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Classroom Management and

Communication Plan

1. Management Style and Philosophical Beliefs:

The more effective a teacher is, the more

likely their students is to be academically successful. In the publication of his research,
Classroom Management that Works, Marzano (2003) identifies classroom
management as one of the three best predictors of an effective teacher(p. 4). These
effective teachers do so by implementing clear rules and procedures, consistent
disciplinary interventions, and positive teacher-student relationships. As a teacher,
having a clear and consistent plan is necessary to have strong classroom
management skills. Students need to know what to expect from you and they need
to believe that your actions are fair.
I took the What is your classroom management profile quiz and found out
that my style is authoritative. I believe that students need boundaries but, especially

at the higher levels, they deserve to understand why those boundaries exist. There is
nothing worse than saying, because I said so to encourage student compliance. In
fact, it does the exact opposite. This matches the authoritative style in that there are
rules, unlike laissez-faire, and reasons are given for the rules, unlike authoritarian. I
partly support the democratic style of letting students have input on the making of
the rules, but I think that it relies on a mature and orderly group of students. In
settings where the students are more likely to act that way, such as a senior class over
a freshman class, I would allow more student choice.
Classroom Management that Works helped give reason to my already
existing philosophical beliefs regarding classroom management and disciple.
Marzanos (2003) researched showed the rules and procedures must be well
articulated to be successfully implemented (p. 17). If the students break the rules,
they expect to be treated fairly in terms of the consequences. If they do not feel that
they are treated that way, they will resist (p. 33). Additionally, consequences should
happen while the offense is still fresh in both the teacher and students memory.
They are more likely to establish a clear narrative of what happened then if they meet
to talk about it a few days after the fact. Finally, While the teacher should treat all
students fairly, is is important to individualize the teacher-student interaction.
Communication that works well with one students may not work well with the other.
Getting to know students will help prevent this(p. 48). I agree with all of these points,
especially the timeliness of consequences. I believe that part of a student being
independent depends on them identifying why they are being punished. If the event
is fresh in their mind, a conversation about how they violated the class rules will go
well. If they have time to think it over, they will process the memory in the way that
puts them in the best light. Overall, these parts of classroom management work
together to create a positive and stable learning environment for all students.
2. Establishing a Positive Classroom Culture:
I may have close to 200 high school students in a regular school day. To
create a positive classroom culture, I will treat each one of them respectfully and work
to know at least one, non academic, interest of theirs. Each student will be greeted at
the door of the classroom every day. If I am working with a student during passing
period, I will do my best to acknowledge the students as they enter the classroom. I
will make short comments on my personal version of the seating chart about their
interests and do my best to incorporate the interests into my greetings.
At the beginning of the semester I will have students fill out a Learning and
Interest Survey. I want them to think about what works best for them in a learning
environment. I also want to know their attitude to the subject. Often students say
broad statements like I hate history, when in fact they love history based movie or
books. I will do my best to encourage positive thinking on the subject. I will use selfassessments often in the classroom to encourage students to be responsible for
planning their own learning. After each test they will fill out a survey about how they
studied, what went well, and how they could improve for preparing for the next test.

Student Learning and Interest Survey

1. By what name do you prefer to be called? ( if it is an uncommon
pronunciation or spelling, please sound it out for me example Sean=Shawn)
2. What language are you most comfortable reading in?
3. What language are you most comfortable speaking in?
4. What language are you most comfortable writing in?
5. What is the best language to send home communications in?
6. What is the best way to communicate with you parents? (email, phone,
website, etc)
7. Two things that you enjoy doing outside of school:
8. Two things that you enjoy doing at school:
9. Two things that you do well at school:
10. Five words that describe you:
11. If you could be really good at one thing, what would it be?
Please complete the following sentences:
When I think of Math I think of
I learn best when
I _____________________________________________________________
In the past, my experience with math has
I feel that my strengths in math are
I feel that my weakness in math
I am taking this class
In this class, I am hoping to learn
The best way to encourage

3. Developing Classroom Rules and Procedures:

I will encourage the students independence by having minimal classroom
rules, and instead have set procedures, supported by resources, with the

expectation that they are responsible enough to follow them. The rules the
classroom does have will be decided by the whole class through discussion, such
as bathroom time and food. I will communicate that their rules can stay in place as
long as they act responsibly. If they decide that food is allowed in the classroom,
but then routinely leave a ness, they are not being responsible and I will have to
change their rule.
Students will not be able to override school policies. I will go over the school
handbook at the beginning of the semester and highlight exactly what is expected
for academic honesty. The same is true for violence, weapons, and appropriate
use of media. Unless the school policy states elsewise, I will be flexible on
tardiness, with the understanding that if a student is late, they are responsible for
catching up with the class. I will have the daily schedule written on the white
board so that students can easily see what is planned for the day as well as
anything they miss by being tardy or in the restroom.
I will provide ample resources and clearly listed procedures for when students
are absent. I will have both paper copies of their work available, for students who
do not have access to the internet at home, as well as electronic copies. They are
expected to follow the procedures on their own and only come to me with
problems. They are high school students so it is important that they start to
development personal management skills. The same is true for missing work. if
they lose an activity, they can get a new paper copy from the missing work bins or
print a new copy off. The online gradebook will be updated after each newly
graded assignment so students can see if they are missing any work.

Welcome Back!!
We missed you in class. Please remember to follow these steps to find out what
you missed.
1. Check your calendar, was homework due while you were gone?
a. Place any homework that was collected the day you were gone in the
missing work bin at the front of the class.
2. Check your calendar, was homework assigned while you were gone?
a. If homework was assigned, look in the extra copies bin for a copy to
fill out.
b. Check the class website. Homework copies are in the folder
c. You have one additional day from the due date for each day of class
d. If you know ahead of schedule you will be gone, please try your best to
turn your homework in advance.

3. Check your calendar, did you miss a quiz or exam while you were gone?
a. Contact Ms. L-R and schedule a make-up before or after school or in
Math Resource.
4. Check your calendar, did we take notes in class while you were gone?
a. The master copy of the notes are in the Notes binder on my desk.
Find time to copy down the notes you missed.
b. Check class website and print off a copy of the notes you missed
5. Any other questions? Email me at

4. Classroom Layout: Create an illustration of your ideal classroom layout using

Powerpoint or a web-based software program like Classroom Architect
(, etc.) Then provide a brief (1 paragraph) narrative
description that explains why you chose to arrange your classroom in this manner. Be
sure to explain how you're the organization of your classroom reflects your approach
to classroom management and will support your policies and procedures.
My classroom set up encourages students to work together, have clear
access to resources, and allows me to monitor them easily. Desks are clustered
except for during tests when they will be in rows. There will be slightly more
space between them than in the picture so that I can easily walk between. My
desk will be at the back so that I have a clear view of the room but will not be
tempted to spend too much time back there. The computer cart will be by the
door so students remember to put away their laptops as they leave. Shelves
along the walls will hold my missing work baskets and other resources allowing
students to be independent, instead of asking me for missing work. Storage in
the corner is out of the way and keeps the classroom uncluttered. If possible, I
would like white boards on all walls of the classroom so students have
alternative places to work besides their desks. If there is any additional space, I
would like to have a work corner where students who need additional space or
are easily distracted can work. The area can also be for students who need an
associate or have a handicap which prevents them from using a desk.

5. Monitoring the Classroom and Responding to Student Misbehavior:
The most important technique for monitoring the classroom and responding to
student misbehavior is to show withitness. To do this I will spend as little time at my
desk as possible. Instead, I will walk around the room to offer students assistance, as
well as intervene with any inappropriate behavior. I will intervene passively first with
proximity to the students who are misbehaving. If this does not work I will put my
hand on their desk and then quietly redirect them. If more than one student is
misbehaving, I will restate my expectations for the class period to the entire class and
then circulate to help get individuals back on task.
Due to being an authoritative classroom manager, I am open to most types of
behavior as long as they do not conflict with the learning of others. If a student can
verbalize a good reason for what they are do, I am okay with them proceeding. I will
invene if it affects the learning or safety of others. Example are : talking loudly off
subject, bullying, being disrespectful to those around them, hurting others, and
destroying property( both their own and others). For all of these behaviors it is
important that they identify why the behavior was not okay so that they will
hopefully not repeat it.
For minor behaviors, like talking, they will fill out self-reflection forms at the
end of the period and they will lose class participation points. We will quickly discuss
what would be a more appropriate action during the passing period. I will only have
administrators be involved if the behavior becomes a reoccuring problem. Any time
students lose classroom participation points, I will notate in the comments portion of
the online grade book so their parents understand why.For more severe incidents,
such as violence and weapons, I will rely on school policy.

Consequences for Inappropriate Classroom Behavior



Who is



Fill out self reflection

formWhy was my
be used to document
repeat occurrences)
Lose classroom
participation points
for the day (notated
and reason explained
in online gradebook)

Disrespect to
classmates or

Fill out self reflection

formWhy was my
be used to document
repeat occurrences)
Lose classroom
participation points
for the day (notated
in online gradebook)


Separation during
Mediation at the end
of the period


Student:Fills out selfreflection form Why was

my talking
Student and Teacher: Go
over form after class, 1-2
minutes, and discuss how
behavior can be changed
in the future
Teacher: Document lost
points in online
gradebook, file reflection


Student:Fills out selfreflection form Why was

my behavior
Student and Teacher: Go
over form after class, 1-2
minutes, and discuss how
behavior can be changed
in the future
Teacher: Document lost
points in online
gradebook, file reflection

or (after
more than

Students: Work with

teacher to resolve
Teacher:Act as moderator
between students, notify
parents by email
Parents: Notified by email
of disagreement
Administrator: Asked to
help moderate if

resolution cannot be
found or if it is the second
offense between
Removal from class
Lose classroom
participation points
for the day (notated
in online gradebook)
Suspension from
school depending on
school policy for

officer ( if

Teacher: Document loss

of participation points.
Work with administrator
to implement school
Parents: Work with
teacher and
Administrator to
implement school policy
School Resource Officer :
Safely remove student
from class
Implement school policy
and meet with parents.

Destruction of

Loss of classroom
privileges (no longer
allowed to use
unsupervised, etc)


Lose classroom
participation points
for the day (notated
in online gradebook)


Consequences based
on school policy


Teacher: Documents
destruction of property
and creates alternate
activities due to loss of
classroom privileges.
Works with administrator
to implement school
Parents: Work with
teacher and
Administrator to
implement school policy
Implement school policy
and meet with parents.

6. Parents as Partners:

Parents as partners in the high school setting is a little bit like Goldilocks. I want
them to be involved, but not too involved. High school students should become
more and more independent as they progress. An over involved parent limits this
independence by being too supportive while an under involved parent does not
provide enough support. I will find the balance by providing enough information for
parents so they know what is expected of their students without needing to contact
me whenever they have a question. I will also set up situations where parents are
expected to participate in a classroom activity as a way to encourage under involved
At the start of the semester I will send home a syllabus that outlines classroom
expectations and school policies. It will include my contact information, an overview
of the semester, and the online classroom web address as well as what is available on
the website. Instead of having parents sign the syllabus, I will have a request at the
end of the syllabus that a parent accesses the online classroom and leaves a
comment. I will respond to their comment using the email address that they provide
to the school. This way I can ensure that they are able to access the website as well as
have read the syllabus. I will email parents that do not leave a comment within the
first week of class. This webs site will be the main way that I interact with parents. I
will encourage the expectation that they refer to the website before contacting me
with questions. I will also update the online gradebook after every graded assignment.
A very rough copy of the website is available at:
I will involve parents in their students learning by creating lessons where the
student gets to interview their parent. In the math class, an example would be asking
their parent how they use math in the day to day lives as an adult; at work, paying
bills, planning vacations, etc. In social studies, the student will make a family timeline.
As we learn about event in history, they will work with their parents to fill in what was
happening to their family during those events. This way parents feel involved and
students feel that their parents are contributing but not overreaching. I will check in
on this relationship by sending email comments, both positive and negative, home
and scheduling parent/teacher conferences.

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