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Rostrum KG CANES, PETER OS ROSTRML Prosuetion Superior TER PEARS ‘bing Minar PETE STA ‘Sound C8 BRISCOE, OOUG DUNS ON OWL ‘mera ARO MMROF 008 ASTRO, Production Manage St at Produced and Decte by RAL FOK ted nd Presented by ELUM BRAG a ana 0 PACE ALE, EW ORK, 0 CASTILLE, HEH YORK LEN PAGE SON ses oe Co-ed by A, LTP WOR ‘ety ose an ag Sore ey’ Meals Sadr ae Water At Ct eat, SA “To Chee. wth ven (i Manbupy.The Mast ose A Pi Jan in ow Yo USA © Cte ty Sot Snes, amen. Gop Mem, Nee Yak Pa by Doe ad © SRF, Nw Yr, SA "insane ys Cs Caton aly Seva Ds. ema cane by TUS MUSIC OLDENBURG Produced and Directed by Gerald Fox 2 IMPRESSUM TEXT. Stef Schutake ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Dr. Alexander Reynolds FRONT COVER: Claes Olerauy and Conse van Brugger: Spooraige and Chery, Minezpois Sculpture Garde, Wake rt Center, Minneapols, USA DVD PRODUCED BY ARTHAUS MUSK GMBH feyan) N=] (co Er stot aulasareLnpensit aut lsenaupen und leptmonstose Fader in Stadtpars, aston sie nach nem Stu einfach legen geleben und von er Zeit begraben worden, Mt Claes Oldenburg alt dr Kener Neumarktpalerie tie risige Ett verehtherum aut den Kopt. ne Taschenlampe in Las Vegas, Nael und Fade in Malan, i Spitzhacke in Kasse Wen sch aut unserer Erde ein Giant rederassen wird, den Hausrat fade erin den ‘Stupturen von Claes Oldenburg. Nur benutzen Knee irc, (les Oldenburg. interesser’ sich flr gebrauohte und brauehbare Gegenstane. Er erkundet und pesfiert ve Funktion und zwar in Raum, Ferm, Farbe und Line. Sein astetschen Grodraum-Abenteverbevdkem inzwischen de ganze Wet. (ldenourg wurde 1929 in Stockh, in Schweden, geboren. Seve Knahet verringt der Sohn ens Diplomat umes in Amerika und Oslo, bevor die Farle 1996 endgiti nach Chicago et. Ende dr 1940er ae turer ander Yale Unversity enlsche itrtur und Kunst. Spat mt er Kure am Art Institute of Chicago. Oldenburg abet al frescatfender Kunst, ater er verdent seinen Lebensuntartat in verschiedenen Jobs, etwa als Nachricten-Reporter und Mustator fr le Zatch Chicago. Das wid fe sein lbenslanges Ineresse an den altgichen Dingen und Vorgéngen rettungswesend sin, 1953 wir x amerkanischerStaalsbirger. Im Juni 1956 zeht Oldenburg nach New York, ab 1961 kann er von stner Kunst leben, Bis 1959 widmet sich der Kunter ites der Zeehnung. Er vertrigt vile Stunden auf Spazrgingen und Fahradtouren duch de Stadt, noi und size, was ihm begeget. Sein Devorzugtes Model wir Pat Muschisk, mt der er von 1960 bs 1970 vera st. Mit Pat ft er Happenings aut, sie natt seine esto Soft Scubtures (welche Skule), wie den Booer-Buger, einen tberéiensionirten Hamburger aus Leinen. Oldenougs Beobachuungen manden ab 1960 in eine este creimensionale ‘bet, Die Stabe (1960), der die Istallationen Der Laden (1961) und 03 ‘Schlatammer Ensemble (196) flgen. Dabel verindert er seinen Fokus Von der Line aber die Farbe zum Raum, dem er sich ab Mite der 19606r aire ausschleehzuwendetZétung gleich Zeichnung (ie. Sate) Lebensmitl ach Male (Der Lage): Mobel ech Shuptr(Schatnmer Ensembl’, notte. Seine Arbeiten werden in den wickigsten Galerien ‘Amerias gee. ‘Ab 1960 gehdrt Oldenburg 2 den sachs Kunstler, de zum Synonym ur Pop ‘tin Amerka werden: Andy Warhol, Roy Lehenstan, James Rosenqut, im Dine, Tom Wesseimann und Caes Oldenburg asthesleren das Bana ‘Sie wenden sch gegen de gstische Male es abstrakten Exgressionisms und entpersonasien ive Kunst. adem se technische Mite 2wiscen sich und in Kunstwerkbingn, Was Andy Warhos Slebdruck und ictenstins Puniteraterist, sind fr Oldenburg ie wechenSkupturen ce beweglich nd _ugeich vom Sto (Leinen und spits Vir und den Nahten beret sin ‘Obwot schon ie Sft-Scuptures grote Dimensionen haben wird Oldenburg ab Nite der 19608 Jahre noch monumentalec. Die wietgste unter den fren Riesenpastien it der 75 Metr hohe Uppenstit au Raupendatzeuy, er aut dem Campus der Yale Unversity zur Zt der Studentenbewequng fur Furor srg 1870 let er a siedertindische Kunstaatorn, Coose van Bruggen, eonen. Bede arelen set 1976 zusammen, Das Paar signet sene Projekte gemeinam, van Brugge ist jedoch mehr as eine Muse fx den charismatischen Kosmopolt sl sind glichwerige Parner. Bede sind seit 1977 verhekratet und haben inzwischen mehe als 40 dasrkolssalen Projekt else. Ab Mite Gr 1980er Jahre witken dle Gro’stadshuipturen litter und beweglcher. Van Bruggen und Oldenburg spielen noch viruoser mit den Mateialen und der Bamegung Die Flegenden Kegel (2000) in Enahoven “igen zen Koga dle von der Bowingkugelgetroten werden. Obwoh jeder gel 7.5 Meter hoch ist, sind sie so momenta angordnt, ls Konnten sie wie bel einem kurzetigangehaltnen Fim potich in ale Alehungen auseandefalen "Noch immer erobet sich Oldenburg zichnend sein Skulptuen. ln formalen und farlichen Varitionen suet er seine fantasievole Wahmehmung nach aun zu transporte. Der Fm von Gerald Fox dokument dase Suche ‘ldenbugs und ire astetischen und oft wizigen Manifestrungen in der uanen Lanasenat. OLDENBURG He mounts inflatable psicks on catwpiar racks and pus huge icles in public parks asf the had been let thre ater afl an gradually bused by ‘ime. Ris to Claes Onerdug that we owe te bg icecream cone which has falen whip-trst out ofthe sky onto Cologne's Newnart mal A fasight Las Vegas; need and tread in Mla, apckaein Kasse: cosmic giant were to sete on Earth, be woul fda his household necessaries among the sculptures of Clas Odenburp But he could actualy use them (Claes Oldenur's interests focus on used ad usable bjs. He Investigates and sabres thei functions - and ts inthe various dimension of space, form, colour and ine. His adventures in ge-scale pubic aesthetics now opiate te entre wok. ‘Oldenburg was bom in Stckhoin in Sweden, n 1829, A dpm’ sn, he spent most of his cidhood in America and Oslo, tore the family maved manent to Chicago in 1986, nthe at 1940's he stud Engh erate and at at Yale He ater took courses the At stu of Chicago. Otenburg was working aeady on his own at, but suported ise ats by various jobs, such as reporter and fustator for he magazine Chicago. This was Important fo his ang interest in everyday objects and events. In 1953, he became a US citizen, In June 1956 Oldenburg moved to New Yerk, and from 1961 on was able to ve from the proceeds of his at. Up unl 1859, the ast devoted nimset intensively to craving, spending hous expling the cly on fot or beck, sketching and taking notes onal e foun. Hs prefered made nts pid ‘was Pat Muschinsk, is wie from 1960 ut 1870, With her he organized “apperings’ and she also acted as searstess fois est "st sculues” such asthe Foor Burger, a colssal canvas tamburger ‘ldenbur's nates yield in 196, a fest thee-dmensional wok, The Steet, which was fofowed by the instalatons The Store (1961) and Bedroom Ensemble (196). n these works, we see fe arist shin his focus away os 06, ‘rom ine, via colou, toward space, acimenson wich, fom the mi-1960's ‘on, was to come to ocupy him excsivly. “Stet equals craving: store equals painting: fumiure equa sculpture’, runs one note. HI works ow began tobe exited and clbated in the mast respected US alee, From 1960 on, Oldenburg came to count as oe ofthe scars synonymous with Pop Artin America. Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtin, James Rosenguist, sim Dine, Tom Wesseinann and Ces. Odenburg won fame for ther “aestetciaing of he bana”. Tey rejected the gestural painting of Abstract Epressonsm ang set about depersonaiing ther art by intrposng certain lecinical media bebven themselves andthe works they produced. What Warhol achieved though his siksceen-prining method and Ucttenstin through his “dos, Oldenburg 6d through his “sot sculptures’, which were lel but aso restictd by thr material (canvas andl vi) and by thor sawn seas, The “Soft sulpures” were aeady large works, but Oldenbur's at became, from the mié-1960's on, stil more “monument, The mast important ofthe early monumental sculptures is the more than 20-0 high Lupton Cater Tact, which caused ture onthe Yale campus at he tie of the students! movement. In 1970 he met the Dutch curator Coose van Bruggen with wham be has worked since 1876, The couple tke jit cre forte projects, and van Bruggen suey is more than jst a muse forthe charismatic cosmopatan, The two are equal press. They have been mared since 1977 and hae ‘moutted more than 40 monumental projets. From the mid-990's on, the monumental uban scuptures make a ight, ‘more mobie impression Van Buggen and Oldenburg now play een mare viuoscally wi the mateals and ther moby. The ing Pins (200) in Eindhoven show ten bowing pins being stuck by a bowing bal. Although each pin Is over 20-ooe-igh, the scuptue so credibly reproduces the origuato ofa mame of olson hat one expects, a a zen fim, the ins toy of, tay second in al econs ‘Oldenburg stil uses crawing to gina grasp of his sculptural ideas, varying form and colour to give expression to his imaginative subjective perception Gerald Fx’ fm documents his quest of Odenbuy's ands este, often comic, manesttons in ou urban landscape Ce Gent wtcarenay 0,80 FORMAT Boy Dial 2.0 ADO LNGLASES 0,68 AN THE SO MIN cre romuaT asa ‘OTRAS Petur Galery & Tale vDe | PAL a-Na100 690 | SBN: 978.9999873-08.2 owt COUNTERPOMT - "ME LIFE AN WORK OF GEORGES SEURAT S0UN0 FORMAT Dolby Dig 2.0 ‘DO UNGIAEE 0,08, on LaNGUNcS 0,68 PoTUREFORUAT 4 REGION CODED ‘XTRAS Petar Galery & Tale v8 | PAL THREE COLOURS CEZANNE 0.0 FRAT Doty Dig! 2.0 ou TE Ss TURE FORMAT EGON CI0E 0 cxteas metre ery a rer v8 | PAL (Cat. 100628 | 8046 978-9890873-05-4 Also Available

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