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Agriculture has been facing the destructive activities of numerous pests and

insects from time immemorial, leading to radical decrease in yield. the global
challenge is to secure high and quality yield and to make agricultural produce
environmentally compatible. conventional insecticides posses inherent toxicities
that endanger the health of the farm operators, consumers and the environment.
Negative effect on human health and environment led to a resurgence in interest in
botanical insecticides because of their minimal cost and ecological side effects.
Traditional chemical can kill all the insects they come in contact with, while most
biopesticides are insect and disease specific, controlling the unwanted pests while
preserving the population of beneficial insect. the chemosterilant activity of
biopesticides i.e. naturally occurring pesticides has been evaluated using some
pests. Their activity were compared with synthetic pesticides on the reproduction,
namely mating, behavior, fecundity and fertility. The studies were made by
histological, histochemical and by estimation of total protein content in different
organ. It is surprising to note that although large number of pesticides have been
discovered, the majority of them attack very limited target such as nervous or
respiratory system and many other target remain unexplored. Interference with
normal metamorphogenic process could be one of the approach for limiting the
reproductive competence of the insects. Exploring the possibility of using insect
growth regulators as reproduction inhibiting agent in insect control. In search of
chemical which are of relevance in insect control. we have been screening
indigenous plant and phytochemical as possible source of bioactive compound. We
can control the population of pest which is harmful for agriculture through the use
of biopesticides. So we may conclude that the control of pest is one of the vital to
improve the quality and production of crop. Thus this is a noval approach, to insect
pest control by natural product and their derivatives which are ecofriendly
alternative to chemical insecticides. Biopesticides affect only target pest and
closely related organism effective in very small quantities. The use of the
biopesticides has emerged as promising alternative to chemical pesticides.
Biopesticide are going to play an important role in future pest management
programmes. When used in integrated pest management system, biopesticides
efficacy can by equal to or better than conventional product. By combining
performance and safety, pesticides perform efficaciously while providing the
flexibility of minimum application restriction, superior residue and resistance
management potential, human and environmental safety benefits. Biopesticides
clearly have a potential role to play in development of future IPM strategies.

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