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Ce vrst avei?

How old are you? (What's your age?)

Am douazeci i opt de ani.

I'm twenty-eight (years of age).

Anul viitor mplinesc treizeci de ani.

I shall be thirty next year.

Nu artai vrsta.

You certainly don't look your age. (You don't

look it.)

Ce vrst mi dai (credei c am)?

How old do you think I am?

Cnd v-ai nscut?

When were you born?

M-am nscut n l957.

I was born in 1957.

Avem aceeai vrst. (Suntem de o


We're the same age.

El este cu doi ani mai tnr dect soia lui. He's two years younger than his wife.
Ea este nc adolescent. (Nu a mplinit
douzeci de ani.)

She's still in her teens. (She is a teenager.)

Ea este minor?

Is she under age? (Is she still a minor?)

Cnd va atinge el majoratul?

When does he come of age?

Copiii lui sunt mari i cstorii.

His children are grown up and married.

Permitei-mi s v prezint familia mea.

Meet my family.

Mama i tatl dv. sunt acas?

Are you mother and father in?

Fiica lui cea mare are un copil de trei


His eldest daughter has a three-months old baby.

Cine este doamna aceea n vrst?

Who's that elderly lady?

Cum arat el?

What does he look like?

El este foarte chipe (artos).

He is quite handsome. (He is s good-looking


Soia lui este o femeie ncnttoare.

I think his wife is a charming woman.

Ea este o fat drgu.

She is a pretty girl.

Sora dumneavoastr este student?

Is your sister a student?

El este scund/nalt.

He is a short/tall man.

Biatul este prea nalt pentru vrsta lui.

The boy is rather tall for his age.

Ce nalt a crescut (s-a fcut)!

How tall he has grown?

De ci ani sunt cstorii unchiul i

mtua dv.?

Haw long have your uncle and aunt been


Avei muli veri i nepoi!

Do you have many cousins and nephews?

Nepoata mea Ana i-a srbtorit ziua de

natere ieri.

My niece Ann celebrated her birthday yesterday.

Toate rudele dv. locuiesc la ora?

Do all your relatives live in town?

Cumnatul meu este compozitor.

My brother-in-law is a composer.

Cumnata mea este arhitect.

My sister-in-law is an architect.

S mergem s felicitm mireasa i mirele. Let's go and congratulate the bride and the
Seamn cu tatl lui, nu gsii (credei)?

He takes after his father, don't you think so?

Fratele lui are prul blond/negru.

His brother has fair/dark hair.

Bunicul i bunica mea au mbtrnit.

My grandfather and grandmother are getting old.

Da, ntr-adevr.

Yes, indeed.

Desigur. (Firete.)

Of course.

Da, este adevrat.

Yes, that's true.

Sunt sigur de asta.

I'm sure of that.

Aa este.

So it is.

neleg. Foarte bine.

I see. Very well.

Da, ntocmai.

That's right.

Chiar aa este.

Quite so.

Cred c da.

I think so.

Negreit. (In orice caz.)

By all means.

Da, ar fi mai bine s-o facei.

Yes, you'd better do it.

E o idee bun.

That's a good idea.

Va fi foarte bine.

That will do nicely.

E tocmai ceea ce am dorit.

It's just what I wanted.

Sunt ntru totul de acord.

I quite agree with you.

Aceasta este i prerea mea.

That's my opinion, too.

Cred c tiu ce vrei s spunei.

I think I know what you mean.

Ai avut totui dreptate.

You were right after all.

Se nelege de la sine.

That goes without saying.

Trebuie s recunosc c...

I don't mind admitting that...

Nu exist nici o ndoial n aceast


There's no doubt about that.

De acord.

That's agreed.

Ce facei n timpul liber?

What do you do in your space time?

mi place s m plimb.

I'm rather fond of walking.

Soiei mele i place s gteasc.

My wife loves cooking.

Prietenul meu colecioneaz timbre.

My friend is a stamp collector.

V place s lucrai pe lng cas?

Do you like working about the house?

Sorei mele i place s croeteze.

My sister is very fond of knitting.

Nou ne place s primim musafiri.

We enjoy entertaining guests.

Eu sunt mare amator de filme.

I am a movie fan.

Mergei des le concert/teatru/oper?

Do you often go to the concert/theatre/opera?

Ai vrea s facei o plimbare?

Would you like to go out for a walk?

O s-mi fac bine.

It will do me a lot of good.

Unde ne-am putea petrece seara?

Where could we spend this evening?

Unde vrei, mi-este indiferent.

Where you like, I don't mind.

Ce posibiliti de distracie exist!

What kind of entertainment are there to choose from?

Prefer s stau acas i s scriu nite


I'd rather stay at home and write some letters.

Ne vedem desear, atunci.

See you tonight, then.

mi pare aa/foarte/extrem de ru.

I am so/very/awfully sorry.

Nu-i nimic. (Nu face nimic.)

Oh, it's quite all right.

Sincer vorbind, nu mi-am dat seama

c procedez greit.

Honestly, I had no idea I was doing wrong.

Nu face nimic.

Never mind!

Scuzai, v-am fcut s ateptai.

Sorry, I have kept you waiting.

Nicidecum! Nu are importan.

Not at all! It doesn't matter.

V rog s m, iertai, nu am vrut s v Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you.

Am greit!

I have made a mistake!

V deranjez? Nu mi-am dat seama.

Am I in your way? I didn't realize that.

Scuzai-m, mi caut locul.

Excuse me, I'm looking for my seat.

V rog s m scuzai.

I beg your pardon.

Poftim? Vrei s repetai?

Pardon? Would you mind repeating that?

S fixm o ntlnire pentru sptmna viitoare.

Let's make an appointment for next week.

Miercurea viitoare v convine?

Will next Wednesday suit you?

mi convine foarte bine.

That would do perfectly.

Miercuri sunt liber.

I'll be free on Wednesday.

Unde ne ntlnim?

Where shall we meet?

Vrei s-l vedei ntr-o chestiune de afaceri?

Do you want to see him on business?

Putei fixa o ntrevedere prin telefon sau n scris.

You can arrange an interview by phone or

by letter.

Trebuie s iau legtura cu el.

I have to get in touch with him.

M poate primi?

Is he ready to see me?

Venii pe la mine duminic.

Come and see me on Sunday.

Arithmetical Operations
Cte cri are aceast bibliotec?

How many books does this library


Am zeci de cri.

I have scores of books.

Are vreo zece creioane.

He has some ten pencils.

Care este procentajul?

What's the percentage?

Vreau trei la sut.

I want three per cent.

Eu cntresc 65 de kg.

I weigh 65 kilos.

Am nlimea de 1,82 m.

I am 1.82 m tall.

Am perimetrul toracic de 85 de cm.

I measure 85 cm round the chest.

Camera aceasta are o lungime de 15 m, limea de This room is 15 m long, 9 m wide, and 5
9 m i nlimea de 5 m.
m high.
Marea Nordulul are o adncime mai mic de 200
de m.

The North Sea is less than 200 m deep.

Lumina se propag cu o vitez de 300000 de km

pe secund.

Light travels at a rate of 300,000 km a


Azi noapte a fost o temperatur de aproape 20

grade C sub zero.

We had nearly 20 degrees of frost last


n zona aceasta limita de vitez pentru

autovehicule e de 30 km pe or.

In this area the speed limit for cars is 30

km an hour.

Suprafaa acestui cmp e de 10 ha.

The area of this field is ten hectares.

Cntrii la fel ca ea?

Do you weigh as much as she does?

Care sunt operaiile aritmetice?

What are the arithmetical operations?


Ct fac 8 ori 8?

What are 8 times 8?

Ct se obine dac se nmulete 9 cu 12?

What is the answer if you multiply 9 by


Ct rmne dac se scade 15 din 75?

What remains if you subtract 15 from 75?

Ct fac 5 plus 6 plus 7?

What do 5 plus 6 and 7 add up to?

mprii 60 la 5.

Divide 60 by 5.

2 i cu 3 fac 5.

2 and 3 is five.

Ptratul lui 7 e 49.

The square of 7 is 49.

Acest cerc are un diametru de 2 cm.

This circle has a diameter of 2 cm.

Ce v pot arta, domnule?

What can I show you, sir?

Artai-mi, v rog, ultimele apariii.

Please show me your latest


A vrea s cumpr nite cri romneti.

I'd like to buy some Romanian books.

Aceasta este ultima ediie?

Is this the latest edition?

mi putei arta nite ghiduri de conversaie?

Can you show me some conversation


Cartea aceasta se gsete i n traducere?

Is this book available in translation?

Iau aceaste ediie de buzunar.

I'll take this pocketsize edition.

Mai dorii i altceva?

Do you want anything else?

Un dicionar englez-romn, v rog.!

An English-Romanian dictionary,

Acesta este prea mare. mi putei da unul uor de


This one is too big. Can you give me a

handy one?

Avei ultimul roman de P...?

Have you got P's latest novel?

mi pare ru, este epuizat.

I'm sorry it's out of print.

Am vndut ultimul exemplar n dupamiaza aceasta.

We have sold the last copy only this


S vi-l comand, domnule?

Shall I order it for you, Sir?

V vom trimite cartea aceasta prin pot.

We shall send this book to you by


Ce romane istorice avei?

What have you got in the way of

historical novels?

Putei lua o ediie broat.

You can have a paper-back (paperbound) edition.


Prefer ediiile legate.

I prefer hard cover editions.

mi putei da un catalog cu ultimele publicaii?

Could you give me a catalogue of the

latest publications?

Avei vreo carte de bucate?

Do you have any cookery books?

Unde este secia dv de anticariat?

Where is your department of secondhand books?

Ct cost cartea aceea legat n piele?

How much is that book with a leather


Aceasta este o traducere foarte bun din francez.

This is a very good translation from

the French.

A mnca ceva.

I feel like eating something.

De obicei mi-e foame dimineaa.

I usually feel hungry in the morning.

Cnd ai luat micul dejun?

When did you have breakfast?

Nu am luat nc micul dejun.

I haven't had breakfast yet.

Mi-ar prinde bine i mie o gustare.

I could do with a snack myself.

Vrei ceai sau cafea?

Do you like tea or coffee?

Prefer a ceac de ceai.

I prefer a cup of tea.

Cum v place ceaiul?

How do you like your tea?

mi place tare/slab.

I like it strong/weak.

tiu c nu v place cafeaua.

I know you don't like coffee.

Ai prjit pinea?

Have you toasted the bread yet?

S v torn o ceac de ceai?

Shall I pour you out a cup of tea?

Bei ceaiul cu zahr/cu lapte?

Do you take sugar/milk in your tea?

mi putei da a ceac de lapte cald/cacao?

Can I have a cup of hot milk/cocoa?

V place ceaiul?

Do you like your tea?

Ce gust are?

How does it taste?

Poftii gem de portocale.

Here's the marmalade.


Help yourself to it.

Dai-mi, v, rog, sarea.

Pass me the salt, please.

Nu mai dorii nite pine cu unt?

Won't you have some more bread and


Da, v rog.

Yes, please.

Nu, mulumesc. Este destul.

No, thank you. I've had enough.

Nu mai doresc, mulumesc.

I don't want any more, thank you.


Ai terminat micul dejun?

Have you finished your breakfast?

Da, mi-a plcut foarte mult micul dejun.

Yes, I've enjoyed my breakfast very


Trebuie s duc aceast reet la o farmacie.

I have to take this prescription to a

dispensing chemist's.

Poftii reeta.

Here's my prescription.

M tem c va trebui s v preparm acest


I'm afraid we'll have to make up this

medicine for you.

Vrei s ateptai cinci minute?

Do you mind waiting five minutes?

Medicamentul acesta este pentru uz extern sau


Is this medicine intended for external

or internal use?

Acesta este um preparat profilactic/antiseptic?

Is this a prophylactic/antiseptic

Mi-i putea da un calmant/un somnifer?

Could you give me some painkiller/sleeping tablets?

Cum s-l iau?

How shall I take it?

Luai medieamentul dup prescripiile medicului.

Take the medicine in accordance with

the prescriptions.

Ct cost trusa aceasta de prim ajutor, v rog?

How much is this first-aid set, please?

Mai vreau i un pmtuf (de brbierit) i un brici.

Then I want a shaving-brush and a


Dorii i spun de brbierit?

Do you want some shaving-soap, too?

Da. Iau dou buci i un spun de fa.

Oh, yes. I'll have two sticks and a

tablet of toilet soap.

Ce marc dorii?

Which brand do you want?

Ce facei desear?

What are you going to do tonight?

Vreau s merg la film (cinema).

I want to go to the pictures (cinema).

Vrei s mergei cu mine?

Would you like to come with me?

Nu avei nici un program desear, nu-i aa?

You haven't anything on this evening,

have you?

Mi-ar face plcere s v, nsoesc.

I'd be glad to join you.

Unde mergem?

Where shall we go?

tii ce film este?

Do you know what's on at the pictures?

Unde ruleaz acum!

Where is it showing now?


Trebuie s scrie n ziar. Iat.

It should be in the paper. Here we are.

Mai este un film pe care l-am putea vedea.

There's another picture on we might see.

Este un film francez tehnicolor.

It's a French Technicolor picture.

Este tradus/dublat n romnete?

Is it subtitled/dubbed in Romanian

Este o comedie?

Is it a comedy?

V plac desenele animate?

Do you like cartoons?

Deunzi am vzut un film mut/sonor vechi.

The other day I saw one of the early

silent/sound films.

Mi-a plcut foarte mult.

I really enjoyed it.

Acest film are mare succes.

This picture has been a real success.

A primit un premiu la festivalul de la Cannes.

It has got an award at the Cannes


Nu mai sunt bilete.

All tickets are sold out.

Nu mai sunt bilete dect n rndurile din fa.

These are only seats in the front rows


Mai sunt locuri ieftine? Vom lua nite bilete


Any cheap seats left? We'll take some

cheap seats.

Am ntrziat prea mult ca s mai gsim locuri


We are too late for the good seats.

Cine este regizorul acestui film?

Who is the director of this picture?

Scenariul aparine lui ...

The screen-play is by ...

Este inspirat dup celebrul roman al lui ...

It's based on the famous novel by ...

Astzi se prezint vreun jurnal de actualiti?

Is there any newsreel today?

Ct dureaz filmul?

How long will the show last?

Spectacolul duzeaz aproape trei ore.

The show will last about three hours.

City Transport
Unde este staia de autobuz, v rog?

Where's the bus stop, please?

Autobuzul patruzeci oprete aici?

Does number 40 stop here?

Este o staie facultativ. Autobuzele opresc numai la It's a request stop. Buses stop on
cererea cltorilor.
request here.
Ce autobuz trebuie s iau pentru parcul Herstru?

Which bus must I take for

Herstru Park?

Luai autobuzul treizeci i unu.

You want number 31.

Luai autobuzul 50 i coborii la...

Get on a number 50 bus and get off


Unde este urmtoarea staie de autobuz?

Where is the next bus stop?


Spunei-mi, v rog, unde trebuie s schimb.

Tell me where to change, please.

Ct de des pleac autobuzele de aici?

How often do buses run from here?

Pe aici nu circul, tramvaie?

Are there no trams running here!

Putei ajunge acolo cel mai bine cu troleibuzul.

You can best get there by trolleybus.

Iat c v vine autobuzul/tramvaiul.

How, there's your bus/tram


Pregtii mruniul.

Have your change ready.

Pn unde mergei?

How fat do you go?

Eu merg pn la capt.

I go as far as it goes. (I go to the


Trebuie s coborm la penultima staie.

We must get off at the last stop but


Ct cost biletul pn la...?

What's the fare to...!

Taxa, v rog! Mai este cineva fr bilet?

Fares, please! Any more fares,


Unde suntem acum?

Where are we now?

Unde trebuie s cobor, v rog?

Where must I get off, please?

Aici cobori.

This is where you get off.

Aici schimbai cu autobuzul cincizeci.

This is where you change to bus

number fifty.

Exist serviciu de transport noaptea?

Is there a night service?

Da, dup miezul nopii autobuzele circul la fiecare

douzeci de minute.

Yes, after midnight buses run every

twenty minutes.

Ce numr de locuri are acest autobuz?

What's the seating capacity of this


Nu stai pe platform.

No standing an the platform.

Trebuie s ne grbim. S lum un taxi.

We must hurry. Let's take a taxi.

Chemai, v rog, un taxi.

Call for a taxi, please.

Acolo este a staie de taximetre.

Over there is a taxi rank.

Suntei ocupat/liber?

Are you engaged/free?

Urcai. M ocup eu de bagaj.

Step in! I'll take care of your


Punei-l lng ofer.

Put it beside the driver.

Da, domnule. Unde s v duc?

Yes, sir. Where to!

La Gara de Nord, te rog.

To North Station, please.

Mai repede, te rog. M grbesc.

Go faster, please. I'm in a hurry.


Oprete aici!

Stop here!

Ateapt aici!

Wait here!

M ntorc imediat.

I'll be back in a moment.

Care este tariful? (Ct face?)

What's the fare, please?

S vd ct indic aparatul de taxare.

Just let me see what the metre says.

Ce culoare are maina dv.?

What colour is your car?

Casa mea este la fel de mare ca a lui.

My house is as large as his.

Creionul lui George este mai mic dect acesta.

George's pencil is smaller than


Prietenul dv. este mai nalt dect mine?

Is your friend taller than me?

Crezi c este frumos?

Do you think this is beautiful?

Biatul/fata este flmnd().

The boy/girl is hungry.

Acest container/aceast cutie este gol (goal).

This container/box is empty.


Am I intruding?

Sntei foarte ocupat acum?

Are you very busy at the moment?

Mi-ai putea acorda o clip?

Could you spare me a moment?

Pot vorbi ceva cu dv.?

Can I have a word with you?

A putea s-l vd, v rog?

Could I see him, please?

V pot ajuta?

Can I help you?

Cu ce v pot fi de folos?

What can I do for you?

A vrea doar s v spun c...

I'd just like to tell you that...

Ei bine, iat cum stau lucrurile.

Well, you see it's like this.

Pot s, v ntreb ceva?

May I ask you a question (something)?

O doamna vrea s vorbeasc cu dv.

There's a lady who wants to see you.

Mergei n direcia mea? S mergem


Are you going my way? Let's walk along


Ce credei despre...?

What do you think of...?

Aceasta mi amintete de ...

That reminds me of...

Cosmetic Department
Vreau o sticlu de parfum, v rog.

I want a small bottle of scent

(perfume), please.

Parfumul acesta este prea puternic. Vreau unul

mai slab.

This scent is too strong. I want

something milder.

Acesta are un miros plcut.

This one has a pleasant smell.

Avei ap de colonie?

Have you got eau-de-Cologne?

mi trebuie nite crem de fa/pudr.

I need some face cream/powder.

Avei o nuan mai nchis/mai deschis de ruj? Haven't you a darker/lighter shade of
Iau acest ruj. mi place nuana.

I'll take this lipstick. I like the shade of


Ce pulverizator drgu! Ct cost, v rog?

What a lovely scent spray! How much

is it, please?

Currency Exchange
Este vreun birou de schimb prin apropiere?

Is there an exchange office anywhere


Alturi se afl un birou de schimb.

There's an exchange office next door.

V rog s-mi schimbai...

Please, change...

Nu am mruni.

I haven't got any small change.

Care este cursul?

What's the rate of exchange?

Vreau s ncasez nite cecuri de cltorie.

I want to cash some traveler's checks.

Putei s-mi schimbai aceast bancnot, de ...


Can you change this ... lei note?

n monede de ... lei, v rog.

... leu coins change, please.

Vrei s completai acest cec?

Will you write out this check?

Am numai hrtii (bani) mari.

I have only large change.

Am: o bancnot de ... de lei/o moned de ... de


I have a ... lei-note/a ... bani piece.

Custom House
Unde vrei s mergei?

Where do you want to go?

Vreau s merg la un hotel.

I want to go to a hotel.

Artai-mi paaportul dv., v rog.

Show me your passport, please.

Care este numele dv. de familie?

What is your surname?

Spunei-mi adresa dumneavoastr, v rog.

Tell me your address, please.

Care este scopul vizitei dv. aici?

What is the purpose of your visit to this


Ct timp intenionai s stai?

How long do you intend to stay?


Paportul meu este n ordine?

Is my passport in order?

Vreau s-mi prelungesc viza.

I want to have my visa extended.

Unde se face controlul bagajelor?

Where do they examine the luggage?

Avei ceva de declarat?

Have yon anything to declare?

Ct valut englezeasc avei asupra dv.?

How much English money have you


Am 20 de lire numerar.

I've got 20 pounds in cash.

Valut strin sau cecuri?

Any foreign money or checks?

Nu am bagaj.

I have no luggage.

Acesta este tot bagajul meu.

This is all the luggage I have.

Nu am dect nite cadouri.

I have only got some presents.

Se pltte vam pentru aceasta?

Are they liable to duty? (Is there any

duty on it?)

Trebuie s completai o declaraie vamal.

You must fill in a customs declaration.

Obiectele acestea sunt de uz personal?

Are these things for your private use?

Ct trebuie s pltesc? (Ct am de pltit?)

How mach have I to pay?

V rog s deschidei geamantanul pentru


Open your suitcase for examination,


Putei nchide geamantanul.

You may close your bag again.

Este n ordine! Putei trece.

That's all right! You may pass on.

Categoric nu!

Certainly not!

Nu, nu v pot spune.

No, I can't tell you.

Regret, nu tiu.

Sorry, I have no idea.

Nu, n-o voi face.

No, I won't do it.

Nu vreau s vin.

I don't want to come.

Nici nu m gndesc s fac aa ceva.

I'll do nothing of the kind.

Cred ca greii.

I think you're wrong.

V nelai.

You are mistaken.

Nu este adevrat.

That isn't true.

Nu aceasta este problema.

That's not the question.

Asta nu are nici o legtur cu chestiunea.

That's beside the point.

Nu vd de ce.

I don't see why.

Nu vd ce rost are aceasta.

I can't see much sense in it.


Sunt mpotriva acestui lucru.

I object to that.

Nu-mi pas!

I don't care!

Aa ceva nu se face.

It's simply not done.

Nu admit aceasta.

I won't stand that!

Doctorul primete pacienii acum?

Is the dentist seeing patients now?

Trebuie s fixez ora de consultaie la dentist.

I must make au appointment with

the dentist.

Am dureri de dini.

I have a toothache.

Ce pot lua pentru a calma durerea?

What can be done to relieve the


Trebuie s-mi plombez un dinte.

I need a tooth stopped.

Credei c dintele acesta trebuie extras?

Do you think this tooth must be

pulled out?

Este dureros?

Will it be very painful?

Va fi necesar s v scot nervul.

It will be necessary to kill the


Dinii dv. trebuie tratai.

Your teeth need attention.

Cnd v-ai tratat dinii ultima oar?

When did you last have them

attended to?

M tem c, va trebui s punei o coroan/un dinte


I'm afraid you'll need a crown/a

false tooth.

Vreau o coroan de aur/metal/plastic.

I want a gold/metal/plastic crown.

Cnd trebuie s trec din nou?

When shall I come again?

La ce or luai masa de prnz?

What time do you have lunch?

De cte ori mncai pe zi?

How many meals a day do you eat?

Prnzul se servete ntre orele unu i trei.

Lunch is served between one and

three o o'clock.

Unde pot lua o gustare?

Where can I have a snack?

Ce mncai la prnz?

What do you have for lunch?

Ce vrei s luai?

What will you have?

Ce mncruri de pete avei?

What fish dishes do you have?

Dorii o sup?

Will you have some soup?

V place carnea?

Do you like meat?


mi place carnea de vac, dar nu-mi place carnea I like beef but I don't like pork.
de porc.
mi putei da...?

Can I have...?

Cum v place rosbiful?

How do you like your roast beef?

mi place rosbiful n snge/bine fript.

I like my roast beef slightly

underdone/well done.

Ce mai lum?

What's the next course?

mi putei da nite pine alb/neagr?

Can I have some white/brown bread?

mi putei da un pahar de...?

May I have a glass of...?

Mai dorii (luai)...?

Would you care for some more...?

Nu, mulumesc.

No, thank you.

Da, mulumesc.

Yes, thank you.

Cum v place?

How do you like it?

Mi-a plcut foarte mult.

I enjoyed it immensely.

mi pare bine c v place.

I'm glad it's to your taste (you enjoy


Ce-mi putei da ca desert?

What can you give me for dessert?

Eu nu prea beau (mie nu-mi place butura).

I'm not much of a drinker.

Avei buturi nealcoolice (rcoritoare)?

Do you have any soft drinks?

Mai luai un pahar de bere.

Have another glass of beer.

Pot s v mai torn un pahar?

May I fill your glass again?

Numai puin, v rog.

Just a little, please.

Pot s iau puin s gust?

May I have just a little to taste?

n sntatea dumneavoastr! Noroc!

Here's to you! Cheers!

Am luat o gustare pe drum.

We bad e light meal on our way.

Mergem ntr-o excursie i am dori mncare la


We're going on a trip and we'd like

some packed food.

Dup mas dormii puin?

Do you have a nap after lunch?

Unii dorm, dar eu nu (dorm).

Some people do, but I don't.

Buctria romneasc satisface toate gusturile.

Romanian cooking caters for all


M duc la doctor s-mi vd de sntate.

I'll see my doctor about my health.

Doctorul d consultaii (primete) ntre orele 3 5 p.m.

The doctor consults between 3 p.m.

and 5 p.m.


Ce v supr?

What's your complaint?

Mi s-a deranjat stomacul.

My stomach is out of order.

Am o durere ascuit n spate.

I have a stabbing pain in my back.

S v iau pulsul.

Let me feel your pulse.

Artai-mi limba.

Let me see your tongue.

Avei poft de mncare?

Is your appetite all right?

Avei dureri?

Have you any pains?

De cnd v doare aici?

How long has it been hurting here?

Inspirai adnc.

Breathe in deeply.

inei-v respiraia o clip.

Hold your breath for a moment.

Acum expirai ncet.

Now breathe out slowly.

Trebuie s fac o radiografie?

Must I be X-rayed?

Da trebuie s facei o radiografie pulmonar.

Yes, you must have your chest Xrayed.

A suferit cineva din familie vreodat de ...?

Has anyone of your family ever had


Am avut pojar/oreion/difterie.

I've had measles/mumps/diphtheria.

Care e diagnosticul?

What's the diagnosis?

Este a boal contagioas (infecioas)?

Is this illness catching (infectious)?

Trebuie s m internez n spital?

Does it require hospital treatment?

Pulsul dv. este normal/slab/neregulat/acceletat.

Your pulse is

Ce pot s mnnc/beau?

What may I eat/drink?

Luai de trei ori pe zi dup mas.

Take it three times a day after


Luai cu o lingur de ap.

Take s table-spoonful in water.

Nu uitai s scuturai bine nainte de folosire.

And don't forget: shake it well

before using.

Dac nu v facei bine, venii la mine din nou

sptmna viitoare.

If you don't get better, come to see

me again next week.

V recomand s v internai la spitalul ... pentru a I'd recommend you to go to the ...
v trata.
hospital for treatment.
Operaia a decurs bine?

Was the operation successful?

Sunt complicaii?

Any complications?

Convalescena nu va fi prea lung.

Convalescence won't be too long.

V doresc nsntoire grabnic.

Get well soon!


M intereseaz sistemul de nvmnt din
ara dv.

I'm interested in the system of education

of your country.

A vrea s vizitez o coal primar/o


I should like to visit a primary school/a


Cnd ncepe/se termin anul colar?

When does the academic (school) year


Ce studiai?

What's your subject? (What are you


Ai studiat la universitate?

Have you attended university?

Ci elevi sunt ntr-o clas?

How many pupils are there in a class?

Ci studeni numr ara dv.?

How many students are there in your


La ce or se in leciile/cursurile?

What time are the lessons/lectures?

Cte cadre didactice avei?

How large is the staff?

Ci studeni/elevi primesc burs?

How many students/pupils receive


Care este cea mai veche universitate din

ara dv.?

What is the oldest university in this


Electrical Appliances
Cum funcioneaz aceast main de

How does this washing machine work?

Ct consum acest frigider?

How much electricity does this

refrigerator use?

Avei o baterie de lantern?

Have you a battery for a pocket torch?

Obiecte de porelan i sticl

China and Glassware

Ct cost aceast garnitur de ...?

How much is this ...?

V este somn?

Are you feeling sleepy?

Sunt puin obosit dup cltorie.

I'm a bit tired after the journey.

Vreau s m culc.

I want to go to bed.

Nu mi este somn deloc.

I don't feel sleepy a bit.

Pic de somn.

I'm nearly asleep.

La ce or v culcai de obicei?

What time do you generally go to


M culc devreme.

I go to bed early.

Cred c este timpul s ne culcm.

I think it's time to go to bed.

M duc s m culc.

I'm going to bed.

Avei ceva mpotriv dac eu mai rmn puin? Mind if I sit up a little longer?
La ce or s v trezesc diminea?

When shall I wake you tomorrow


Vrei v rog s m sculai (sunai) la ora apte?

Will you call me at seven, please?

Schimbai-mi, v rog, cearaful/perna.

Please change the sheet/the pillow.

Somn uor. (V doresc somn uor.)

Have a goad sleep. (I hope you will

sleep well.)

Vreau s vd muzeele i expoziiile oraului.

I want to see the museums and

exhibitions of the town.

A dori un ghid (nsoitor).

I should like to have a guide.

V intereseaz arta romneasc


Are you interested in early/modern

Romanian art?

Trebuie s vedei i Muzeul satului.

You should also see the Village


V intereseaz pictura/gravura/sculptura?

Are you interested in painting


Vrem s vizitm Muzeul de tiine naturale.

We want to visit the Museum of

Natural Sciences.

Cnd este deschis Galeria naional de art?

When is the National Art Gallery


Ce tablouri se gsesc n acest muzeu/aceast


What pictures are there in this


Aceasta este o copie?

Is this a copy?

Cine a pictat pnza aceasta?

Who painted this picture?

V place pictura non-figurativ?

Do you like non-representational


Muzeul acesta este deschis zilnic?

Is this museum open daily?

De unde pot lua reproduceri dup tablouri?

Where can I obtain reproductions of

the pictures?

Al cui este portretul acela?

Whose portrait is that?

Expoziia tocmai s-a deschis.

The exhibition has just opened.

Care sunt orele cele mai potrivite de vizitare? What are the best times to visit?
Unde este sala de pictur vest european?

Where is the room of West-European


Ce cari a ilustrat acest artist?

What books has this artist illustrated?

Aceasta este o expoziie permanent?

Is this a permanent exhibition?

Intrarea este liber?

Is admission free?

Prietenul meu a deschis o expoziie personal. My friend is having a one-man


Flower Shop
Facei-mi un buchet de flori, v rog.

Make me up a bunch of flowers,


A dori un buchet de trandafiri roii i albi.

I should like a bunch of red and white


Vrei s trimitei florile la aceast adres?

Would you send the flowers to this


Ct cost un co cu flori?

How much is a basket of flowers?

Ne trebuie o coroan de flori proaspete.

We need a wreath of fresh flowers.

V rog, punei o panglic la coroan cu aceste


Please, put a ribbon on the wreath with

these words.

Acestea sunt flori de ser/cultivate/slbatice?

Are these greenhouse/cultivated/wild


Folk Art
Vreu s cumpr nite cadouri pentru

I want to buy some presents for my


Este vreun magazin de cadouri prin


Is there a gift shop anywhere near?

Artai-mi, v rog, o ppu n costum


Please, show me a doll in national dress.

Vreau un costum naional romnesc.

I want a Romanian national costume.

Pot s m uit la ...?

Can I have a look at this ...?

Ce altceva mi mai putei arta?

What else can you show me?

Avem un larg sortimet de obiecte de


We have a wide selection of folk craft



mi trebuie nite legume pentru masa de


I need some vegetables for dinner.

O conopid, v rog, i dou kilograme de A cauliflower, please, and 2 kg of tomatoes.

Ce fel de roii dorii?

Which tomatoes do you like?

Acestea sunt ... lei kilogramul.

These are ... lei a kilo.

Dai-mi un kilogram de ceap, v rog.

Give me a kilogram of onions, please.

mi pare ru, nu avem morcovi


I'm sorry, we have no carrots at the moment.

Ateptm s ne soseasc morcovi din

clip n clip.

We're expecting some carrots any time.

Dou grapefruituri i patru

banane/portocale din acestea.

Two grapefruits and 4 of these


Nu acestea. Sunt prea mari. Dai-mi

unele mai mici.

Not these. They are too big. Give me some

smaller ones.

Mai dorii i altceva, doamn?

Do you want anything else, madam?

Nu, mulumesc. Aceasta este tot.

No, thank you. That will do all right.

Aratai-mi, v rog, nite covoare lucrate de

Show me some hand-woven carpets,


Ce mrime are acest covor?

What size is this carpet?

V intereseaza mobila de epoc?

Are you interested in period furniture?

ngrijii mult grdina? (V ocupai mult de

Do you take great care with your


Este aa de curat i ngrijit.

It looks so neat and tidy.

Iarba trebuie tiat cu regularitate.

The grass lawn has to be cut regularly.

Soia de obicei ud florile.

My wife usually waters the flowers.

Cred c trandafirii vor nflori foare curnd.

I think the roses will come out very


Cultivai i legume n grdin?

Do you grow vegetables in your garden

as well?

Nu, deoarece este prea mult umbr n


No, the garden is too shady.

Mai nti va trebui s tiem copacul acela.

We'll have that tree cut down first.

Cum se descurc soia dv. singur cu

How does your wife manage all the




Gentlemans Outfitter
Unde este raionul de confecii pentru brbai, Where is the gentleman's department,
v rog?
Etajul trei la dreapta, domnule.

Third floor to the right, sir.

(Haidei) s intrm aici s vedem ce au.

Let's go in here and see what they have


Pot s m uit mai ndeaproape la aceste


May I have a closer look at these suits?

Desigur, domnule.

Yes, certainly.

Nu-mi place nuana aceasta de bleu.

I don't like this blue shade.

Nu avei ceva mai deschis/maro nchis?

Have yon got something lighter/in dark


ntrebai ct cost.

Ask how much it is.

V mai pot arta ceva?

Is there anything else I can show you?

Voi ncerca s gsesc un costum de gata care

mi se potrivete.

I'll try to find a readymade suit that fits


Vreau s vd un costum de lucru la un rnd.

I want to see a single-breasted business


Purtai o msur obinuit/care depete

msurile standard?

Are you stock size/out size?

Vrei, v rog, s-mi artai ...?

Will you, please, show me ...?

Pot s-l ncerc?

May I try it on? Certainly.

Desigur. Vrei, v rog, s venii la cabinele de Will you, please, come over to the
dressing rooms?
Pare s mi se potriveasc.

It seems to fit well.

Se potrivete perfect.

If certainly is a perfect fit.

Vrei s-o (s-l) luai?

Do you want to take it?

Nu m-am hotrt nc.

I haven't quite made up my mind.

M mai gndesc. Trec mai trziu.

I shall think it over. I'll return later.

mi trebuie nite legume pentru masa de prnz. I need some vegetables for dinner.
O conopid, v rog, i dou kilograme de roii. A cauliflower, please, and 2 kg of
Ce fel de roii dorii?

Which tomatoes do you like?


Acestea sunt ... lei kilogramul.

These are ... lei a kilo.

Dai-mi un kilogram de ceap, v rog.

Give me a kilogram of onions, please.

mi pare ru, nu avem morcovi deocamdat.

I'm sorry, we have no carrots at the


Ateptm s ne soseasc morcovi din clip n


We're expecting some carrots any


Dou grapefruituri i patru banane/portocale

din acestea.

Two grapefruits and 4 of these


Nu acestea. Sunt prea mari. Dai-mi unele mai Not these. They are too big. Give me
some smaller ones.
Mai dorii i altceva, doamn?

Do you want anything else, madam?

Nu, mulumesc. Aceasta este tot.

No, thank you. That will do all right.

Bun dimineaa.

Good morning.

Bun ziua.

Good afternoon.

Bun seara.

Good evening.

Noapte bun.

Good night.



M bucur c v revd.

How nice to see you again.

Nu ne-am vzut de mult, nu-i aa?

We haven't met for a long time, have


Nu v-am vzut de sptmni/de un car de ani.

I haven't seen you for weeks/for ages.

Ce ai fcut n acest timp?

What have you been doing all the time?

Unde ai fost?

Where've you been?

Mi-ai lipsit.

I have missed you.

Ai fost plecat?

Have you been away?

Ce bine c v-ai ntors!

Oh, how nice to have you back!

Cum v simii?

How are you feeling?

Ce face familia?

How's your family?

Ne vedem luni.

See you on Monday.

Pe curnd.

See you later (I'll be seeing you).

Cum v merg treburile?

How are things!

Trebuie s plec. Ne vedem mai trziu.

I must go now. See you later.

mi pare ru c plecai.

I'm sorry to see you go.

Nu trebuie s plecai nu nc, nu-i aa?

You haven't to leave yet, have you?


Nu plecai. Mai stai, v rog.

Don't go yet. Please, stay.

Nu v grabii, nu-i aa?

You're not in a hurry, are you?

Ne vom vedea mine, nu?

We're see you tomorrow, shan't we?

Sper c ne vom mai vedea.

I hope we'll meet again.

Ne va face plcere s v vedem duminic.

We're looking forward to seeing you on


Transmitei tuturor salutri din partea mea.

Give my regards to everybody.

A fost o plcere pentru mine s v cunosc.

It's been a pleasure meeting you.

Complimente soiei dv.

Remember me to your wife.

Mi-a prut bine c v-am vzut. ntoarcei-v


I've enjoyed seeing you. Come back


Grocers Shop
Cu ce v pot servi, doamna?

What can I get for you, madam?

Vreau un sfert de kg de cafea.

I want 1/4 kg of coffee, please.

Avema pachete de ... i ...

We have packets at ... and ...

Pe care l dorii?

Which one will you take?

Iau untul de cea mai bun calitate.

I'll take the best quality butter.

Oule acestea sunt proaspete?

Are these eggs fresh?

Tocmai ne-au fost aduse.

We have just got them in.

Cte dorii, doamn?

How many will you take, madam?

Sase mi-ajung.

Half a dozen will do.


Anything else?

Ct cost conserva aceasta de pete?

How much is this tin of fish?

Astzi luai slnin?

Do you want any bacon today?

Avem nite slnin slab/gras foarte


We've got some fine lean/fat bacon.

Da, pare s fie slab.

Yes, it looks lean.

Ct cost kilogramul?

How much a kilo is it?

Dai-mi un kilogram de slnin, de aceasta.

Give me a kilo of this bacon.

mi putei da i nite pete


Can I also have some smoked/tinned fish?

Suntei amabil() s venii la raionul de


Would you kindly came over to the fish


Deocamdat, att.

That will do for the moment.


A vrea s vd nite cravate.

I would like to look at some ties.

Vreau o cravat cu un model elegant.

I want one with an elegant design.

Ceva mai nchis, v rog. Aceasta nu se

asorteaz cu costumul.

Something darker, please. This won't go

with my suit.

Nu dorii nite batiste drgue?

How about some nice handkerchiefs?

Nu, mulumesc. Nu am nevoie de batiste.

No, thank you. I don't need any


Vreau a cma subire de nailon albastr.

I want a light blue nylon shirt.

M tem c nu avem msra dv.

I'm afraid we haven't got your size.

Se spal bine?

Does it wash well?

Sper c nu intr la splat.

I hope it won't shrink.

Este garantat, nu intr la splat.

It is guaranteed that it won't shrink. (It

is shrink proof.)

Gulerul i va pstra (menine) forma?

Will the collar keep its shape?

Iau aceast cma.

I want to have this shirt.

Dai-mi un umera de plastic pentru cma,

v rog.

Give me a plastic hanger for the shirt,


Spunei-mi, v rog, ct am de plat.

Would you, please, tell me what the bill

comes to?

Trebuie s v tundei.

Your hair needs cutting. (You need a haircut.)

Tuns/brbierit, v rog.

A hair-cut/shave, please.

Cum vrei s v tund?

How would you like your hair cut?

Vreau tuns scurt.

I want a short clip.

Scurtai-mi-l, v rog.

Cut it fairly short, please.

Nu-l scurtai prea mult.

Don't cut it too short.

Potrivii-l n pri i la spate.

Just trim it at the sides and at the back.

S-l tund drept n fa?

Shall I cut it straight at the front?

De ce nu-l mai scurtai aici?

Why don't you take it off here?

Este deajuns de scurt? Suntei


Is that short enough? Will that do?

Nu trebuie s v tundei prea scurt.

You shouldn't have your hair cut too close.

Purtai crare la dreapta sau la stnga?

Do you wear your hair parted an the right or


on the left?
Facei-mi crare la mijloc./Facei
crarea la stnga.

Part my hair in the middle./Make the parting

on the left.

Potrivii-mi barba/mustaa, v rog.

Trim my beard/moustache, please.

Facei-mi un ampon.

Now give me a shampoo.

Vreau s-mi splai prul.

I want my hair washed.

S v cltesc prul n chiuvet.

Let me rinse your hair in the basin.

Dorii s vi-l dau cu ulei sau s vi-l ud?

Do you want any oil or spray?

V cade prul.

Your hair's falling out.

Vreau s m coafez.

I want my hair done.

Dorii vreo coafur deosebit?

Have you a particular hair style you want?

Vreau un permanent, v rog.

I want a perm (permanent wave), please.

n ct timp mi facei permanentul?

How long will it take you to give me a perm?

Dorii un permanent rece sau cald?

Do you want a cold or a hot perm?

Acesta este ultimul model (de coafur)? Is this the latest hairdo?
V rog s-mi uscai prul cu foenul.

Please, dry my hair with the hair drier.

Vreau s-mi vopsesc prul.

I want my hair dyed.

Avei grij, s nu intre vopseaua n


Don't rub the die into my scalp.

Purtai prul tuns scurt?

Do you wear your hair bobbed?

Vreau s-mi facei manichiura.

I want to have my nails done.

V rog s nu-mi pilii unghiile prea


Please, don't trim and file my nails too short.

Dorii s v dau cu lac?

Do you want your fingernails varnished?

Vreau s-mi vopsii sprncenele.

I'd like to have my eyebrows painted.

Trebuie s m duc la coafor astzi.

I must go to the hairdresser today.

mi atept rndul.

I'm waiting my turn.

mi putei recomanda un magazin bun de plrii? Could you recommend a good hat
Plria aceasta mi se potrivete?

Does this hat suit me?

ncercai-o pe aceasta.

Try this one, please.

Cum v simiii?

How are you?


Foarte bine, mulumesc.

Fine, thank, you.

Din pcate nu prea bine.

Not too well, I'm sorry to say.

V simii mai bine astzi?

Do you feel any better today?

Am fost foarte bolnav, dar acum o duc


I was very ill but I am getting on nicely now.

Nu artai bine; vi s-a ntmplat ceva?

You don't look well; is something the matter

with you?

M doare capul/stomacul.

I have a headache/stomach-ache.

Nu-i nimic, nu v nelinitii. Voi

ncerca s-mi revin.

It's all right, don't worry. I'll try to pull

myself together.

Tuesc mult.

I have a (bad) cough.

Credi c ar trebui s stau cteva zile n Do you think I ought to stay in bed for a few
Sper c nu e nimic serios.

I hope it's nothing serious.

M doare tare aici.

I feel sharp pains here.

Avei temperatur?

Got a temperature?

Am dureri n tot corpul.

I am aching all over.

V doare gtul?

Does your throat hurt?

Se pare c suntei foarte sensibil la


You seem to he very sensitive to cold.

El a rguit de tot, nu-i aa?

He is quite hoarse, isn't he?

Trebuie s in regim?

Must I go on a diet?

Prietenul men i-a scrntit ncheietura


My friend has sprained his wrist/ankle.

S-a umflat tare.

It's badly swollen.

Atenie, mna dv. sngreaz.

I say, you're bleeding on your hand.

Cnd v-ai mbolnvit?

When did you fall ill?

Am fost operat.

I've been operated on.

Ai luat tablete/picturi?

Have you taken any pills/drops?

Am slbit/m-am ngrat.

I've lost/put on weigh.

Chemai doctorul.

Send for a doctor.

Chemai salvarea.

Ring for the ambulance.

Funcioneaz instalaia de nclzire

Is the central heating on?


Va trebui s dm drumul la radiator.

We shall have to put on the radiator.

Camera este supranclzit.

The room is overheated.

Camera mea nu se nclzete bine.

My room can't be heated properly.

Eu nu pot dormi ntr-o camer


I can't sleep in a cold/heated room.

Radiatorul electric nu funcioneaz.

The electric radiator doesn't seem to


La ce hotel intenionai s stai?

What hotel do you intend staying at?

Avei camere libere?

Have you any accommodation?

Ai rezervat o camer, domnule?

Have you booked a room, sir?

Vreau o camer la etajul nti.

I want a room on the first floor.

Ce fel de cemer dorii?

What kind of room do you want?

Doresc o camer cu un pat/cu dou


I want a single/double room.

Am o camer cu un pat/cu du/baie

la etajul patru.

I have a single room with shower/bath on the 4th


V convine?

Will that suit you?

Putei folosi liftul.

There's a lift you can use.

Camera aceasta mi convine/nu mi


This room suits/doesn't suit me.

Ct dorii s stai?

How long do you want to stay?

mi putei spune care este tariful?

May I ask what the charge is?

Tariful cuprinde i serviciul?

Does the tariff include the service as well?

Ducei, v rog, bagajul n camer.

Please, have my things brought up to my room.

Dai-mi, v rog, cheia.

Give me the key of my room, please.

Ce numr are camera mea?

Which is my room number?

Avei camera 90, poftii cheia.

Your room is number 90 and here's your key.

Vrei, v rog, s completai acest


Will you, please, fill in this form?

Dorii s pltii acum?

Do you want to pay now?

Dac dorii ceva, sunai.

Ring the bell if you want anything.

Unde las cheia cnd ies?

Where shall I leave the key when I go out?

V rog s ncuiai ua.

Lock your room, please.

Vreau s merg la frizerie.

I want to go to the barber's shop.


Ast sear atept un prieten.

I'm expecting a friend tonight.

Ai putea s-l trimitei sus?

Could you send him up?

Spunei-i c m ntorc ntr-o or.

Tell him I'll be back in an hour.

M putei suna (detepta) la ora

apte dimineaa?

Can I be called at seven o'clock in the morning?

Putei s-mi aducei micul dejun n

camer la ora opt?

Could I have breakfast in my room at eight?

Avei unde s-mi garai maina?

Have you anywhere to put my car?

Nu vreau s-o las n strad.

I don't want to leave it parking in the street.

Dup col se afl un garaj.

There's a garage just round the corner.

Plec mine diminea.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning.

Pregtii-mi nota de plat la ora opt,

v rog.

Have my bill ready by 8 o'clock, please.

Portar, te rog, cheam, un taxi.

Porter, get me a taxi, please.

Pune-mi geamantanele n taxi.

Have my cases put into the taxi.

Cnd v ntoarcei, domnule?

When will you be back, Sir?

Cred c m ntorc peste dou


I expect I'll be back in a fortnight.

Unde locuii?

Where do you live?

Locuiesc pe strada/n casa aceasta.

I live in this street/house.

Avei cas proprie?

Have you got a house of your own?

Nu, locuiesc ntr-un bloc.

No, I live in a block of flats.

Am un mic apartament: dou

dormitoare, buctrie i baie.

I have a small flat: two bedrooms, kitchen and


La ce etaj locuii?

On which floor do you live?

Locuiesc la parter/la etajul cinci.

I live on the ground-floor/on the fifth floor.

Tocmai ne-am mutat.

We've just moved in.

A vrea s vin s v vd casa.

I'd like to come and see your place.

Avem mobil n perete care este

foarte practic.

We have built-in furniture which is so practical.

Am cumparat aceste patru scaune


We bought these four chairs separately.

Ardei lemne sau crbuni?

Do you burn wood or coal?

Ni s-a fcut instalaie de nclzire

We have had central heating put in.


Ce covor frumos avei!

What a beautiful carpet you've got!

Aceste carpete se asorteaz foarte

bine cu pereii.

These rugs really go with the color of the walls.

Ferestrele dau n grdin?

Do the windows open on the garden?

Vrei, v rog, s tragei perdelele?

Would you, please, draw the curtains?

Este destul loc n buctrie pentru


There's plenty of room for a refrigerator in the


Avei maini cu care v ajutai la


Have you any labor-saving devices?

Da, am o main de splat.

Yes, I've a washing machine.

Aragazul miroase.

The gas cooker smells of gas.

Trimitei dup un muncitor s vi-l


Send for a workman to get it repaired.

Cte camere sunt la etaj?

How many upstairs rooms are there?

Acesta este un dormitor mic pentru


This is a small bedroom for visitors.

Cum v place ifonierul acesta?

How do you like this wardrobe?

Ce mas de toalet frumoas avei!

Oh, what beautiful dressing table you have!

Camera aceasta pare foarte


This room looks very comfortable.

Decoraia interioar a fost terminat

de curnd.

The inside decoration has been finished just


Iat un divan, pturi de ln i perne. Here are a divan-bed, woolen blankets and
Acesta este ptucul copilului.

This is our baby's cot.

Avem ap cald n permanen.

We've constant hot water.

Nu avei o camer de lucru (un


Don't you have a study?

Permitei-mi s v prezint pe dl. ...

Allow me to introduce Mr... to you.

ncntat s v cunosc.

Pleased (glad) (delighted) to meet you.

ncntat. (mi pare bine.)

How do you do?

Nu cred c ne-am mai cunoscut.

I don't think we have met before.

Pot s m prezint? M numesc...

You know Mr..., don't you?


l cunoatei pe dl..., nu-i aa?

No, I don't think so.

Nu, nu cred c-l cunosc.

Mr..., a friend of mine, Mrs...

Dl..., un prieten, Dna...

I want you to meet Mrs...

Vreau s-o cunoatei pe doamna ...

Have you met Mrs...?

Ai cunoscut-o pe doamna...?

Yes, certainly. I made her acquaintance

last year.

Da, desigur. Am fcut cunotin cu ea anul


Why didn't you say you knew him?

Nu l-am vzut niciodat.

I've never seen him before.

O cunosc din vedere/dup nume.

I know her by sight/by name.

Vrei s luai prnzul mpreun cu mine? Do you want to come and have lunch with
Vreau s v invit la mine la prnz.

I want to invite you to lunch.

Dac venii la Londra s dai pe la mine. You must look me up if you come to
Trecei n ce zi dorii.

Call any day you like.

E bine dac vin duminic?

Will it matter if I come on Sunday?

Nu ai vrea s mergei cu mine la teatru? What about coming to the theatre with me?
A fi ncntat().

I should love to.

Din pcate, am o alt obligaie.

Unfortunately, I have another engagement.

Ai vrea s facem o plimbare?

Would you like to come for a walk?

Ai vrea s venii la mine s bem ceva?

Would you care to come to my flat and have

a drink?

Sper c poate s vin i prietenul dv.

I hope your friend can join us.

Scuzai-m, dl. ... este acas?

Excuse me, is Mr... in?

Regret, domnul ... a ieit.

I'm sorry, Mr... is out.

tii cnd se ntoarce?

Do you know when he'll be back?

Am s trec mai trziu.

I'll call later.

Ai dori s-i lsai vreun mesaj (o


Would you like to leave any message!

Spunei-i c l-am cutat.

Just tell him I called.

Vrei s ateptai afar?

Would you mind waiting outside?

Pe aici, v rog.

Will you come this way, please ?


A dori aceast curea de ceas.

I'd like to buy this watch strap.

Care este perioada de garanie?

How long is the guarantee?

Ce mi-ai putea recomanda?

What would you suggest?

Knitted Goods
Vreau o cma brbteasc tricotat.

I want a man's knitted shirt.

Alegei, v rog, un tricou care s mi se


Please, select a jumper (knitted jersey)

to fit me.

Un pulover, v rog.

A pull-over (sweater), please.

Ladies Dress Department

Vreau s aleg o bluz drgu.

I want to choose a nice blouse.

Au i un sortiment bogat de rochii.

They also have a good collection of


Uite! Are loc o parad, a modei.

Oh, look! There's a fashion parade on.

Rochia aceasta pare foarte elegant.

This frock seems to be very smart.

Artai-mi, v rog, o revist de mode.

Please, show me a fashion magazine.

A vrea s vd ultimele modele pentru


I'd like to see the latest

men's/ladies/children's designs.

Vorbii englezete? Puin.

Do you speak English? Just a little.

Nu vorbesc/neleg prea bine englezete.

I don't speak/understand English very


Nu cunosc ndeajuns engleza pentru a m face I don't know enough English to make
myself understood.
Cunotinele mele de englez sunt foarte

My English is very poor.

Vorbii bine englezete.

You speak good English.

Dv. avei o pronunie englezeasc impecabil. Your pronunciation of English is

practically faultless.
Unde ai nvat englezete ?

Where have you learnt English?

Vorbii englezete aproape la fel de bine ca


You speak English almost as well as


M nelegei?

Do you understand me?

Nu prea v neleg.

I don't quite understand you.


Ce limbi vorbii?

What languages can you speak?

Nu am aptitudini pentru limbi (strine).

I'm not good at languages.

De ct timp nvai engleza?

How long have you , been learning


O nv de aproape cinci ani.

I've been learning it for almost five


Nu prea am prilejul s conversez.

I don't get enough practice in


Cum merge cu engleza?

How are you getting on with your


Merge bine.

I'm getting on all right.

Cunotinele dv. de englez s-au mbogit.

Your English has improved.

Am uitat aproape totul.

I've forgotten almost everything.

Gsii c engleza este o limb grea?

Do you find English difficult?

Urmrii ceea ce spun?

Are you with me?

Vrei s repetai (s mai spunei o dat)?

Would you mind repeating that (saying

that again)?

Mi se pare c romnii vorbesc foarte repede.

It seems to me that the Romanians talk

very quickly.

El vorbete romnete curgtor.

He speaks Romanian fluently.

mi lipsete exerciiul.

I'm out of practice.

Se folosete n vorbirea curent?

Is it used in actual speech?

S vorbim romnete.

Let's talk in Romanian.

Cum se spune n romnete?

What's that called in Romanian?

Nu-mi amintesc cum se spune n romnete


I can't remember the Romanian for ...

S cutm acest cuvnt n dicionar.

Let's look up this word in the


Cum se scrie?

How do you spell it?

Aceasta este o expresie literar.

Is this a literary expression?

Ce nseamn acest cuvnt?

What does this word mean?

Cum se pronun acest cuvnt?

How do you pronounce this word?

Vrei s vorbii puin mai rar?

Would you speak a little slower?

Nu folosii acest cuvnt argotic.

Don't use this slang word.

Unde cade accentul?

Where is the stress ?

Am nvat cteva cuvinte i expresii


I have picked up a few Romanian

words and phrases.

Am nc dificulti n vorbirea limbii romne. I still find it difficult to speak

De ce nu luai leci?

Why don't you take lessons?

Avei ocazia s vorbii romnete?

Do you get any opportunity for

practicing Romanian?

Writing a letter
A adus potaul scrisorile?

Has the postman delivered the letters?

Avei vreo scrisoare pentru mine?

Have you any letter for me?

Ieri am primit o scrisoare cu pota de


I had a letter by the morning post


Ai primit o scrisoare de la prietenul dv.?

Did you have a letter from your friend?

Vreau s-i rspund la scrisoare.

I want to reply to his letter.

Cum se ncepe o scrisoare n romnete?

How does one start a letter in


Cum ne adresm n scris?

How do I address people in letters?

Stimat doamn

Dear Madam

Stimate domn/stimai domni

Dear Sir/Sirs

Drag domnule ...

Dear Mr ...

Drag doamn ...

Dear Mrs ...

Drag domnioar ...

Dear Miss ...

Cum se ncheie de obicei o scrisoare?

What are the usual endings for a letter?

Al dumneavoastr sincer

Yours sincerely

Al dumneavoastr cu respect

Yours faithfully (truly)

"Cu drag(oste)" este folosit ntre prieteni i


"With love from ..." is used between

friends and relatives.

Cele mai bune urri.

Best wishes.

Nu uitai s punei data/s semnai scrisoarea. Don't forget to date/sign your letter.
Mai am de scris doar adresa.

I have only the address to write.

La ce or luai masa de prnz?

What time do you have lunch?

De cte ori mncai pe zi?

How many meals a day do you eat?

Prnzul se servete ntre orele unu i trei.

Lunch is served between one and three

o o'clock.

Unde pot lua o gustare?

Where can I have a snack?


Ce mncai la prnz?

What do you have for lunch?

Ce vrei s luai?

What will you have?

Ce mncruri de pete avei?

What fish dishes do you have?

Dorii o sup?

Will you have some soup?

V place carnea?

Do you like meat?

mi place carnea de vac, dar nu-mi place

carnea de porc.

I like beef but I don't like pork.

mi putei da...?

Can I have...?

Cum v place rosbiful?

How do you like your roast beef?

mi place rosbiful n snge/bine fript.

I like my roast beef slightly

underdone/well done.

Ce mai lum?

What's the next course?

mi putei da nite pine alb/neagr?

Can I have some white/brown bread?

mi putei da un pahar de...?

May I have a glass of...?

Mai dorii (luai)...?

Would you care for some more...?

Nu, mulumesc.

No, thank you.

Da, mulumesc.

Yes, thank you.

Cum v place?

How do you like it?

Mi-a plcut foarte mult.

I enjoyed it immensely.

mi pare bine c v place.

I'm glad it's to your taste (you enjoy


Ce-mi putei da ca desert?

What can you give me for dessert?

Eu nu prea beau (mie nu-mi place butura).

I'm not much of a drinker.

Avei buturi nealcoolice (rcoritoare)?

Do you have any soft drinks?

Mai luai un pahar de bere.

Have another glass of beer.

Pot s v mai torn un pahar?

May I fill your glass again?

Numai puin, v rog.

Just a little, please.

Pot s iau puin s gust?

May I have just a little to taste?

n sntatea dumneavoastr! Noroc!

Here's to you! Cheers!

Am luat o gustare pe drum.

We bad e light meal on our way.

Mergem ntr-o excursie i am dori mncare la We're going on a trip and we'd like
some packed food.
Dup mas dormii puin?

Do you have a nap after lunch?

Unii dorm, dar eu nu (dorm).

Some people do, but I don't.

Buctria romneasc satisface toate

Romanian cooking caters for all tastes.


Artai-mi, v rog, un material pentru un
costum brbtesc/de dam.

Please, show me some material for a

man's/lady's suit.

A dori un material mai deschis/nchis.

I'd like a lighter/darker material.

Acesta este de ln pur?

Is this pure wool?

Ce lime are?

How wide is it?

Ci metri mi trebuie pentru ...?

How many meters do I need for ...!

mi trebuie trei metri.

I need three meters.

Avei i alte nuane/modele?

Have you got some other


Modelul acesta este prea deschis.

This pattern is too bright.

Cte cri are aceast bibliotec?

How many books does this library


Am zeci de cri.

I have scores of books.

Are vreo zece creioane.

He has some ten pencils.

Care este procentajul?

What's the percentage?

Vreau trei la sut.

I want three per cent.

Eu cntresc 65 de kg.

I weigh 65 kilos.

Am nlimea de 1,82 m.

I am 1.82 m tall.

Am perimetrul toracic de 85 de cm.

I measure 85 cm round the chest.

Camera aceasta are o lungime de 15 m,

limea de 9 m i nlimea de 5 m.

This room is 15 m long, 9 m wide, and

5 m high.

Marea Nordulul are o adncime mai mic de

200 de m.

The North Sea is less than 200 m deep.

Lumina se propag cu o vitez de 300000 de

km pe secund.

Light travels at a rate of 300,000 km a


Azi noapte a fost o temperatur de aproape 20 We had nearly 20 degrees of frost last
grade C sub zero.
n zona aceasta limita de vitez pentru
autovehicule e de 30 km pe or.

In this area the speed limit for cars is

30 km an hour.

Suprafaa acestui cmp e de 10 ha.

The area of this field is ten hectares.

Cntrii la fel ca ea?

Do you weigh as much as she does?


Care sunt operaiile aritmetice?

What are the arithmetical operations?

Ct fac 8 ori 8?

What are 8 times 8?

Ct se obine dac se nmulete 9 cu 12?

What is the answer if you multiply 9

by 12?

Ct rmne dac se scade 15 din 75?

What remains if you subtract 15 from


Ct fac 5 plus 6 plus 7?

What do 5 plus 6 and 7 add up to?

mprii 60 la 5.

Divide 60 by 5.

2 i cu 3 fac 5.

2 and 3 is five.

Ptratul lui 7 e 49.

The square of 7 is 49.

Acest cerc are un diametru de 2 cm.

This circle has a diameter of 2 cm.

Este vreun birou de schimb prin apropiere?

Is there an exchange office anywhere


Alturi se afl un birou de schimb.

There's an exchange office next door.

V rog s-mi schimbai...

Please, change...

Nu am mruni.

I haven't got any small change.

Care este cursul?

What's the rate of exchange?

Vreau s ncasez nite cecuri de cltorie.

I want to cash some traveler's checks.

Putei s-mi schimbai aceast bancnot, de ... Can you change this ... lei note?
n monede de ... lei, v rog.

... leu coins change, please.

Vrei s completai acest cec?

Will you write out this check?

Am numai hrtii (bani) mari.

I have only large change.

Am: o bancnot de ... de lei/o moned de ...

de bani.

I have a ... lei-note/a ... bani piece.

V-ai sculat deja. La ce or v-ai trezit?

You're up already. What time did you

wake up?

M scol devreme/trziu.

I'm an early riser/a late riser.

V-ai odihnit bine? (Ai dormit bine?)

Did you have a good rest? (Did you

sleep well?)

Am avut o noapte proast. Nu am dormit mai

mult de trei ore.

I had a bad night. I didn't sleep more

than three hours.


Tocmai m-am sculat.

I've only just waked up.

Nu am nchis ochii toat noaptea.

I didn't sleep a wink.

Pot s merg la baie acum?

Can I go to the bathroom now?

Vreau s fac baie/du.

I want to have my bath/shower.

Unde-mi sunt halatul i papucii?

Where are my dressing gown and


Trebuie s m spl.

I must wash.

Avei nevoie de lame pentru aparatul de


Do you need any blades for your safety


Nu, mulumesc. Voi folosi aparatul de ras


No, thank you. I'm going to use my

electric razor.

Ce s-mi pun?

What should I wear?

Punei-v ceva clduros.

Put on something warm.

Suntei mbrcat prea subire.

You're too lightly dressed.

S-mi pun un costum nchis/o rochie


Shall I wear a dark suit/a light dress?

Merge (se asorteaz) cu albastru.

It goes well with blue.

Costumul dumneavoastr este fcut de

comand sau luat de gata?

Was your suit tailor made or ready-towear?

Costum de sear la alegere.

Evening dress is optional.

Vreau s vd muzeele i expoziiile oraului.

I want to see the museums and

exhibitions of the town.

A dori un ghid (nsoitor).

I should like to have a guide.

V intereseaz arta romneasc


Are you interested in early/modern

Romanian art?

Trebuie s vedei i Muzeul satului.

You should also see the Village


V intereseaz pictura/gravura/sculptura?

Are you interested in painting


Vrem s vizitm Muzeul de tiine naturale.

We want to visit the Museum of

Natural Sciences.

Cnd este deschis Galeria naional de art?

When is the National Art Gallery


Ce tablouri se gsesc n acest muzeu/aceast


What pictures are there in this


Aceasta este o copie?

Is this a copy?

Cine a pictat pnza aceasta?

Who painted this picture?

V place pictura non-figurativ?

Do you like non-representational


Muzeul acesta este deschis zilnic?

Is this museum open daily?

De unde pot lua reproduceri dup tablouri?

Where can I obtain reproductions of

the pictures?

Al cui este portretul acela?

Whose portrait is that?

Expoziia tocmai s-a deschis.

The exhibition has just opened.

Care sunt orele cele mai potrivite de vizitare? What are the best times to visit?
Unde este sala de pictur vest european?

Where is the room of West-European


Ce cari a ilustrat acest artist?

What books has this artist illustrated?

Aceasta este o expoziie permanent?

Is this a permanent exhibition?

Intrarea este liber?

Is admission free?

Prietenul meu a deschis o expoziie personal. My friend is having a one-man

Music. Opera. Concert
V place muzica?

Do you like music?

Muzica m pasioneaz.

I am a great lover of music.

tii s cntai la vreun instrument?

Do you play any instrument?

Care este compozitorul dv. Preferat?

Who is your favorite composer?

mi place numai muzica de


I only like

Ce este desear la oper?

What's an at the opera tonight?

Sunt scumpe biletele la oper?

Are the seats at the opera very


Ce cuprinde programul?

What's on the programmed?

Cine dirijeaz?

Who is conducting (the conductor)?

Cine este solistul?

Who is the soloist? (Who plays the

solo part?)

Ai ascultat concertul Beethoven de

sptmna trecut?

Did you hear the Beethoven concert

last week?

A fost un spectacol remarcabil cu uvertura


It was an excellent performance of the

Coriolan Overture.

V-a plcut cum a cntat ...?

Did you like the way ... played?


El este unul dintre cei mai mari muzicieni n


He is one of the greatest living


Ultima sa lucrare/oper a devenit celebr n

lumea ntreag.

His last great work/opera has won

world fame.

Vreau s merg la viitorul recital de lieduri de


I want to go to the next recital of

Schubert's lied.

V place jazul?

Do you like jazz?

Prefer muzica uoar celei clasice.

I prefer light music to classical music.

Nu-mi place muzica vocal/coral.

I don't like vocal music/choral music.

Merg n fiecare sptmn la concert.

I go to the concert every week.

Musical Instruments
Iau nite discuri.

I shall take some records.

Pot s ascult acest disc/aceste discuri?

May I hear this record/these records?

mi putei da o selecie de discuri cu ...?

Can I have a selection of ...?

Avei discuri cu muzica lui Enescu?

Do you have Enescu records?

Ce discuri microsion avei?

What long-playing records have you?

Cte registre are acest acordeon?

How many registers has this


Pot s vd ...?

Can I have a look at a ...?

Vreau s cumpr nite partituri (muzicale).

I'd like to buy some scores.

Avei libretul acestei opere de Verdi?

Do you have the libretto of this opera

by Verdi?

Ct cost ...?

How much is a ...?

Sunt englez.

I am English.

Noi suntem romni.

We are Romanian.

De unde suntei?

Where do you come from?

Din ce ar suntei?

What country are you from?

El este din America Latin.

He comes from Latin America.

Sunt cetean britanic.

I am a British subject.

Doresc un ziar de diminea/de sear.

I want a morning/afternoon paper.


mi putei da dou ziare?

Can I have two copies (an extra copy)

of this paper?

Aceast revist apare sptmnal/lunar?

Does this magazine come out


Nu am citit nc ziarele de astzi.

I haven't read today's papers yet.

Ct cost abonamentul la ...?

How much are the subscription rates

for the ...?

Ct cost acest ziar/aceast revist?

How much is this paper/magazine?

Ce mai e nou?

What's the news?

Stirea a aprut pe prima pagin a ziarelor?

Has the news got in/reached the headlines?

Prietenul meu este un cititor de ziare pasionat. My friend is a voracious newspaper





Trecere pietoni.

Pedestrian crossing.

Staie taxi.

Taxi rank.




Exit (Way out).

Ieire n caz de pericol.

Emergency exit.

Cas de bilete.

Booking office.

Agenie de voiaj.

Travel agency.

Birou de informaii.

Inquiry office.

Fumatul interzis!

No smoking!

Parcarea interzis!

No parking!

Loc de parcare.


Pstrai curenia oraului.

Keep your city tidy.

Nu clcai pe iarb!

Keep off the grass!

ine dreapta/stnga.

Keep right/left.

Sens unic.

One way.

Sens giratoriu.


Circulaia interzis.

No thoroughfare.

Depire numai pe dreapta.

Overtake only on the right.


Depirea interzis.

No overtaking.

Nu depii culoarele de circulaie.

Do not wander from lane to lane.

Circulai numai ntre culoarele marcate.

Keep within the lane markings.

Intrarea particularilor intezis.

No admittance except on business.

A se feri de foc.

Guard against all risk of fire.

Pericol de moarte! Cablu de nalt tensiune.

Dangerous! High voltage cables.

Rugm nchidei poarta.

Please shut this gate.

Proaspt vopsit.

Wet paint.

Nu facei murdrie.

Leave no litter.

Ateniune! Intrarea interzis.

You have been warned. Keep out.

Atenie! Se lucreaz deasupra.

Caution! Men working overhead.

antier n lucru.

Road works ahead.

Drum n reparaie.

Road repairs in progress.

Nu distrugei plantele i copacii.

Protect wild plants and trees.

Pericol de nec.

Bathing is dangerous.

Atenie la tren!

Beware of the train!

Prim ajutor.

First Aid.



De vnzare.

On sale.

Cte cri are aceast bibliotec?

How many books does this library


Am zeci de cri.

I have scores of books.

Are vreo zece creioane.

He has some ten pencils.

Care este procentajul?

What's the percentage?

Vreau trei la sut.

I want three per cent.

Eu cntresc 65 de kg.

I weigh 65 kilos.

Am nlimea de 1,82 m.

I am 1.82 m tall.

Am perimetrul toracic de 85 de cm.

I measure 85 cm round the chest.

Camera aceasta are o lungime de 15 m,

limea de 9 m i nlimea de 5 m.

This room is 15 m long, 9 m wide, and

5 m high.

Marea Nordulul are o adncime mai mic de

200 de m.

The North Sea is less than 200 m deep.

Lumina se propag cu o vitez de 300000 de

Light travels at a rate of 300,000 km a


km pe secund.


Azi noapte a fost o temperatur de aproape 20 We had nearly 20 degrees of frost last
grade C sub zero.
n zona aceasta limita de vitez pentru
autovehicule e de 30 km pe or.

In this area the speed limit for cars is

30 km an hour.

Suprafaa acestui cmp e de 10 ha.

The area of this field is ten hectares.

Cntrii la fel ca ea?

Do you weigh as much as she does?

Care sunt operaiile aritmetice?

What are the arithmetical operations?

Ct fac 8 ori 8?

What are 8 times 8?

Ct se obine dac se nmulete 9 cu 12?

What is the answer if you multiply 9

by 12?

Ct rmne dac se scade 15 din 75?

What remains if you subtract 15 from


Ct fac 5 plus 6 plus 7?

What do 5 plus 6 and 7 add up to?

mprii 60 la 5.

Divide 60 by 5.

2 i cu 3 fac 5.

2 and 3 is five.

Ptratul lui 7 e 49.

The square of 7 is 49.

Acest cerc are un diametru de 2 cm.

This circle has a diameter of 2 cm.

Mi-am spart ochelarii. mi putei nlocui

I have broken my glasses. Can you

replace the lens?

Vreau s comand o pereche de ochelari.

I want to order a pair of glasses.

Sunt miop/prezbit.

I am short-sighted/long-sighted.

Vreau s-mi repar/nlocuiesc ochelarii.

I want my spectacles mended/renewed.

Artai-mi, v rog, un binoclu de teatru.

Please, show me a pair of opera


Vreau o lup.

I want a magnifying glass.

mi putei da o pereche de ochelari de

soare/ochelari de protecie?

Can I have a pair of sunglasses/goggles?

Poftii domnule/doamn.

Here you are sir/madam.

Speaking on the phone

Trebuie s dau un telefon.

I have to make a telephone call.

V rog, pot s folosec telefonul dv.?

Please, may I use your telephone?

mi pare ru, telefonul este defect.

I'm sorry, the telephone is out of order.

Va trebui s vorbii de la un telefon public.

You'll have to use a public telephone.


Unde se afl tetelonul public cel mai


Where's the nearest (telephone) callbox?

Avei numrul de telefon?

Have you got the telephone number?

Nu-l gsesc. Se pare c nu este n carte.

I can't find it. It doesn't seem to be in

the directory.

S chemm (sunm) "Informaiile".

Let's ring "Directory Inquiry".

Ai putea s telefonai dumneavoastr pentru


Could you make that call for me?

Alo, pot s vorbesc cu domnul...?

Hello, can I speak to Mr...?

Cine s-i spun c-l caut?

Who shall I say is calling?

Nu uitai s introducei o moned n aparat.

Don't forget to drop a in the slot.

Firul este liber?

Is the line clear (free)?

Nu, (firul) este ocuput.

No, the line is engaged.

Trebuie s fie o greeal. Mi-ai dat un numr It must be a mistake. You gave me a
wrong number.
mi putei da legtura cu ...?

Can you put me through to ...?

Pot s vorbesc cu domnul ..., v rog?

May I speak to Mr..., please?

Ateptai la aparat o clip. S, vd dac dl ...

este aici.

Just a moment, hold the line. I'll see if

Mr... is in.

Avei legtura cu ...

You are through to ...

Vorbii, v rog.

Go ahead, please.

Cine e la aparat?

Who's that calling? (Who's speaking.)

La aparat (telefon) ...

This is ... speaking.

Domnul ... nu este aici. Ai putea telefona mai I'm afraid Mr... is not in. Could you
call back later?
Nu v aud. V rog vorbii mai tare.

I can't hear you. Please speak louder.

Telefonul sun, dar nu rspunde nimeni.

The phone rings but nobody answers


Nu ntrerupei legtura, nu am terminat


Don't cut us off/disconnect, we are still


Nu rspunde nimeni.

There's no reply.

Greeal! (ai greit numrul!)

Wrong number!

Acest numr nu aparine de aceast central.

This number is not on this exchange.

Nu este n aceast zon.

It's not within the local call area.

Va trebui s cerei o convorbire interurban.

You'll have to make a trunk call.

Unde este oficiul de convorbiri


Where's the trunk call (long distance

call) office?

A vrea s vorbesc cu Londra.

I'd like to put a call through to London.

Mi-au fcut legtura cu un numr greit.

The switched me to a wrong number.

Au rspuns?

Have they answered?

n caz de urgen telefonai la ... pentru


Dial ... for emergency calls to


Photographic Goods
mi trebuie un aparat de fotografiat.

I need a camera.

Ce intensitate are lentila acestui aparat?

What is the lens-power of this camera?

Care este viteza acestui film?

What is the speed of this film?

Am un aparat de fotografiat foarte bun.

I have a first class camera.

Se poate fotografia aici?

Can we take pictures here?

Pot s v fotografiez?

May I make a snap of you?

Nu, eu nu sunt fotogenic.

No, I photograph badly.

Prietena mea este fotogenic.

My friend photographs well (she has a

photogenic face).

Ai fcut poze n ora?

Did you take any pictures in the town?

Am fcut a mulime de poze n ora.

I made a lot of snaps of the town.

Mi s-a terminat filmul.

I've run short of film.

Vreau ca acest film s fie developat i mrit.

I want to get this film developed and


Ce marc este aparatul dv. de fotografiat?

What make is your camera?

Zmbii, v rog!

Smile, please!

Post Office
Vreau s expediez aceast scrisoare.

I want to send this letter off.

Cum ajung la oficiul potal?

Haw do I get to the post-office?

Cnd este deschis oficiul potal?

When is the post-office open?

Stii ct cost timbrele pentru o scrisoare n


Do you know what the past-age is on a

letter to England?

Mi-ai putea pune aceste scrisori la cutie?

Could you post these letters for me?

La ce or se ridic corespondena?

When will the mail be collected?

Ce timbre trebuie pentru o scrisoare par avion What stamps do I need for an airmail


letter to...?

Ct cost o carte potal pn n Statele


How much is a postcard to the USA?

Care este taxa potal pentru imprimate?

What's the postage for printed matter?

Dai-mi, v rog ...

Please give me ...

Ct cost cuvntul?

How much is a word?

Va ajunge la destinaie astzi?

Will it reach the address today?

Vreau s trimit o telegram cu rspuns pltit.

I want to send a reply-paid telegram.

Unde se expediaz/primesc coletele?

Where does one hand in/receive


Aceasta este o scrisoare cu confirmare de


Is this a letter with notification of


Vreau s expediez aceast scrisoare


I want this letter registered.

Completai, v rog, acest formular cu litere de Will you kindly fill in this form in
block letters?
Unde este ghieul pentru colete?

Where's the parcel counter?

Vrei s expediai acest colet prin pot?

Will you send this parcel by post?

Vrei, v rog, s mi-l cntri?

Could you, please, weigh it for me?

Sper c nu depete greutatea.

I hope it is not overweight.

Vrei, s-l asigurai?

Do you want to have it insured?

Da, v rog.

Yes, please.

A vrea s-mi expediai corespondena la

adresa aceasta.

I'd like my mail to be forwarded to this


Cu ce v ocupai? (Ce profesiune avei?)

What do you do for a living?

Cnd trebuie s mergei la lucru?

When do you have to go to work?

Eu ncep lucrul la ora opt dimineaa.

I start work at 8 o'clock in the


Cte ore lucrai pe zi?

How many hours a day do you work?

Lucrez opt ore pe zi.

I have an 8-hour working day.

La prnz am a pauz pentru mas.

I've a break at noon to have my lunch.

Avei o norm complet sau lucrai n cumul? Have you got a full-time/part-time job?
Uneori lucrez n schimbul de zi/de noapte.

Sometimes I work on the day

shift/night shift.

El e la lucru. Nu se ntoarce nainte de ora


He's at work. He won't be back before

four o'clock.

Vreau s m nvoiesc o zi.

I want to take a day off.

Astzi este ziua mea liber.

Today is my free day.

Cnd plecai n vacan?

When are you going on holiday!

Suntei n concediu de boal?

Are you on sick-leave?

Avei concediu pltit?

Do you get paid holidays?

Cnd suntei liber/de serviciu sptmna


When are you off duty/on duty this


Cnd luai salariul?

When do you get your wages?

Iau salariul o dat pe lun.

I get paid once a month.

Ct ctigai n medie pe lun?

What do you earn a month on the


Am o slujb (destul de) bine pltit.

I have a quite well-paid job.

Ce calificare avei?

What are your qualifications?

Ce studii avei?

How much schooling have you had?

M-am calificat n ...

I trained as a ...

Vreau s fac cerere pentru ocuparea acestui


I want to apply for this post.

Sunt sigur c vei fi angajat.

I'm sure you'll be engaged.

El se va pensiona din motive de sntate.

He will retire because of ill health.

El va fi scos la pensie (pensionat).

He will be pensioned off.

Ce fel de munc facei?

What kind of work do you do?

Fratete meu este funcionar/contabil la o mare My brother is a clerk/an accountant in

a business firm.
Vrei s intrai n afaceri?

Do you want to go into business?

n prezent sunt voiajor comercial.

I'm a commercial traveler at present.

Cine este eful biroului?

Who is the head of your office?

Eu lucrez n

I'm in the

Lucrez de muli ani n specialitate.

I've worked in my profession for many


El vrea s se ocupe de ...

He wants to take up ...

El este specialist n tiine economice.

He is an expert in economics.

M ocup cu agricultura.

I'm engaged in farming.


Lucrai n atelier sau pe antier?

Do you work in the workshop or on

the site?

Sunt lucrtor n transporturi.

I'm a transport-worker.

Lucrez la calea ferat.

I work on the railway.

Sora mea lucreaz ntr-un laborator/ntr-un


My sister works in a laboratory/shop.

Din ce sindicat facei parte?

What trade union do you belong to?

Sunt membru al sindicatului ...

I'm a member of the ... trade union.

Ci muncitori lucreaz n aceast fabric?

How many workers does the factory


n ultimii ani salariile ni s-au mrit de mai

multe ori.

We've had several wage rises in the

past few years.

Ce culoare are maina dv.?

What colour is your car?

Casa mea este la fel de mare ca a lui.

My house is as large as his.

Creionul lui George este mai mic dect


George's pencil is smaller than this.

Prietenul dv. este mai nalt dect mine?

Is your friend taller than me?

Crezi c este frumos?

Do you think this is beautiful?

Biatul/fata este flmnd().

The boy/girl is hungry.

Acest container/aceast cutie este gol (goal). This container/box is empty.

Ce dorii?

What do you want?

Pe cine cutai?

Who are you looking for?

Pe cine pot ntreba?

Who can I ask?

Unde i/o gsesc?

Where do I find him/her?

La ce servete aceasta?

What's it for?

Cine v-a spus aceasta?

Who told you that?

Cum aa?

How's that?

Ce s-a ntmplat.

What's happened?

Ce vrei s spunei cu aceasta?

What do you mean by this?

S-a ntmplat ceva?

Is there anything wrong?

Nu v place?

Don't you like it?

Ce este aceasta?

What's that?

Ce veti!

What news?

Ce este cu aceasta?

What about it?

V pot ajuta cu ceva?

Is there anything I can do for you?

Pot s v cer un serviciu?

May I ask you a favor?

Mi-ai putea face un serviciu?

Could you do me a favor?

Desigur, despre ce este vorba?

Certainly, what is it?

mi putei spune unde este?

Can you tell me where it is?

Cunoatei locul?

Do you know the place?

Ce propunei?

What do you suggest?

Ce v face s spunei asta?

What makes you say that?

Ce importan are?

What difference does it make?

Ce credei despre asta?

What do you think of that?

Pe care l vrei?

Which one do you want?

Unde mergei (v ducei)?

Where are you going?

Unde ai auzit asta?

Where did you hear that?

Unde s-l/s-o pun?

Where shall I put it?

Cnd i ateptai?

When do you expect them?

Cnd plecai?

When are you leaving?

De ce ai ntrziat att?

Why are you so late?

De ce ai fcut asta?

Why did you do that?

Este n ordine, nu?

It's all right, isn't it?

Nu-i aa c nu-i adevrat?

It isn't true, is it?


Is it any good?

Ai pierdut ceva?

Have you lost anything?

V putei descurca?

Can you manage?

Questions and Answers

Suntei gata? - nc nu.

Are you ready? - No, not yet.

Ceva serios? - Nu, nu-i nimic grav.

Anything serious? - No, nothing really


Suntei sigur? - Foarte sigur.

Are you sure? - I'm positive.

V place ? - Nu n mod deosebit.

Do you like it? - Not particularly.

Cum v simii azi? (Cum o ducei) - Bine,


How are things with you today? - Fine,


Cum de ai uitat? - Nu tiu.

How is it you forgot? I don't know.


E o promisiune? - Se nlege c da.

Is that a promise? - I should say so.

S-a ntmplat ceva? - Am crezut c mi-am

uitat cheile.

Is anything wrong? I thought I'd

forgotten my keys.

Pot s stau mpreun cu dumneavoastr? - Da, May I join you? Please do.
v rog.
Cine suntei dumneavoastr? - Sunt un prieten Who are: you? - I'm a friend of John's.
al lui Ion.
Cine este? - Eu sunt.

Who's that? - It's me.

Unde ai fost? - La coafor.

Where have you been? - To the


Unde mergem? - S mergem la un spectacol.

Where shall we go? - Let's go to a


Ce facei aici? - O atept pe prietena mea.

What are you doing here? - Waiting for

my girl friend.

Ce ai fcut toat ziua? - Am lucrat.

What have you been doing all day? Working.

V ducei mine acolo? - Nu cred.

Will you be going there tomorrow? - I

don't think so.

Nu-i aa c i-ai vzut? - Desigur.

You saw them, didn't you? - Of course.

Suntei pasionat dup radio?

Are you a wireless fan?

Avei un aparat de radio cu tranzistori


Do you have a portable transistor set


Da, funcioneaz, cu bateri.

Yes, it is operated by battery.

Recepia este cam slab/destul de bun.

Reception is rather poor/quite good.

Sunetul nu este prea clar.

The sound is not clear enough.

Avei nevoie de anten?

Do you need an aerial?

Este un aparat foarte puternic.

It's quite a powerful set.

Azi am pierdut buletinul de tiri/buletinul


I have missed the news/weather-report


S deschid/nchid radioul?

Shall I turn on/off the radio?

Vrei s ascultai tirile/s ascultai radioul?

Do you want to listen to the news/to

listen in?

Prindei postul.

Tune in to the station.

Radio Bucureti transmite pe o alt lungime

de und.

Radio Bucharest broadcasts an a

different wavelength.

Dai mai ncet. (Reducei volumul.)

Turn the sound down. (Turn it down.)


Este prea tare. i deranjeaz pe vecinii.

It's too loud. It will annoy the


Acesta este semnalul care d ora exact.

That's the time signal.

Ai ascultat comentariul acela sportiv


Did you listen to that interesting sports


S-a transmis asear la radio.

It was on the radio last night.

Ce se transmite la radio desear?

What's on at the wireless tonight?

Putei s prindei muzic de dans?

Can you turn on to some dance-music?

Se va transmite un program de muzic uoar. A program of light music will be

Am un picup nou.

I've got a new record-player.

S pun unul din aceste discuri?

Shall I put on one of these records


S ascultm nite discuri.

Let's listen to some records.

Reading Books
Sunt multe biblioteci n ora?

Are there many libraries in town?

Avem destul de multe biblioteci n ora.

We have quite a lot of libraries in our


Cte cri dorii s mprumutai.

How many books do you want to


Cte cri se pot mprumuta deodat?

How many books may be borrowed at

a time?

mi putei da romanele lui Rebreanu?

Can I have Rebreanu's novels?

Ct timp pot ine aceste cri?

How long can I keep these books?

Cnd trebuie s fie restituite aceste cri?

When do these books fall due?

O restitui sptmna viitoare.

I'll bring it back next week.

Cartea aceasta este mprumutat.

This book is out on loan (it's not in).

M-ai putea ntiina cnd va fi restituit?

Could you let me know when it has

been returned?

Firete, am s v-o pstrez.

Certainly, I'll keep it for you.

Aceasta este una din crile mele preferate.

This is one of my favorite books.

Ai citit cartea aceasta?

Have you read this book?

Avei o bibliotec ntr-adevr bine nzestrat.

You certainly have a well-equipped


Ceva uor de citit v rog.

I want some light reading, please.

Romanul acesta merit s fie citit?

Is this novel worth reading?


Avei o enciclopedie?

Have you got an encyclopedia?

Sala de lectur este deschis?

Is the reading-room open?

Vrei s-l ntrebai pe bibliotecar?

Would you mind asking the librarian?

De cte volume dispune aceast bibliotec?

How many volumes does this library


Lui i place foarte mult s citesc.

He is very fond of reading.

Nu v pot spune.

I'm afraid I can't tell you.

mi pare ru de dv.

I feel sorry for you.

Din pcate, nu voi sta mult.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to stay



That's too bad.

Ghinion! Dar n-am avut de ales, nu-i aa?

It's bad luck! But we didn't have any

choice, did we?

Sper c nu vei regreta.

I hope you won't regret it.

Nu vreau s v jignesc, dar...

I don't want to hurt your feelings, but...

Nu mi-o luai n nume de ru dac v spun


Don't take it amiss if I tell you the


Am o rugmiute.

I've got a request to make.

Pot s mprumut stiloul dv.? - V rog.

May I have your pen? - Please do.

Pot lua e igar, v rog?

May I have a cigarette, please?

Poftii! Servii-v!

Here you are! Help yourself.

V pot deranja pentu un foc?

May I trouble you for a light?

Avei ceva mpotriv dac fumez?

Do you mind if I smoke?

inei aceasta puin.

Hold this for a minute.

Lsi-o pe mas.

Leave it on the table.

Punei-l acolo, v rog.

Put it there, please.

Artai-mi cum s fac.

Show me how to do it.

Deschidei ua, v rog.

Open the door, please.

nchidei ua, v rog.

Shut the door, will you.

Vrei s facei aceasta pentru mime?

Will you do this for me?

Permitei-mi s v ajut.

Allow me to help you.


Vrei, v rog, s-mi dai o mn de ajutor?

Will you, please, give me a hand?

V rog s m anunai ct mai curnd posibil.

Please, let me know as soon as


edei aici.

Sit here.

Nu v grbii.

Take your time.

Vrei s v ocupai de aceast chestiune


Would you see to that matter right

away, please?

Suntei cercettor?

Are you a researcher?

Cu ce cercetri v ocupai?

What sort of research are you engaged


Efectuai att cercetri teoretice ct i


Do you carry out theoretic as well as

applied research?

Lucrai la un institut de cercetri?

Do you work in a research institute?

Cine conduce institutul?

Who's director of the institute?

eful departamentului nostru este un savant


The head, of our department is a wellknown scientist.

Tocmai a fost ales membru al unei academii


He's just been elected member of a

foreign Academy.

De cnd v ocpai de cercetarea tiinific?

How long have you been doing


Sptmna viitoare plec la un congres


Next week I'm going to an

international congress.

Ce for patroneaz cercetatea tiinific n ara


What authority sponsors research in

your country?

Universitile efectueaz cercetri tiinifice?

Do universities carry out research?

Folosim metodele cele mai moderne.

We use the most up-to-date methods.

Cnd putem vizita un institut de proiectri?

When can we visit a design institute?

El a elaborat o nou metod de obinere a ...

He's worked out a new method of

obtaining ...

Sunt multe institute de cercetare n Bucureti? Are there many research institutes in
Institutul nostru a fost nfiinat recent.

Out institute has been set up recently.

S mergem la un restaurant.

Let's go to a restaurant.

Unde se afl restaurantul cel mai apropiat?

Where is the nearest restaurant?

Este un restaurant n hotel.

There is a restaurant in the hotel.

Restauratul se afl la parter.

The restaurant is on the ground-floor.

Restauratul se afl vizavi.

The restaurant is across the road.

Restauratul se afl dup col.

The restaurant is round the corner.

V e foame/sete?

Are you hungry/thirsty?

S gsim o mas lng fereastr.

Let's find a table near the window.

Masa aceasta este liber?

Is this table vacant?

Sper c locul acesta nu este ocupat.

I hope this seat isn't taken.

Trebuie s ne mutm la alt mas.

We must shift to another table.

O mas pentru dou persoane, v rog.

Table for two, please.

Am s comand ceva de mncare.

I'll order something to eat.

Osptar, lista te rog.

Show me the menu, waiter.

Ai ales?

Have you made your choice?

Ce ai vrea s mncai?

What would you like to eat?

Vreau ceva uor.

I want something light.

Ce-mi recomandai?

What do you recommend?

Adu-mi, te rog, un suc de roii.

Bring me a tomato juice, please.

S v aduc ceva de but?

Can I get you something to drink?

O limonad/oranjad, te rog.

A lemon-squash/orange-squash,

La fel i pentru mine.

I'll take the same.

Eu vreau un pahar cu ap.

Just a glass of water for me.

Domnul/doamna este servit()?

Are you being served?

Mi s-a luat comanda.

I've given my order.

Vrei s-mi destupai sticla aceasta?

Will you open this bottle for me,


Mai aducei un tacm, v rog.

Another place, please.

Vrei s-mi dai, v rog, nite...?

Would you, please, pass me some ...?

Vrei s chemai osptarul?

Could you call the waiter?

Osptar, nota, te rog.

Waiter, bring me the bill, please.

Ct face?/Ct am de plat?

How much is the bill?

Serviciul este foarte bun.

The service is quite good.


Copiii merg la coala primar la vrsta de
apte ani.

Children are sent to primary Schools

the age of 7.

Ei nva la coal pn la vrsta de 18 anii.

They remain at school till they are l8

year old.

Se cer amnate condiii ce trebuie satisfcute. There are certain requirements one has
to come up to.
Sunt multe coli cu internat n ara dv.?

Are there many boarding schools in

your country?

Ce taxe colare se pltesc?

What are the fees at schools?

Avei coli mixte.

Do you have mixed schools?

La coala noastr se in cursuri i dimineaa i There are morning and afternoon

dup amiaza.
classes at our school.
Cnd se ntrerup cursurile?

When does school break up?

V intereseaz vreo disciplin, n mod


Are there any subject you are specially

interested in?

mi place chimia/fizica.

I'm rather fond of chemistry/physics.

Engleza i latina sunt discipline obligatorii la

coala noastr.

English and Latin are compulsory

subjects at our school.

n coala dv. se pred vreo disciplin


Are there any optional subjects taught

in your school?

Programa de nvmnt prevede limbi


Does the curriculum include foreign


Curnd trebuie s m pregtesc pentru

examenul de absolvire.

I have to prepare for my final

examination very soon.

V doresc suces la examen.

I hope you'll do well in the


Fiul meu are note bune aproape la toate


My son has good marks in nearly

every subject.

Intr muli elevi n colile profesionale?

Do many pupils enter vocational


Shoe Shop
Vreau o pereche de pantofi negri de purtare,
v rog.

I want a pair of black walking shoes,


Ce msur (purtai) v rog?

What size (do you wear), please?

Port msura ... la pantofi.

I take size ... in shoes.

Prefer pantofii cu vrful ascuit/lat.

I prefer shoes with pointed/broad toecaps.


Aceti pantofi sunt lucrai manual?

Are these shoes handmade?

Vreau o pereche de pantofi rezisteni.

I want a pair of hard-wearing shoes.

Acetia sunt prea grei.

These are too heavy.

Artai-mi alii mai uori cu talp de piele.

Show me something lighter with

leather soles.

Avei ceva din piele de arpe?

Have you got anything in snake skin?

S ncerc perechea aceasta.

Let me try on this pair.

Dai-mi un ncltor, v rog.

Give me a shoehorn, please.

Nu, este msura mea.

This is not my size.

Perechea aceasta este prea mare pentru mine.

This pair is to large.

Artai-mi o alt pereche cu jumatate de

numr mai mic.

Show me another pair half a size


Acetia sunt prea strmi. M jeneaz.

Now, these are too tight. They hurt.

Pantoful drept m jeneaz, la clci.

The right shoe hurts around the heel.

Aceti pantofi se ntind la purtare.

These shoes will stretch when you

wear them.

I-ai putea ntinde pe calapod, v rog?

Could you stretch them on the last,


Perechea aceasta vi se potrivete?

Does this pair fit all right?

Perechea aeasta este foarte comod.

This pair is quite comfortable.

M simt foarte bine n aceti pantofi.

These feel quite all right.

Vreau s in pantofii noi n picioare.

I want to keep the new pair on.

mpachetai-mi pe ceilali, v rog.

Wrap up my old ones, please.

Pantofii mi s-au tocit la tocuri.

The heels of my shoes are worn out.

Trebuie s-mi pun talp/tocuri la pantofi.

The shoes want soling/heeling.

Vreau s-mi repar ghetele.

I'd like to have my boots mended


Scotei-v pantofii i ateptai pn vi-i repar. Take off your shoes and wait while I
get them done.
Vreau s comand o pereche de ...

I want to order a pair of ...

Cnd sunt gata?

When can you let me have them?

Preferai talp de piele sau de cauciuc?

Do you prefer leather or rubber soles?

Punei tocuri de cauciuc/placheuri la tocuri,

v rog.

Put some rubber/metal tips on the

heels, please.


Vrei s facei cumprturi?

Do you want to go shopping?

Am de fcut nite cumprturi.

I have got some shopping to do.

Trebuie s cumpr o mulime de lucruri.

I must buy a lot of things.

Ar fi bine s facei o list cu lucrurile de care

avei nevoie.

You'd better make up a list of the

things you need.

Ce vrei s cumprai?

What do you want to buy?

Vreau s cumpr nite cadouri pentru prietenii I want to buy some presents for my
Hai mai nti s ne uitm la vitrine.

Let's do some window-shopping first.

Acesta pare s fie un magazin bun.

This looks like a good shop.

S intrm.

Well, let's go in.

Cu ce v putem servi?

What can I do for you? (Can I help


Suntei servit()?

Are you being attended to?

M ocup de dv. ntr-o clip.

I'll attend to you in a moment.

inei/vindei mnui?

Do you keep/sell any gloves?

Din pcate, am epuizat stocul.

Unfortunately they are out of stock.

Regret, ne lipsesc (din stoc) deocamdat.

Sorry, we are short of them at the


A dori s cumpr nite cmi de poplin/de


I would like some poplin/nylon shirts.

Ce msur, v rog?

What size, please?

Treizeci i ase cm la guler.

Thirty six centimeters neck.

mi putei arta cteva modele?

Can you show me some of your


A dori s cumpr nite tergal.

I'd like to buy some teryline.

Ct cost metrul?

How much is it the meter?

Ci metri dorii?

How much would you like?

Cred c aceasta merge (se potrivete).

This one will do, I think.

V rog s-mi artai nite pardesie.

Will you, please, show me some


Avei o msur, mai mic/mai mare?

Have you got this in a smaller/bigger


O iau pe aceasta.

I'll take this (one).


Acesta este foarte ieftin/cam scump.

This is very cheap/rather expensive.

Ce pre are acest (aceast) ...?

What is the price of this ...?

Ct v-a costat?

What did you pay for it? (How much

did it cost you?)

E prea mult. Nu face...

It's too much. It's not worth...

Se poate cumpra n rate.

You can buy it on the HP system (hirepurchase system).

Am cumparat-o n condiii aventajoase.

I bought it on low terms.

E un adevrat chilipir la preul acesta.

It was a real bargain at that price.

Preurile esturilor (stofelor) au sczut.

Textiles have gone down.

Articolele acestea sunt foarte cutate.

These articles sell very well.

Dorii s pltii pe loc (acum)?

Do you want to pay the money now?

A vrea s pltesc cu cec/numerar.

I'd like to pay by check/to pay cash.

Mai dorii ceva, domnule/doamn?

Anything else, Sir/Madam?

Nu, mulumesc, aceasta este totul.

No, thanks, that's all.

Ct face totul?

How much is it in all?

Nota se ridic la ...

Your bill comes to ...

Unde este casa?

Where's the cash-desk (pay-desk)?

Poftii restul.

Here's your change.

S v leg pachetul?

Shall I tie up the parcel?

mpachetai-mi-l, v rog.

Wrap it up for me, please.

Avei serviciu de livrare la


Have you got a home-delivery service?

S v trimitem cumprturile la domiciliu?

Shall we send your purchases to your


Sights ( Seeing the )

A vrea s vizitez oraul.

I'd like to see the sights.

Nu am vzut prea multe.

I haven't done much sightseeing.

Cum v place oraul nostru?

How do you like our town?

A vrea s vizitez Bucuretiul.

I should like to see the sights of


V intereseaz ceva n mod deosebit?

Is there anything you are particularly

interested in?

Da, m atrag n mod special ...

Yes, I'm rather keen on ...

Vreau s dau o rait prin magazinele din

I want to look round Bucharest's



department stores.

Ce credei c ar trebui s vd?

What do you think I ought to see?

V propun s facei mai nti turul oraului.

Well, I suggest a sightseeing tour of

the city first.

Cu ce ncepe turul oraului?

What does the tour start with?

Ct dureaz turul oraului?

How long does the tour take?

Vrei s v art oraul?

Do you want me to show you round?

Am s v art oraul.

I'll take you round the town.

Este foarte amabil din partea dv.

That is most kind of you.

Artai-mi toate obiectivele interesante.

Show me all the places of interest.

Aceasta este strada principal?

Is this the main street?

Cnd a fost construit cldirea aceea?

When was that building put up?

Cnd pot vizita...?

When can I visit...?

Acela este muzeul?

Is that the museum?

Voi gsi acolo un ghid care s m nsoeasca? Will there be any guide there to show
me round?
Ce reprezint acest monument?

Whom is this monument to?

A vrea s vd i...

I would like to see... as well.

Este departe?

Is it far?

Este la o distan de cteva minute pe jos.

It's only a few minutes walk.

Am vrea s facem o excursie la...

We'd like to make a trip to...

A vrea s vizitez Grdina botanic.

I'd like to visit the Botanical Gardens.

Merit s fie vizitat?

Is it worth visiting?

Pentru ce este cunoscut aceast cldire?

What is this building famous for?

mi place/nu mi place arhitectura acestei


I like/do not like the architecture of

this building.

Este vreo localitate medieval n aceast


Are there any mediaeval sites in this


Autocarul pleac de la...

The sightseeing coach leaves from...

Prefer s merg singur pe jos.

I prefer walking about by myself.

mi voi petrece cel puin o sptmn pentru a I'll spend at least a week of my stay
vizita oraul.




Trecere pietoni.

Pedestrian crossing.

Staie taxi.

Taxi rank.




Exit (Way out).

Ieire n caz de pericol.

Emergency exit.

Cas de bilete.

Booking office.

Agenie de voiaj.

Travel agency.

Birou de informaii.

Inquiry office.

Fumatul interzis!

No smoking!

Parcarea interzis!

No parking!

Loc de parcare.


Pstrai curenia oraului.

Keep your city tidy.

Nu clcai pe iarb!

Keep off the grass!

ine dreapta/stnga.

Keep right/left.

Sens unic.

One way.

Sens giratoriu.


Circulaia interzis.

No thoroughfare.

Depire numai pe dreapta.

Overtake only on the right.

Depirea interzis.

No overtaking.

Nu depii culoarele de circulaie.

Do not wander from lane to lane.

Circulai numai ntre culoarele marcate.

Keep within the lane markings.

Intrarea particularilor intezis.

No admittance except on business.

A se feri de foc.

Guard against all risk of fire.

Pericol de moarte! Cablu de nalt tensiune.

Dangerous! High voltage cables.

Rugm nchidei poarta.

Please shut this gate.

Proaspt vopsit.

Wet paint.

Nu facei murdrie.

Leave no litter.

Ateniune! Intrarea interzis.

You have been warned. Keep out.

Atenie! Se lucreaz deasupra.

Caution! Men working overhead.

antier n lucru.

Road works ahead.

Drum n reparaie.

Road repairs in progress.

Nu distrugei plantele i copacii.

Protect wild plants and trees.

Pericol de nec.

Bathing is dangerous.

Atenie la tren!

Beware of the train!

Prim ajutor.

First Aid.



De vnzare.

On sale.

Ce sporturi practicai?

What sports do you go in for?

Nu sunt sportiv, dar mi place sportul.

I am no athlete, but I do like sport.

Cunoastei regulile jocului?

Do you know the rules of the game?

Eu joc crichet.

I play cricket.

Nu cunosc jocul.

I don't know the game.

Sportul nu m prea intereseaz.

I'm not much interested in sport.

Am nevoie de exerciii regulate pentru a-mi

pstra forma.

I need regular physical exercise to

keep fit.

Ai jucat fotbal/volei la coal?

Did you play football/volley ball at


tii s schiai/notai?

Can you ski/swim?

Cred c trebuie mult antrenament.

I think one needs a lot of coaching.

Care este echipa dv. preferat !

Which team do you support?

Care echip a ctigat/a pierdut?

Which team (side) gas won/lost?

Am ctigat cu doi la zero.

We won two nil.

Noi conduceam la pauz.

We were leading at halftime.

Meciul s-a terminat la egalitate.

The match ended in a draw.

La ce or ncepe meciul (jocul)?

What time is the kickoff?

Cine a sosit primul/al doilea?

Who come in first/second?

Care este restul clasamentului?

What are the other placing?

Unde se afl principalul stadion al oraului?

Where is the main stadium in the


Cum se numete ...?

What is it called ...?

Care echip este socotit cea mai puternic?

What team is considered the strongest?

Cnd are loc semifinala/finala?

When is the semi-final/final?

Cnd ncepe campionatul naional de fotbal?

When does the national football

championship start?

Cine a ctigat campionatul?

Who won the championship?

Cine este campionul Romniei la ...?

Who is Romania's champion in ...?


Aceast echip este ntr-o form excelent.

This team is in excellent form.

Aceast echip joac bine/prost.

This team plays well/poorly.

Care este rezultatul?

What is the result?

n favoarea cui?(Pentru cine?)

In whose favor?

Ce loc a ocupat echipa dv.?

What place did your team win?

Care echip poart tricouri albastre/roii?

Which team is in blue/red shirts?

Cine este antrenorul/cpitanul echipei?

Who is the trainer/captain of the team?

Cine a ctigat campionatul individual?

Who was the individual champion?

Cine a sosit primul?

Who was the first at the finish?

Cine a realizat timpul cel mai bun?

Who made the best time?

El/ea a stabilit un record mondial.

He/she has set a world record.

Facei parte dintr-un club sportiv?

Do you belong to a sports club?

Vrei s mergem s vedem ...?

Shall we go and watch ...?

Echipa oaspete/gazd a ctigat concursul


The visiting/home team won the


Au parcurs distana n trei minute.

They covered the distance in three


Portarul a fost ntr-o form proast.

The goal keeper made a rather poor


S facem o partid de ah.

Let's play a game of chess.

Eu joc cu piesele albe, dv. jucai cu cele


I play white, you play black.

Ai fcut o deschidere frumoas.

You've made a fine gambit.

A trebuit s sacrific o pies.

I had to sacrifice a piece.

Ci pioni ai pierdut?

How many pawns are you down?

Care e micarea urmtoare?

What's the next move?

Cnd relum jocul?

When shall we resume the game?

Cred c e mai bine s cedez partida.

I think I'd better resign.

Asear am vzut un meci de box.

I saw a boxing match last night.

Ce categorie erau concurenii?

What weight were the competitors?

n Romania se practic pe scar larg

sporturile de iarn.

Winter sports are practiced widely in


V place notul?

Do you like swimming?

Ce stil v place cel mai mult?

What style do you like best?

El se antreneaz pentru campionatul


He's been training for the European


Ce manifestri sportive vor avea loc la

sfritul sptmnii?

What sporting events will there be

over the weekend?

Sportul este un mod excelent de a-i petrece

timpul liber.

Sports are an excellent pastime.

Sports Goods
mi trebuie o arm de vntoare.

I need a sporting gun.

Artai-mi, v rog, nite unelte de pescuit.

Please, show me some fishing tackle.

Artai-mi, v rog, o biciclet.

Please, show me a bicycle.

Ct benzina consum aceast motociclet?

How much petrol does this motorcycle


mi putei da o rachet de tenis/mingi de


Can I have a tennis racket/tennis balls?

Ce legturi de schiuri avei?

What ski bindings do you stock?

mi trebuie o map cu plicuri.

I need a pad and some envelopes.

Vreau o rezerv pentru creionul acesta cu


I want a refill for this ever-sharp.

Avei nite stilouri ieftine?

Have you got any cheap fountain


Ct cost acest creion de argint, v rog?

How much is this silver pencil, please?

Acesta este foarte ieftin. Scrie n patru culori. Now, this one is quite cheap. It writes
in four colors.
mi mai trebuie nite hrtie de scris i o gum. I also need some typing paper and an
eraser (rubber).
Voi lua liniarul acesta.

I'll take this ruler.

Pot s m uit la aceste ...?

Can I have a look at these ...?

Sweet Shop
Un baton mare de ciocolat de ... lei.

A large bar of chocolate at ... lei.

Avei ciocolat cu lapte/simpl?

Have you got any milk/plain


Un sfert de kilogram de caramele, v rog.

A quarter of a kilogram of toffees,


Ct cost aceast cutie de ciocolat/cutie mare How much is this box of

de biscuii?
chocolate/large tin of biscuits?

Un pachet de gum de mestecat, v rog.

A packet of chewing-gum, please.

Altceva? V mulumese, domnule.

Anything else? Thank you, sir.

mi trebuie un costum nou; cel vechi este cam I need a new suit (costume); my old
one is rather worn.
Nu mi ce potrivete.

It doesn't fit me well.

Mi se pare c m-am ngrat.

I seem to have put on weight.

Nu cumprai un costum de gata?

Won't you buy a readymade suit?

M intereseaz un costum care s mi se

potriveasc i s aib o croial elegant.

I'm only interested in a good fit and a

smart cut.

A vrea s comand un costum.

I'd like to order a suit.

Prefer o stof bun care ine la purtare.

I prefer a good cloth that wears well.

Avei un catalog de mostre?

Have you got a book of patterns?

Pot s m uit la nite modele?

Can I have a look at some patterns?

mi place materialul acesta maro nchis.

I like this dark brown material.

Nuana aceasta este prea deschis.

This shade is too light.

A vrea s-mi facei un costum din stofa


I'd like to have a suit made of this


A vrea s-mi luai msura pentru un costum. I should like to be measured for a suit.
Este ln pur?

Is this pure wool?

Este semiln cu fibre sintetice.

It's semi-woolen material with a

synthetic fiber.

Este cam aspr/prea fin.

It's a bit too coarse/fine.

Ce cptueal preferai?

What kind of lining do you prefer?

Haina va fi cptuit cu mtase.

The jacket will be lined with silk.

Dorii un buzunar sau dou la spate la


Do you want one or two hip pockets in

your trousers?

Mai lrgii-l puin aici.

Make it a little wider here.

Cnd credei c va fi gata costumul?

When do you think the suit will be


Ai putea veni, v rog, lunea viitoare la prima Could you come for the first fitting
next Monday, please?
Vin sptmna viitoare s ncerc costumul.

I'll come next week to try the suit on.

M tem c trebuie s facem nite modificri.

I'm afraid there are some alterations to

be made.


Pantalonii nu-mi vin bine. Sunt prea strmi.

The trousers don't fit. They are a bit

too tight.

Trebuie s fie lrgii/strmtai.

They have to be let out/taken in.

Pantalonii sunt prea largi/scuri.

The trouser-legs are too wide/short.

Cred c mnecile trebuie lungite/scurtate.

I think the sleeves have to he made


Acum costumul vi se potrivete de minune.

Now the suit fits you perfectly. (The fit

is perfect.)

Unde po ate soia mea s comande o rochie,

v rog?

Where can my wife order a dress,


Mi-ai putea recomanda o coitoreas bun?

Could you recommend a good


Vreau s-mi facei o rochie/o bluz.

I want a dress/a blouse.

Ai adus materialul cu dv.?

Have you brought the material with


Da, poftii.

Yes, here it is.

Dorii un model/croial deosebit()?

Do you want any special style?

Iat o rochie ncnttoare n aceast revist.

Here is a lovely dress in this fashion


Vom ncerca, doamn. Avem nite modele

foarte asemntoare.

We'll try, madam. We have some very

similar patterns.

V-am luat msura.

I've got your measurements.

Ct luai pentru o rochie?

What do you charge for making a


Vreau o fust modern din ...

I want a fashionable skirt made of ...

V rog s trecei sptmna viitoare pentru


Please, call next week for the fitting.

V mulumesc.

Thank you.

V mulumesc foarte mult pentru ajutor.

Thank you very much for your help.

Multe mulumiri.

Many thanks. (Thanks a lot.)

Mulumesc c m-ai anunat la timp.

Thanks for letting me know in time.

V sunt foarte ndatorat.

I'm very much obliged to you.

Pentru nimic! V ajut cu plcere.

Don't mention it! I'm glad to help you.

N-avei pentru ce! (Pentru nimic!)

It's all right!

Este foarte drgu din partea dv.

That's very kind of you.


Nu v pot spune ct v sunt de recunosctor.

I can't say how grateful I am to you.

Apreciez foarte mult acest lncru.

I appreciate it very much.

A face orice s m pot revana.

I'd do anything to help you in return.

Transmitei-i mulumirile mele pentru...

Give him my thanks for...

Se joac vreo pies pe care mi-ai putea-o

Is there any good play on you could


S mergem amndoi s vedem piesa.

Let's both go and see the play.

La care spectacol mergem?

Which performance shall we go to?

Voi ncerca s obin bilete pentru spectacolul

de sear.

I'll try to get seats reserved for the

evening performance.

Dup cte tiu biletele se pot cumpra


As far as I know all seats are bookable in advance.

Lsai-v haina la garderob.

Leave your coat in the cloak-room.

Vreau un program/un binoclu.

I want a program/a pair of opera

glasses, please.

Cortina s-a zidicat.

The curtain is up.

Dup actul doi va fi o pauz.

There will be an interval after the

second act.

Unde are loc aciunea piesei?

Where does the action of the play take


Decorurile i costumele aparin lui ...

The scenery and costumes have been

designed by ...

Este vreun nume cunoscut printre interpreii

acestei piese?

Are there any well known actors

taking part in this play?

A. este unul dintre actorii notri/una dintre

actriele noastre de frunte.

A. is one of our leading


Cine interpreteaz (joac) rolul lui ...?

Who plays the part of ... ?

Distribuia este cu totul deosebit.

The cast is really unusual.

Cnd va avea loc premiera piesei?

When will be the first night of the


ntr-un parc are loc un spectacol n aer liber.

There's an open-air performance in a


Vrei s-l vedei?

Do you care to see it?


Avem destul timp.

We've plenty of time.

Nu v grbii! Luai-o domol.

Don't hurry! Take your time.

Vom ajunge acolo la timp.

We'll be there in time.

n ct timp ajungem acolo?

How much time will it take to get


Ai stat foarte mult.

You've been a long time.

Am foarte puin timp liber.

I've very little spare time.

Nu am timp.

I can't afford the time.

De ce v grbii?

What's the hurry?

Este o pierdere de timp.

It's a waste of time.

Vreau s-mi omor timpul.

I just want to kill time.

ncearc s recuperezi timpul pierdut.

Try to make up for lost time.

M ntorc curnd.

I'll be back soon.

Este timpul (s terminai).

Time's up.

Este o chestiune de timp.

It's a matter of time.

Este vremea de culcate/vremea prnzului.

It's bedtime/lunchtime.

A trebuit s plec devreme.

I had to leave early.

El lucreaz ziua.

He works in the daytime.

El a venit prea trziu.

He came too late.

Am venit prea devreme? Scuzai, revin mai


Am I too early? I'm sorry. I'll came

back later.

Se face trziu.

It's getting late.

Ce dat este astzi?

What's the date today?

Vom ntrzia o jumtate de or.

We'll be half an hour late.

Cnd v sculai dimineaa?

When do you get up in the morning?

S facem o plimbare desear.

Let's go for a walk tonight.

M-am trezit n timpul nopii.

I woke in the night.

Va ploua la amiaz/la noapte.

It will be raining at noon/at night.

Ce zi a fost ieri/alaltieri?

What day was yesterday/the day before


Astzi este trei iunie.

Today is the third of June.

Ce zi este astzi? - Astizi este mari.

What's today? - Today is Tuesday.

De azi ntr-o sptmn e ziua mea de natere. Today week will be my birthday.
M-am ntors sptmna trecut/acum dou

I came back last week/a fortnight ago.

Sunt acas de zece zile.

I've been back at home now for ten


Plec sptmna aceasta/sptmna viitoare.

I'm leaving this week/next week.

Deunzi l-am ntlnit pe dl. ...

I met Mr. ... the other day.

Nu l-am vzut din ianuarie.

I haven't seen him sinceJanuary.

Ct e ora, v rog?

What is the time?

Este ora patru.

What's the time, please? It's four


Este patru i jumtate.

It's exactly half past four.

Este patru i cinci/i un sfert.

It's five/a quarter past four.

Este cinci fr douzeci i cinci.

It's twenty five to five.

Este aproape cinci.

It's nearly five.

Este cinci fix.

It's five sharp.

Este miezul nopi.

It's twelve midnight.

Este chiar aa de trziu?

Oh, is it as late as that?

Ct e ceasul la dv.?

What's the time by your watch?

Se apropie de ase.

It's getting on for six.

Este deja opt?

Is it eight already?

Nu am ceas.

I haven't got a watch.

Ceasul bate ora nou.

The cock is striking nine.

Ceasul meu este n urm/nainte cu zece


My watch is ten minutes slow/fast.

Ceasul dumneavoastr merge bine?

Does your watch keep good time?

Ceasul meu s-a oprit.

My watch has stopped.

S-a stricat.

It's run down.

Trebuie s-l ntorc.

I must wind it up.

Am pus detepttorul s sune.

I set my alarm clock.

Trebuie s dau ceasul la reparat.

I must have my watch repaired.

Vreau un pachet de igri.

I want a packet of cigarettes.

Ce marc dorii, dumnule?

What brand do you take, sir?

Un pachet de Snagov, v rog.

A packet of 20 of Snagov, please.

Nu v place gustul acestui tutun?

Don't you like the taste of this


Acest tutun de pip este prea tare/slab.

This pipe tobacco is too strong/mild.

Ct cost punga aceasta de tutun, v rog?

How much is this tobacco pouch,


Dai-mi o cutie de chibrituri, v rog.

Give me a box of matches, please.

Mi-am uitat bricheta acas.

I've left my lighter behind.

Eu fumez igri de foi.

I smoke cigars.

Acesta este drumul spre Calea Victoriei ?

Am I right for Calea Victoriei?

Suntei amabil s-mi artai drumul?

Would you mind telling me the way?

M-ai putea ndruma spre ...?

Could you direct me to...?

M-am rtcit.

I've lost my way.

M-ai putea ndruma?

Could you put me right?

Ai luat-o n direcie greit.

You're going in the wrong direction.

Am s v art drumul.

I will show you the way.

Regret, nu tiu. Nici eu nu sunt de pe aici.

I'm afraid, I've no idea. I'm a stranger

here myself.

Nu v-a putea spune precis.

I really can't tell you for certain.

Vrei s-l ntrebai pe poliistul acela?

Would you mind asking the politician

over there?

Mai ntrebai pe cineva acolo.

Ask your way again there.

Ct (ce distan) este de aici pn la...?

How far is it from here to...?

Care este drumul cel mai scurt?

Which is the shortest way?

n ct timp ajung acolo?

How long will it take me to get there?

Avei de mers o bucat bun.

That's quite a distance.

Este foarte departe de aici.

It's a very long way from here.

Cred c sunt mai bine de trei kilometri.

It's over three km, I think.

N-ar fi mai bine s iau un autobuz?

Hadn't I better take a bus?

Ar fi mai bine s luai autobuzul.

You'd better go here by bus.

Ce autobuz trebuie s iau?

What bus Must I take?

Autobuzul 32 v duce direct la gar.

Number 32 bus will take you right to

the railway station.

S v art drumul pn la staia de autobuz.

Let me show you the way to the bus


Traversati strada i luai-o la stnga.

Go across the road and turn left.


La urmtoarea intrsecie luai-o la dreapta.

At the next crossroads turn to the right.

Luai-o n direcia opus.

Go in the opposite direction.

Caut numrul 10 pe Bulevardul Magheru.

I'm looking for 10, Bulevardul


O s v descurcai?

Will you find it now?

Este pe dreapta/stnga.

It's on the right-hand/left-hand side.

Spunei-mi, v rog, cum se numete strada


Please tell me the name of this street.

Drumul acesta duce n Piaa Victoriei?

Does this road lead to Victory Square?

Strada aceasta duce n oseaua principal?

Will this street bring me out on the

main road?

Acesta este numrul cinci? Ai putea afla ce

numr este?

Is this number 5? Could you find out

which number it is?

Cunoatei pe cineva care se numete...?

Do you know anyone called...?

Aceasta este prima dumneavoastr vizit n


Is this your first visit to Romania?

Nu, am mai fost aici de cteva ori n ultimii

cinci ani.

No, I've been here several times in the

past five years .

Este vreo staie de benzin pe drumul acesta?

Is there a filling (petrol) station on this


Travelling by Air
Mergei acolo cu avionul?

Are you going there by air ?

Cnd plecai cu avionul la ...?

When are you flying to...?

Vreau s cltoresc (s merg) cu avionul.

I want to travel (to go) by air.

Exist un serviciu aerian direct ntre ... i ...?

Is there a direct air-line (connection)

between... and...?

Cu cte zile nainte trebuie s iau biletul de


How many days in advance must I

book my air ticket?

Va trebui s luai bilet de avion cu o

sptmn ainte.

You'll have to book your air ticket a

week in advance.

La ce or pleac autobuzul spre aeroport?

When does the coach for the airport

leave from here?

Cnd pleac, avioanele de pasageri spre ...?

When do passenger planes leave

for ...?

Ct bagaj se poate lua n avion?

How much luggage is one allowed?

Pe ce rut, mergem?

What's the route of our plane?

La ce or decoleaz avionul!

What time does the plane take off!


Pe care aeroport va ateriza avionul?

Which airport will the plane laud on?

Unde facem escal?

Where do we touch down on our way?

Cum suportai zborul?

How do you take to flying?

M simt prost. (mi face ru.)

It makes me feel bad (ill, sick).

Cte curse aeriene sunt de la ... la ...?

How often 6o planes run between ...

and ...?

Va trebui s schimbai avionul la ...

You'll have to change to another plane

in ...

La ce altitudine zburm?

At what altitude are we flying now?

Vedei ceva pe fereastr?

Can you see anything out of the


Zburm prin nori dei.

We're flying through thick clouds.

Vizibilitatea este slab.

Visibility is rather poor.

Ai simit zdruncintura?

Did you feel that bump?

Ar fi bine s v fixai centura de siguran.

You'd better fasten your belt.

Avionul se nvrtete deasupra aeroportului.

The plane is circling the airfield.


It is losing speed/landing.

Aterizerea a fost perfect.

The landing was perfect.

Poftii numrul de bord.

Here's your boarding pass.

Bagajul dv. a fost cntrit i nregistrat?

Has your luggage been weighed and


A fost o cltorie foarte plcutt.

We had a very comfortable journey.

Cu ce avion ai cltorit?

What did you fly?

Am cltorit cu un nou tip de turboreactor de


We flew a new jet propelled passenger


A fost o curs fr escal?

Was it a non-stop flight?

De la Loadra la Bucureti facei ase ore cu


You can fly from London to Bucharest

in six hours.

Prefer s cltoresc cu avionul dect cu


I prefer flying to travelling by train.

Travelling by Car
Ai cltorit cu maina tot drumul din Anglia? Have you driven all the way from
Da, mi place foarte mult s ofez.

Yes, I enjoy driving very much.

Ce marc avei?

What make is your car?


Cte mile ai parcurs cu automobilul dv.?

How many miles have you made in

your car?

De cnd avei maina?

How long have you had your car?

Ai avut vreun accident grav?

Have you had any serious accidents?

Maina dv. pare s fie n stare perfect.

Your car seems to be in perfect


Motarul funcioneaz ireproabil.

The engine runs perfectly.

Cu ce vitez poate merge pe or?

How many miles per hour does it


Pornii motorul i dai napoi.

Get the engine started and reverse the


Tragei aici!

Pull up here!

Rezervorul trebuie umplut.

The tank wants refilling.

Trebuie s gsim o staie de benzin.

We must find a filling (petrol) station.

Cnd ai schimbat uleiul ultima dat?

When did you last change the oil?

S m uit la radiator.

Let me have a look at the radiator.

S-a ntmplat ceva!

What's wrong with it?

Motorul pare a fi supranclzit.

The engine seems to be overheated.

Putei controla presiunea la roi, v rog?

Could you check the pressure in the

wheels, please?

Unde este roata de rezerv?

Where's the spare wheel?

Roata de rezerv este dezumflat. Nu se


The spare is flat. It won't pump up.

Probabil c e o pan de cauciuc.

There's probably a puncture in the tyre.

tii s schimbai camera?

Do you know how to change a tyre.

Bateria pare s fie aproape


The battery seems to be weak/flat.

Cnd ai ncrcat-o?

When did you have it charged?

Avei nite bujii?

Have you got any sparking-plugs?

Bujiile trebuie ulocuite.

The plugs need replacing.

Maina a rmas n pan.

The car has broken down.

Farurile din spate nu funcioneaz.

The rear lights won't work.

Trebuie s fie un scurtcircuit.

There must be a short circuit.

Farurile din fa sunt n ordine?

Are the headlights all right?

Voi duce maina la un atelier de reparaii.

I'll take the car to the repair-shop.

Frnele nu funcioneaz.

The brakes are out of order.


Maina trebuie neaprat splat.

The car wants cleaning badly.

Mergem pe oseaua principal?

Shall we drive by the main road?

Strada aceasta duce n oseaua principal?

Will this street bring us to the main


Nu putem trece pe aici.

We can't go this way.

Este o strad cu sens unic?

Is this a one way street?

Conducei ncet, drumul e alunecos.

Drive slowly, the road is slippery.

Care este viteza maxim admis n aceast


What is the speed limit for this area?

Respectai viteza legal.

Don't exceed the speed limit.

Trebuie s ncetinesc aici?

Must I slow down here?

Unde este stopul?

Where are the traffic lights?

Vrei s oprii la intersecie, v rog?

Will you stop at the crossroads,


Dorii s v duc cu maina?

Do you want a lift?

M putei duce cu maina?

Can you give me a lift?

Nu este destul loc n main.

There won't be enough room in the car.

Maina are numai dou locuri.

The car seats only two. (It's a twoseater).

Unde s v las?

Where shall I drop you?

Avei permis de conducere?

Have you got a driving license?



Parcarea interzis.

No Parking.

Travelling by Railway
Trenul acesta merge la ...?

Does this train go to ...?

Regret, nu v pot spune.

Sorry, I can't tell you.

Acesta trebuie s fie vagonul meu.

This must be my carriage.

V rog, acesta este vagonul C?

Is this carriage C, please?

Am venit la Bucureti n interes de afaceri


I've come to Bucharest on business.

Cu ce tren mergei?

What train are you going by?

Voi merge la gar s m interesez de mersul


I'll go to the station and inquire about

the trains.

De la ce gar pleac trenurile spre ...?

What station do the trains to ... leave


Ce trenuri sunt spre ...?

What time do trains leave for ...?

Este vreun tren devreme diminea/dup


Is there a train early in the morning/the


Este vreun tren ditect pn la Timioara?

Is there a through train to Timioara?

La ce or pleac trenul urmtor?

When is the next train after that?

Unde trebuie s schimb trenul?

Where must I change trains?

La ce or sosete?

What time does it arrive?

Vreau s ntrerup cltoria la Cluj-Napoca.

I'd like to break the journey at ClujNapoca.

Merg cu rapidul/expresul/ persanalul.

I'm going by express/fast/passenger


Avei o legtur foarte bun.

You have a very good connection.

V rog, un bilet pentru ...

I want a ticket to ..., please.

Un bilet clasa nti pn la ..., v rog.

One 1st class single to ..., please.

Ct cost?

How much is it?

Trenul este n staie?

Is the train in?

Trenul ntrzie.

The train is late.

Vrei ceva de citit n tren?

Do you want anything to read on the


Acum trebuie s mergem pe peron.

We must go on the platform now.

Acesta este trenul de Bucureti?

Is this the Bucharest train?

Voi reui s, prind trenul.

I'll manage to catch the train.

Am pierdut trenul.

I've missed the train.

M bucur c ai venit s m conducei.

I'm glad you came to see me off.

De la ce linie pleac trenul?

What platform does the train leave


Linia 6, la dreapta.

Platform 6, on the right.

Aceasta este linia 6?

Are we right for platform 6?

inei biletul la ndemn!

Have your ticket ready!

Cnd trebuie s soseasc n staie?

When does the train get in? (When is it

due in?)

Grbii-v, trenul este gata de plecare.

Hurry up, the train's just about to start.

Compartimentul acesta este rezervat?

Is this compartment reserved?

Este un vagon pentru fumtori sau


Is it a smoker or a non-smoker?

Este vreun loc liber aici!

Any free seats in here?


Sunt ocupate toate locurile?

Are all seats occupied?

Ai vrea s schimbai locul cu mine?

Would you like to change seats with


Pot s v ofer locul meu?

May I offer you my seat?

V rog s m ajutai s pun geamantanul n


Help me to put the suitcase on the

rack, please.

Trebuie s gsese vagonul de bagaje.

I've got to find the luggage van.

Trenul pornete.

The train is starting.

nchidei/deschidei radiatorul, v, rog.

Turn off/on the heating, please.

Este prea cald/rece aici.

It's too hot/cold in here.

Ce staie este aceasta?

What station is this?

Ct timp oprete n ...?

How long do we stop at ...?

Unde trebuie s schimb pentru ...?

Where must I change for ...?

La ce or sosim la Cluj-Napoca?

What time do we get to Cluj-Napoca?

Trenul are vagon-restaurant?

Is there a restaurant car an the train?

Unde este vagonul-restaurant?

Where's the dining car?

Am ajuns?

Have we arrived?

Unde este ieirea?

Where's the exit?

Unde este biroul de bagaje?

Where's the luggage office?

Unde este sala de ateptare?

Where's the waiting room?

Vreau s merg la agenia de voiaj.

I want to go to the travel agency.

mi place s cltoresc fr bagaje.

I like to travel light.

Biletele, v rog!

Tickets, please!

Travelling by Ship
Vreau s merg cu vaporul.

I want to travel by ship.

Vreau s iau un bilet de vapor clasa a treia

pentru ...

I want to book a third class passage

to ...

Cnd pleac vaporul nostru spre ...?

When does our liner start for ...?

De unde se cumpr bilete pentru ...?

Where am I to book my ticket for

the ...?

Voi cltori la clasa nti.

I'll travel first class.

Ct dureaz cltoria?

How long does the passage last?

De unde pleac feribotul?

Where does the boat-train leave from?

Cnd va ridica ancora?

When is the steamer going to sail?


Vasul se afl la cheiul numrul opt.

The steamer lies at quay No. 8.

Vaporul acesta face escal la ...?

Does this ship call at ...?

Ct dureaz escala?

How long does the ship stop here?

S urcm pe bord.

Let's go on board.

Unde este cabina doisprezece, v rog?

Where's cabin No. 12, please?

O clip! Stewardul v va conduce la cabina


Just a moment! The steward will show

you to your cabin.

Cte cuete are cabina?

How many berths are there in the


Ai cltorit vreodat cu vaporul?

Have you ever traveled on board a


Este prima dat cnd cltoresc pe mare.

This is the first time I am on a seagoing ship.

Ne mbarcm mine la ora nou.

We sail tomorrow at 9.

Nu vrei s venii pe punte?

Won't you come on deck?

S cutm nite ezlonguri.

Let's look for some deck chairs.

Nu este prea rece ca s edem?

Isn't it too cool to sit down?

Marea este linitit/agitat?

Is the sea smooth/rough?

Intrm n tangaj.

We are getting out in the open sea.

Vasul are tangaj puternic.

The boat is pitching (rolling) heavily.

Hai s, coborm n cabin.

Let's go down below to the cabin.

Am ru de mare.

I feel seasick.

Ce s iau mpotriva rului de mare?

What am I to do against sea-sickness?

Vaporul intr n port?

Is the boat entering the harbor?

Da, debarcm.

Yes, we are landing.

Este un far n deprtare?

Is that a lighthouse in the distance?

Urcai pe bord!

Come aboard!

V doresc cltorie plcut.

I hope you'll have a pleasant voyage.

Ce locuri m sftuii s vizitez?

What places do you advise me to visit?

Cnd ncepe sezonul turistic n ara dv.?

When does the tourist season begin in

your country?

Oficiul Naional de Turism organizeaz

excursii la munte.

The National Travel Office runs trips

to the mountains.

Putem petrece noaptea la un motel/o caban?

Can we spend the night at a motel/in a


Exist i posibiliti de camping.

There are also facilities for camping.

Ct de departe credei c ajungem ntr-o zi?

How far do you think we can get in

one day?

Eu iubesc foarte mult muntele/marea.

I love the mountains/the sea.

V place peisajul?

Do you like the scenery?

El ine s vad totul.

He's an avid sightseer.

V intereseaz flora/fauna carpatin?

Are you interested in the Carpathian


Cum se ajunge la munii Fgra?

How does one get to the Fgra


Putei merge cu maina pn n satul ...

You can drive as far as the village of ...

ncotro mergem?

Which way do we go?

Sptmna trecut am vizitat un ora nou.

I visited a new town last week.

Am vrea s petrecem cteva zile la o staiune


We should like to spend a few days at

a spa.

Ce staiune are izvoare sulfuroase?

At what resort are there sulfur springs?

n ce staiune se poate face tratament cu


At what resorts can one obtain mud,


Soia mea ar vrea s fac bi de soare/s fac


My wife would like to sun-bathe/to do


Abia atept s merg la mare.

I'm looking forward to going to the


Merg muli turiti la mare?

Do many tourists go to the seacoast?

Ce staiune de pe litoral mi-ai recomanda?

Which seaside place would you


Care parte a plajei v place cel mai mult?

Which part of the beach do you like


Credei c putem urca pe falez?

Do you think we can go to the top of

the cliff?

Staiunea aceasta climateric este deschis tot Is this health resort open all the year
M tem c astzi nu se poate face baie.

No bathing today, I'm afraid.

A vrea s merg ntr-o zi la delt.

I'd like to go to the Delta some day.

Ai venit cu maina tot drumul?

Have you driven all the way?

M duc ntr-o cltorie cu autocarul prin ar. I'm going on a coach tour round the
Ct (timp) dureaz cltoria?

How long does this tour take?


Cltoria dureaz dou zile.

It's a two-day trip.

Cu ce ncepe cltaria?

What does the trip start with?

Autocarul pleac din centrul oraului.

The coach leaves from the center of

the city.

Ce mai e de vzut?

What else is there to see?

Cine vrea s mai vin cu noi?

Who else would like to come with us?

Vreau s cumpr un televizor.

I want to buy a television set.

Care sunt cele mai bune televizoare pe pia?

What are the best television sets at


Ce dimensiuni are ecranul?

What's the size of the screen?

Ce se transmite la televizor desear?

What's on at the television tonight?

V-ai uitat la televizor asear?

Did you look in last night?

Nu, nu m-am uitat.

No, I didn't.

M sustrage de la citit.

It distracts me from reading.

Aparatul meu de radio/televizorul meu s-a


My radio set/TV set has broken down.

Trebuie s-mi duc apratul la reparat.

I must get my set mended.

Ce marc este acest aparat de radio/televizor? What make is this radio set/television
Ce studiai?

What's your subject? (What are you


Studiez matematica.

I'm reading mathematics.

El nu a fost admis (la universitate).

He's been refused admission.

mi voi ncepe studiile n octombrie.

I'm going to take up my studies in


Voi intra la universitate.

I'll enter university.

El s-a nscris la institutul de construcii.

He's enrolled at the Engineering


M intereseaz literatur englez.

I'm interested in English literature.

Vreu s urmez un curs de literatur prin


I want to take up a correspondence

course in literature.

La ce universitate vei studia?

What university are you going to study


Cte semestre dureaz specializarea


How many terms do the students


Ce norm didactic avei?

What's your teaching load?

Cnd are loc examenul (de admitere)?

When will the (entrance) examination

take place?

Avei muli postuniversitari?

Do you have many postgraduate


A putea asista la nite cursuri/vizita un

cmin studenesc?

Could I attend some lectures/visit a

student hostel?

Am burs.

I have a scholarship (grant).

Cnd sperai s absolvii?

When do you hope to graduate?

Cnd intenionai s v luai doctoratul?

When are you going to take your

Doctor's degree?

Efectuez o lucrare/mi scriu teza de doctorat.

I'm working on a paper/writing, my

doctor's thesis.

Vrei s urmai cursurile postuniversitare?

Are you going to take up postgraduate


Vreau s m ocup de cercetare.

I'll do some research work.

Cnd ncepe vacana?

When does the vacation start?

Profesorul ... va ine o prelegere despre


Professor ... is going to give a lecture

on architecture.

El confereniaz (ine o prelegere) despre ...

He is lecturing on ...

Dr. A este lector/confereniar la biologie.

Dr. A is a lecturer/reader in biology.

Vrei s luai prnzul mpreun cu mine?

Do you want to come and have lunch

with me?

Vreau s v invit la mine la prnz.

I want to invite you to lunch.

Dac venii la Londra s dai pe la mine.

You must look me up if you come to


Trecei n ce zi dorii.

Call any day you like.

E bine dac vin duminic?

Will it matter if I come on Sunday?

Nu ai vrea s mergei cu mine la teatru?

What about coming to the theatre with


A fi ncntat().

I should love to.

Din pcate, am o alt obligaie.

Unfortunately, I have another


Ai vrea s facem o plimbare?

Would you like to come for a walk?


Ai vrea s venii la mine s bem ceva?

Would you care to come to my flat and

have a drink?

Sper c poate s vin i prietenul dv.

I hope your friend can join us.

Scuzai-m, dl. ... este acas?

Excuse me, is Mr... in?

Regret, domnul ... a ieit.

I'm sorry, Mr... is out.

tii cnd se ntoarce?

Do you know when he'll be back?

Am s trec mai trziu.

I'll call later.

Ai dori s-i lsai vreun mesaj (o scrisoare)?

Would you like to leave any message!

Spunei-i c l-am cutat.

Just tell him I called.

Vrei s ateptai afar?

Would you mind waiting outside?

Pe aici, v rog.

Will you come this way, please ?

Cum este vremea astzi?

What's the weather like today?

Este o diminea/o zi frumoas, nu-i aa?

It's a nice morning/a fine day, isn't it?

Ce diminea splendid!

What a glorious morning!

Se pare c iar o s avem o zi frumoas.

It looks like being another fine day.

Credei c o s plou!

Do you think it looks like rain?

n dimineaa aceasta a fost nnorat.

It was cloudy this morning.

Iese soarele (din nori).

The sun is coming out.

Vremea se nclzete.

The weather is getting warmer.

Vom avea o zi clduroas.

We'll have a warm day.

Soarele strlucete orbitor.

The sun is dazzling.

Ce var clduroas avem anul acesta!

What a hot summer we're having this


De dou sptmni vremea se menine


We've had continuous hot weather for

a fortnight.

Vremea frumoas nu va dura mult.

The fine weather won' last (hold).

M tem c ne ateapt o vreme ploioas.

I'm afraid we're in for rainy weather.

Plau foarte tare.

It's raining very hard.

Toarn/plou, cu gleata.

It's pouring.

Stranic ploaie, nu-i aa?

Very rainy, isn't it?

Avei grij s nu rcii pe vremea asta umed. Mind you don't catch a cold in this
damp weather.
Luai-v fulgarinul n caz de ploaie.

Take your mac in case it rains.


Este o vreme ploioas.

It's showery.

Bate grindina.

It's hailing.


It's thundering.


It's lightening.

Se nsenineaz.

It's clearing up.

Este ger; nghea.

It's freezing.

Se dezghea.

It's thawing.


It's drizzling.

Este polei.

It's slippery.

Astzi este frig.

It's cold today.

Este cam frig pentru anotimpul acesta.

It's rather cold for this time of the year.

Vremea s-a rcit mult.

The weather has turned much colder.

A venit iarna.

Winter has set in.

Anul acesta am avut o primvar


We've had an early/late spring this


n noiembrie a fost cea aproape o


We had fog for nearly a week in


Mi-este foarte frig.

I feel terribly cold.

Nu pot suferi frigul.

I can't bear the cold.

Ce vreme se anun pentru astzi?

What's the forecast for today?

n restul rii vremea va fi n general uscat.

Mainly dry in most other areas.

Temperaturile vor fi n general apropiate de


Temperatures mostly near normal.

Astzi temperatura este de 15 grade C sub


Today it is 15 degrees (centigrade)

below zero.

Cte grade sub zero?

How many degrees of frost?

apte grade sub zero.

Seven degrees below freezing point.

Ce vreme se anun pentru mine?

What's the outlook for tomorrow?

Vreme n general uscat cu soare n cea mai

mare parte a rii.

Mainly dry with sunny periods in most


Cte cri are aceast bibliotec?

How many books does this library


Am zeci de cri.

I have scores of books.

Are vreo zece creioane.

He has some ten pencils.


Care este procentajul?

What's the percentage?

Vreau trei la sut.

I want three per cent.

Eu cntresc 65 de kg.

I weigh 65 kilos.

Am nlimea de 1,82 m.

I am 1.82 m tall.

Am perimetrul toracic de 85 de cm.

I measure 85 cm round the chest.

Camera aceasta are o lungime de 15 m,

limea de 9 m i nlimea de 5 m.

This room is 15 m long, 9 m wide, and

5 m high.

Marea Nordulul are o adncime mai mic de

200 de m.

The North Sea is less than 200 m deep.

Lumina se propag cu o vitez de 300000 de

km pe secund.

Light travels at a rate of 300,000 km a


Azi noapte a fost o temperatur de aproape 20 We had nearly 20 degrees of frost last
grade C sub zero.
n zona aceasta limita de vitez pentru
autovehicule e de 30 km pe or.

In this area the speed limit for cars is

30 km an hour.

Suprafaa acestui cmp e de 10 ha.

The area of this field is ten hectares.

Cntrii la fel ca ea?

Do you weigh as much as she does?

Care sunt operaiile aritmetice?

What are the arithmetical operations?

Ct fac 8 ori 8?

What are 8 times 8?

Ct se obine dac se nmulete 9 cu 12?

What is the answer if you multiply 9

by 12?

Ct rmne dac se scade 15 din 75?

What remains if you subtract 15 from


Ct fac 5 plus 6 plus 7?

What do 5 plus 6 and 7 add up to?

mprii 60 la 5.

Divide 60 by 5.

2 i cu 3 fac 5.

2 and 3 is five.

Ptratul lui 7 e 49.

The square of 7 is 49.

Acest cerc are un diametru de 2 cm.

This circle has a diameter of 2 cm.

Distracie plcut!

Have a good time!

V doresc petrecere plcut.

I hope you'll enjoy yourself.

La muli ani!

Happy birthday to you!

V doresc la muli ani (cu ocazia zilei

onomastice/de natere)

I wish you many happy returns of the


Noroc! Numai bine!

Good luck! All the best!

V doresc un An Nou fericit.

I wish you a Happy New Year.


n sntatea dv. ! (Noroc!)

Here's to you! (As a toast).

Vreau s v felicit cu ocazia cstoriei.

I'd like to congratulate you on your


Felicitrile mele.

My congratulations to you.

ngrijii-v! (Menajai-v!)

Take care of yourself!

Cltorie plcut!

Have a good journey!



Pagina Cap.



1 Age.Appearance

37 Hats


2 Agreement

38 Health


3 Amusaments

39 Heating


4 Apologies

40 Hotel


5 Appointments

41 House


6 Arithmetical Operations

42 Introductions


7 Booksellers

43 Invitations


8 Breakfast

44 Jewelers


9 Chemist's

45 Knitted Goods


10 Cinema

46 Ladies Dress


11 City Transport

47 Languages


12 Colors


48 Letters


13 Conversations


49 Lunch


14 Cosmetic Department


50 Materials


15 Currency Exchange


51 Measures


16 Custom House


52 Money


17 Dance


53 Morning


18 Denial


54 Museums


19 Dentist's


55 Music. Opera. Concert


20 Dinner


56 Musical Instruments


21 Doctors


57 Nationality


22 Education


58 Newspaper


23 Electrical Appliances


59 Notices


24 Evening


60 Numerals


25 Exhibitions


61 Opticians


26 Flower Shop


62 Phone



27 Folk Art and Craft Shop


63 Photographic Goods


28 Fritterers


64 Pictures


29 Furniture


65 Post-Office


30 Garden


66 Professions


31 Gentlemans Outfitter


67 Qualities


32 Greengrocers


68 Questions


33 Greetings


69 Questions and Answers


34 Grocers Shop


70 Radio


35 Haberdashery


71 Reading Books


36 Hairdressers


72 Regret


73 Requests


88 Theatre


74 Research


89 Time


75 Restaurant


90 Tobacconist's


76 School


91 Town


77 Shoe Shop


92 Travelling by Air


78 Shoemakers


93 Travelling by Car


79 Shopping


94 Travelling by Railway


80 Sights


95 Travelling by Ship


81 Signs


96 Trips


82 Sports


97 TV


83 Sports Goods


98 University


84 Stationers


99 Visits


85 Sweet-Shop


100 Weather


86 Tailor's


101 Weight


87 Thanks


102 Wishes




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