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Solution Manual

Antenna and Propagation - Final exam

Spring 2008

22nd August 2008

Dr. M. Gimersky, Dr. Chr. Fumeaux, Prof. Dr. R. Vahldieck

This exam contains 4 problems on 7 pages including this cover page. You have 3 hours to solve the
problems. A total of 72 points can be collected. You are free to use any auxiliary material, e.g.
the script, a calculator, . . . , other than communication devices.

Please follow these guidelines to earn maximum credit:

• Submit your work in order of problem number, and attach this page as the front page of your
solution booklet.
• Place your student identification (Legi) on your desk.
• Please do not use pens with red ink.
• Write your name on each solution sheet.
• State all equations that you use in general form before you substitute numbers or parameters
into them.
• Specify units with all numerical answers.
• Distinguish vectors from scalar quantities, using arrows or other obvious identifying marks.
• Show all of your work and draw a box around your final answers .
• Possible further references of general interest will be written on the blackboard during the

Good Luck!

Problem Points Signature


D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Problem 1

The aim of this problem is to investigate the radiation properties of a planar antenna array arranged
in a non-rectangular grid. An example of such an array is depicted in Figure (1).

2 points a) Start by finding the non-normalized and normalized array factors for the linear
array shown in Figure (2). Suppose M isotropic point sources are arranged in
the array and fed with identical amplitudes and phase difference ξ1 .

4 points b) Use the result of (a) to find the normalized array factor of the planar array
shown in Figure (1). Again, assume isotropic point sources with identical am-
plitudes and phase differences ξ1 and ξ2 along the x and y directions, respec-

2 points c) Suppose M = N , d1 = d2 = d and α = 0. Find relations for ξ1 and ξ2 in such

a way that the main beam is directed towards θ0 and φ0 .

4 points d) Assuming ξ1 and ξ2 remain the same as above, find the direction of the main
beam (θ, φ) in terms of α 6= 0, θ0 and φ0 . Again suppose M = N , d1 = d2 = d.

3 points e) Draw curves of θ and φ versus 0 < α < 60◦ for θ0 = 30◦ and φ0 = 90◦ .

2 points f) Explain how one can obtain the direction of the main beam when α = 70◦ .

3 points g) Find the direction of the radiation-pattern nulls assuming M = N = 5, d1 =

d2 = λ/8, ξ1 = 0◦ , ξ2 = 0◦ and α = 30◦ .

Total: 20 points

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Solution for Problem 1

a) The array factor can be written as the superposition of all the contributions in the far field:
AF = 1 + ej(kd1 cos(φ−α) sin θ+ξ) + e2j(kd1 cos(φ−α) sin θ+ξ) + . . . + ej(M −1)(kd1 cos(φ−α) sin θ+ξ)
¡ ¢
ejM Ψ − 1 j(M −1) Ψ sin M2Ψ
= =e 2 ¡ ¢
ejΨ − 1 sin Ψ2
where Ψ is defined as Ψ = kd1 cos(φ − α) sin θ + ξ1 . The normalized array factor is obtained as
follows: ¡ ¢
1 sin M2Ψ
AFn = ¡ ¢
M sin Ψ2

b) The planar array behaves in the far-field region as an array of identical point sources along
the y-axis with radiation pattern equivalent to AFn found in part (a). The overall array factor
becomes: ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
1 sin M2Ψ1 1 sin N2Ψ2
AFn = ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
M sin Ψ21 N sin Ψ22
Ψ1 = kd1 cos(φ − α) sin θ + ξ1 and Ψ2 = kd2 sin φ sin θ + ξ2

c) The main beam is directed along θ0 and φ0 , if Ψ1 and Ψ2 vanish along this direction. Assuming
M = N , d1 = d2 = d and α = 0, one can write
Ψ1 = 0 ⇒ kd cos φ0 sin θ0 + ξ1 = 0 ⇒ ξ1 = −kd cos φ0 sin θ0
Ψ2 = 0 ⇒ kd sin φ0 sin θ0 + ξ2 = 0 ⇒ ξ2 = −kd sin φ0 sin θ0 .

d) The direction of the beam is obtained by following the same approach as in the previous part:

Ψ1 = 0 ⇒ kd cos(φ − α) sin θ − kd cos φ0 sin θ0 = 0

Ψ2 = 0 ⇒ kd sin φ sin θ − kd sin φ0 sin θ0 = 0
Therefore, θ and φ are obtained by solving the following system of equations:
cos(φ − α) sin θ = cos φ0 sin θ0
sin φ sin θ = sin φ0 sin θ0
cos(φ − α)
⇒ = cot φ0
sin φ
µ ¶ µ ¶
cos α sin φ0 sin θ0
⇒ φ = arctan and θ = arcsin
cot φ0 − sin α sin φ

e) First, the values for θ0 and φ0 should be inserted in the obtained equations for θ and φ.
φ0 = 90◦ ⇒ cot φ0 = 0 ⇒ φ = arctan(− cot α) = 90◦ + α
à ! µ ¶
1 × 21 1
⇒ θ = arcsin = arcsin
sin(90◦ + α) 2 cos α
The curves of θ and φ in terms of α are depicted in the following figure.

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

f) When α = 70◦ , the system of equations has no real solution. This means that there exists no
angle in which Ψ1 = 0 and Ψ2 = 0. To obtain the direction of the main beam, one should obtain
the angles θ and φ along which the array factor has its global maximum. This can be carried out
by setting the gradient of the array factor equal to zero.
g)The nulls are obtained by assuming

5Ψ1 /2 = ±mπ m = 0, 1, 2, ... or

5Ψ2 /2 = ±nπ n = 0, 1, 2, ...
m and n should not be equal to zero at the same point

2π λ π
Ψ1 = × cos(φ − 30◦ ) sin θ = cos(φ − 30◦ ) sin θ
λ 8 4
2π λ π
Ψ2 = × sin φ sin θ = sin φ sin θ.
λ 8 4
By inserting the above equations for Ψ1 and Ψ2 in the first relations, one obtains
cos(φ − 30◦ ) sin θ = ±
sin φ sin θ = ±
The above equations have solutions only when m = 0 or n = 0. The first equation leads to φ = 120◦ ,
φ = 300◦ or θ = 0◦ . The second equation leads to φ = 0◦ , φ = 180◦ or θ = 0◦ . The solution θ = 0◦
makes both m and n equal to zero, which is not acceptable. Therefore there exist the following
planes on which the array factor is equal to zero, except for the point θ = 0◦ :

φ = 120◦ , φ = 300◦ , φ = 0◦ , and φ = 180◦

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Problem 2

An aperture is located in an infinite PMC plane with field distribution

~a = −H0 âx − 2b ≤ x ≤ b
− a2 ≤ y ≤ a

b ® y


The plane S corresponds to the infinite xy-plane, including the center region where the aperture is
1 point a) Does the field distribution in the aperture correspond to a waveguide mode? If
so, fill in the appropriate values X, m, and n into “TXmn ”.

2 points b) Use the field equivalence principle to define equivalent sources J~s and M
~ s over

5 points c) Compute the vector potentials A~ and F~ using the far-field approximation. Hint:
the following integral may help you.
Z c · ¸
jαz sin( α2 c)
e =c α
z=− c 2 2c

2 points ~ and H
d) Provide the far-field expressions for E ~ in terms of A
~ and F~ .

3 points ~ and H.
e) Provide the complete far-field expressions for E ~

3 points ~ rad for this aperture.

f) Compute the far-field radiation intensity W

Total: 16 points

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Solution to Problem 2

a) This distribution does not correspond to any waveguide mode. No!

b) For an aperture on a PMC surface, the equivalence principle and image theory provide the
following equivalent sources:

in aperture: J~S = 2âz × H

~a = −2H0 ây
~S = 0
outside aperture: J~S = 0
~S = 0

c) We compute the vector potentials using the far field approximation. This means that for am-
plitude variations, R ≈ r, and for phase variations R ≈ r − r0 cos ψ. For this geometry, r0 cos ψ
expands to x0 sin θ cos φ + y 0 sin θ sin φ in cartesian coordinates:

ZZ µ ¶ ZZ
~=µ e−jkR 0 f.f.a. µe−jkr 0
A J~S ds −→ J~s ejkr cos ψ ds0
4π R 4πr
|S {z }
Nθ = Jθ ejkr cos ψ
= Jy cos θ sin φejkr cos ψ
Z b Z a
2 2 0 sin θ cos φ+y 0 sin θ sin φ)
= − 2H0 cos θ sin φ ejk(x dx0 dy 0
y 0 =− 2b x0 =− a2

R c h i
sin( α c)
using the exponential integral 2
z=− 2c ejαz = c α
c , this reduces to

¡ ka ¢ ¡ ¢
sin 2 sin θ cos φ sin kb
2 sin θ sin φ
= − 2abH0 cos θ sin φ ka kb
2 sin θ cos φ 2 sin θ sin φ

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Similarly, for Nφ ,

Nφ = Jφ ejkr cos ψ
= − 2H0 cos φ ejkr cos ψ
ds0 .

|S {z }
same as above

Combining these, we find

−H0 µe−jkr sin X sin Y

Aθ = (ab cos θ sin φ) · ,
2πr X Y
ka kb
where X = 2 sin θ cos φ and Y = 2 sin θ sin φ,

−H0 µe−jkr sin X sin Y

Aφ = (ab cos φ) · , and
2πr X Y
ZZ 0 −jkR
ε > e
F~ = M~
½S ds0 = 0.
4π R

d) The radiated fields are derived from the vector potentials as follows:

» :0
~ = − jω A
E ~ +» »»r »
jωηâ × F~ ~
= −jω A
~ = − j ω âr × A
H ~½
~ − jω½
> ~
= −j ωη âr × A
η ½

e) We can write out the far fields using the results from the previous two parts:

z· ¸{ }|
jH kηabe−jkr sin X sin Y
~ = −jω A~= 0
E · [cos θ cos φâθ + cos φ~aφ ]
2πr X Y
· ¸
~ ω ~ jH0 kabe−jkr sin X sin Y
H = −j âr A = · [cos θ cos φâφ + cos φ~aθ ]
η 2πr X Y
| {z }

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

f) The far-field radiation intensity can be found from the far-fields as W~rad = 12 Re[E
~ ×H
~ ∗ ]:

1 2
W~rad = Re[E ~ ∗ ] = 1 C cos2 φ(cos2 θ − 1)âr
~ ×H
2 2 η
µ ¶2 µ ¶ µ ¶
η H0 kabe−jkr sin X 2 sin Y 2
= cos2 φ(cos2 θ − 1)âr
2 2πr X Y

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Problem 3

A rectangular patch antenna is intended for a GPS application (f0 = 1570 MHz). The antenna is
fed by a microstrip line residing on the same plane as the patch (Figure 1).

Impedance [Ohm]
er = 2.2
er = 10.2

L1 L2

1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Width W m [mm]

Figure 1 Figure 2

2 points a) There is a choice of two different substrates, on which the patch and the feedline
can be fabricated: one with thickness t1 = 4 mm and dielectric constant εr1 =
2.2 and one with thickness t2 = 4 mm and dielectric constant εr2 = 10.2. Which
of the two substrates would you choose, in order to obtain as high efficiency
and as large bandwidth as possible? Justify your answer.

2 points b) For the chosen substrate, determine the width W and the length L of the patch
antenna for operation with the T M010 mode.

2 points c) Figure 2 illustrates the characteristic impedance of the feed (microstrip) line
versus its width Wm for the two different types of substrate (εr1 = 2.2, εr2 =
10.2, thickness t = 4 mm). For the chosen substrate and a recessed microstrip
line of depth L1 = 1.9 cm, find the necessary width Wm of the microstrip line
so that the resonant patch antenna is perfectly matched. Neglect the mutual
coupling between the slots and assume that W << λ0 .

3 points d) In return-loss measurements it was observed that the patch antenna operated
reasonably well also at a frequency f1 = 3 f0 . The antenna operation at fre-
quency f1 is characterized by the same polarization as at frequency f0 . Which
is the operating mode at this frequency? Sketch the current distribution J~b of
this mode on the bottom surface of the patch. Hint: Neglect the fringing fields
for both the fundamental and the higher-order mode.

2 points e) The return-loss measurements show that the antenna resonates also at a third
frequency f2 6= f0 , f1 . Someone points out that this could be the T M011 mode.
Is this possible? Explain.

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

2 points f) We wish to place an H-plane sectoral horn antenna in the far field of the patch
antenna and orient it for maximum transmission. Using the same coordinate
system as of the patch antenna, explain how exactly you will need to place the
horn antenna. You can add a representative drawing to your explanation.

z y

a) b)

Figure 3

3 points g) We reduce the patch’s length to one half (L0 = 12 L) and add a perfectly conduct-
ing ground plane parallel to the xz-plane, attached to the patch, as shown in
Figure 3b. The patch is positioned on the yz-plane. We assume that the ground
plane in the xz-plane is infinitely large. Will the presence of the ground plane
affect the fields of the T M010 mode? Will this affect the resonant frequency,
and how?

Total: 16 points

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Solution 3

a) We choose the substrate with the lowest dielectric permittivity εr1 = 2.2, so that the antenna
has a better efficiency, a larger bandwidth and a larger gain.
c0 2
W = = 7.55 cm
2 f0εr + 1
· ¸
εr + 1 εr − 1 t −1/2
εref f = + 1 + 12 = 2.07
2 2 W
(εref f + 0.3)(W/t + 0.264)
∆L = t 0.412 = 2.1 mm
(εref f − 0.258)(W/t + 0.8)
L = √ − 2∆L = 6.22 cm
2 f0 εref f


Since there is perfect matching,

Zin − Zm
Γ= = 0 ⇒ Zin = Zm
Zin + Zm
where Zin is the input impedance of the patch and Zm the characteristic impedance of the microstrip
line. To estimate Zin , we have the following:
³π ´ 1 ³π ´
Zin = Rin = Rin (0) cos2 L1 = cos2 L1 ⇒
L 2G1 L
µ ¶ ³π ´
90 λ0 2
Zin = cos2 L1 = 94.9 Ω
2 W L
where λ0 = 19.11cm
From Figure 2, the width of the microstrip line should be Wm ≈ 3.1 mm.

It is the T M030 mode. The current distribution J~b is shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008


It is not possible, because the microstrip line cannot support this mode. In the T M011 mode, the
electric field is minimum at the middle of the patch’s width W .

The H-plane horn antenna should ’look’ in the −x direction and be aligned so that its height b (the
smaller dimension) is parallel to the length L of the patch. In this way, the electric fields of the
two antennas are aligned. Figure 5 shows the configuration.

y L

b x

Figure 5


The groundplane will not affect the near fields, since the electric field at the position L/2 is zero.
The resonant frequency will also remain the same.
Such a technique is used to make the patch electrically smaller.

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Problem 4

F - layer (erp, fp)

E - layer

D - layer

200 km

3 km

Tx Rx

4 km 500 km

Figure 4.1: Sketch of the communication link

Two amateur radio operators in Switzerland want to establish a radio link between their homes (see
sketch) during daytime with two similar lossless λ2 dipole antennas which are placed 11.5 m above
ground. Their communication is established in the 28.5 m-band. The line of sight between the
operators is disturbed by a 3 km-high mountain. The F-layer of the ionosphere is situated 200 km
above ground and contains roughly one million electrons per cubic centimeter. The D and E layers
of the ionosphere contain much less electrons at the given time of the day and are approximated
by a damping factor of Li = −1 dB per path.

4 points a) Sketch at least four different communication paths between the operators.

2 points b) Assuming that the polarisation vector of the transmitting antenna is unknown,
which polarisation vector would be most favorable for the receiving antenna?
Explain your answer!
If both antennas are oriented vertically to the ground and one is fed by 100 W of input power,
14 points c) which of all possible communication paths results in the strongest signal? What
is the received power?

Total: 20 points

See hints on the other page.

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

5 2.5

0 0.0

-5 -2.5
Knife-edge diffraction gain (dB)

-10 -5.0

-15 -7.5
-2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0






-5.0 -2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0


Figure 4.2: knife-edge diffraction gain

In order to solve this problem efficiently, round and approximate reasonably. For the sake of
simplicity, neglect the curvature of earth and ionosphere and consider them to be parallel to each
other. Also consider the mountain as an infinitely long absorbing half plane (knife-edge diffraction).
The F-layer of the ionosphere above them can be approximated by a dielectric slab with an effective
relative permittivity of
µ ¶2
εr = 1 − ,
where fp denotes the plasma frequency fp . Furthermore consider the ionosphere as a neutral plasma,
consisting of a gas of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. If the electrons are
cold, it is possible to show that the charge density oscillates at the plasma frequency defined as
1 q 2 Ne
fp = ,
2π ε0 me
where Ne is the number of electrons per cubic meter, q is the electric charge of one electron, me is
the mass of one electron, and ε0 is the permittivity of free space.
The directivity for a vertical λ2 dipole antenna at the height hant above ground is defined as:
sin2 θ cos2 (khant cos θ)
D (θ) = 2 h i.
1 cos(2khant ) sin(2khant )
3 − (2khant )2
+ (2khant )3

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

Solution for Problem 4

F - layer (erp, fp)

path 4 path 3 path 2
E - layer

D - layer

200 km

path 1

3 km

Tx Rx

4 km 500 km

Figure 4.3: Sketch of the four possible propagation paths

a) There is an infinite number of propagation paths between these two antennas, since the waves
are reflected at the ground (Γ = −1) and at the interface between air and ionosphere. Thus the
problem can be approximated by a transmission-line structure containing two parallel dielectric
slabs (air and ionosphere) with perfect electric conductor at one side and an absorbing obstacle
(height: 3 km) on the ground (see sketch). The wave is propagating in the air layer as well as leaking
energy into the ionosphere, depending on the incident angle. Thus the following propagation paths
are possible:
• path 1:
Direct link between Tx and Rx diffracted around the obstacle.
• path 2:
Link with one reflection from the ionosphere, also diffracted at the obstacle.
• path 3:
Link with two reflection from the ionosphere and one from the ground.
• path n:
Link with n − 1 reflection from the ionosphere and n − 2 from the ground.
Due to the geometric symmetry of the configuration, the elevation angles for the transmitted and
the received waves are the same.

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

b) Since the path 1 is very unlikely to contribute energy to the receiver due to the large obstacle,
the received wave has to be reflected from the ionosphere. Its plasma frequency for the F-layer
yields: s
1 q 2 Ne
fp = = 8.966 MHz,
2π ε0 me
F 1
where q = 1.6 × 10−19 C, me = 9.11 × 10–31 kg, ε0 = 8.854 × 10–12 m and Ne = 1 × 1012 m3
Consequently the effective relative permittivy for the F-layer ionosphere results in:
µ ¶2
εio = 1 − = 0.2744.
Since the ionosphere is electrically thinner than the air slab, an incident angle to the surface normal
vector for total reflection can be found as followed:
µr ¶
µio εio
ϑc = arcsin = 0.5514 rad = 31.59◦ .
µair εair
Since total reflection only occurs for parallel reflection, i.e. the electric field vector is coplanar to
the plane of incidence, the polarisation vector of the receiving antenna shall be as well coplanar to
the plane of incidence. For example, the dipole antenna could be placed vertical to the ground.

c) In combination with the results of a) and b), a power link budget is determined for each path
as a product of the input power, the gain values of transmitting and receiving antennas and the
individual path losses LPn , yielding:
PRn = PT · GT (θn ) · LPn · GR (θn ) .
Since the radiation patterns of both antennas only depend on the elevation angle θn (see figure 4.4)
and both antennas are losses, their gain equals their directivity and is defined as:
sin2 θn cos2 (khant cos θn )
GT (θn ) = GR (θn ) = ecd DT (θn ) = 2 h i,
1 cos(2khant ) sin(2khant )
3 − (2khant )2
+ (2khant )3
2π 1
where hant = 11.5 m is the antenna height and k = λ = 0.22 m is the wavenumber. LP n denotes
the path losses for each path defined as
µ ¶2
¯ ¯2(n−1) ¯ ¯ λ
LPn = ¯Γk io (θn )¯ ¯Γk gr (θn )¯2(n−2) 2(n−1)
Lio Ldn ,
where each term is denoted as follows:

¯ ¯
¯Γk io (θn )¯2(n−1) reflection losses at the ionosphere
¯ ¯
¯Γk gr (θn )¯2(n−2) reflection losses at the ground
³ ´2
λ hio
4πsn path losses due to the distance sn = 2 (n − 1) cos(θ n)
for n > 1

(s1 = 504 × 103 m)

Lio ionosphere D- and E- layer losses only, depending on the number of passes

Ldn diffraction losses due to the obstacle (mountain) for each path

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

path 4 path 3 d22 path 2



q4 q3
q2 h1


x path 1
d11 d21
Figure 4.4: The figure depicts the geometrical sketch of the problem whereas the height of the
antenna (11.5 m) is disregarded in relation to the mountain height.

As depicted in figure 4.4 the elevation angle is determined for each path as:
µ ¶
s1 1
θn = arctan · ,
2 (n − 1) hio

where hio = 2 × 105 m denotes the height of the F¡ layer ionosphere.

¢ Consequently the distance e
3000 m
equals 5000 m and the angle ξ yield to ξ = arctan 4000 m = 0.6435 rad = 36.9◦ . Furthermore the
path is diffracted at the obstacle, thus a diffraction height according to the Fresnel zones for each
individual path is found as: ³π ´
hn = e · sin − θn − ξ ,
as well as the corresponding direct path fractions d1 and d2
³π ´
d1n = e · cos − θn − ξ ,
d2n = − d1n .
cos (θn )

Note that d1 and d2 are only denoted to a fraction of the whole propagation path, i.e. the distance
between the transmitter and the first ionospheric reflection. In the result, the diffraction parameter

D-ITET-IFH Antenna and Propagation - Final exam 22nd August 2008

νn can be found as s
2 (d1n + d2n )
νn = −hn .
λd1n d2n
Finally, the diffraction loss is found with the help of the figure 4.2. Furthermore, the ionosphere
D- and E-layer loss Lio is given as Lio = −1 dB.
Since the ground is approximated by a perfect electric conductor layer, its reflection coefficient
Γk gr (θn ) = −1. The reflection coefficient for the F layer is defined as
¡π ¢ q ¡ ¢
εio sin 2 − θn − εio − cos2 π2 − θn
Γk io (θn ) = ¡ ¢ q ¡ ¢,
εio sin π2 − θn + εio − cos2 π2 − θn

but it only important to consider for path 4 and higher, since total reflection occurs in the remaining
paths (see b)).
In the result the following values are computed:

parameter path 1 path 2 path 3 path 4

PR [fW] 26214.4 0.00641 65941.0 20.76

GT [1] 6.4 0.00011 0.5366 0.4619

θ [rad] 2 0.8999 0.5622 0.3976

θ [◦ ] 90 51.6 32.2 22.8

LP [10−15 ] 6.4 5299.2 2290.1 0.973

Ld [1] 0.0003162 0.676 1.0 1.0

Γk io [1] -1 -1 -1 -0.3294

s [km] 504 643.4 945.5 1301.5

h [m] -3000 137.0 1785.2 2526.4

d1 [m] 4000 4998.1 4670.4 4314.8

d2 [m] 500000 316706.5 231712.6 212606.6

ν [m] -12.56 0.5172 6.9893 10.2913

Lio [1] 0.0 0.79 0.79 0.79

It is not required to compute all values, a reasonable guess is also accepted. In the result, the
strongest signal is transmitted via path 3.


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