway. Welcoming inspection party aboard during recent dem-
the Key System. As proposed, there will
could concentrate on two or three pro- onstration at Fairway Park Shopping Center in Hayward is hostess lona Castlebary.
not be any local district service in Rich- District plans to buy 296 new design Transit Liners- many of them air-conditioned.
mond or San Pablo. posals.
The new committee was appointed by The committee has set February 1 as a
County Supervisor James Kenny and
Mayors Leo Viano of Richmond and C.
target date to have its final recommenda-
tions in the hands of the two cities and
Voting Itemized by Individual Cities
(Continued from Page 1) that projected revenues will be sufficient
H. Blanton of San Pablo. the county for action.
The various possibilities suggested I van Goyak, former Contra Costa Under the plan developed by De Leuw, to replace equipment as it becomes ob-
were for providing transit by existing or County supervisor, is chairman of the 15- Cather & Company, independent engi- solete without having to resort to taxes or
by new private operations with or with- man committee. AI Furrer, a leader in the neering consultants, proceeds from the another bond issue in the future.
out local governmental aid; annexation Richmond Development Foundation's ef- sale of the bonds would be allocated as A breakdown of the unofficial voting
to the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit Dis- forts to modernize the downtown Rich- follows : results by cities is as follows:
trict; contracting with the district for local mond business district, has been named I-Purchase of 296 new Transit Liner Yes No
feeder service and checking on mainline vice chairman. motor coaches during first two years to Alameda 2,468 4,820
operate on all district lines: $8,000,000. Albany 1,380 1,388
2 - Acquisition of 276 existing-type Berkeley 11,526 6,444
Public Showing of Transit Program Available coaches for auxiliary peak-hour service
during initial years of district operation:
Eden Township
El Cerrito .
4,379 4,186
2,684 2,486
An illustrated public presentation of problems of mass transportation in the $2,800,000. Emeryville . 189 113
the transit district's new program for im- area and explaining the district's develop- 3-Purchase of three existing Key Sys- Hayward 2,696 1,960
proved and expanded East Bay transit is ment plan for meeting this need. tem terminals in Emeryville, Richmond Kensington 898 446
available for scheduling by organizations The presentation is available free of and East Oakland: $3,800,000. Oakland 30,864 22,943
in the area. charge for luncheon meetings as well as 4-Establishnient of a new bus mainte- Piedmont . 1,640 876
Titled, "We're Rolling With Transit," for groups holding their meetings during nance and storage terminal at Hayward, San Leandro 3,790 3,066
the presentation includes a series of de- the morning, afternoon or evening hours. plus contingencies incidental to the ac- Approximately 30 per cent of the 372,-
scriptive charts and a commentary by a Any interested group may arrange for a quisition of new equipment: $1,900,000. 873 registered voters cast bollots at the
district representative pointing out the presentation by contacting the district. The De Leuw, Cather report maintains special October 20 election.

6 7
At an adjourned regular meeting Oc-
tober 27, 1959, the Board of Directors:
Transit Times
• Canvassed voting returns on special
transit bond election held October 20, on
motion of Director Bettencourt. (Details, a TII.aN."1T DISTRICT
Page 1.)
• Adopted resolution expressing ap-
preciation to Citizens Committee for Bet- Telephone TEmplabar 6·1808
ter East Bay Transit for its successful Alan l. Bingham, Editor
campaign on behalf of the transit district Officers
bond measure, on motion of Director Bet- Robert K. Barber President
tencourt. Wm. J. Bettencourt Vice President
John R. Worthington . . General Manager
• Heard a report from General Mana- Robert E. Nisbet . Attorney-Secretary
George M. Taylor AdministrOltive Officer
ger Worthington on immediate steps re-
quired to place the transit district in op- Robert K. Barber Director at Lorge
eration, and referred the recommenda- Robert M. Copeland . Director at Lorge
William H. Coburn, Jr. Ward I
tions to committee for study, on motion Ward II
J. Howard Arnold
of Director Copeland. (Details, Page 1.) John l. McDonnell Ward III
Wm. J. Bettencourt . Ward IV
* * * Paul E. Deadrich .
~ lD .
Ward V

At its regular meeting November 4,

1959, the Board of Directors:
• Created four new staff positions: con- pany as financial consultants to assist in
troller, $12,000 to $15,000 annual salary bond marketing, at a total fee of $19,000,
range; transportation analyst, $lO,OOO to on motion of Director McDonnell.
$12,000; secretary, $4,800 to $5,400, and
• Requested General Manager W orth-
stenographer-clerk, $4,200 to $4,800, on
ington to report at the regular December
motion of Vice President Bettencourt.
meeting on his proposed timetable for the
• Approved retention of Blyth & Com- acquisition of new motor coaches.

Transit Times
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