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BMS (3rd Yr.)








Indian industry is a fast developing industry. Fast Moving Consumer Goods
(FMCG) are more in demand and frequently purchased by customers. These goods
include all consumable goods (other than pulses and grains) and consumers buy at
regular intervals in small quantities. Main items in this category are detergents,
soaps, shaving products ,shampoos, toothpastes and brushes, packed food stuffs,
household accessories, creams, oils,tea, coffee etc. Every family spends a large
portion of monthly budget on FMCG products.Contribution of FMCG sector in
every economy is significant. Now, due to globalization,every economy is facing
tough competition. Entries of MNCs and cheaper import have made the situation
more difficult. To carry out the business in this sector, it has become very difficult.
Every company has to spend a large portion of their budget on promotional efforts.
Most of the companies have applied various elements of promotion mix.
Promotion mix elements include advertising, publicity, sales promotion, personal
selling and packaging. In present competitive situation most of MNCs had
developed sales promotion strategy in selection of parties,techniques and managing
sales promotion techniques effectively and efficiently. This strategy provides
competitive advantage to the companies in the market to grow, stabilize and excel
in business performance. Therefore, sales promotion strategy is very significant for
companies to earn bread and butter.

Objectives of research work

1. To study the marketing strategies of FMCG sector.
2. To study the impact of different advertisement.
3. Comparative analysis of advertisement based on questionnaire given to

Research Methodology
Research methodology process includes a number of activities to be performed.
One activity after another is performed to complete the research work. The process
in which data is collected to solve the problem in the most effective manner is
known as research methodology. The data which the researcher collects is divided
into two types,which are based on nature of collecting data .
1. Data collection:
a) Primary data :-primary data will be collected through filling questionnaire from
the customers using FMCG products.
A questionnaire is a set of questions used for gathering information from
individuals. This method is used when the resources are limited and helps to gather
data about knowledge,beliefs,trust,behavior.The target questionnaire for this study
is 50 respondents including students,housewives etc that lies in the age of 18-40.

Types of questionnaire-

1]closed or restricted form:- Respondent need to answer the question in YES or

2]open or unrestricted form:-Respondent need to answer the question in detail with
respect to their views.
b)Secondary data:secondary data has been used to support primary data whenever
needed.The secondary data are those which have already been collected by
someone else and which have already been passed through statistical process?
when the research utilizes secondary data,then he has to look into various sources
from where he can obtain them.secondary data is pre-published data.
2. Data analysis:
Once the data is collected by the researcher it need to be analysed and tabulated
so that the result can be presented as simple as possible.There are number of
ways like simple percentage form,pie chart,graphs.

Importance of research
1. It will help to know about competition of FMCG sector.
2. It will help to understand the various modes of promoting FMCG products.
3. It will help to study the impact of advertisements on customers.

Limitations of the Project

1. Resources become major difficulties in completion of research.

2. The scope of the study is limited to Thane.

3. Detailed research cannot be conducted due to time constraint.
4. Respondents may not provide full and accurate information during


Promotional Strategies of different FMCG brands in India

Advertisement:Advertising is the means of informing as well as influencing the general public to buy products
or services through visual or oral messages. A product or service is advertised to create
awareness in the minds of potential buyers. Some of the commonly used media for advertising
are T.V., radio, websites, newspapers, magazines, bill-boards, hoardings etc. As a result of
economic liberalization and the changing social trends advertising industry has shown rapid
growth in the last decade. Advertising is one of the aspects of mass communication. Advertising
is actually brand-building through effective communication and is essentially a service industry.
It helps to create demand, promote marketing system and boost economic growth. Thus
advertising forms the basis of marketing.

Major methods of advertising:Radio announcements: A major advantage of radio ads is they are usually cheaper than
television ads, and many people still listen to the radio, example:- when they are in cars. Ads are
usually sold on a package basis that considers the number of ads, the length of ads and when they
are put on the air. . A major consideration with radio ads is to get them announced at the times
that your potential customers are listening to the radio.
Newspapers: Almost everyone reads the local, major newspaper. You can get your
business in the newspaper by placing ads, writing a letter to the editor or working with a
reporter to get a story written about your business.
Television ads: Many people don't even consider television ads because of the
impression that the ads are very expensive. They are more expensive than most of major
forms of advertising. However, with the increasing number of television networks and
stations, businesses might find good deals for placing commercials or other forms of

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