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A/N: This is my first attempt at a fanfic in the form of a screenplay.

I don't own
Part One: Opening the Doorway
The Georgian street bustled with throngs of hurrying people intent on unknown business.
Some stores were closed due to the holiday commemorating the presidents, but others
had opened late. ASHLEY weaved through the crowd, scanning the shops until she saw
a sign that boasted extremely low prices on antiques. Having no way to make time go
along more quickly, she entered JOE'S ANTIQUES, squinting in the poor light.
ASHLEY failed to notice the man behind her and jumped when he touched her shoulder,
making her heart race.
SHOPKEEPER:(in a kind voice, blue eyes sparkling) Dearie, that was not on purpose, I
assure you. I don't make scaring young woman such as yourself one of my habits. Now,
shall I show you some of my most prized relics or will you be looking alone?
ASHLEY: I'm just going to roam around, since there's nothing better to do. (Shouldering
her purse and pack, ASHLEY searched the rows of dusty objects, halting at the sight of
a golden cube. Reaching out to pick it up, she jerked her hand away, fingertips tingling.)
Excuse me, but what is this thing? I've never seen anything like it in my life.
SHOPKEEPER: Oh, that is the Lament Configuration, or as some call it, The Portal to
Hell. For two years, it's been in my collection, yet because of its grim reputation, no one
has expressed interest in it. (Noticing ASHLEY raise an eyebrow, the SHOPKEEPER
went on, albeit with reluctance.) According to past owners, the Lament Configuration,
once solved, unleashes monsters known as Cenobites, their leader being Pinhead. Last
person who brought me the infernal thing was nearly hysterical, claiming her entire
family had been slaughtered by Pinhead and dragged to Hell. (ASHLEY hastily
retreated, causing the SHOPKEEPER to sooth her instantly.) But those are only stories
conjured from the minds of desperate people trying to get rid of the cube for whatever
reason. None of them are true.
ASHLEY:(mentally kicking herself for being so cowardly) What else could they be? By
the way, I just came to Georgia for vacation and have no place to stay. My idiotic boss
forgot to book me a hotel room. You know anywhere I could crash tonight? (Silently, the
SHOPKEEPER pointed to the ceiling.) Just like that? Not going to check if I'm a wanted
criminal or something? Wow, I owe you one, sir.
SHOPKEEPER: There's a small room upstairs I give to those who are new to the city.
You're free to come and go for as long as you want. Besides, those hotel vultures think
they own the world. (The SHOPKEEPER waved his hand.) Go on, get settled in before
Expressing her thanks once more, ASHLEY went up the stairs to the second floor and
found the spare bedroom in perfect condition. Placing her belongings on the bed, she
was about to go over to the window when her cellphone rang. Checking the screen,
ASHLEY discovered it was MARK and answered.
ASHLEY:(flopping onto the chair next to the window) Yeah, what do you want, dork?
Damn, I knew I was missing my sandals! Alright, talk to you later. (Digging through her
bulging pack, ASHLEY found her wallet, then went downstairs. The SHOPKEEPER
waved cheerily, which she returned.) I'll be right back. Turns out I left my sole pair of
sandals at home.
Outside it was still as busy as it had been a half-hour ago. ASHLEY browsed in a local
Walmart until it was close to eight o'clock. Quickly buying the sandals she had been
admiring, ASHELY hurried to the antiques store, body clamoring that it was dead tired.
Stumbling up the fight of steps, she collapsed on the bed, eyes falling on the Lament
Configuration that was on the covers.
ASHLEY:(quietly calming her pounding heart) How the hell did you get here? Is this
that guy's idea of a house warming gift? (Grabbing the cube without having an electrical
shock like before, ASHLEY turned it over in her hands, studying the intricate patterns
on its six faces.) Okay, now how do you complete this damned thing? Abra kadabra
alakazam, hocus pocus? Open Sesame? No, nothing? Fine, then how 'bout this? (Running
her finger clockwise on a circle, ASHLEY yelped as part of the cube lifted and rotated,
settling into its new position. Blue energy engulfed the Lament Configuration which
coalesced the beams into five grotesque figures. One of them had dozens of pins driven in
his skull and face.) T-this can't be happening! Down there, the man who runs the place
said that everyting was nonsense!
PINHEAD: He was wrong, Ashley. We are very much real. (He took a step forward so
that ASHLEY could see that he was garbed in a leather suit with gaping wounds on his
chest.) Since you opened the box and summoned us, your soul belongs to the Cenobites
who will sacrifice you at the Blood Gate in our Hell. Resist, and I shall personally make
your suffering a long, painful process.
ASHLEY only managed a croak before her intense fear shut down her mind, sending her
into unconsciousness.

Part Two: Torment of the Mind

It had been four months since ASHLEY had been to the Winter Festival in Buffalo with
her friends. They had taken the subway train to get downtown where droves of people
milled about, wanting to get in the ice maze. After five hours wandering the area, the
group had returned to the train platform, boarding the next vehicle to the station.
SHELLY:(falling heavily into a vacant seat) Man, I'm beat! All that walking really took
my energy away. I could use about ten hours sleep right now. (The train rumbled
underground, the only sight visible beyond the windows being dark concrete.) Wish this
fucking thing could go faster than 60 miles per hour. Last time I checked, we weren't on
the thruway. (Suddenly, the lights died and the train ground to a lurching halt, throwing
many out of their seats.) Perfect, just friggin' perfect! Now I can't see my hand in front of
my face and two of my nails broke! I am SO suing NFTA when we get home.
ASHLEY: Would you shut up? It's not their fault the power went out. (Repeated thumps
sounded behind the sealed door to the where the operator was. A thick, metallic smell
drifted in the air.) Oh, God! Is that blood? Quick, somebody call 911! The driver's been
hurt! (Frightened yells drowned ASHLEY's words, passengers beating on the locked
doors in an attempt to alert help.)
PINHEAD:(materializing at the front of the train, his appearance silencing the screams)
Good, show your terror. It will make it that more easier to reveal the things that make you
mortals whimper! (Long black chains crashed through the windows, impaling numerous
individuals on their keen barbs. Rivers of blood pooled on the steel floor, choking cries
cleaving the air until ASHLEY was the only survivor. PINHEAD pivoted to look at her,
ebony eyes shining sinisterly.) Come, child. There is no use denying it. Your fate rests
with us.
A trio of long chains rocketed at ASHLEY, piercing her fleah and puling it taunt,
ripping screams from her throat. They were slowly splitting her skin when ASHLEY was
abruptly sitting in a car bound for Albany. Beside her were her two best friends, AMBER
and JESSICA, their hair blowing in the wind.
JESSICA:(turning the radio down) Hey, does anyone else hear that or am I just going
nuts? Listen!
ASHLEY and AMBER both hushed, straining to hear what their friend was. Mere
seconds later, it came to them: the sound of clanking metal. Craning their necks, they
peered out the windows, but failed to see where the noise was coming from. Opening her
mouth to speak, AMBER gargled as a fish hook unexpectedly sprouted between her eyes,
its tip spraying blood. It had torn the seat to pass through her neck to spear the bottom of
her brain, stopping all vital functions.
ASHLEY:(watching a chain sever JESSICA's jugular vein, hot gore splashing her)
NOOOOO! Why is this happening to me?!
PINHEAD:(in the backseat) Because you solved the puzzle and freed us. Our rules
dictate that those who release us are offered to the Blood Gate to keep the portal linking
our worlds open. (Other Cenobites surround the car, scratching the glass, trying to get
ASHLEY.) You are no different, Ashley. (PINHEAD's face became feral, his teeth
bared. Without warning, he launched at ASHLEY and their combined weight sent them
hurling down a shaft, ASHLEY's cries fading into oblivion.)
SHOPKEEPER:(avoiding the clawing hands as he shook ASHLEY awake) Calm
yourself, woulda ya? It's just a dream, nothing more. (Spotting the Lament Configuration
on the floor, he retrieved it.) Did you steal this when I wasn't looking? 'Cause I'd have let
you have it if you wanted it so badly. Guess I'll take it back downstairs for some poor
fool to buy. (The SHOPKEEPER went to exit the room, but ASHLEY called him.) What
is it?
ASHLEY: Don't take it! It's the only thing keeping them from dragging me to Hell and
the Blood Gate! (Seeing PINHEAD rise behind the SHOPKEEPER, she yelled.) Look
Casting ASHLEY a deadly glare, PINHEAD spun the SHOPKEEPER so they were
face-to-face. Reaching his hand back, he slammed it forward, punching out the
SHOPKEEPER's heart. Slowly squeezing the frantically pumping organ dry, PINHEAD
swiftly snapped his victim's neck, gaze never leaving ASHLEY. Taking deliberate steps,
he cornered her.
PINHEAD:(showing ASHLEY the golden cube that was in his blood-stained hand) This
will not help you now, girl. Soon, very soon, we shall claim your soul and spend eternity
exploring your flesh. (PINHEAD vanished amid a gale of satanic laughter.)
ASHLEY: I don't think so, you sonofabitch. There has to be a way to defeat you, and I'll
find it.

Part Three: Into the Abyss

POLICE OFFICER:(through blow horn) You, in the red Buick! Pull over at once or I'll
run you off the road!
ASHLEY:(seeing the speedometer reading 80 mph) Shit! And I'm covered in the
shopkeeper's blood. Guess I'm getting time in fucking jail. (Activating her blinkers,
ASHLEY coasted to the shoulder of the highway, waiting for the POLICE OFFICER to
tap on the window, which she promptly opened.) I can explain everything, sir. You see,
I'm being---
POLICE OFFICER:(interrupting ASHLEY sharply) Step out of the vehicle, ma'am. You
are under arrest until we can determine the nature of the blood on your clothes.
(Ratcheting the cuffs on ASHLEY's wrists, the POLICE OFFICER guided her into the
backseat of the cruiser and drove away.) Don't worry, the station will tow your car to
your house later this afternoon. Of course, you'll need to stay the night.
ASHLEY:(under her breath) I won't be here this afternoon, you prick. (They pulled into
the station's driveway, the hair on ASHLEY's arms lifting) N-no, you can't leave me
alone overnight! He'll find me! (Trying to soothe her, the POLICE OFFICER ushered
her inside, unlocking the cuffs as they neared the cell with its single occupant, a scruffy
man.) You've got to kidding me. Isn't there any place else I could stay?
MAN: Come on, babe, I don't bite. (When ASHLEY entered the cell, he sat close to her,
his smell making her eyes water.) So, ya in for murderin' someone? Got the same
treatment myself, ain't so bad after a few days. Trust me, you'll like it here.
ASHLEY:(gritting her teeth) Get. The. Hell. Away. From. Me. You have no idea what
I've been through, so leave me alone, please. (Tears began to sting ASHLEY's eyes as
she heard phantom chains hissing and PINHEAD's cold laugh. A cup of pens on the desk
outside the cell started to rattle mere inches from the POLICE OFFICER.) Watch out, for
God's sake!
POLICE OFFICER:(voice flustered) Lady, I've got work to do before the Chief comes in,
so please be quiet. (The utensils floated into the air, their tips glinting. Jaw dropping, the
POLICE OFFICER went to speak, but the pens impacted his face, burying deeply in his
flesh. Choking, he fell on his side, blood pooling around him.)
Unable to move, ASHLEY and the MAN witnessed the cell bars melt while the rest of
the room became darker. PINHEAD appeared with several of his Cenobites, blocking
the exit.
PINHEAD: I assume you're wondering how we managed to locate you, Ashley? (He
crept closer until they were almost touching. Tracing a finger along her jaw, PINHEAD
grabbed ASHLEY by the throat, enjoying the look of fear in her gaze.) Do you think
your thoughts are not audible to me, child? I can hear everything. Can you hear the
Labyrinth calling to you? Surely you must.
ASHLEY:(aware of faint screams) There's no way I'm going down there with the likes of
you! (Swallowing against the pressure against her neck, ASHLEY panicked when chains
slithered behind PINHEAD, their barbs dripping blood.) Let me go, you bastard! (In
response to her words, the links whipped forward and snagged her skin, eliciting a howl
of pain from her.)
PINHEAD: Now, girl, we will see how you fare in our realm! (Mentally manipulating
the chains, he followed ASHLEY as she was yanked into the bowels of the Labyrinth,
setting her free when they reached the beginning.) Know this, Ashely, we are giving you
twelve hours to find the Blood Gate. Fail, and we shall sacrifice your soul to it and
ASHLEY:(scoffing) Oh, I'm just to believe that you're going to let me roam freely with
no tricks? I am not that dumb.
PINHEAD:(evaporating into nothingness, voice echoing) We shall see, Ashley. We shall
ASHLEY: Yes, we will. (Surprised that she was nt in agony, ASHLEY looked at herself
and found no open wounds on her body.) Okay, whatever. Now, which way should I go?
(Peering down the vast corridors of the Labyrinth, she wanted to tear her hair out.) How
come things have to be so compicated?! Relax, Ashley, you've got half a day to solve this
maze or die trying. (Steeling herself, ASHLEY chose a passageway and ventured forth,
the clock in her head a vivid reminder of her goal.)

Part Four: Torment

Endless corridoes flew past ASHLEY as she searched for the elusive BLOOD GATE,
tempted to just stop and tear her hair out in frustration. Spying a doorway filled with
light, she skidded to a swaying halt, narrowly avoiding plunging into oblivion. Breathing
heavily, ASHLEY turned to discover that the passageway she had just come down was
gone. Peering upward where she heard a strange throbbing, she saw a large rotating
shape that emitted pulses of black light.
ASHLEY:(words echoing) What the fuck is that thing? The Blood Gate or something?
PINHEAD(emerging from the shadows not two feet from her) How wrong you are,
Ashley. You are looking at myGod. Leviathan, Lord of hunger, desire, and the flesh. He
sees all that goes on in the Labyrinth, including you. (A beam of cobalt haloed ASHLEY,
making her cover her eyes. PINHEAD chose that moment to inch closer until they were
nearly touching.) No memory escapes Leviathan. Right now, He is viewing your most
darkest desires.
LEVIATHAN:(tones resonating throughout the Labyrinth) She is indeed the one. Alas,
the Labyrinth's fate rests on the child. Either she will seal the door forever, or die trying.
We shall find out in less than eleven hours. (The ray of light moved away, leaving
ASHELY slightly dazed.)
ASHLEY: I hate this place with a passion. (Noticing that PINHEAD was nowhere to be
found, she stiffened as her arm was viciously twisted behind her back. Legs giving out,
ASHLEY felt cold steel snag her skin, chains clattering softly.) This any way to treat the
person who's going to defeat you bastards once and for all? Unless I'm mistaken, your
God wants me to continue my quest. So, if you'd be so kind, call off your psychotic
chains. (Wordlessly, the links slithered into the darkness. Powerful hands hauled her
upward, spinning ASHLEY so she faced PINHEAD.) Don't make me call Mr. High and
Mighty on your ass, Pinhead.
Hissing in rage, the Cenobite slapped ASHELY hard enough to slam her into the wall,
mouth bleeding. Unhooking a knife from his belt, he began to approach her, but a thick
chain wrapped around his waist. Spitting to clear her mouth, ASHLEY fled, listening to
PINHEAD's screams of fury. Gasping, she sank to the floor, feeling the scratches on her
ASHLEY:(to herself) I am going to find that damned Blood Gate if it's the last thing I do.
Now, I've been in plenty of mazes before, this one can't be that hard even if it does move
on its own. (Motivated by her speech, ASHLEY stood and slowly walked ahead, half-
expecting to be yanked in the air. Squinting at movement, she halted, the sounds of claws
on stone reaching her ears.) And that would be---? Fuck! (Quickly turning, ASHLEY
ran for all she was worth, desperate to put distance between her and the creature behind
her.) Pinhead, if this is one of your tricks, I'm gonna rip every one of the pins from your
PINHEAD: Oh, really? How can you do that with your hands tied? (Chains glided
around ASHLEY's arms, locking them above her head. Moving to where she could see
him, the Cenobite raised his hands to show he was unarmed.) Leviathan made it perfectly
clear that I was to not harm you in any way lest I feel His wrath. But just know this,
child: I will be watching you. (A sly smile crossed PINHEAD's lips.) However, Leviathan
said nothing about harming you mentally. Ah, such sights I have to show you, Ashley!
ASHLEY:(letting out a yelp as she fell to the stone floor) Bastard! (Her words echoed of
the walls as PINHEAD had vanished along with his chains. Gingerly standing, ASHLEY
ventured forth, ears straining to hear the slightest sound of danger. The air suddenly
seemed to become charged with energy. Figuring she was nearing the BLOOD GATE,
she hastened her pace. A door in front of her opened, her name being called softly,
halting ASHLEY's advance. Scanning the room's dark interior, spotting a familiar face
in the corner) Mom, it's really you! I thought I'd never see you again! (Running into her
Mother's arms, ASHLEY silently cried.)
MOTHER:(cradling her daughter protectively) Why, Ashley, why did you come down
here? He's already torn my soul apart, don't let him do the same to you! Move, quickly,
for you only have nine hours before you're sacrificed and you need all this time you have!
ASHLEY:(suspicious that her MOTHER knew so much) Hang on, how do you know
what they're planning---? Ow, you're hurting me! Let me go! (Alarmed, ASHLEY saw
her MOTHER's eyes flash, then found herself in the grip of PINHEAD, his fingers close
to breaking skin.) Fucking asshole! You're playing with my mind! (Struggling to free
herself, she only succeeded in toppling them both to the ground, PINHEAD straddling
her.) Why are you doing this?
PINHEAD: Why, you ask? It's very simple, girl. To stop you from sealing the Labyrinth
forever, thus trapping us Cenobites in Hell without means to venture in your world.
Destroying the Lament Configuration will accomplish just that if you are not thwarted.
And that is not an option. (PINHEAD growled as a low vibration rent the air.) How
lucky you are, Ashley. Leviathan had changed His order. I am to leave you alone, both
physically and mentally. You have to be in your best shape during our final
ASHLEY opened her mouth to repeat what he had said, but at that moment, PINHEAD
once again faded from view. Climbing to her feet, she left the room, making a sharp right
to go down l vast corridor to God-knew-what.

Part Five: Good vs. Evil

Countless hours elapsed while ASHLEY roamed the Labyrinth, desperate to locate the
BLOOD GATE before her time was up. PINHEAD had kept to his word and had not
ambushed her anymore, though she sensed he was always in the shadows. Frantically
going from corridor to corridor, ASHLEY was ready to give up when a metallic scent
wafted in the still air. Wrinkling her nose, she cautiously crept forward, startled by the
sight that greeted her.
ASHLEY: Whoa, that thing's huge! (Too busy eyeing the large black circle that floated
in midair, ASHLEY failed to hear the toll of a bell. As soon as she became aware of low
chanting, she whirrled, finding that Cenobites had cut off all the exits.) Son of a bitch! I
manage to discover where the freaking Blood Gate is, and you monsters trap me! Unless
I'm going deaf, I thought you said that if I found it in twelve hours, I'd be free. Well,
almost free. I still have to....Oh, yeah, right. (Glowering at PINHEAD and the Lament
Configuration he was displaying, ASHLEY gritted her teeth.) All right, the odds of me
defeating the Cenobite leader with his crazy chains are zilch. Don't suppose I could take a
raincheck, go topside to meet, I don't know, Jesus?
PINHEAD:(striding beneath the BLOOD GATE) How foolish you are, Ashley.
Leviathan let you solve the Labyrinth so I could challenge you. Should you be victorious,
you shall be allowed to cast the Lament Configuration into the Blood Gate and seal us for
eternity in Hell. However, if you fail, your soul will be sacrificed to my God, keeping the
doorway to the human realm open. And the battle begins now.
ASHLEY: Crap! (Ducking to miss PINHEAD's thrust with a rusted knife, she was
shocked to see a similar object in her hand. Meeting his arc, the two blades sparked, but
did not move.) Ha, this isn't so hard. Figured you'd be stronger, being dead and all.
(Suddenly overpowered, ASHLEY lost her balance, stumbling. Crying out as
PINHEAD's weapon sank into her arm, she shifted her attention to the Lament
Configuration hanging from a link of chain on his waist. Growling, she ignored her pain
and lunged, somehow snatching the cube. The chain swiftly encircled ASHLEY's wrist,
tightening whenever she tried to pull free.) You have to be kidding me!
PINHEAD:(raising his knife) We do not kid in Hell. (Preparing to strike, he froze as
ASHLEY grabbed the Lament Configuration with her other hand and threw it towards
the BLOOD GATE.) NO! (Sending a chain in its direction, it was unable to catch the
cube, much to PINHEAD's anger. Rounding on ASHLEY, he summoned a dozen chains
that trembled behind him, barbs glistening.) It does not end here, girl! Your body and
soul belong to me! Oh, the sensations you will experience are beyond words!
The chains had just shot forward when the BLOOD GATE exploded, showering the
group with gouts of crimson fluid. Once they were hit, PINHEAD's ebony links melted,
pooling on the ground. Bellowing, the Cenobite dropped to his knees, hands slipping
around ASHLEY's throat, strangling her. A black beam shone on him, causing him to
loosen his grip, back arching. Watching him vanish, ASHLEY stood, holding her
bleeding arm.
LEVIATHAN:(morphing into the Lament Configuration) Well played, child. From this
day onward, we will not be able to enter your realm. That is, unless the box is taken out
of Hell. Do not look so surprised, for is there not a second cube in front of you?
(Shrinking, LEVIATHAN disappeared, as did the Labyrinth itself, leaving ASHLEY
alone in the room in the antiques store.)
ASHLEY:(sitting on the bed, exhausted) Whew, glad that's over. Hey, what's this--? Shit,
shit, and double shit! (Hurling the Lament Configuration that had been in her pocket,
ASHLEY backed away, listening to the gentle music playing around her. A distant bell
rang, the room plunging into darkness that was broken by pulses of light.) G-go away! I
beat you, I was released from Hell! (Cracking thunderously, the wall behind her slid
open, chains jingling ominously. Heart sinking, ASHLEY slowly turned, screaming as
razor-sharp hooks buried in her face, tearing her skin clean off her skull. Gurgling, she
was dragged into the Labyrinth's tunnel, a streak of blood in her wake. Groaning, the
wall banged shut.)
PINHEAD: You should never have underestimated the power of Leviathan, for He has
been here since the creation of Time. (Smiling cruelly, the Cenobite directed his chains to
start their deeds, relishing ASHLEY's ringing yells.)

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