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Oxford Medicine Online

Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology (4 ed.)

Edited by Richard A. Watts, Philip G. Conaghan, Christopher Denton, Helen Foster,
John Isaacs, and Ulf Mller-Ladner
Latest update
In November 2014, 80 chapters were updated. Numerous updates have been made
including to the chapters on Rheumatoid Arthritis, the Genetics and Environment
section, the Management section, and much more. We also welcome two new authors
Sebastien Viatte and Charles Raine.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Print ISBN-13: 9780199642489
DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199642489.001.0001

Print Publication Date: Oct 2013

Published online: Oct 2013

The science of rheumatology has progressed enormously since the third edition of the Oxford
Textbook of Rheumatology was published in 2004. There have been major developments in all
the major subspecialities of rheumatology and rheumatologists are enjoying the fruits of the
biotechnology revolution, with a cornucopia of biological agents in routine clinical practice or
in development.
In keeping with a new editorial team the content of the book has been thoroughly revised,
while retaining the broad structure of the previous editions which were a distinctive feature of
the book. The number of chapters has increased from 126 to 173, reflecting the increasing
breadth of knowledge. New chapters have been written reflecting the changing face of
rheumatology. We have expanded the imaging section to include separate chapters on each
of the main modalities, and chapters on therapeutics cover the new biologic agents including
areas that we foresee becoming mainstream during the life of the book.

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Medicine Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Cristian Ninulescu; date: 16 July 2015

Textbooks of this size are often viewed in the modern electronic age of rapid revision as being
ossified and out of date before publication. We, however, believe, as do our publishers Oxford
University Press, that textbooks still have a valuable place. Much of the corpus of knowledge
contained within textbooks changes quite slowly; principles and practice of examination,
clinical features of disease and assessment. Chapters on pathogenesis and treatment become
outdated more quickly and we are planning a regular cycle of updates. In addition to
completely revising text, we have introduced colour throughout the book.
Electronic books have become widespread since the last edition and in addition to a print
edition we are producing an online version, which is not merely the print version reproduced
but has enhanced functionality with direct links to references, video images, and links between
relevant sections. The ability to use video enables use of multislice MR and CT to be available
and real time ultrasound.
We owe a huge debt to the editors of the previous editionsDavid Isenberg, Peter Maddision,
Patricia Woo, David Glass, and Ferdinand Breedveldwho assembled and produced three
splendid editions. They felt that the time had come, nearly a decade after the writing of the
third edition, that a fresh editorial team was needed.
Richard A. Watts
Ipswich, UK
Philip G. Conaghan
Leeds, UK
Christopher Denton
London, UK
Helen Foster
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
John Isaacs
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Ulf Mller-Ladner
Bad Nauheim, Germany

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Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford
Medicine Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Cristian Ninulescu; date: 16 July 2015


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Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford
Medicine Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Cristian Ninulescu; date: 16 July 2015

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