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Cod proiect: 0112320

Acord. Buna ziua / seara, numele meu este [PROGR: Insert Name] si reprezint GfK Romania, Institut de cercetare de
piata inregistrat cu nr.5974 la Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal. In
prezent realizam un studiu despre diferite servicii, aveti aproximativ 5 minute sa ne raspundeti la cateva intrebari? Va
asiguram ca toate raspunsurile vor fi confidentiale. Rezultatele sondajului nu vor fi niciodata evaluate in legatura cu
numele persoanelor intervievate, ci reprezentate doar sub forma de date statistice.
1. Da
2. Nu

PROGR: Single answer. All respondents.

S1. Sex of respondent
<i> Raspuns unic. </i>
1. Male
2. Female
PROGR: Numeric, range [1-99]. All respondents
Show code 98 on the same screen. Code 98 exclusive.
S2. What is your exact age, in completed years?
<i> Raspuns unic. </i>
-------------- years
98. Dont know/ Refusal
PROGR: Automatically register age in the corresponding age interval below. Do not display on screen
1. Under 14 y.o.
2. 14 - 18 y.o.
3. 19 - 24 y.o.
4. 25 - 34 y.o.
5. 35 - 44 y.o.
6. 45 54 y.o.
7. 55 64 y.o.
8. Over 64 y.o.
PROGR: STOP interview if S2<14
Progr: Single answer. All respondents
S4. Who is in charge of the monthly expenses for this number on which we are talking now?
<i> Cititi lista. Raspuns unic. </i>
1. Only you, personally
2. You personally and someone else
3. Only another person
4. A part the company where you work for and another part you personally
5. Only the company you work for
Progr: Stop if S4 = 4 or 5
Progr: Single answer. Rotate answers. All respondents
Q10. If you would have to choose a provider for a new mobile telephony service/ product, which would be your first
<i> Cititi lista. Raspuns unic. </i>
1. Cosmote/Telekom
2. Orange
3. Vodafone
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Cod proiect: 0112320

Progr: Single answer. All respondents
SD1. Which is your last graduated school?
<i> Raspuns spontan. Daca respondentul ezita sau refuza sa dea un raspuns, Read out list.Raspuns unic. </i>

None/ without studies

Primary school (4 classes)
Middle school (8 classes)
10 classes
Vocational school
High school/college
Post graduate (Masters, PhD)

Progr: Single answer. All respondents

SD2. Which is your occupation?
<i> Read out list. Raspuns unic. </i>
1. Business owner
2. Employee with high education (ingineer, economist, doctor, professor, etc)
3. Public official
4. Qualified worker (driver, chef)
5. Unqualified worker (construction worker)
6. Free lancer (lawyer, photographer, journalist)
7. Farmer
8. Pupil/ Student
9. Retired
10. Housewife
11. Unemployed without job
12. Medical/ child leave
99. Refusal
Progr: Single answer. All respondents
SD3. Which is your marital status?
<i> Raspuns spontan. Daca respondentul ezita sau refuza sa dea un raspuns, Read out list. Raspuns unic. </i>
1. Married /Living with the partner
2. Unmarried /Living alone
3. Divorced
4. Widow
9. No answer
Progr: Single answer. All respondents.
SD4. Which range corresponds to your personal monthly income?
<i> Raspuns spontan. Daca respondentul ezita sau refuza sa dea un raspuns, Read out list. Raspuns unic. </i>

Less than 1000 RON

Between 1001 and 1400 RON
Between 1401 si 1600 RON
Between 1601 si 2000 RON
Between 2001 si 3000 RON
Over 3000 RON
Without personal income
No answer

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