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47 - Tree Cover - The Importance of Plant Cover 125

Improving Tree Cover

47 • The Why protect natural areas?

Importance of There are many reasons why we should

protect the nature around us. One reason
Plant Cover is that we don’t have the right to destroy
nature just because we have the power to
do so. We humans are just one of the 10-
This chapter considers some of the ways 15 million different species on Earth, and
in which the protection and cultivation of other organisms have the same right to
trees and plants can be used to improve exist as we do.
local environmental conditions. Why should we care if some or all these
other species disappear forever?
One very obvious reason is that we humans
need nature - in fact, we totally depend on
126 40 Green World Actions

it. There are numerous historical exam- Gwembe District, Zambia - How the
ples of past civilizations that disappeared degradation of nature results in difficulties
because they did not manage their natural for cultivators.
resources well, such as The Mayans, the The Munyumbwe area of the Gwembe
people of Easter Island, or the Viking set- District was flooded for several weeks in
tlers on Greenland. 2003 due to heavy rains. Cars and trucks
could not cross the river for two weeks.
The plants and trees are the basis for nearly Such rains come about every ten years.
all other forms of life, and it is therefore But this year the problem was much worse
essential to preserve a healthy and diverse because of the reduction of vegetation on
vegetation. the hillsides. People are now clearing new
The greater the number of species living on fields and cutting down for use as charcoal
earth, the more stable the global environ- and firewood. When there are fewer trees,
ment is. This means that natural systems are more water flows off the hills instead of
better able to survive the global environ- entering the soil. Much of the fertile soil is
mental changes that occur regularly. And carried with this rainwater and ends up in
we need these natural systems in order to the river beds. Because the riverbeds are
purify the earth’s water and air. As natural filled with the eroded material, there is less
environments are degraded, the water pu- space for the water and the low-lying areas
rification cycle is destroyed and topsoil that are easily flooded. This is precisely what
has been built up over centuries is eroded happened in 2003. Not only were the crops
and washed out to sea. Climate change destroyed by the water, but the floods also
makes the maintenance and restoration of deposited a large layer of sand on the fields.
a healthy envi- The farmers thus have lost their fertile soil
ronment even and have infertile sand instead.
more urgent. We do not have statistics from the area
but some people told us that the problem
People also has become worse over the years. This is
benefit directly a good example of why it is important to
from the exist- protect the environment.
ence of many Bana River System in Rajasthan, India,
species. Many experienced the same problem many years
of the profits ago. However people started planting trees
gained from and creating systems to stop the water
tourism are from running off. Twenty years later the
Defor- intimately linked to nature and wildlife. water is running again in the streams and
ested river Over one half of the prescription drugs the valleys have become green again. It is
bank-the from the USA have their origin in plant possible to restore degraded natural areas
result was life yet only a fraction of existing plants and re-establish the balances, which are so
loss of ag- have been researched for their medicinal important for all life.
ricultural properties. So there are many reasons to
area due preserve the nature around us. Below are
to erosion some examples.
48 - Tree Cover - Nature Preservation 127

48 • Nature grow large enough to survive the fires. It

is therefore very important to prevent the
Preservation protected area from burning. This can be
done by creating a fire belt (an area with
little vegetation) around the protected area.
How to protect natural areas Early in the dry
season when
The first step is to decide which area should fires can still
be protected. The areas along the streams be controlled
and rivers where water collects are critical. easily, a ring is
This is where much of the rainwater gets burned around
a chance to sink into the soil and becomes the area. It is
groundwater, which later supplies water to best to carry
the streams throughout the dry season. out such con-
You must also decide what it means to trolled burn-
protect the area. This will depend on the ing early in the
local conditions, and various degrees of morning or
protection can be agreed upon. If there is late in the afternoon. The vegetation in the Destruc-
a lack of firewood in the area, one model firebreak can also be kept low by allowing tive fires
might be to create a smaller area which is animals to graze there. often
completely protected and a larger one out- Other critical areas are wetlands or lakes. spread
side of this where it is permitted to collect Normally it will not be possible to protect when
dead or fallen branches, and so on. a whole lake since people need it for water fields are
In other areas there are trees which grow supply or fishing. But it can be very beneficial prepared
many shoots from the roots - especially to protect a part of the lake. People will find by burning
after fires. In such areas it can be beneficial that if a part is protected, they will benefit
to harvest the smaller shoots for firewood as bigger fish are caught outside this area.
and let only one (the largest) develop into a Similarly, there are fields around many wet-
tree. This applies to mopane trees and many lands and lakes and along rivers. Communi-
of the trees in miombo and acacia forests. ties will gain in the long term by restoring
Similar decisions must be made regarding a zone of natural vegetation to border the
the grazing habits of goats and cattle, which water or wetland. This will avoid a loss of
will depend on the availability of food in wetlands due to a lack of groundwater and
the area. If possible, the best thing to do reduce erosion along rivers.
is to decide that there is to be no grazing Such discussions must take place at village
allowed in the protected area. If this is not meetings where all community members
possible, then it may be possible to have a can contribute their views, and the com-
systematic type of grazing in the area. This munity must be mobilized to select one or
means that animals can only graze when more areas to protect.
they are with someone who will make sure
they graze in one area at a time. The animals Restoring degraded vegetation
can only return to the area when new grass
has grown in. The first step is to find out which area is
Much tree destruction is due to frequent most important to restore. This will in
fires. New small trees burn before they many cases be the areas around the riv-
128 40 Green World Actions

ers, streams and lakes. In some places it is tem. Dig carefully around these seedlings
enough to protect the area against fire and and make sure that you dig much of the soil
grazing. The vegetation will grow back on up as well. In this way it is often possible
its own because of seeds in the soil or new to move the seedlings to a new place. If all
shoots coming from existing roots. In other the soil falls from the roots they will often
places you will need to actively replant some die. The best time to find these seedlings is
of the trees which have been cut. Take this halfway into the rainy season, and this will
chance to learn about these trees by talking also be the best time to move them. You
to the experienced elders in the area. They should plant the seedlings in the same kind
can tell you which trees used to be there of area as you found them.
and where to find them today. If you can’t find any seedlings of the tree you
want, then maybe you can find the seeds and
grow your own seedlings. The seeds must
be collected during the dry season when
they are ripe. This is when the fruit opens
so that the seeds can fall out, or when birds
and other animals are eating the fruit. It is
usually best to let the seeds dry and then
let them soak in warm water overnight. The
next day you can plant them in small con-
tainers such as small plastic bags or plastic
bottles cut in half. It is best if you can mix
some old manure or compost in the soil
some time before planting the seeds.
Often the areas close to flowing water are
sloping, which means they are more prone
to erosion. This is why it is so important to
maintain a good cover of vegetation. When
a large part of the plant cover has been
damaged, it is necessary to stop the rain-
water from running down the hills, because
it removes nutrients and fertile topsoil.
This can be done mechanically by making
terraces with stones, soil and branches. It
can also be made by planting grasses like
the vetiver grass along the contour lines
of the slope (lines at the same level). This
will stop much of the water and cause it to
sink into the soil.
You should choose a wet area where it is
Sign with When you have agreed which trees should easy to establish a vetiver nursery. Here
rules in a be planted, you must look for seedlings the grasses will multiply and produce new
protected of this kind of tree. Seedlings are the very shoots for you to plant where it is neces-
area of young plants which are growing from the sary to stop soil erosion. (See section 23
Zambia seeds and do not yet have a large root sys- for more information about vetiver.)
48 - Tree Cover - Nature Preservation 129

Some areas may be so destroyed that they Collecting water

need more help to be restored. This will
be the case if the fertile topsoil has been You can make small semi-circular ridges of
washed totally away by the rain. Then you soil to collect rain water on the side pointing
must start a nursery of plants that can help downhill of the planted trees. This can be
restore nutrients in the soil. These include used even on gently sloping areas. More wa-
the legume plants - plants which all have ter will penetrate the soil and the trees will
fruits that look like beans (pods). The pi- grow better.
geon pea is one of these plants. It can grow This system
in poor soil and dry conditions. You can works best if
plant these in the degraded area and plant the area is not
vetiver grass to control the erosion. After too steep. The
a few years, the soil will have improved and ridge systems
other trees will start to establish themselves must be at
in the area. You can also plant native trees least two me-
which you know can grow under difficult tres apart from Trees
conditions. You can help them get going by each other and the basin in which the trees planted
making a large planting hole - 50x50x50cm are planted must be lower than the ground in holes
- and filling it up with compost and old level in order to hold water. You can get to collect
manure. even better results by planting vetiver grass water
All villages should select an area to preserve on top of the ridges. This will save you
or to restore. This is necessary to maintain maintenance work.
and restore a healthy water cycle - for our
benefit and for the benefit of all other liv-
ing things.

Restoring vegetation
• Make holes in the ground and fill them
up with soil and compost.
• Find seedlings of the trees during the
rainy season. Semi-
• Transplant the seedlings and make sure circular
you get plenty of soil along with the ridges of
roots. soil help
• Find seeds and grow your own seed- to collect
lings. water in
• Plant them in the holes and cover the the holes
roots, but make sure you leave the where
surface lower than the ground level so trees are
that water is absorbed. planted
130 40 Green World Actions

49 • Production of Type of soil to use

The polythene pots or the seed beds can
Trees be filled with a good layer of topsoil. The
best soil is found under big trees (acacias)
or near dams/rivers. If the soil contains
Introduction much clay (it can be easily formed into a
ball when wet), you should mix the soil
New trees can be produced using the fol- with sand. If the soil is not very fertile, then
lowing methods: you should mix it with manure. Never mix
1. in a tree nursery in polythene pots, more than one part of manure to ten parts
2. in a nursery using seedbeds, of soil because the manure can burn the
3. by planting seeds where you want tree seedlings.
4. by planting wild seedlings found under How to fill the pots
mature trees in nature, The bottom layer must be pressed hard,
5. with plant cuttings. the middle layer should be slightly pressed
and the top layer quite loose. The soil is
Growing seedlings pressed hard at the bottom in order for the
soil not to fall out during transplantation.
Site selection If you have no polythene pots you can use
A nursery should be located near a water any available container, such as cans (tins)
source, on flat land. It should also have a or milk cartons. Remember to make several
wind break, some shade trees, and not be small holes in the base so that excess water
waterlogged. can run out.

Fencing Sowing the seeds

The nursery must be fenced in order Seeds can be sown directly into pots or
to protect the seedbeds. If you are using pots, it is best
tree seedlings to sow at least three seeds per pot. Seeds
from animals sown in seed beds can later be transplanted
and chickens. to pots or even directly to the field (bare
Use grass and root planting). Cover the seeds with a
poles, thorny layer of soil that is as twice as thick as the
bushes, or seed itself. This means that the bigger the
plant live trees seeds are, the more soil will be needed for
to serve as a covering.
fence at the
start of the Shading (protection from the sun)
Production rainy season. The seed bed or pots should be covered
of seed- Nursery beds with a thin layer of grass after sowing to
lings in The beds should be one m wide and should protect against the sun and heavy rain
cans (tins) be separated by walkways 60 cm wide. A storms. A thick layer of grass is bad for
or juice/ bed 1 m x 5 m can accommodate from 500 germination (the stage where seeds start
milk car- to 1000 seedlings. So 10 m x 10 m will be growing into tiny plants). When the seed-
tons sufficient for at least 10,000 seedlings. lings have germinated you should build
49 - Tree Cover - Production of Trees 131

a shade at a height of 60 cm above the turbed. Make

seedlings to protect them from the sun and a planting hole
strong rains. with a finger or
a stick. Make
Seed collection sure the hole
Many seeds can be collected locally from is bigger than
existing trees. It is best to collect seeds the root. Press
from good and healthy trees. Seeds from the soil firmly
any ripe fruit can be washed and then sown around the
fresh or dried in the shade. plant. Water again and give full shade to Hot water
the seedlings for three days. seed treat-
Seed treatment It is good to separate pots by size to make ment
It is important that the seeds are treated correct watering easier. Take away the
correctly before sowing, or they may take empty pots where seeds did not germi-
a long time to germinate or germinate nate or where
poorly. There are basically two different transplanted
treatments: seedlings died.
Cold water treatment: Re-sow or
Leave the seeds in cold water overnight plant in these
before sowing. This applies to most fruit pots.
tree seeds and some other soft seeds.
Hot water treatment: Root pruning
Heat some water close to boiling (the vol- Eliminate small
ume of the water must be twice the volume roots protrud-
of the seeds). Put the seeds in the hot water ing from the
and leave them to soak overnight. pots by simply
lifting the pots and breaking the roots by Pruning of
Watering turning the pot around or by cutting the seedling
While the seeds are germinating and the roots with a knife. This will give the seedling roots
seedlings are small, they must be watered a denser root system that can better survive
daily. After this phase watering every other being moved. Without pruning, the roots
day is sufficient. Use a water can or sprin- will grow under
kler made from a plastic container with the pots. This
small holes in it. Do not over-water as this can cause dif-
can cause fungal diseases. Keep the pots or ficulties during
seed beds free from weeds at all times. transplanting,
as roots may
Transplanting be damaged or
Seedlings can be transplanted from seed break. Before
beds when they are 3-5 cm tall. Transplant and after root
them to pots or another seed bed for bare pruning, the
root planting, keeping a distance of 5 cm x seedlings must be well irrigated. Give full Watering
5 cm between each plant. Water the seed- shade to the seedlings for 2-3 days. seedlings
lings and water the pots. Lift the seedling with a
and make sure that the root will not be dis- broom
132 40 Green World Actions

50 • Agroforestry
Environmental advantages of
• improve the
local climate
by forming a A well-
barrier against covered
wind, regulating nursery
the temperature
and increasing
humidity levels,
• protect the
Mounds soil against erosion caused by wind and
and cover- water, while at the same time improving
ing to the absorption of water into the soil,
preserve • support nearby crops indirectly by Incorrect
the soil’s influencing the micro-climate and the planting
humidity soil, and directly by supplying shade and - with air
shelter or protection, and by bringing pockets or
up nutrients from deeper soil layers, bent roots
Advan- • diversify the landscape and enrich the
tages of environment - where would the birds
trees make nests if there were no trees?

A tree
pruned so
that peo-
ple - but
not goats -
can reach
the leaves
50 - Tree Cover - Agroforestry Systems 133

Legumes - including trees, bushes and herbs must then

- are capable of converting the air’s nitrogen select and
into nitrogen that the plants can use by nurture the
means of bacteria that live in their roots. seedlings un-
The trees have the great advantage of fixing til the leaves
nitrogen throughout the entire year. Many are above the
nutrients such as nitrogen are easily drained reach of live-
out of the topsoil and they often end up stock - about
out of reach of the crop plants with smaller 1.5 m - after
roots. Only plants with deep roots such as 2 rainy sea-
trees are capable of using these nutrients sons.
and are thus able to “pump” the nutrients The msangus can also easily be grown from Trees
back to the topsoil, when the leaves of the seeds. The seeds should be soaked in warm pruned
trees drop and decompose. water overnight. so that-
An agroforestry system is a farming system Direct seeding of pre-germinated seeds has branches
that integrates crop and livestock produc- shown to be successful and cheap in Senegal. and leaves
tion with growing trees and shrubs. Read This requires careful weeding in the while can be
more about agroforestry systems in section the plants are young, to avoid competition used
21-“Improved fallowing”. for water.
It has been
The Msangu - Faidherbia albida shown than
millet yields
Msangu (also known as Acacia albida and under msangu
Mussadze in Central Mozambique), is used are, on aver-
in some regions of Africa in an agroforestry age, 2.5 times
system together with cultures of maize and higher than
many others. Msangu loses leaves at the when millet is
start of the rainy season. It is therefore pos- grown away from the trees, and the protein Msangu
sible to plant crops beneath it since there content of the millet increases by a factor of trees left
is enough sunlight. Msangu is a legume tree 3 or 4 when it is grown near the trees. to grow in
that fixes nitrogen, with the result that the A similar system using the Prosopis cineraria fields in
farmers get better harvests underneath the tree in Rajasthan, India, produces the same Zambia
trees. The ability of msangu to improve soil good results.
fertility has long been known in Senegal, for
example, and in many areas the trees are
protected and may reach a density of 40 to
50 trees per hectare of agricultural fields.

Msangu also supplies plant fodder for

domestic animals during the dry season.
Msangu has many long roots and grows
well where groundwater is not deeper than
30-40 metres. Msangu
Msangus can be grown from seedlings that leaves and
grow naturally in the fields. The farmer fruits
134 40 Green World Actions

51 • Bamboo 4. Ecological importance

Bamboo is a material that can substitute
Cultivation for wood in many different ways and thus
contribute to reducing deforestation. It can
also be used to reduce soil erosion.
5. Cultural importance
Bamboo is a plant that offers many eco- About one billion people in the world live
nomic advantages: in bamboo houses. People use bamboo in
many aspects of life, including music, cer-
1. Rapid growth emonies, food.
Bamboo ma-
tures in three Bamboo production
or four years,
faster than the Bamboo is usually propagated through the
fastest growing growing of new plant shoots (vegetative
tree. You can propagation), not through seeds. Bamboo
harvest shoots is a very resistant plant that can grow back
and sprouts. after a bad year or season. The plants sprout
You can pro- again after fires.
duce ten tons The structure of bamboo includes an un-
of bamboo per derground network of rhizomes (“roots”),
One billion hectare per year. the sprouts, and the shoots.
people live
in bamboo 2. Ease of establishment, maintenance Rhizome system
houses and collection
Bamboo does not de-
mand complex tech- The bamboo has rhizomes, which are un-
niques in order to derground shoots. They grow and separate
become established from the mother plant, so that the bamboo
after planting. Har- can spread to new territory. Each year, new
vesting strengthens shoots (sprouts) grow from the rhizomes
the bamboo and is to form the taller (above-ground) parts of
done with manual the plant. After 3 years the rhizomes will
instruments. Trans- not grow more sprouts.
port is relatively easy The sprouts use the reserves from one part
due to the lighter to grow and sprout again. The shoots from
weight of bamboo in the centre of the group are the oldest and
comparison to other those at the outer circle are the youngest.
woods. The youngest are the most brilliant, most
Most Af- flexible, and are moist on the inside. The
rican bam- 3. Adaptable uses older bamboo will be dry and rotten.
boos have Bamboo has many uses. It can be used for The natural bamboos of Africa - the species
bulbs firewood, paper, or as a construction mate- Oxytenanthera abyssinica is the most common
rial,; its edible shoots can be eaten, etc. - have bulbs at the rhizomes.
51 - Tree Cover - Bamboo Cultivation 135

Every year a new rhizome can be produced intact buds that

from the original. The growth of this type have not yet
of bamboo is characterized by a group of sprouted. They
bamboo shoots that are very dense. can be found in
young bamboo
Shoots parts up to one
year of age.
The initial growth phase of the bamboo
demonstrates the highest growth rates of Separation of
any plant. Certain species can grow 40 cm rhizome sys-
within 24 hours! tems
In the dry season the shoots are drier, and You should
are less likely to be attacked by pests. choose rhi-
zomes that are a maximum of one year old. The other
Cut the rhizomes at the neck where they type of
are linked to the old rhizome and above bamboo
Bamboo does not have an annual cycle of the first knot of the young bud. Then plant - without
flowering. Actually, bamboo flowering is still it vertically with the bud above the soil or bulbs
a mystery to botanists. horizontally with the rhizome a few centi-
This species of African bamboo flowers metres under the surface (3 - 5 cm) (see
every 70 years, and all the plants die after- the drawings below).
Separation of shoots
Planting This technique in-
volves using dormant
In order to establish bamboo successfully, seed buds (buds that
you need an open place close to a water haven’t yet turned
source. This helps the bamboo spread more into sprouts) on the
rapidly. Bamboo prevents the soil from shoots to turn them
becoming dry. When it is planted in sloping into new rhizomes.
land or at the edge of a river, it helps to The shoot should be up
reduce erosion. to a year old. Leave the
The best time to plant bamboo is in the shoots that come out
beginning of the rainy season, when the new beside the buds at the
sprouts come up, so they will have time to joint of the shoot. On
save energy and nutrients. the drawings on next
page you can see the
two ways you can cut
the shoot . Either cut just
There are many ways to plant bamboo. around the joint, or cut a whole section Propa-
Vegetative propagation can be done by of the shoot. If you use a whole bamboo gation
using shoots, rhizomes or stems. For each section you can make a small hole and fill it with the
of these three types, it is very important partly with water. Plug the hole with cotton rhizome in
to ensure that the propagation parts have or cloth. Then bury it with the sprout on the soil
136 40 Green World Actions

top. This method is more likely to work

than the simpler methods.

Harvesting and pruning

When pruning bamboo, one
should leave the first section
of the bamboo shoots. This is
to avoid the rhizomes rotting
when water is stored in the
remaining shoot. After the
first joint, cut as close to the Bridge
soil as possible. It is important made of
to make a clean, dry cut. This bamboo in
reduces the chances of fungi and insects Mozam-
doing damage. bique
A group of bamboo includes
individuals of varying ages.
Those older than 7 years
should be removed so that
the energy of the group is
directed towards the newer
sprouts and shoots. Also, rot-
ten and dry bamboo should be
removed. You should never
have to remove more than 80
Propaga- % of a group of mature bam-
tion with boo, since this puts the plant under stress.
one (top) Always leave some mature bamboo spread
and two throughout the group so they can provide
joints. nutrients to the younger plants.
See text. The best time to harvest the bamboo mate-
rial (for building, etc.) is in the dry season.

Information and illustrations from the website:

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