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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |

Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application


Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Peran utama sistem SI dalam bisnis

strategi untuk

Mendukung pengambilan
Keputusan dalam bisnis

Mendukung proses dan operasi bisnis

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Karakteristik Informasi untuk setial level manajemen

Karakteristik Level atas Level menengah Level bawah
Kepadatan informasi Ringkas dan padat Terperinci dan
Kurang padat
Luas informasi Luas Fokus pada
masalah tertentu
Frekuensi informasi Tidak rutin dan ad Rutin
Skedul informasi Tidak terstruktur Skedul jelas dan
Waktu informasi Informasi prediksi Informasi historis

Akses informasi On-line Bisa tidak on-line


Sumber informasi Eksternal Internal perusahaan


Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Peran Strategik Sistem Informasi Dalam Bisnis

Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Dimension of information systems

Organization Technology



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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

A Dimension of
Leadership IS


Management Behavior

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Computer hardware
dimension of
Computer software

Data management technology

Networking/telecommunications technology

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Organization’s hierarchy
dimension of
Functional specialties

Business process

Culture and political interest group

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Faktor-faktor yang Meningkatkan Perhatian dalam
Informasi Manajemen
 Kerumitan kegiatan bisnis yang meningkat
 Pengaruh ekonomi internasional
 Persaingan dunia
 Kerumitan teknologi yang semakin meningkat
 Batas waktu yang semakin singkat
Kendala-kendala sosial
 Kemampuan komputer yang semakin baik

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application


Computer Information
system literacy:
literacy: literacy:
Understanding of
Ability to use Understanding
the management
computing how and why
and organizational
resources information affects
dimensions of IS
the decision-
as well as the
making process

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Keputusan manajemen yang lebih baik

Kontribusi SI
Proses bisnis lebih efisien bagi

Profitabilitas perusahaan lebih tinggi

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki manajemen

Menguasai Komputer?

Menguasai Informasi?

Apa perbedaannya?

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

SI dan proses bisnis

• Dalam menjalankan operasinya sebuah bisnis membutuhkan
bermacam-macam informasi, seperti informasi tentang supplier,
pelanggan, karyawan, faktur dan pembayaran, serta informasi
tentang barang atau jasa yang dihasilkan.
• SI memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengelola semua informasi
yang dimiliki, membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dan
meningkatkan pelaksanaan proses bisnis.
• Proses bisnis :
– Cara-cara bagaimana pekerjaan diorganisir, dikoordinasikan, dan
difokuskan untuk menghasilkan barang atau jasa yang bernilai.
– Aliran kerja dari bahan-bahan, informasi dan pengetahuan sebagai
sebuah rangkaian aktifitas.
– Cara-cara unik tentang bagaimana perusahaan memilih untuk
mengkoordinasikan pekerjaan.

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

SI dan proses bisnis (cont…..)

• Setiap bisnis merupakan kumpulan dari proses
contoh: - proses menarik dan mempekerjakan karyawan
- mengidentifikasi pelanggan

• Tujuan utama dari SI adalah : Memungkinkan

tercapainya proses bisnis yang efisien.

• Kinerja sebuah perusahaan bisnis tergantung pada

seberapa baik proses bisnis didesain dan

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

SI dan proses bisnis (cont…..)

• Banyak proses bisnis yang terikat pada bidang

fungsional tertentu, ex:
– fungsi penjualan dan pemasaran bertanggung jawab
mengidentifikasi pelanggan
• Proses bisnis lain melewati banyak bidang fungsional
yang berbeda dan membutuhkan koordinasi antar
departemen, ex:
– proses pemenuhan pesanan pelanggan.

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

SI dan proses bisnis (cont…..)

• Untuk melaksanakan seluruh tahap-tahap dalam

proses pemenuhan pesanan secara efisien
dibutuhkan sejumlah besar informasi.
• Informasi yang dibutuhkan harus mengalir
secara cepat dalam perusahaan; dengan rekan
bisnis seperti perusahaan delivery, dan dengan
pelanggan. Hal ini dimungkinkan dengan
adanya SI

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

SI dan proses bisnis (cont…..)

• SI meningkatkan proses bisnis dengan dua cara:
- meningkatkan efisiensi dari proses yang ada
- memungkinkan seluruh proses bisnis yang baru
mampu mengubah bisnis.
• SI mengotomatisasi tahap-tahap dalam proses bisnis
yang pada awalnya dilaksanakan secara manual.
• Teknologi baru bisa mengubah aliran informasi, dan
memungkinkan lebih banyak orang bisa mengakses dan
berbagi informasi, mengganti tahap-tahap yang
berurutan dengan tugas-tugas yang bisa dilaksanakan
secara simultan, dan mengurangi penundaan dalam
pengambilan keputusan.
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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Proses pemenuhan pesanan

Generate Submit
sales order order

accounting Check Approve Generate

credit credit invoice

Assemble Ship
production product product

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

The business process of hiring

Place advertisement

Contact employment

Collect resumes

Interview candidate

Make employment

employment system
Enroll employee in
Rank candidate
Review resumes

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

of business
information system

Functional Management
Perspective Level

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Functional Perspective: Sales

ales and marketing system

Middle Operational
management management

Monitor trends Supporting Locating and

affecting new market research contacting
products and sales and by analyzing prospective
opportunities, advertising & customer,
support planning for promotional tracking sales,
new products & campaigns, processing
services, and
pricing order and
performance of the decisions, and providing
competitors sales customer
performance service support

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Functional Perspective:
Manufacturing and production system

Middle Operational
management management

Deal with the

firm’s long- Analyze and Deal with the
term monitor status of
manufacturing manufacturing production
and production tasks
goal, such as
cost and
where to resources
locate the
new plants

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Functional Perspective:
Finance and accounting systems

Middle Operational
management management

Establish to
long-term To oversee To track the
investment and control flow of funds
goal and to the firm’s in the firm
financial through
resources transaction
forecast of the
firm’s financial

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Functional Perspective: Human Resources System

Middle Operational
management management

To monitor To track the

Identify the & analyze recruitment &
human the placement of
recruitment, the firm’s
allocation, & employees
requirements compensati
on of

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

System from Management Level Perspective

Executive Information
Systems (EIS)

Decision Support
Systems (DSS), MIS,
Middle management
GSS, GIS, ES, and

Operational management Processing Systems
(TPS), ERP, Process
Control Systems

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

System from Management Level Perspective (cont…)

• Transaction Processing System (TPS) is computerized

system that performs and records the daily routine
transactions necessary to conduct business.
• The principal purpose of systems at this level is to
answer routine questions and to track the flow of
transaction through the organization.
• TPS are often so central to a business, for example;
UPS with the packing tracking system, or the airlines
with the computerized reservation systems.

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

System from Management Level Perspective (cont…)

• MIS provide middle managers with reports on

the organization’s current performance. This
information is used to monitor and control the
business and predict future performance.
• MIS summarize and report on the company’s
basic operation using data supplied by TPS.
• MIS serve managers primarily interested in
weekly, monthly, and yearly results.

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

System from Management Level Perspective (cont…)

• DSS support nonroutine decision making for

middle management.
• They focus on problems that are unique and
rapidly changing.
• Although DSS use the internal information from
TPS and MIS, they often bring in information
from external sources.
• They have more advanced analytical models
and data analysis capabilities than MIS.

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

System from Management Level Perspective (cont…)

• ESS help senior management make decisions that

address strategic issues and long-term trends, both in
the firm and in the external environment.
• ESS designed to incorporate data about external events,
but they also draw summarized information from internal
MIS and DSS. They filter, compress, and track critical
data, displaying the data of greatest important to senior
• Often the information is delivered to senior executives
through a portal, which uses a web interface to present
integrated personalized business content.

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Relationship of systems




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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

• How can a business manage all the information

in the different systems?
• How can the different systems share
• How is it costly to maintain so many different

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Enterprise Applications

System that span functional areas, focus on

executing business process across the business
firm, and include all levels of management.

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Enterprise Applications

1 Enterprise systems

2 Supply chain management system

3 Customer relationship management systems

4 Knowledge management systems

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Enterprise Applications help businesses become more

flexible and productive by coordinating their business
process more closely and integrating groups of processes
so they focus on efficient management of resources and
customer service

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Enterprise Applications
• Enterprise systems (enterprise resource planning/ERP)
integrated the key business processes of an entire firm
into a single software system that enables information to
flow seamlessly throughout the organization.
• Supply chain management system (SCM) helps
businesses manage relationships with their suppliers.
• Customer relationship management system (CRM) help
firm manage their relationships with customers.
• Knowledge management system enable the
organizations to better manage process for capturing
and applying knowledge and expertise.

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Title | Pokok Bahasan | Dimension of IS | Faktor-faktor | Pengetahuan manajemen | Kontribusi SI | SI dan proses bisnis | Proses hiring |
Types of IS | IS in the functional perspective |IS in the level management | Relationship of the system | Enterprise Application

Sistem informasi untuk mencapai keunggulan strategik

• Peran utama aplikasi sistem informasi dalam bisnis

adalah untuk memberikan dukungan yang efektif atas
strategi perusahaan agar dapat memperoleh
keunggulan kompetitif.
• Hal ini menciptakan sistem informasi strategik, yaitu
sistem informasi yang mendukung atau membentuk
posisi kompetitif dan strategis dari perusahaan bisnis.
• SIS dapat berupa sistem informasi apapun (TPS, MIS,
DSS, dll) yang menggunakan teknologi informasi untuk
membantu organisasi memperoleh keunggulan
kompetitif, mengurangi kelemahan kompetitif, atau untuk
memenuhi tujuan strategis perusahaan lainnya.

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• Tugas diserahkan pada minggu ke-14
(setelah pertemuan pada minggu ke 14
• Tugas yang diberikan adalah
– “Membedah” sistem informasi manajemen
sebuah organisasi
– Tugas dibuat dengan jumlah halaman : 8 (pas!)
yang disajikan dalam model/format booklet.
– Kertas yang digunakan adalah 2 lembar A4
kwarto – tebal 80 gr. (karena akan digunakan
– Type font : Arial , ukuran 11 pt.
– Ukuran margin disesuaikan (seperti format biasa)
– Penyajian perhalaman – boleh menggunakan
format 2 kolom atau lebih atau model publisher
dan lain-lain (sesuai kreativitas masing-masing)
lanjutan tugas pribadi
• Pada pelaksanaan UTS diminta mahasiswa dapat
menyampaikan progress report nya
• Sistematika per halaman :
– Halaman 1 (depan) : halamn cover, berisikan judul,
image (gambar aktivitas perusahaan/logo
perusahaan/lainnya) dan tahun 2010
– Halaman 2 (dalam) : Profil perusahaan dan
manajemen perusahaan
– Halaman 3 (dalam) : mindmap mengenai sistem
informasi manajemen perusahaan yang sudah anda
pilih – jika tidak mungkin dibuat dengan komputer
maka dapat cut and paste
– Halaman 4 (dalam) : Identifikasi komponen-komponen
SIM dan cara anda mengidentifikasinya
– Halaman 5 (dalam) : Aplikasi sistem informasi
manajemen dalam proses bisnis
lanjutan tugas pribadi
– Halaman 6 (dalam): Tantangan dan rencana
pengembangan SIM perusahaan
– Halaman 7 (dalam) : Kesimpulan dan saran
– Halaman 8 (belakang): daftar pustaka/sumber
referensi dan identitas pembuat (plus foto
• Hal-hal lain berkenaan dengan tugas
pribadi ini dapat ditanyakan kepada dosen
yang bersangkutan
can you count the elephant’s
leg ?

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