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Value / Honor Dignity of Labour:

Dignity of labour indicates that u respect all types of jobs equally and don't feel that one
job is greater than another.No work is superior or inferior in itself. Work is work. It is
absolutely wrong to consider any work as high or low. The work itself is a dignity. Every
work has some dignity attached to it. It is improper for anybody to think that a certain
kind of work is undignified or below his status. No work is mean or low.
Since the very dawn of civilization man has been doing all kinds of work without any
hitch and hesitation. All the religions of the world have enjoined man to do his work
honestly. All the philosophers of the world have preached that no work is such as to
undermine the dignity of man. Thou shalt eat thy bread by the sweat of thy brow was
the curse of God upon the first man, Adam. God himself ordered man to work and work
hard. All great men of the world have themselves acted according to this dictate of God.
We in India have the example of our Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, who used to
do every kind of work in his ashram. Not only he but all the inmates of the ashram were
required to do all kinds of work with their own hands. Sweeping, cleaning, spinning,
washing and even disposal of nightsoil was done by the inmates of the ashram. And
nobody in the ashram thought that any of these things was below his dignity or would
lower him in the eyes of others.
Scientific Attitude
It is Science alone that can solve the problems of hunger and poverty, in-sanitation and
illiteracy, of superstition and deadening customs and tradition, of vast resources running
waste, of a rich country inhabited by the starving people. Who indeed could afford to
ignore Science today? At every turn we have to seek its aid. The future belongs to
Science and to those who make Friends with Science.
- Jawaharlal Nehru
Scientific attitude is the way of thinking reasonably, logocally and clearly without any
prejudice or preconceived notion. It is necessary because unscientific thinking can create
problem for the world.
Science teaches us how to think correctly. It tells us not to accept a statement as fact
unless we are given proof of it. Isn't it rather that Galileo told the world, with proofs that
the earth is round, and yet nobody believed him for years? Science teaches us not to jump

to conclusions. Verify your facts, then only form a conclusion. Science shows us how to
gather sufficient facts before arriving at a conclusion.
Thisis the age of science, of logic. Every effect has a cause, a reason. Nothing happens
that cannot be explained. Unscientific thinking can bring down a nation and impede its
progress. So let us cast away unfounded thoughts, beliefs and practices, and follow the
clear light of reason to go forward on the path of progress and prosperity of our nation.
Social equality
Social equality is a state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or isolated
group have the same status in certain respects. At the very least, social equality includes
equal rights under the law, such as security, voting rights, freedom of speech and
assembly, property rights, and equal access to social goods and services. However, it also
includes concepts of economic equity, i.e. access to education, health care and other
social securities. It also includes equal opportunities and obligations, and so involves the
whole of society.
Social equality requires the absence of legally enforced social class or caste boundaries
and the absence of discrimination motivated by an inalienable part of a person's identity.
For example, gender, race, age, origin, caste or class, income or property, language,
religion, convictions, opinions, health or disability must not result in unequal treatment
under the law and should not reduce opportunities unjustifiably.
Social equality refers to social, rather than economic, or income equality. "Equal
opportunities" is interpreted as being judged by ability, which is compatible with a freemarket economy. A problem is horizontal inequality, the inequality of two persons of
same origin and ability.
Perfect social equality is an ideal situation that does not occur in actuality. In complexity
economics, it has been found that horizontal inequality arises in complex systems.
Equality is about treating people fairly and equally. People with the same needs should be
treated equally, regardless of their appearance, beliefs, age, background or lifestyle.
Honesty is defined as the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. This
term is so important in everyday life because its the simple basis of how we carry out
routine activities. Everybody in the world interacts with one another and when honesty is
neglected problems tend to arise. Essentially honesty is the major factor that supports

every known source of information. For example without honesty how would someone
actually know the simple truth? Each time new information is obtained or we just carry
out an ordinary conversation we assume that honest words are coming out of the other
persons mouth and when lies are told controversy sparks like a match. Principally, I
believe honesty is important because it provides accurate information, reflects good
character, and builds lasting, trusting relationships.
National integration is a process by which divisive people and culture are synthesized
into a unified whole. It is a process of harmony, common identity and above all national
National integration consolidates all the diverse loyalties into one national unity. Nation
and national consideration overpower all other sectarian, regional and communal
considerations. National integration has been described as a psychological and
educational process involving the development of common feeling of unity, solidarity
and cohesion in the hearts of people, a sense of common citizenship and a feeling of
loyalty to the nation.
National integration involves following principles:
1. Nation and national loyalty supersedes all other types of loyalties such as caste,
religion, region etc.
2. National integration is to be viewed as a sea into which the diverse rivers of culture
3. National integration is a comprehensive process which includes cultural as well as
political integration. Political integration is maintained by safeguarding administrative
unity, universal legal system, protection of states territory etc. Cultural integration is
achieved through reconciliation and mutual consensus of diverse groupings, religions,
values etc.
4. It does away with divisive forces and disintegrating tendencies.
5. In a plural society, it requires ideological goals such as secularism and democracy.

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