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Department of Missions

Paul Bajko
Bel ,.iir, Md

September 1560
Dear Christian Friends:

Greetings in the namfi. of the Lprd^

With a great joy and deep gre^titude to the Lord we are writing to you
this letter#

First of all we thank God who opened the door for us to visit Poland an^ other

-ijii-jPune, July and August* V/e tjtiank all faithfilF*oontritSitors who made

'Ena^^^^^S5^"'possible !l^t we' are nappy to bo baok in the States and want vath a

new zeal, energy and vision to prolong our ministry in preaching the Gospel of
Jesus Christ and building the Church of Christ among Slavic people in this
coiantry and in Europe
Also we thank from the bottoin of our hearts our living-link churches

and individuals vdio support us faitlv|E^lly Wo thank the churches and individu
als who support faithful Gospel minister^ ^ Poland and all those who send
their contributions toward the purcliasing of Bibles, New Testaments and the

printing of Christian literature#

Wg arc sorry that we shall not be able to send you personal acknowledgnent
because of a very busy time after the trip^ but please accept this letter and
report as aoloiowledgment for your contributions.

Now I would like to give vou a shprt report*

As I wrote in my last report, our trip was an answer to our prayers
and to prayers of many Christians in Poland and in this country.

We looked forward to that trip# V/hen wo travelled on the ocoan on I "Batory",

a Polish ship, for 11 days our thoughts wore in Poland already# \ifhon finally,
on Ju^e^j^:j^t 7 A^Mm^-wg iRRdcA.0. Polish port, we were surprised

^Hndth^s^^^Ts^^rT had travelled 2^0 miles the previous night in order

to greet us on Polish soil# It was a joyful meeting# Tears of joy sealed our
speech so for a few moments it was hard to pronounce even one word# Prom Gdy^
nia wo went to Gdansk whore we thanked God tov a safe journey and had our

first get-together with some ministers and Christian friends# There was no
end of questions from both sides and time was flying so fast# Next day wc had
the first Gospel meeting whore I and other ministers preached# Prom there we

started our busy schedule# V/o travelled from city to city, from village to ii'
village and has services almost every day# Meetings lasted sometimes till mid
night and even after that people wanted to stay longer#
Only in a few places were wc able to stay for two days because from every placo,
fyom every oornor of Poland came invitations to visit them and to preach# On
Sundays we witnessed how many souls had boon baptized into Christ and were
added by the Lord to the living Church# In some places there were so many
people that some of them stayed outside or we had the services outside in the
open air# l^iany souls heard the Gospel for the first time in their lives and
wore touched by the Word of God# After the services many came to me and than
ked me for Christian literature. Bibles, New Testaments, medicine, clothing
etc#, CLnd for the prayers of Christian people in America# We travelled by
train, horse and buggy, and car# There was no rest for us# More and more wc
received strenght from the Lord when we saw how great is the hunger for
the Gospel#
Poland has religious freedom at the present tine# This freedom is wisely
redeemed by our ministers in Poland#

In addition to my preaching during the meetings, rallies and convention I had

special meetings v/ith the ministers of the Church of Christ in Poland disoit-

ssing with them their problems, encouraging then and also exhorting them to
preach the pure Gospel.

How grateful they were for it, it is hard to describe# All of them asked us to
stay longer, to tell them more about Now Testament Christianity in America
because I vro.s the first minis tor, after


Restoration movement in Polandj in last'^Sfryoars .Sbo, was

iPoTtslTTan^agc the New Tostanent position of the Church of Christ#

I also assured them of our loyalty to Christ and to them and our great interest
in Polish work#

Their petitions to stay longer were broc&lns our hearts# They pleaded for us
to come baok as soon as possible vjith only one request to take more tine#
V/e had also a visit with the head of religion in the ministry of Cults

of Polish govomnent# He wo.s much interested in our ministry in America and

in Poland He vras interested in the Polish students wlio study at EoCCollego

at the present tine and he was quite interested in our nonthly magazine>
^Ihe Guidepost", which ho receives and reads# Ho approved our mgazine and
literature as pure Ohristicm publicity and told us that it will bo admitted
to Poland and distributed without any difficulties* So having such wonderful
opportunity we want to redeem the tine#

_ Aftor leaving Polrad wo travqllaf

to.Jiflm6ng to

Visit an uncle of my \afe, Dr Mosall^ow* wr^p is working as a missionary vith

Bro. K* Btuckenbruck. His work is i^ainly aqong the aged Displaced Persons
from Russia who need nodical and spiritual care* So with a suitcase packed
with medicine
Bibles he visits those people and preaches the Gospels Du
ring the last year he baptized over 5O persons#
We had a
gtiickenbruks,jind twice 1 preached in the German *

Church ofn3h3?is'w' in ^bingela l^i^re"'B^nilu^^

is laboring#She Lord is
blossiiig the ministry of Bro# &Sister Stupkenbruoh# Also we wore invited by
Bro Sbiickcnbniok to spend a fev/ days with thorn in the camp for young people
in Austria So vra wont there whore for ^ days I witnessed to young people

about the power of tho Gospel and told then about churches in Poland & Russia#
Prom Germany I wont
to visit .a couple of Polish Christian

ies and also 3roa &

graduate of Johnson Bible Oollego
is the Gospel among Planish people in Belgium. It hard to des

cribe how happy whe Oantelains were to see somebody from the States# They have
to overcome mixny difficulties from the denominational churches in Geng, but

he is preaching tho Gi^s^^faithfully and Lord is with hin# Ihi^attendaij^,.^^^^

thia church is reaching. 'ZQ]^jh^ho3iL_do not have vOnoughHPo^B-^oa^&yeiyS^odyj they
>^hip in bastelains app^ment/ s'o'^m^

decided to buifdT""^

a houao of
f a r e dopanS'S""^f1i^"10Br^mr^^
Our last stop in Europe v;asaBj|oj|^^ where we not only visited some
of our friends but also preached the^ospel# We had ^ wonderful services in
onon^ Slavis people^

the iay to Montreal, Canada.

where wen.q^:dod,4,|p^iiy_,^hi> Pron tHere wo travelled to Toronto to pick up

our children wlib stayed with their grandparents.

In Toronto I had a wonderful visit with Bro# & Sister Jteiyfield, missionaries
to Italian people# I had the great privilege to sec their ministry, how
every night over 20 young and older people, immigrants from Italy, sit in
the classrooms and Bro#A Sister Mayfield teach them English and after that"
they have Bible study and beautiful singing of Christian hyjims in Italian#
J spoke to them in English and Bro# lfc.yfield translated into Italian. There

is a great future for the church of Christ among Italian people in Toronto.
I had also an invitation to stay for opening of Toronto Biblr Seminary but
it was ipossible because our time was very limited.

wore already in J^l Air^ Md.j,..,and were very glad to find

"that me,..CesroyfiS.jiBg_e5lti
E.C.C# and that the school
was our prayer during the whole Tummor and we thank'Lord for

^swering our prayers because evei^body knows how great and neglected is tho

field in the East and we need badly a loyal Bible College in this part of the

At the present time the College is financially in a very bad shape, so we


and we ,ne,gd npro^^ud^nts, Bro. Segroves has a

wonderful progron for the College and we bolieW

Lord will bless this

effort richly. For whom the cause of CHrist in the East is dear, pleas
answer this call.

we were happy to see again all our Ohristian..i!3c4g|^s from tho

Qf Christ arid those of our Slavic congregation in Baltimore,

WHere during tKb sumer George Bajenski and Kbstek Jakohiuk, our students
from Poland, v/ero preaching# V/e were glad to see that attendance in our

Slavic church during the summer increased and that spirit of love and unity
is prevailing.

V/e are happy to bo back in the States and share with you our Joy and
labor for tho Master#

.minlstiaLJlfi.JunchangablQ and in tho iliture it will

t* we need_your
more information or speaking dates, please write to no#

May Lord bless you richly.

Tours in His ninistry

fiu<J /ioJko
Paul Bajko


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