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4th 9 Weeks APUSH Extra Credit

Ross Perot; The Contender
1. Who was the candidate? What did he do before he was nominated to run for president?
Ross Perot was the candidate. Before he was nominated to run for president, Ross Perot
concluded his service in the United States Naval Academy in 1957 and joined International
Business Machines (IBM) as a salesman. Perot left IBM in 1962 to found Electronic Data
Systems in Dallas, Texas to provide data processing services to local businesses. In the 1960s,
EDS received federal contracts to computerize Medicare records. General Motors bought
controlling interest in Perots rising company for $2.4 billion in 1984. Later, before the 1992
elections, Perot founded Perot Systems Corporation in Plano, Texas. Thus, it is indisputable
Perots business savvy was unmatched by any fellow candidates.
2. What election(s) did he run in? What political party?
Ross Perot ran in the 1992 and 1996 Elections. In 1992, Ross ran as an Independent
fueled by the organization of his United We Stand America campaign. However, in 1996, Perot
ran under the Reform Party.
3. Why did he run for president? What is unique about his campaigns?
Perot ran for president because of genuine interest in adjusting the future of America toward
a more adapt society. Perot appeared regularly appeared on Larry King Live and built a strong
pool of followers who supported his actions in Vietnam POW issues. These supporters promised
to get Perots name on all 50 ballots and ignited his run for presidency. Perots 1992 campaign
was unique as he actually dropped out of contention in July 1992 and reentered the race in
October 1992 out of fear that Bush operatives held altered photographs of his daughter and Perot
wished to spare her wedding from becoming a spectacle. Perot also creatively purchased 30
minute blocks on time on major networks to advertise the campaign in an infomercial form,
successfully garnering greater viewership than popular sitcoms at the time.
4. Did he have any other role in politics/political activism? What impact did he have in
this role?

Perot did have other roles in politics and political activism as he became heavily involved in
Vietnam prisoner of war issues. He adamantly believed numerous American servicemen declared
missing in action were actually left behind as government officials sought to conceal the drug
operation used to finance the secret Laotian war. In this role, Perot hired many esteemed
financial planners and diplomatic detectives to uncover possible conspiracies and urged a fight to
return transparency to the White House. Perot also opposed the Persian Gulf War as he strongly
urged senators to vote against the war resolution.
5. How did he change presidential political history?
Perot changed presidential political history by becoming the first legitimate Independent
candidate in an election since Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 as a member of the Bull Moose Party.
Perots 19% popular vote was the highest ever percent of the popular vote for a candidate who
did not win any electoral votes. Perot demonstrated that a candidate could run an effective
campaign without a political party.
6. What else did you learn about the candidate? Why is he historically significant?
I learn the most about Perots rapid rise to wealth in Texas as head of his data management
companies. Perot had an immense influence on the development of the DFW suburbs as his
companies created thousands of jobs to fuel settlement. Perot is historically significant because
of his historical usage of personal funds to fuel his campaign and dedication to an independent
drive toward a more directed America. Perot illustrated the possibility of a third party candidate
to win a presidential election, as his abrupt exit and reentrance into the race disrupted his
7. What was the most interesting question? Explain your choice and identify where was the
caller was from.
The most interesting question was: How would Ross Perots tactics and campaign fare in
the 2012 election? The caller was from Jason in California (1 hr: 56 min mark). This was the
most interesting question because it stimulated questioning upon the newfound inclusion of
technology into everyday lives and the innovation Perot brought to the race with his infographics
during his infomercials. Perot was a pioneer and it would be an interesting investigation to see
how his revolutionary strategies would suit him in a tech driven age.

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