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Principiile activitii normative a statului, Chisinau, 2015

The structure of the paper: The paper contains the introduction, four
chapters followed by conclusions and recommendations, bibliography of 46
sources, 58 basic text pages.
Actualitatea i gradul de studiere a temei investigate. Crearea dreptului,
adic ridicarea voinei de stat la rangul de lege, se realizeaz ndeosebi prin
activitatea normativ a organelor de stat, activitate care se finalizeaz prin
adoptarea actelor normative.Puterea de stat este interesat s promoveze anumite
relaii sociale, transpunndu-le normativ n planul dreptului. Fiind consfinite prin
lege, relaiile respective devin obligatorii. Dreptul se folosete de tehnica juridic
pentru a transfera la nivelul subiectelor de drepturi, n cmpul relaiilor juridice,
puterea ce exist n cmpul relaiilor sociale. Deintorul puterii devine titular de
drepturi. Din domeniul a ceea ce este (relaiile i interesele sociale) se trece n
domeniul a ceea ce trebuie s fie. Activitatea normativ a organelor statului se
desfoar n conformitate cu atribuiile, competenele pe care acestea le au i care
snt stabilite, n Constituie i i alte acte normative. ntreaga activitate de elaborare
a legilor se face cu respectarea unor, proceduri i metode, precum i a unor
principii care s rspund ct mai precis unei reglementri tiinifice, clare,
Scopul i obiectivele tezei. Lucrarea are drept scop examinarea complex a
problemelor ce in de activitatea de legiferare a statului prin prisma principiilor
activitii normative, determinarea locului principiilor de activitii normative a
statului n sistemul de elaborare i aplicare a dreptului.
n realizarea acestui scop au fost stabilite urmtoarele obiective: analiza
funiei normative a statului; dezvluirea conceptului de act juridic normativ;
cercetarea n plan evolutiv a mecanismelor de tehnic juridic i tehnic
legislativ; elucidarea principiilor generale ale activitii normative a statului;
prezentarea analitic a principiilor legiferrii. analiza activitii normative i
activitii de aplicare a dreptului de ctre stat.
Importana teoretic i tiinific a rezultatelor obinute. Importana
teoretic a cercetrii const n faptul c ea prezint un anumit punct de vedere n
rezolvarea problemelor legate de problema activitii normative a statului i
vizeaz, pe de o parte, formarea unui sistem legislativ, iar, pe de alt parte,
perfecionarea i sistematizarea legislaiei n vigoare. Sub primul aspect, se impun
cteva consideraii n legtur cu necesitate crerii unei stri de armonie i de
unitate n sistemul legislativ, al doilea pas, la fel de important, este cel al realizrii
normelor, a nfptuirii scopurilor urmrite prin reglementare juridic avnd la baz
principii fundamentale. Valoarea aplicativ a tezei const n tezele formulate, care
pot fi folosite n cercetrile tiinifice viitoare n teoria dreptului.

The principles of normative activity of the state, Chisinau, 2015
The structure of the paper: The paper contains the introduction, four
chapters followed by conclusions and recommendations, bibliography of 46
sources, 58 basic text pages.
The actuality and degree of studying of the investigated theme. Creating
the right, raising the state will to the rank of law, is achieved mainly through
normative activity of the state bodies, activity that is completed by adopting
legislation. State power must promote certain social relations, translating them into
legal right plan. Being sanctioned by law, these relations become mandatory. The
law used juridical technique to transfer legal rights to the subjects in the field of
legal relations, the power that exists in the field of social relations. Holders become
rightholder of power. From the realm of what is (relations and social interests) is
transferred to the realm of what should be. Regulatory activity of state bodies shall
be conducted in accordance with the powers, powers which they have and which
are established in the Constitution and other laws. All development work is done in
observance of the laws, procedures and methods, as well as some principles to
answer as precisely as possible scientific regulation clear, consistent.
The purpose and objectives of the thesis. This paper aims to examine the
complex issues related to the legislative work of the state through the principles
normative work, determination of normative principles of activity of the state
system development and application of law.
In achieving this goal have been established the following objectives: analysis
of normative functions of the state; revealing the concept of normative legal act;
research in evolutionary plan of mechanisms of legislative technique and legal
technique; elucidate general principles of the state of normative activity; analytical
presentation of principles of better regulation, analysis of normative activity and
enforcement of law by state.
The theoretical and scientific importance of obtained results. Theoretical
importance of research is that presents a point of view on issues relating to the
problem of normative activity of the state and aims, on the one hand, the formation
of a legislative system, and, on the other hand, improvement and systematization
of legislation in force. Under the first aspect, some considerations are necessary in
relation to teh necessity of creating a state of harmony and unity in the legal
system, the second step, equally important, is the achievement of rules, the
accomplishment of the aims pursued by legal regulation being based on principles
fundamental. The value of the thesis consists of theses formulated, which can be
used in future scientific research in the theory of law.

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