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Updated: 8.9.


The Basic Functions of ARENA



Arena is a simulation software created by Systems Modeling Corporation. Arena is

mainly used to simulate discrete models, which are encountered, for example, in
manufacturing automation. Assistance for problems can be found by reading the
Help-files in Arena.

Starting Up

Arena can be found in the start menu, by using the following path:
Programs/Rockwell Software/Arena8.0. Once started up, Arena will display on the
screen a Welcome window, in which one can view a demonstration on the basics of
Arena, along with examples. Close the window by clicking the Close button.

Constructing a Model

The construction of a new model is started via the New-option in the File-menu.
Before the building of a model can begin, libraries containing the building-modules
must be loaded. The libraries are loaded by clicking the fourth quick-button from the
left (next to quick-save, see picture 1), labeled Template Attach. A new window, titled
Attach Template Panel, is opened. This window is used to load the modules. Choose
Basic Process, which contains the basic blocks.
Now, the construction of the model can be started. The modules are
transferred into the model by dragging them from the left panel onto the model pane.
An example on model-construction follows.
Example: Piece Goods Production
Two different kinds of component, A and B, arrive into the system. The Acomponents arrive in batches of two, while the B-components arrive in batches of
four. Both types of component are preprocessed on their respective stations, after
which the components get sent to the process station, which is the same for both
types. Each part is processed separately on the station, in the same order in which they
arrive on the station (FIFO-line discipline = First In, First Out). On the process
station, the work fails in 9% of all the instances. The unsuccessful products get sent to
the repairing station, where the processing-time follows the EXPO(45)-distribution.
80% of the unsuccessful products can be repaired on the repairing station. The unrepairable parts get scraped, while the successful products get stored. The processing
time on the process station follows the NORM(2.0,0.5) normal distribution. The
distributions, which the arrival and processing times of the components follow, can be
found in the table below. The time unit is one minute.


Updated: 8.9.2008

Table 1. Distributions
Component Arrival

Preprocessing Process station






NORM(2.0 0.5) EXPO(45)

In this example, two modules, that create the components A and B, separate
preprocessing for both components and a common process station are needed. In
Arena, the functions can be found in the modules Create and Process. In addition,
two fault-detection stations, a repairing station, a stock for the finished products and a
waste container for the failed products are needed. In Arena, the respective stations
are Decide, Process and Dispose.
A Create module is dragged from the library onto the design pane. Next, the
preprocessing Process module is dragged. If the Create module is active, when
dragging a new module onto the design pane, Arena will automatically combine the
two modules. Arena also has the Connect tool for combining two modules (picture 1).

Picture 1. Tool Bar

Next, the process station Process and the fault-detection station Decide are added, and
the end-station Dispose and the repairing station Process are connected to the Decide
module. The repairing station is connected to yet another Decide station to determine,
if the repair was successful. From here, the repaired products are connected to a new
Dispose module, and the faulty products to a third Dispose module. Next, Create and
Process modules are dragged in for component B. Once preprocessed, the component
B is transported to the process station, i.e. connected to the same station with
component A. The resulting diagram should be similar to the on in picture 2.

Picture 2. The Model


Updated: 8.9.2008

The Create module is the beginning point for individual input variables (for
example, clients entering a store, components in piece goods production) in a
simulation module. Units are created according to a schedule, or the difference
between arrival times, which can be either a random variable or a constant. By
clicking the Create module, the important properties can be accessed. The fields are
filled for component A.

Picture 3.The Create Module

Name: Component A
- A module is given a unique, describing name
Entity Type: Radio part
- What type of unit is being processed
Type: Random
- Random, Schedule, Constant or Expression
 Random refers to an exponential distribution, and a mean value is inserted in
the Value field.
 Schedule can be used to define objects arriving at uneven intervals and not
following any universally known probability distribution.
 Constant defines objects arriving at constant intervals.
 Expression: Any probability distribution can be selected, for example
Value: 5
- A given value
Units: Minutes
- Unit to be used, minutes are chosen

Updated: 8.9.2008

Entities per Arrival: 2

- The amount of units arriving simultaneously
Max Arrivals: Infinite
- The sum of all the units can be restricted
First Creation: 0.0
- The moment in time, at which the first unit or batch of units arrives
The Process module is the primary module to be used for processing in simulations.
The module makes it possible to wait, until all the necessary resources are free, and
then process the unit. Once the unit is complete, the resources are freed for other
activities. An example: when granting loans at a bank, both a clerk and the bank
manager are needed. Therefore, a client, upon entering the bank, has to wait until both
of the aforementioned are available. After negotiating the loan, the resources, i.e. the
bank personnel, are released to continue their individual tasks. In Arena, this is
called Seize-Delay-Release. The use of resources can be restricted. In addition, submodels can be added and different hierarchies utilized in the allocation of resources.
A unit is given processing time, which can be Value Added, Non-Value added,
Transfer, Wait or Other. In addition, the linked expenses can be defined. The
parameters for the preprocessing of component A are defined.
Name: Component A Preprocess
- A unique, unambiguous name
Type: Standard
- Either Standard or Submodel
Action: Delay
- The method of processing in the module. The choices are:
Delay: The time a unit spends on the station, without restrictions (An automated
Seize Delay: Resources are allocated to the module, causing a delay, but freeing the
resources is done later.
Seize Delay Release: Resources are allocated, causing a delay, and the resources are
freed at the end (bank example).
Delay Release: Defines, that the resources have already been allocated to the unit,
which is being processed at the process station, causing a delay. Works, when Type is
Delay Type: Triangular
- The type of delay is selected
Units: Minutes
- The unit used


Updated: 8.9.2008

Allocation: Value added

 Value Added
 Non-Value Added
Minimum: 1
Value (Most Likely): 4
Maximum: 8
Now, the parameters for the other process stations can be defined in a similar manner.
The Decide module allows for decision-making or unit inspection based on either one
or multiple conditions and one or multiple probabilities (faulty 9%). The conditions
can be values in attributes (for example, a priority), variables, unit types (for example,
radio part, cell phone part) or expressions (for example NQ(Process Station)=the
amount of units queued).
Name: Inspection
Type: 2-way by Chance
Percent True: 91%
Used to describe entities leaving the system.
Name: A unique, describing name.
Record Entity Statistics: To be selected
- Defines, whether the statistical information for an arriving unit should be recorded
Next, the properties for all the other modules can be filled out, according to the
assignment. The modules can be named, for instance, as in the following table.
IMPORTANT! ARENA doesnt accept Scandinavian letters (, and )
Table 2. The Module Names by Type
Component A Component A Preprocess Inspection Products
Component B Component B Preprocess Inspection 2 Repaired Products
Process Station
Failed Products
Repairing Station


Updated: 8.9.2008

Simulating the Model

Before starting the simulation, the simulation parameters are defined in the
Reports Tab: No changes necessary
Project Parameters:
- Name the project in the Project Title field, and type your entire name in the Analyst
Name field. The Statistics Collection field is used to define, what information is
Replication Parameters:

Picture 4. Replication Parameters

The Replication Parameters tab is used to define the number of times the simulation
is repeated, Number of Replications, the simulation time, Replication Length and the
time units used (minutes). In this tab it is also possible to define situations, in which
the simulation is to be terminated.
The model simulation starts by clicking the Run button in the upper bar (similar in
appearance to those in CD-players, DVD-players etc.). The End and Pause buttons
terminate and pause the simulation, respectively. Watch the animation for a while,
and once you become bored, click Pause and choose Run/Fast Forward to quickly
complete the simulation without animations. Once the simulation is completed
successfully, Arena will ask, whether you want to see the simulation results. The
results can be inspected, by choosing the desired report from the Reports window.
Before the model can be edited again, End must be clicked.
The Animate module can be used to add graphs to visualize the aspects of the
simulation, such as the number of batches in queue, accepted/declined products and so
forth. The Animate module is a data module like the Simulate module, so it doesnt
need to be connected to anything as such. From the Object menu, Animate Connectors
is chosen.


Updated: 8.9.2008

The Process Station settings are modified as follows:

Action: Seize-Delay-Release
Resources: Add
A new window will appear in which will be defined:
Type: Choose Resource
Resource Name: Operator
Quantity: 1 (one operator)
OK is selected.
Adding an Animation to the Process Station Machine
1. The Resource button in the quick-menu is clicked; this opens a new window.
2. The subjects of animation are defined.
a) Identifier: Operator is chosen from the list
b) Open the machines.plb file in C:\Program Files \Rockwell Software\ Arena7.0\
3. The picture of an active machine is changed
a) Select from the list a picture that best represents a busy machine
b) Click the Busy button on the left side
c) Click the Transfer button '<<'
4. The picture of a passive machine is chosen
a) Select from the list a picture that best represents an idle machine
b) Click the Idle button on the left side
c) Click the Transfer button '<<'
5. Close the window by clicking the OK button
6. The cursor is shown as a bar, position the animation to where you want it
7. You can scale the picture however you like
A graph, representing the number of components processed as a function of time, is
Adding a Graph to the Model:
1. Click the Plot quick-button
2. The Plot window opens, click Add
3. The Plot Expression window opens,
Expression: Process Station. WIP (work in process)
Minimum: 0.0
Maximum: 15
History Points: 100
4. Click OK
5. In the Plot window, you can optionally edit the graphs appearance, via the Area,
Border and Fill Area fields.
6. Click OK
7. The cursor is shown as a bar, position the animation to where you want it
8. You can scale the picture however you like
9. Simulate


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