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Psychology is formally defined as:The scientific study of behavior and mental processes

What best represents psychology's basic goals?Describe, explain, predict, and influence

Which field had the greatest impact on the emergence of psychology as a

separate scientific discipline?Physiology
Which event do most historians consider to mark the formal beginning of
psychology as a scientific discipline?The establishment of the first psychology research laboratory
by Wilhelm Wundt in 1879

The early psychological school called structuralism emphasized the study of:The
elemental components of sensations, feelings, and conscious experience

____is to structuralism as ___ is to functionalism.Edward Titchener; William James

Who created structuralism?Edward Titchener
Who created functionalism?William


Cognitive and behavioral perspectives share:An empirical framework

A therapist who helps people develop choices and self-direction and striving to
reach their fullest potential subscribes to what perspective of psychology?

John B. WatsonFather of behaviorism; Contributed to psychology the generalization-inductive reasoning,

emphasis on external behaviors of people and their reactions on a given situation; Studies: Little Albertdemonstrating the principles of Classical Conditioning

Who might say this: "my goal is to discover how behavior is acquired and
modified in response to environmental influences"?John B Watson
Key figures in the development of behaviorism include:Watson, Pavlov, and Skinner
The __ perspective emphasizes studying the physical basis of human and animal
behavior, including the nervous system and genetics.Biological
Gestalt PerspectiveAn approach to psychology in which it is thought that experiences can be best
understood when the parts are considered as a unified whole

Introspection is most closely associated with what psychological perspective?


If you want to understand how people think, understand, and know about the
world, then you should read research from the__ perspective.Cognitive perspective
Behaviorism was characterized by:The rejection of consciousness as a topic in psychology and
focus upon observable behavior

The __perspective of psychology emphasizes the importance of unconscious

influences and early life experiences in explaining the underlying dynamics of


What conditions would increase scientific confidence in particular research

finding?If independent researchers repeated the study using different participants and the same basic
finding occurred again

Which of the following is NOT a step in the scientific method?

A. Formulate a hypothesis that can be tested empirically
B. Apply the findings to solve human problems
C. Analyze the data and draw conclusionsApply the findings to solve human problems
What questions should you ask when trying to evaluate the validity of
psychological research?What hypotheses were tested, and were these hypotheses based on a
specific theory; who participated in the research, and how was it conducted; are the results reported in a fair,
unbiased manner?

Empirical evidence refers to evidence that is the result of:Observation, measurement, and

What is true regarding correlation research?You cannot use correlational research to draw
conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships

representative sample is a:A group of subjects that closely parallels the larger group to be studied on all

relevant characteristics, such as age, sex, and race.

A correlation coefficient is:A indicator of the strength and direction of a relationship between two

Your instructor notices that in many of her classes, the longer she lectures, the
more student yawns she see. This represents:A positive correlation
A research method used to for example:researcher polls shoppers in a local mall
about their attitudes towards raising sales taxes to support improved
Positive correlation is to negative correlation as__ is to__.Variables moving in the same
direction; variables moving opposite directions

The purpose of the control group in an experiment is to:Serve as a baseline to which

changes in the experimental group can be compared

The experimental group is the group of:Subject exposed to the independent variable
Researchers are conducting a study to determine how quickly symptoms of
depression reduced by different forms of psychotherapy. What is the independent
variable in this study?The type of psychotherapy used to treat depression
The basic goal of the experimental method is to:Demonstrate that one variable causes
change in a second variable

Theory is to hypothesis as__is to__.Model; prediction

When psychologist systematically observe and record behaviors as they occur in
their natural settings, they are using a descriptive method called:Naturalistic

In a double-blind study:Both the subjects and the researcher who interacts with them are unaware of
which subjects have been exposed to the independent variable

The ethical requirement of informed consent means that:Participants must be completely

informed about the purpose and conditions of the research, and must be free to withdraw from the research at
any time

Sarah participates in a psychological research project involving answering a

number of arithmetic problems. During the experiment she's informed that her
answers were incorrect. After the experiment was completed the research
assistant explained the purpose of the experiment. This stage of research
A case study is:An in-depth investigation of a single individual or small group of individuals, often
involving information from a wide variety of sources

A neurotransmitter that is often associated with depression and suicide is:Serotonin

A neurosurgeon wants to check for swelling in her patients brain before
performing surgery. She takes many x-rays of the brain from different angles and
then combines them into a single composite. What scanning technique has the
surgeon used?Computerized tomography scan
Jason often wonders why some people seem to be more sexually oriented than
others, and why some people engage in sexual activity more than others.
Understanding the__ may help answer some of his questions.Hypothalamus
Speech production is associated with:Broca's area
Speech comprehension is associated with:Wernicke's area
As an action potential moves along an axon, the message it communicates is in
a what form?Electrical
Once the message from an action potential enters the synapse, it is what form?

The two main divisions of the nervous system are:Peripheral nervous system and central
nervous system

Thomas was distracted as he was cooking, and he inadvertently touched a very

hot dish. Instantaneously, he jerked his hand back, a reflexive action that was
processed where?In his spinal cord
In general, the sympathetic nervous system:Arouses and mobilizes
The parasympathetic nervous system:Maintains and conserves
The main link between the nervous system and the endocrine system is
Which gland directly regulates the production of hormones and other endocrine
What technique or instrument generates color-coded images of the brain's
activity?Positron emission tomography (PET)

What instrument or technique produces images of the brain's structure?An MRI


What is not part of the hindbrain structure?Hypothalamus

Reticular formationA network of neurons running from the base of the brain and sends signals up to
higher brain regions, down to the spinal cord, and helps regulate attention and sleep

What part of the brain is affected when under the influence of alcohol affecting
your balance?Cerebellum
Parkinson's disease often involves the degeneration of neurons that produce___,
and are located in a brain area called___.Dopamine; substantia nigra
The primary communication link between the left and right cerebral hemispheres
is called:The corpus callousum
The signals for intentional or voluntary muscle movements originate in a band of
tissue called the___, which is located on the__ lobe.Primary motor cortex; frontal
As you wait in line at the airport the guy behind you standing so close that his
briefcase is pushing against your leg. The sensation of the brief case touching
and pushing against you is being processed in your__lobe.Parietal lobe
How is each part of the body represented on the somatosensory cortex?In
proportion to each body part's sensitivity to somatic sensations

A large bulk the cerebral cortex is not devoted to any particular sensory or motor
function. These areas known as __, are generally thought to be involved in
processing integrating sensory and motor information.Association areas
The limbic system refers to:The hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, and hypothalamus
The hippocampus plays a key role in:Forming new memories
Following her stroke, Fernando's grandmother could understand what she read
or what was being said to her. However she had great difficulty speaking. Based
on these observations, Fernando suspected that his grandmother stroke had
produced damage in:Broca's area
Why was the split-brain operation first performed?To help control reoccurring epileptic

Functional plasticity:Refers to the brains ability to shift functions from damaged to undamaged areas of
the brain

What brain structure is associated with the emotional responses of fear

discussed and anger?The amygdala
The occipital lobe is related to:Vision
The temporal lobe is responsible for:Audition- hearing
What part of the brain controls breathing, heartbeat, and other vital body

Immediately after an action potential has moved through a neuron, the:Neuron

cannot fire again immediately

The autonomic nervous system is composed of two different branches

called:Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
In combination, the brain and spinal cord make up the:central nervous system
What neurons convey information about the environment from the sense organs
to the brain?Afferent
What neurons communicate information to the muscles and glands?Efferent
Most neurons have all of the following parts except:Association areas
Which part of the neuron receives messages from other neurons?Dendrite
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that involves:An abnormal increase in thickness of the myelin
sheath, blocking the release of neurotransmitters

Information is transmitted along the axon:In the form of a brief electrical impulse
The stimulus threshold of the neuron refers to the:minimum level of stimulation required to
activate a particular neuron

What keeps an action potential continuing down an axon?At each successive segment of
the axon, the action potential is regenerated by depolarization and the movement of ions across the axon's

The all-or-none law refers to the fact that:Either the neuron is sufficiently stimulated and an
action potential occurs or it is not sufficiently stimulated and the action potential doesn't occur

The most common form of communication BETWEEN neurons is:Chemical

The space between two neurons (which is the point of communication between
them) is called the:Synapse
In synaptic transmission, the action potential stimulates the release
of:Neurotransmitters by the synaptic vesicles
Alzheimer's disease is a deficiency of:Acetylcholine
Deficiency of Acetylcholine is to___ as deficiency of Dopamine is to___.Alzheimer's
disease; Parkinson's disease

Even though Nate lives in the city, his sleep is rarely interrupted by the sounds of
traffic or sirens. We can assume that Nate's ___ is functioning properly.
A. thalamus B. amygdala C. medulla D. reticular formationReticular formation
The most recently evolved portion of the human brain is the:Cerebral cortex
As you are taking this test right now, you are aware of your thoughts, sensations,
memories, and different aspects of the surrounding environment. Collectively, this
awareness is referred to as:Consciousness
Why do most people find it easier to adjust to time changes when flying westward
than eastward?Because you gain an hour or more when you change time zones flying westward, which
corresponds to the body's natural tendency to drift toward longer days.

As you are reading this question, you are awake and alert. This means that your
brain is generating ___ brain waves.Beta waves
Delta Brain wavesThe slowest and loudest brainwaves; generated during deep meditation and
dreamless sleep. They suspend external awareness and are the source of empathy; where healing and
regeneration occur in this state.

Theta Brain wavesMost common waves during sleep; also dominate in deep meditation; source of
learning and memory; In this state we are in a dream, vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond our
normal conscious awareness. Also where we hold our 'stuff', our fears, troubled history, and nightmares.

Alpha Brain wavesThis state our resting state for the brain. This state aids overall mental coordination,
calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning

Beta Brain wavesThe small, fast brain waves associated with alert wakefulness
Gamma Brain wavesIn this state is our fastest of brain waves; relates to simultaneous processing of
information from different brain areas. It also modulates perception and consciousness, disappearing under

As you are lying in bed, your mind begins to drift and you become increasingly
drowsy. During this short, transitional stage of sleep you disengage from the
routine sounds in your environment. This stage os sleep is called:Stage 1
What sleep disorder is characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks; The
sufferer may lapse directly into REM sleep, often at inopportune times?Narcolepsy
What is a lucid dream?A dream in which you become aware that you are dreaming while you are still

Elaine is sitting in Sigmund Freud's office and tells him that she remembers a
dream in which a car parked in front of her house and a man with a baseball bat
kept getting in and out of the car. After some discussion, Freud suggested that
that baseball bat probably symbolized the man's penis and the action of
repeatedly entering the car probably symbolized sexual intercourse. The
symbolic meaning of the dream that Freud suggested is called the ___
content.Latent Content
What best describes Sigmund Freud's view of dreaming?Dream imagery is a symbolic
expression of repressed urges, wishes, and desires

According to the ___ model of dreaming, dreams are meaningful only because
the dreamer imposes personal meaning on the image generated by random
neural firing in his or her brain.Activation-Synthesis model of dreaming
What best defines Hypnosis?A cooperative social interaction in which the hypnotized person
responds to the hypnotist's suggestions

How many sleep cycles does a person typically experience during a normal night
of sleep?5
Sleep ApneaA sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and
repeated momentary awakenings

What sleep problems tend to occur during the deep sleep stage 4 NREM?
Sleepwalking and night terrors

In combination, stage 3 and stage 4:Are referred to as slow-wave sleep

Dr. Repetti is a sleep researcher who wishes to record the rhythmic electrical
patterns of the brain. What method is he most likely to use?The electroencephalograph (EEG)
How do depressant drugs affect the human body?Inhibit the activity of the central nervous

What is NOT considered a stimulant?

-Cocaine -Nicotine
-Caffeine -AlcoholAlcohol
The "REM rebound effect" refers to the finding that:People who are deprived of REM sleep
will later spend more time in REM than they normally would

As Andrew sleeps, his respiration rate increases, his heart rate becomes
irregular, and he has an erection. Andrew is probably in what stage of sleep?REM

According to this theory, sleep is necessary for growth and repair of the
body:Restorative Theory
After taking drugs for several years, Bruce decides to quit taking drugs. He
begins to experience a variety of physical symptoms, psychological symptoms
such as irritability, and a strong craving for the drugs. What term is used to
describe what Bruce is experiencing?Withdrawal
Morphine and heroin duplicate the actions of:Endorphins
Which of the following drugs is classified as an hallucinogen?
-Rohypnol -Marijuana -HeroinMarijuana
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)Allows communication to and from central nervous system;
Divided into somatic and automatic nervous systems

Central Nervous System (CNS)A subdivision of the human nervous system comprising the brain
and spinal cord. Transmits & receives messages to & from the Peripheral Nervous System

Somatic Nervous System (SNS)Controls voluntary functions; controls muscles and reflexes
AfferentSensory neurons going TO the brain, "Carry to", axons which bring information to CNS.
EfferentMotor neurons going FROM the brain, Carry signals from CNS to effector organs
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)Controls involuntary functions such as breathing
Parasympathetic Division

A division of the autonomic nervous system that moderates the excitatory effect of

the sympathetic division, slowing metabolism and restoring energy supplies

Sympathetic DivisionPart of autonomic division; mobilizes the body in times of stress, danger or intense
emotional arousal; "fight-or-flight" response

ForebrainUppermost and Largest brain region; Covers the brain's central core. It includes the cerebral
cortex, the cerebrum, and the limbic system, which consists of the hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala, and
hippocampus; Also called the cerebrum

Corpus CallosumA thick band of axons that connects the two cerebral hemispheres and acts as a
communication link between them

Cerebral CortexDivided into two hemispheres; Center for higher order processes such as thinking,
planning, and judgment. Receives and processes sensory information and directs information and directs

Temporal LobeAn area on each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex near the temples that is the primary
receiving area for auditory information

Occipital LobeAn area at the back of each cerebral hemisphere that is the primary receiving area for
visual information

Parietal LobeLocated in the upper back half of the brain. Receives and processes sensory information
from the body and skin senses as well as other sensory areas in the brain. Association areas are invovled with
spatial reasoning and sensing the position of the body in space

Frontal LobeLargest lobe in cerebral cortex; processes voluntary muscle movements and is involved in
thinking, planning, and emotional control; contains primary motor cortex

Limbic SystemA doughnut-shaped system of neural structures at the border of the brainstem and cerebral
hemispheres; associated with emotions such as fear and aggression and drives such as those for food and
sex. Includes the hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus

MidbrainCentral part of the brain that contains neural circuits for hearing and seeing as well as orienting
movements; part of brain the gives you pain relief when given morphine

Substantia NigraPortion of midbrain that is involved in motor control and contains large concentration of
dopamine-producing neurons

HindbrainPart of the brain that contains the Pons, Cerebellum, Reticular Formation, and Medulla; at the
base of the brain that connects the brain to the spinal cord

In psychology, the term sensation formally refers to:The process of detecting a physical

In contrast to sensation, the term Perception is formally defined as the:Active mental

processes of integrating, organizing, and interpreting sensory data

Stimulation that is below one's level of awareness is referred to as:Subliminal


The process by which physical energy, such as light, is converted into a coded
neural signal that can be transmitted to and interpreted by the brain is
The smallest possible stimulus that can be detected half the time, or the
minimum level of stimuli that we can detect is called:The just noticeable difference, or
difference threshold

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