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MANIFESTO v ANTAGONIST ART MOVEME) The Antagonist is one in nom potential 1 provoked fo Creative enanatian, emanation that, in turn. provokes both the crestor and those with whom it ones in contact, to Turthier authentic creativity This 2 powerful eyele is urteashea enon the wort, ‘one wirich 1s fueled by its own unstoppable spirit, drive, anc dynamic enerey. The Antagonist defines him-or-hersetf as one In apposition to the natucal order on many fronts. If that is a crime, then the Antagonist is the criminal of art, one at war with 2 number of enonies. One persistent enemy is the “Zt - “If he fails," “If she succeeds,” °It they are Laughea 2t.” Eontingencies mist not matter and must not oe atloued to take fible of the artist's mind. The Antagon’st must become deaf te tneir whimpering and have the courage to make art in the spirit af it ‘Another ever-present danger {o the Antagonist ig the artist's ego, hen self-aggrandizenent enters the creative cycte as a significaat player. Satistying its appetize soon becomes an end in itself, stultirying and deadening creativity. mak ng it izpotert and sncapable of provoking eore Greativity, thus threatening the very Life of the creative cycie. ‘Gpenercialien and opportunism are perhaps the ost Wirutent enemies of the Antagonist. The exploitation of the creative is not an Antagonist objective on, any sense. Such behavior does not provoke true creativity hecause aaterial rewerd soon becones an fend in st56EF, the creative cycte is interrupted, and deprivec of 145 soul, languishes and dies. Witness ‘the dead art that foods the commercial markets Antagonists do battie against “conmercialists.~ the parasites of the world. I? Antagonists sell their ork fer promt, they mst never make art with material reward in wind even if they seize upon their poner to use the systen against itset? when necessary! NOT onty is the Antegonist one who opposes, but, Iso one uno provokes. He ar she is bounc by a ost sacred van to bring forth creative potential nerever it cesices, vinether in the human heart or Sn the soul of non-husan material. The Antagonist pledges #0 do wnat he or she can to assist any artist, In any field of art, to engage in the creative process. and to cestroy abstactes to genuine free expression everywhere. In like manner, the Antagonist wit bring into the service of art any resource. material, or tool which woule perpetuate the creative cycle as described above, nether authorized by secist convention or not, no matter hon great the resistance to coing so. ‘The words set down above constitutes a Manifesto of the Antagenist Hovenent. Menbers of the Antagonist Hoverent hereby uncerurste and pledge to live and take art according to the principles outlines herein and to further these principles whenever possible, fn their oun community and in the world at targe ee ee ee ee a er

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