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and editions since Migne, Patrologia Graeca, vols 47-64

Opera omnia
M. Jeannin, Saint Jean Chrysostome. Oeuvres compltes, traduites pour la premire fois en
franais, 11 vols, Paris-Bar-le-Duc: L. Gurin & Cie, 1864-1867. Read online (Free downloads available
at Google Books)

Ad Theodorum lapsum (CPG 4305-4306)
J. Dumortier, Jean Chrysostome. A Thodore (SC 117), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1966.
D. Fecioru, Sfintul Ioan Gura de Aur. Cuvint de sfatuire cate Teodor cel cazut, Glasul
Bisericii 39 (1980) 343-369. [trans., Ad Theodorum lapsum]
J. Dumortier, Jean Chrysostome. A Thodore (SC 117), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1966.
F. Ogara, San Juan Crisstomo. Cartas a Teodoro (Los Santos Padres 29), Sevilla: Apostolado
Mariano, 1991.
D. Ciarlo, A Teodoro. Giovanni Crisostomo (Collana di testi patristici 174), Roma: Citt Nuova,
2004. [trans.]
W.R.W. Stephens, An exhortation to Theodore after his Fall, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select
Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9,
Heffening, W., Eine arabische Version der zweiten Paraenesis des Johannes Chrysostomus
an den Mnch Theodorus, Oriens Christianus n.s. 12-14 (1922-1924) 71-98. [repr. by
Gorgias Press under the same title, Analecta Gorgiana 461, 2010; English trans. of Bk
2 from the Arabic version]

Adversus oppugnatores vitae monasticae (CPG 4307)
D.G. Hunter, A Comparison Between a King and a Monk/Against the Opponents of the
Monastic Life. Two Treatises by John Chrysostom (Studies in the Bible and Early
Christianity 13), Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1988.
P.E. Legrand, Contre les dtracteurs de la vie monastique (Bibl. patrist. de spiritualit), Paris:
Gabalda, 1933.
D. Ruiz Bueno, San Juan Crisstomo. Tratados ascticos. Texto griego, versin espaola y
notas (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos 169), Madrid 1957. ????

L. Dattrino, Giovanni Crisostomo. Contro i detrattori della vita monastica (Collana di testi
patristici 130), Roma: Citt Nuova, 1996. [trans.]

Ad Demetrium de compunctione (CPG 4308)
K. Papdadopoulos (in progress)

Ad Stelechium de compunctione (CPG 4309)

Ad Stagirium a daemone vexatum (CPG 4310)
E. Mathieu-Gauch, La Consolation Stagire de Jean Chrysostome. Introduction, traduction
et notes, unpub. doct. diss., Universit Paris IV-Sorbonne, Paris 2003.
L. Coco with C. Moreschini, A Stagirio tormentato da un demone (Collana di testi patristici
163), Roma 2002.

Contra eos qui subintroductae (CPG 4311)
J. Dumortier, Saint Jean Chrysostome. Les cohabitations suspectes; Comment observer la
virginit (Nouvelle Collection de Textes & Documents), Paris: Les Belle Lettres, 1955.
E.A. Clark, Jerome, Chrysostom and Friends. Essays and Translations (Studies in Women and
Religion 2), New York-Toronto: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1979, 164-208.
S. Longosz and R. Sawa, Ioannis Chrysostomi Adversus eos qui apud se habent virgines
subintroductas, Vox Patrum 13-15 (1993-1995) 413-421.
L. Neureiter, L. . Die beiden Traktate des Johannes Chrysostomus gegen jene
Mnner und Frauen, die zusammenleben, D. Theol. dissertation, Institut fr
kumenische Theologie, Ostkirchliche Orthdoxie und Patrologie der Katholisch-
Theologischen Fakultt der Karl-Franzens-Universitt Graz, Graz 2004, 119-140.

Quod regulares fem. (CPG 4312)
J. Dumortier, Saint Jean Chrysostome. Les cohabitations suspectes; Comment observer la
virginit Nouvelle Collection de Textes & Documents), Paris: Les Belle Lettres, 1955.
E.A. Clark, Jerome, Chrysostom and Friends. Essays and Translations (Studies in Women and
Religion 2), New York-Toronto: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1979, 209-248.
R. Sawa and S. Longosz, Joannes Chrysostomus, Quod regulares feminae viris cohabitare
non debeant, Vox Patrum 16 (1996) 433-460.

L. Neureiter, L. . Die beiden Traktate des Johannes Chrysostomus gegen jene
Mnner und Frauen, die zusammenleben, D. Theol. dissertation, Institut fr
kumenische Theologie, Ostkirchliche Orthdoxie und Patrologie der Katholisch-
Theologischen Fakultt der Karl-Franzens-Universitt Graz, Graz 2004, 166-186.

De virginitate (CPG 4313)
H. Musurillo and B. Grillet, Jean Chrysostome. La Virginit. Texte et introduction critiques par
H. Musurillo; Introduction gnrale, traduction et notes par B. Grillet (SC 125), Paris:
Les ditions du CERF, 1966.
S. Lilla, Gregorio di Nissa, Giovanni Crisostomo. La verginit (Collana di testi patristici 4),
Roma 1990. [2nd ed.]
H. Musurillo and B. Grillet, Jean Chrysostome. La Virginit. Texte et introduction critiques par
H. Musurillo; Introduction gnrale, traduction et notes par B. Grillet (SC 125), Paris:
Les ditions du CERF, 1966.
S. Rieger Shore, John Chrysostom, On Virginity, Against Remarriage (Studies in Women and
Religion 9), New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 1983, 1-128.

Ad viduam iuniorem (CPG 4314)
B. Grillet and G.H. Ettlinger, Jean Chrysostome: une jeune veuve. Sur le mariage unique (SC
138), Paris: ditions du CERF, 1968.
G. Di Nola, Giovanni Crisostomo. Lunit delle nozze, Discorso ad una giovane vedova, Elogia
di Massimo, Quali donne bisogna sposare, Trad., introduzione e note (Collana di testi
patristici 45), Roma: Citt Nuova, 1984.
B. Grillet and G.H. Ettlinger, Jean Chrysostome: une jeune veuve. Sur le mariage unique (SC
138), Paris: ditions du CERF, 1968.

De non iterando coniugio (CPG 4315)
B. Grillet and G.H. Ettlinger, Jean Chrysostome: une jeune veuve. Sur le mariage unique (SC
138), Paris: ditions du CERF, 1968.
B. Grillet and G.H. Ettlinger, Jean Chrysostome: une jeune veuve. Sur le mariage unique (SC
138), Paris: ditions du CERF, 1968.
S. Rieger Shore, John Chrysostom, On Virginity, Against Remarriage (Studies in Women and
Religion 9), New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 1983, 129-145.

De sacerdotio (CPG 4316)
A-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur le sacerdoce (Dialogue et Homlie) (SC 272), Paris:
Les ditions du CERF, 1980.
L. Barsottelli, Del Sacerdozio, Firenze: Pace e Bene 1963.
G. Falbo, San Giovanni Crisostomo. Dialogo sul sacerdozio, Milano: Jaca Book, 1978.
D. Fecioru, Sf. Ioan Gura de Aur: Despre Reotie, Biserica Ortodoxa Romina 75 (1957) 928-
W.A. Jurgens, The priesthood. A translation of the Peri hierosynes of St. John Chrysostom,
New York: Macmillan, 1955.
G. Neville, Saint John Chrysostom: Six Books on the Priesthood, St. Vladimirs Seminary Press,
Crestwood, NY 1984.
A-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur le sacerdoce (Dialogue et Homlie) (SC 272), Paris:
Les ditions du CERF, 1980.
D. Ruiz Bueno, San Juan Crisstomo. Los seis libros sobre el sacerdocio (Los Santos Padres
23), Sevilla: Apostolado Mariano, 1990.
A. Soler i Nolasc del Molar with A. Olivar & S. Janeras, Joan Crisstom. Catequesis
baptismals; Tractat sobre el scerdoci (Clssics del cristianisme 14), Barcelona:
Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya Enciclopdia Catalana, 1990.
J. Ayn Calvo, y P. de Navascus Benlloch, Dilogo sobre el sacerdocio (Biblioteca de
patrstica 57), Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 2002, 2nd ed. 2010.
F. Vermuyten, Over het priesterschap, 2nd ed., Tongerloo: Impr. S Norbert, 1941.
C. Baur and A. Ngle, Des heiligen Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus Erzbischofs von
Konstantinopel Kommentar zum Evangelium des Hl. Matthus; Sechs Bcher ber das
Priestertum (Bibliothek der Kirchenvter NS 27), Mnchen: Ksel, 1916. [completes
Baurs trans. of the series on Matthew; trans. of De sacerdotio by Ngle]

Sermo cum presbyter fuit ordinatus (CPG 4317)
A-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur le sacerdoce (Dialogue et Homlie) (SC 272), Paris:
Les ditions du CERF, 1980.
A-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur le sacerdoce (Dialogue et Homlie) (SC 272), Paris:
Les ditions du CERF, 1980.

De incomprehensibili dei natura hom. 1-5 (CPG 4318)

A.-M. Malingrey avec J. Danilou et R. Flacelire, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lincomprhensibilit

de Dieu. I (Homlies I-V) (SC 28bis), 2e d., Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1970.
R. Flacelire et J.-Y. Leloup, Homlies de Jean Chrysostome sur lincomprhensibilit de Dieu
(Spiritualits vivantes 113. Srie Spiritualits chrtiennes), Paris: Albin Michel & d.
du Cerf, 1993.
P. Marechaux, Jean Chrysostome. De lincomprhensibilit de Dieu: homlies 1-5 contre les
Anomens, Paris: Rivages, 2000.
P.W. Harkins, St. John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Fathers of the
Church 72), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1984.
S. Kanzaki, Johannes Chrysostomus. De incomprehensibile Dei natura homiliae, intro.,
trans. and notes, in H. Miyamoto (ed.), Corpus Fontium Mentis Medii Aevii, vol. 2,
Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1992, pp. 613-667. [title in Japanese]
So Joo Crisstomo, Da incompreensibilidade de Deus. Da providncia de Deus. Carta a
Olmpia (Patrstica 23), So Paulo: Paulus, 2007.

De beato Philogonio (CPG 4319)
Mayer, W. and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 184-195.

De consubstantiali (CPG 4320)
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
P.W. Harkins, St. John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Fathers of the
Church 72), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1984.

De petitione matris filiorum Zebedaei (CPG 4321)
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.

P.W. Harkins, St. John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Fathers of the
Church 72), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1984.

In quatriduanum Lazarum (CPG 4322)
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
P.W. Harkins, St. John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Fathers of the
Church 72), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1984.

De Christi precibus (CPG 4323)
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
P.W. Harkins, St. John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Fathers of the
Church 72), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1984.

Contra Anomoeos hom. 11 (CPG 4324)
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
P.W. Harkins, St. John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Fathers of the
Church 72), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1984.

De Christi divinitate (CPG 4325)
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur lgalit du pre et du fils. Contre les Anomens
homlies VII-XII (SC 396), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1994.

P.W. Harkins, St. John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Fathers of the
Church 72), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1984.

Contra Iudaeos et gentiles qod Christus sit deus (CPG 4326)
N.G. McKendrick, Quod Christus sit Deus, Greek text, edition and introduction, unpub.
diss., Fordham University, New York, 1967.
M.A. Schatkin and P.W. Harkins, Saint John Chrysostom, Apologist. Discourse on Blessed
Babylas and against the Greeks. Demonstration against the Pagans that Christ is God
(Fathers of the Church 73), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press,

Adversus Iudos or. 1-8 (CPG 4327)
Adv. Iud. or. 2 (lacuna)
W. Pradels, R. Brndle, and M. Heimgartner, Das bisher vermisste Textstck in Johannes
Chrysostomus, Adversus Judaeos, Oratio 2, Zeitschrift fr Antikes Christentum 5
(2001) 23-49.
R. Brndle with V. Jegher-Bucher, Johannes Chrysostomus. Acht Reden gegen Juden
(Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur 41), Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1995.
C.M. Maxwell, Chrysostoms Homilies against the Jews: An English translation, unpub. PhD
diss., University of Chicago, 1966.
P.W. Harkins, Saint John Chrysostom: Discourses Against Judaizing Christians (Fathers of the
Church 68), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1979.
Adv. Iud. or. 1
W. Mayer and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 148-167.
Adv. Iud. or. 3
M. Schatkin, St. John Chrysostoms homily on the protopaschites: Introduction and
translation, in D. Neimann and M. Schatkin (eds), The Heritage of the Early Church.
Essays in honor of the Very Reverend Georges Vasilievich Florovsky (Orientalia
Christiana Analecta 195), Rome: Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium 1973, 167-

In kalendas (CPG 4328)
Seamus Macdonald 2010

De Lazaro conc. 1-7 (CPG 4329)

F. Allen (hom. 1-4)

C.P. Roth, St John Chrysostom On Wealth and Poverty, Crestwood, NY: St Vladimirs Seminary
Press, 1984. [translation of selected passages]
M Signifredi, Discorsi sul povero Lazzaro. Giovanni Crisostomo (Collana di testi patristici 205),
Roma: Citt nuova, 2009.
De Lazaro hom. 1
Salamito, Jean-Marie, Jacky Marsaux, Marie-Hlne Congourdeau, Christian Bouchet,
Antoine Hrouard, Gillaume Bady et Matthieu Cassin (dd. et trad.), Riches et
pauvres dans lglise ancienne: Clment dAlexandrie, Basile de Csare, Grgoire de
Nazianze, Jean Chrysostome, Ambroise de Milan, Augustin dHippone, Paris: Pollen,
2011. [contains trans. in French of De Lazaro hom. 1, In Ps. 48:17 hom. 2, In Matt.
hom. 63, In 1 Cor. hom. 34]

De statuis hom. 1-21 (CPG 4330)
J. Oteo Uruuela, San Juan Crisstomo. Las XXI Homilas de las Estatuas, Volumen I (Los
Santos Padres 24), Sevilla: Apostolado Mariano, 1990.
A. Podaru, Ioan Gura de Aur, Omilii la statui, studiu introductiv, traducere si note de Adrian
Podaru (colectia "Traditia crestina", 12-13), 2 vols, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2011.
W.R.W. Stephens, The homilies on the statues to the people of Antioch, in P. Schaff (ed.),
A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series
1, vol. 9, 1889.
De statuis hom. 17
W. Mayer and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 104-117.
De statuis hom. 18
C. Nardi, La gioia cristiana. Omelia di S. Giovanni Crisostomo, Rivista di ascetica e mistica
50 (1981) 129-142.

De diabolo tentatore hom. 1-3 (CPG 4332)
A. Peleanu, Jean Chrysostom. Limpuissance du diable (SC 560), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf,
2013. [ed. of De diabolo tentatore hom. 2-3; argues that hom. 1 belongs with the
series De proph. obscuritate]
A. Peleanu, Jean Chrysostom. Limpuissance du diable (SC 560), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf,
2013. [trans. of De diabolo tentatore hom. 2-3]

T.P. Brandram, Three homilies concerning the power of demons, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select
Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9,

De pnitentia hom. 1-9 (CPG 4333)
B. Borghini, S. Giovanni Crisostomo. Invito a penitenza (Patristica e del Pensiero), Alba: Ed.
Paoline, 1975.
G.G. Christo, John Chrysostom. On Repentance and Almsgiving (The Fathers of the Church
96), Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1998.
De paen. hom. ??
J. Marsaux, Jean Chrysostome. Leucharistie cole de vie: slection de sept homlies sur
leucharistie (Pres dans la foi 99), Paris 2009. [trans.; CPG 4467, 4333, 4336, 4424,
4428, 4440, 4686]

In diem natalem (CPG 4334)
B.E. Dunlop, Earliest Greek patristic orations on the Nativity: a study including translations,
unpub. PhD diss., Boston College, Boston, Mass., 2004. [includes Cs In diem natalem,
with homilies by Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory of Nazianzus and Amphilochius of

De baptismo Christi (CPG 4335)

De proditione Iud hom. 1-2 (CPG 4336)
Gh. Badea, Sfintul Ioan Gura de Aur. Homilia I-a despre tradarea lui Iuda si despre Pasti,
despre administrarea Sf. Taine si despre a nu tine minte raul, Mitropolia Moldovi si
Sucevei (1983: 4/6) 273-279.
J. Marsaux, Jean Chrysostome. Leucharistie cole de vie: slection de sept homlies sur
leucharistie (Pres dans la foi 99), Paris 2009. [trans.; CPG 4467, 4333, 4336, 4424,
4428, 4440, 4686]

De cmeterio et de cruce (CPG 4337)

De cruce et latrone hom. 1 (CPG 4338)

De cruce et latrone hom. 2 (CPG 4339)

De resurrectione mortuorum (CPG 4340)

N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte.

Tome 1 (SC 561), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2013.
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte.
Tome 1 (SC 561), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2013.

De resurrectione (CPG 4341)
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte.
Tome 1 (SC 561), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2013.
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte.
Tome 1 (SC 561), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2013.

In ascensionem (CPG 4342)
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte. vol.
2 (SC 562), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2014.
Gh. Badea, Sfintul Ioan Hrisostom. Omilie la Inaltarea Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos,
Mitropolia Moldovi si Sucevei (1982: 7/9) 632-638.
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte. vol.
2 (SC 562), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2014.

De s. pentecoste hom. 1-2 (CPG 4343)
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte. vol.
2 (SC 562), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2014.
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte. vol.
2 (SC 562), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2014.

De laudibus s. Pauli hom. 1-7 (CPG 4344)
A. Pidagnel, Jean Chrysostome. Pangyriques de S. Paul (SC 300), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1982.
M. Jourjon (intro.) and P. Soler (trans., append., index; notes by both), Homlies sur saint
Paul (Coll. Les Pres dans la foi), Paris: Descle de Brouwer, 1980.
A. Pidagnel, Jean Chrysostome. Pangyriques de S. Paul (SC 300), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1982.

T. Halton, In Praise of Saint Paul by John Chrysostom, Washington, DC: Catholic University of
America Press, 1963.
M. Mitchell, The Heavenly Trumpet: John Chrysostom and the Art of Pauline Interpretation,
Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000. [includes fresh English translation of the 7 homilies in
S. Zincone, Giovanni Crisostomo, Panegyrici su san Paolo (Collana di testi patristici 69),
Roma: Citt Nuova, 1988.

De s. Meletio (CPG 4345)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 39-48.
L. Brottier, Figures de lvque idal. Jean Chrysostome, Pangyrique de Saint Mlce; Jean
Damascne, Pangyrique de Saint Jean Chrysostome, Paris: Belles Lettres, 2004.
T. Karmann, Meletius von Antiochien. Studien zur Geschichte des trinittstheologischen
Streits in den Jahren 360-364 n. Chr. (Regensburger Studien zur Theologie 68),
Frankfurt am Main-Berlin-Bern-Bruxelles-New York-Oxford-Wien: Peter Lang, 2009.
[includes a German translation of C's homily on Meletius, pp. 497-502]

In s. Lucianum (CPG 4346)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 63-73.

De s. Babyla (CPG 4347)
M.A. Schatkin avec la collab. de C. Blanc & B. Grillet, Jean Chrysostome. Discours sur Babylas.
suivi de lHomlie sur Babylas, Grillet, B. & J.-N. Guinot (SC 362), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.
Leemans, J., W. Mayer, P. Allen and B. Dehandschutter, Let us Die That We May Live. Greek
homilies on Christian martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria c. AD 350-AD 450,
London: Routledge, 2003, 140-148.
M.A. Schatkin avec la collab. de C. Blanc & B. Grillet, Jean Chrysostome. Discours sur Babylas.
suivi de lHomlie sur Babylas, Grillet, B. & J.-N. Guinot (SC 362), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.

De s. Babyla contra Iulianum et gentiles (CPG 4348)

M.A. Schatkin avec la collab. de C. Blanc & B. Grillet, Jean Chrysostome. Discours sur Babylas.
suivi de lHomlie sur Babylas, Grillet, B. & J.-N. Guinot (SC 362), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.
M.A. Schatkin and P.W. Harkins, Saint John Chrysostom, Apologist. Discourse on Blessed
Babylas and against the Greeks. Demonstration against the Pagans that Christ is God
(Fathers of the Church 73), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press,
Lieu, S.N.C. (ed.), The emperor Julian. Panegyric and polemic (Claudius Mamertinus, John
Chrysostom, Ephrem the Syrian) (Translated Texts for Historians), Liverpool: Liverpool
University Press, 1986.
M.A. Schatkin avec la collab. de C. Blanc & B. Grillet, Jean Chrysostome. Discours sur Babylas.
suivi de lHomlie sur Babylas, Grillet, B. & J.-N. Guinot (SC 362), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.

In Iuventinum et Maximum (CPG 4349)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 89-99.

De s. Pelagia (CPG 4350)
Leemans, J., W. Mayer, P. Allen and B. Dehandschutter, Let us Die That We May Live. Greek
homilies on Christian martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria c. AD 350-AD 450,
London: Routledge, 2003, 148-157.

In s. Ignatium (CPG 4351)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 101-117.

In s. Eustathium (CPG 4352)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 49-62.

In s. Romanum (CPG 4353)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 227-237.

De Macabeis hom. 1-2 (CPG 4354)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 135-153.
R. Ziad, Les martyrs Maccabes: de lhistoire juive au cult chrtien. Les homlies de Grgoire
de Nazianze et de Jean Chrysostome (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 80), Leiden-
Boston: Brill, 2007. [trans. in appendix]

De ss. Bernice et Prosdoce (CPG 4355)
W. vander Meiren, De twee encomia chrysostomica op de martelaressen Bernike, Prosdoke
en Domnina (BHG 274-275): tekstuitgave met inleiding en vertaling, 2 vols, unpub.
diss., University of Gand, 1983. [critical edition of PG 50,629-640 and 641-644]
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 155-176.

In quatriduanum Lazarum (CPG 4356)
W. vander Meiren, De twee encomia chrysostomica op de martelaressen Bernike, Prosdoke
en Domnina (BHG 274-275): tekstuitgave met inleiding en vertaling, 2 vols, unpub.
diss., University of Gand, 1983. [critical edition of PG 50,629-640 and 641-644]

De ss. martyribus (CPG 4357)
Leemans, J., W. Mayer, P. Allen and B. Dehandschutter, Let us Die That We May Live. Greek
homilies on Christian martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria c. AD 350-AD 450,
London: Routledge, 2003, 115-126.

Non esse ad gratiam concionandum (CPG 4358)

Hom. in martyres (CPG 4359)
Mayer, W. and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 93-97.

In s. Iulianum martyrem (CPG 4360)

Leemans, J., W. Mayer, P. Allen and B. Dehandschutter, Let us Die That We May Live. Greek
homilies on Christian martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria c. AD 350-AD 450,
London: Routledge, 2003, 126-140.

In s. Barlaam (CPG 4361)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 177-189.

De s. Droside (CPG 4362)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 191-207.

In martyres gyptios (CPG 4363)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 209-216.

De s. Phoca (CPG 4364)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 75-87.

De ss. martyribus (CPG 4365)
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 218-226.

De terr motu (CPG 4366)
Bryson Sewell, 2013

De fato et providentia or. 1-6 (CPG 4367)
F. Bonniere, Jean Chrysostome dition de De fato et providentia, introduction, texte
critique, notes et index, unpub. diss., Universit Lille, 1975.
M. Mauritsson, Om Guds Frsyn, Inledning och versttning, Malm 1964. [trans.; 174 pp.]

De decem millium talentorum debitore (CPG 4368)

In illud: Pater, si possibile est (CPG 4369)
W.R.W. Stephens, Homily on the passage (Matt. XXVI.19), Father if it be possible let this
cup pass from me, etc., and against Marcionists and Manichaeans, in P. Schaff (ed.),
A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series
1, vol. 9, 1889.

In paralyticum demissum (CPG 4370)
W.R.W. Stephens, Homily on the paralytic let down through the roof: and concerning the
equality of the divine father and the son, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9, 1889.

In principium Actorum hom. 1-4 (CPG 4371)
M.B. Compton, Introducing the Acts of the Apostles: A study of John Chrysostoms On The
Beginning of Acts, unpub. PhD diss., University of Virginia, 1996. [contains an English
trans. of the four homilies In princ. Actorum in an appendix]

De mutatione nominum hom. 1-4 (CPG 4372)

De gloria in tribulationibus (CPG 4373)

In illud: Diligentibus deum (CPG 4374)

In illud: Si esurierit inimicus (CPG 4375)
W.R.W. Stephens, Homily to those who had not attended the assembly: and on the
apostolic saying, If thine enemy hunger, feed him, etc. (Rom. XII.20), and concerning
resentment of injuries, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-
Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9, 1889.

In illud: Salutate Priscillam et Aquilam serm. 1-2 (CPG 4376)

In illud: Propter fornicationes (CPG 4377)

T. Krynicka and S. Longosz, Ze wzgledu na niebezpieczenstwo rospusty nalezy sie zenic,

Vox Patrum 31 vol. 56 (2011) 579-595.

De libello repudii (CPG 4378)
G. Di Nola, Giovanni Crisostomo. Lunit delle nozze, Discorso ad una giovane vedova, Elogia
di Massimo, Quali donne bisogna sposare, Trad., introduzione e note (Collana di testi
patristici 45), Roma: Citt Nuova, 1984.
D. Fecioru, Sfintul Ioan Gura de Aur. Lauda lui Maxim. Cu ce femei trebuie sa ne casatorim,
Mitropolia Moldovi si Sucevei 56 (1980) 353-364.

Quales ducend sint uxores (CPG 4379)
G. Di Nola, Giovanni Crisostomo. Lunit delle nozze, Discorso ad una giovane vedova, Elogia
di Massimo, Quali donne bisogna sposare, Trad., introduzione e note (Collana di testi
patristici 45), Roma: Citt Nuova, 1984.

In d. Pauli: Nolo vos ignorare (CPG 4380)

In d. Pauli: Oportet hreses (CPG 4381)
C. Bellucci, Per ledizione critica dellomelia In illud: Oportet et haereses esse di S. Giovanni
Crisostomo, unpub. diss., Facolt di lettere e filosofia, Universit degli studi di
Firenze, Firenze, 1989/1990.

De eleemosyna (CPG 4382)
G.G. Christo, John Chrysostom. On Repentance and Almsgiving (The Fathers of the Church
96), Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1998.
O. Gordon, Sf. Ioan Gura de Aur. Despre iubire, Studii Teologice 3/2 (2007), 105-119.

In illud: Habentes eundem spiritum hom. 1-3 (CPG 4383)

In illud: Utinam sustineretis modicum (CPG 4384)

De profectu evangelii (CPG 4385)
G. Biagiotti, Per unedizione critica dellomelia De profectu evangelii di San Giovanni
Crisostomo, unpub. diss., Facolt di lettere e filosofia, Universit degli Studi di
Firenze, 1992-1993.

In illud: Vidua eligatur (CPG 4386)

In Heliam et viduam (CPG 4387)

De futur vit deliciis (CPG 4388)

Peccata fratrum non evulganda (CPG 4389)
G. Masi, Per unedizione critica dellomelia Peccata fratrum non evulganda di San Giovanni
Crisostomo, unpub. diss., Facolt di lettere e filosofia, Universit degli studi di
Firenze, Firenze, 1997/1998.

Non esse desperandum (CPG 4390)
G. Masi, Per un'edizione critica dell'omelia Non esse desperandum (PG 51, 363-372) di San
Giovanni Crisostomo, unpub. doctoral diss., Dipartimento di scienze dellantichit,
Universit degli studi di Firenze, Firenze, 2007.
Katherin Papadopoulos (in progress)

In illud: In faciem ei restiti (CPG 4391)
A. Cataldo, Mi opposi a lui a viso aperto: (Hom. in illud : In faciem ei restiti). Giovanni
Crisostomo (Testi e studi, Universit degli Studi di Lecce, Dipartimento di Filologia
Classica e Medioevale 16), introd., testo, trad. e commento a cura di Antonio
Cataldo, Galatina: Congedo, 2007.

In Eutropium (CPG 4392)
D. Fantin, Discorso in favore di Eutropio, Livorno: Giusti, 1928. 29pp. [with commentary]
F. Conti Bizzarro and R. Romano, Omelie per Eutropio (Quaderna di Koinonia 9), Napoli:
DAuria, 1987.
Mayer, W. and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 132-139.
J. Pantini, Juan Crisstomo (San.). Homila en defensa de Eutropio. Introduccon, texto y
comentario, Madrid: Escelicer, 1958.

Cum Saturninus et Aurelianus (CPG 4393)

De regressu (CPG 4394)
A. Wenger, Lhomlie de saint Jean Chrysostome son retour dAsie, Revue des tudes
byzantines 19 (1961) 110-123.

W. Mayer and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 98-103.

De recipiendo Severiano (CPG 4395)

Sermo antequam iret in exsilium (CPG 4396)
E. Bonfiglio, John Chrysostoms discourses on his first exile. Prolegomena to a critical
edition of the Sermo antequam iret in exsilium and of the Sermo cum iret in exsilium,
unpub. DPhil dissertation, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, 2011.
I. Delgado Jara, Sermones antes y despus del primer exilio (PG 52, 427-448). San Juan
Crisosstomo, trad., introd. y notas. Edicin bilinge griego-espaol, (= Helmantica
57 No 173), Salamanca Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2006.

Sermo cum iret in exsilium (CPG 4397)
E. Bonfiglio, John Chrysostoms discourses on his first exile. Prolegomena to a critical
edition of the Sermo antequam iret in exsilium and of the Sermo cum iret in exsilium,
unpub. DPhil dissertation, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, 2011.
I. Delgado Jara, Sermones antes y despus del primer exilio (PG 52, 427-448). San Juan
Crisosstomo, trad., introd. y notas. Edicin bilinge griego-espaol, (= Helmantica
57 No 173), Salamanca Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2006.

Sermo post reditum a priore exs. 1 (CPG 4398)

Sermo post reditum a priore exs. 2 (CPG 4399)

Quod nemo laeditur nisi a seipso (CPG 4400)
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Lettre dexil. A Olympias et tous les fidles (Quod
nemo laeditur) (SC 103), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1964.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Lettre dexil. A Olympias et tous les fidles (Quod
nemo laeditur) (SC 103), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1964.
M.-H. Congourdeau, M.-C. Rosset & C. Bouchet, Dieu et le mal: textes de Basile de Csare,
Grgoire de Nysse, Jean Chrysostome, Paris: Migne/Turnhout: Brepols, 1997.
W.R.W. Stephens, A treatise to prove that no one can harm the man who does not injure
himself, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of
the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9, 1889.

Modern Greek
Chr. Delegiannopoulou, Tou en Hagiois Patros hemon Ioannou Archiepiskopou
Konstantinoupoleos tou Chrysostomou homilia, Oti ton heauton me adikounta
oudeis parablapsai dunatai, Argos 1964. [??]

Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt (CPG 4401)
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur la Providence de Dieu (SC 79), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1961.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur la Providence de Dieu (SC 79), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1961.
M. Mauritsson, Om Guds Frsyn, Inledning och versttning, Malm 1964. ??
C.A. Hall, John Chrysostoms On Providence: a translation and theological interpretation,
unpub. diss., Drew University, Madison, NJ 1991.
So Joo Crisstomo, Da incompreensibilidade de Deus. Da providncia de Deus. Carta a
Olmpia (Patrstica 23), So Paulo: Paulus, 2007.

Ep. 1 ad Innocentum (CPG 4402)
Malingrey, A.-M. avec P. Leclercq, Palladios. Dialogue sur la vie de Jean Chrysostome. vol. 2
(SC 342), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1988, 68-95.
A.-M. Malingrey avec P. Leclercq, Palladios. Dialogue sur la vie de Jean Chrysostome. vol. 2
(SC 342), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1988, 68-95.
R.T. Meyer, Palladius. Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom (Ancient Christian Writers
45), New York, NY-Mahway NJ: Newman Press, 1985, 17-24. [Chapter 2 = Ep. 1 ad

Ep. 2 ad Innocentum (CPG 4403)

Ep. ad episcopos, presbyteros et diaconos (CPG 4404)

Epistulae 1-17 (CPG 4405) ad Olympiadem
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Lettres Olympias. Seconde dition augmente de la
Vie anonyme dOlympias (SC 13bis), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1968.
B. Bejarano, San Juan Crisstomo. Cartas a Santa Olimpiades (Los Santos Padres 20), Sevilla:
Apostolado Mariano, 1990.

M. Forlin Patrucco, Giovanni Crisostomo. Lettere a Olympiade (Letture cristiane del primo
millennio 23), Milano: Paoline, 1996.
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Lettres Olympias. Seconde dition augmente de la
Vie anonyme dOlympias (SC 13bis), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1968.

W.R.W. Stephens, Letters of St. Chrysostom to Olympias, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library
of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Da incompreensibilidade de Deus. Da providncia de Deus. Carta a
Olmpia (Patrstica 23), So Paulo: Paulus, 2007.

Epistulae ad diversos (CPG 4405)
R. Callegari, Dallesilio. Lettere, Milano: Jaca Book, 1976. [??]
W. Mayer and P, Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000. [contains trans. of 9 letters: 34, 51, 75, 117, 197, 203, 210, 212, 217]
W. Mayer (with B. Neil), St John Chrysostom. The Cult of the Saints, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006. [trans. of Letter 126]
T.D. Barnes and G. Bevan (trans.), Funerary Speech for John Chrysostom (Translated Texts for
Historians 60), Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2013. [includes trans. of 30
letters penned by C from exile: 31, 58, 61, 79, 83, 95, 113, 122, 124, 128, 132, 147,
149, 155, 168, 169-170, 182, 188-190, 193-194, 196-197, 201, 204-205, 220, 236]

Laus Diodori (CPG 4406)

Hom. in s. pascha (CPG 4408) = ps-C
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte.
Tome 1 (SC 561), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2013. [on the basis of the 3 distinct
recensions and ms history concludes that In s. pascha is an intentional ps-C homily
written between the late 6th and mid 8th C, largely mosaic in character, utilising
genuine works, possibly from florilegia, but also elements from Severian of Gabala
and Leontius of Constantinople, i.e. other homilists whose works were transmitted
under Cs name]
N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur la rsurrection, lascension et la pentecte.
Tome 1 (SC 561), Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 2013.

Hom. 1-67 in Gen. (CPG 4409)
In Gen. hom. 21

E. Amato, Il codice greco della Biblioteca comunale Can. Aniello Avallone di Cava de Tirreni,
Cava de Tirreni: Comune di Cava de Tirreni, 1997. [137 pp. photographic
reproduction of 11th C ms. containing some of Cs hom. on Gen.; appendix contains
critical ed. with Italian trans. of hom. 21 in Gen.]
R.C. Hill, St John Chrysostom, Homilies on Genesis (The Fathers of the Church 74, 82, 87),
Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1986, 1990, 1992.
In Gen. hom. 1-10
C. Crpey, Jean Chrysostome: Homlies sur la Gense (I X), introduction, traduction et
notes, unpubl diss., Universit Paris-4, 2004.
In Gen. hom. 21
E. Amato, Il codice greco della Biblioteca comunale Can. Aniello Avallone di Cava de Tirreni,
Cava de Tirreni: Comune di Cava de Tirreni, 1997. [137 pp. photographic
reproduction of 11th C ms. containing some of Cs hom. on Gen.; appendix contains
critical ed. with Italian trans. of hom. 21 in Gen.]

Sermones 1-8 in Gen. (CPG 4410)
L. Brottier, Jean Chrysostome. Sermons sur la Gense (Sources Chrtiennes 433), Paris: Les
ditions du CERF, 1998.
Delgado Jara, I., Sermones in Genesim de San Juan Crisstomo: edicin bilinge griego-
espaol, trad., intro. y notas, Salamanco: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2002.
[= Helmntica 53 No 160]
L. Brottier, Jean Chrysostome. Sermons sur la Gense (Sources Chrtiennes 433), Paris: Les
ditions du CERF, 1998.
R.C Hill, St John Chrysostom. Eight Sermons on the Book of Genesis, Brookline, Mass.: Holy
Cross Orthodox Press, 2004.

Sermo 9 in Genesim (CPG 4410)

De Anna serm. 1-5 (CPG 4411)
R.C Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 1, Homilies on Hannah, David and
Saul, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003, 61-132.

De Davide et Saule hom. 1-3 (CPG 4412)
F. Barone, (ed.), Iohannis Chrysostomi de Davide et Saule homiliae tres (CCSG 70), Turnhout:
Brepols, 2008.

R.C Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 1, Homilies on Hannah, David and
Saul, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003, 5-59.
F.P. Barone, Giovanni Crisostomo. Omelie su Davide e Saul (Collana di testi patristici 200),
Roma: Citt Nuova Editrice, 2008.

Exp. in psalmos (CPG 4413)
R.C Hill, St. John Chrysostom. Commentary on the Psalms, 2 vols, Brookline, Mass.: Holy
Cross Orthodox Press, 1998-1999. [vol. 1 = Ps 4-50; vol. 2 = Ps 109-150]
L. Enache, Sfantul Ioan Gura de Aur. Omilii la Psalmi, Iasi 2011.

In illud: Ne timueritis hom. 1-2 (CPG 4414)
R.C. Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 3, Homilies on the Obscurity of
the Old Testament. Homilies on the Psalms, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox
Press, 2003, 85-113.
hom. 2
Salamito, Jean-Marie, Jacky Marsaux, Marie-Hlne Congourdeau, Christian Bouchet,
Antoine Hrouard, Gillaume Bady et Matthieu Cassin (dd. et trad.), Riches et
pauvres dans lglise ancienne: Clment dAlexandrie, Basile de Csare, Grgoire de
Nazianze, Jean Chrysostome, Ambroise de Milan, Augustin dHippone, Paris: Pollen,
2011. [contains trans. in French of De Lazaro hom. 1, In Ps. 48:17 hom. 2, In Matt.
hom. 63, In 1 Cor. hom. 34]

In psalmum 145 (CPG 4415)
R.C. Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 3, Homilies on the Obscurity of
the Old Testament. Homilies on the Psalms, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox
Press, 2003, 113-126.

Comm. in Isaiam (CPG 4416)
J. Dumortier avec A. Liefooghe, Jean Chrysostome. Commentaire sur Isae (SC 304), Paris: Les
ditions du CERF, 1983.
D. Ciarlo, Giovanni Crisostomo. Commento a Isaia, Omelie su Ozia (Collana di Studi Patristici
162), Roma 2001.

J. Dumortier avec A. Liefooghe, Jean Chrysostome. Commentaire sur Isae (SC 304), Paris: Les
ditions du CERF, 1983.
D.A. Garrett, An Analysis of the Hermeneutics of John Chrysostoms Commentary on Isaiah 1-
8 with an English Translation (Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity 12), Lewiston,
NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.

In illud: Vidi dominum hom. 1-6 (CPG 4417)
J. Dumortier, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur Ozias (In illud, Vidi Dominum) (SC 277), Paris:
Les ditions du CERF, 1981.
D. Ciarlo, Giovanni Crisostomo. Commento a Isaia, Omelie su Ozia (Collana di Studi Patristici
162), Roma 2001.
J. Dumortier, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur Ozias (In illud, Vidi Dominum) (SC 277), Paris:
Les ditions du CERF, 1981.
R.C. Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 2, Homilies on Isaiah and
Jeremiah, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003, 46-113.

In illud Isaiae: Ego dominus (CPG 4418)
R.C Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 2, Homilies on Isaiah and
Jeremiah, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003, 20-40.

In illud: Domine, non est in homine (CPG 4419)
R.C Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 2, Homilies on Isaiah and
Jeremiah, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003, 3-19.

De prophetiarum obscuritate hom. 1-2 (CPG 4420)
S. Zincone (ed.), Giovanni Crisostomo. Omelie sulloscurit delle profezie (Verba Seniorum
N.S. 12), Roma: Edizioni Studium, 1998.
R.C. Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 3, Homilies on the Obscurity of
the Old Testament. Homilies on the Psalms, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox
Press, 2003, 5-51

In illud: Filius ex se nihil facit (CPG 4421=4441.12)
see Nov. hom. 12
Contra ludos et theatra (CPG 4422=4441.7)

see Nov. hom. 7

In illud: Hoc scitote quod in novissimis diebus (CPG 4423)

In Matth. hom. 1-90 (CPG 4424)
Field, F., Joannis Chrysostomi homiliae in Matthaeum, 3 vols, Cambridge, 1838-1839. [= PG
C. Baur, Des heiligen Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus Erzbischofs von Konstantinopel
Kommentar zum Evangelium des hl. Matthus (Bibliothek der Kirchenvter NS 23, 25-
26), Mnchen 1915-1916 = Des heiligen Kirchelehrers Johannes Chrysostomus
ausgewhlte Schriften. Kommentar zum Evangelium des hl. Matthus, nebst Einl.
ber des hl. Chrysost. Leben, Schriften und Lehre, Bd 1-3, Mnchen: Kempten & Ksel,
C. Baur and A. Ngle, Des heiligen Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus Erzbischofs von
Konstantinopel Kommentar zum Evangelium des Hl. Matthus; Sechs Bcher ber das
Priestertum (Bibliothek der Kirchenvter NS 27), Mnchen: Ksel, 1916. [completes
Baurs trans. of the series on Matthew]
D. Ruiz Bueno, Obras de S. Juan Crisstomo. I. Homilas sobre S. Mateo (1-45); II. Homilas
sobre S. Mateo (46-90), ed. bilinge (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos 141, 146),
Madrid: Ed. Catlica, 1955, 1956.
S. Zincone, Giovanni Crisostomo. Omelie sul Vangelo di Matteo, 3 vols (Collana di testi
patristici 170-172), Roma 2003.
J. de Penthos, Saint Jean Chrysostome. Commentaire sur lvangile selon saint Matthieu,
Perpignan: Artge, 2012.
G. Prevost, rev. by M.B. Riddle (trans.), The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of
Constantinople, on the Gospel of St. Matthew in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 10, 1888.
In Matt. hom. ??
J. Marsaux, Jean Chrysostome. Leucharistie cole de vie: slection de sept homlies sur
leucharistie (Pres dans la foi 99), Paris 2009. [trans.; CPG 4467, 4333, 4336, 4424,
4428, 4440, 4686]
In Matt. hom. 63
Salamito, Jean-Marie, Jacky Marsaux, Marie-Hlne Congourdeau, Christian Bouchet,
Antoine Hrouard, Gillaume Bady et Matthieu Cassin (dd. et trad.), Riches et
pauvres dans lglise ancienne: Clment dAlexandrie, Basile de Csare, Grgoire de
Nazianze, Jean Chrysostome, Ambroise de Milan, Augustin dHippone, Paris: Pollen,
2011. [contains trans. in French of De Lazaro hom. 1, In Ps. 48:17 hom. 2, In Matt.
hom. 63, In 1 Cor. hom. 34]

In Ioh. hom. 1-88 (CPG 4425)
Boismard, M.-. and A. Lamouille, Un vangile pr-johannique. I. Jean 1,1-2,12 (tudes
bibliques n.s. 17-18), 2 vols, Paris: Librairie Lecoffre, 1993. [edition of Chrysostom, In
Ioh. hom. 6, 16-23A, with hom. 8, 11-13 in appendix, plus notes; editors argue that
the homilies may be a composite based on a commentary by Diodore of Tarsus; the
homilies are edited with an interest in establishing the text of the Johannine Gospel
used; edition of the exegetical portion of the homilies only]
, Un vangile pr-johannique. II. Jean 2,13-4,54 (tudes bibliques n.s. 24-25), 2 vols, Paris:
Librairie Lecoffre, 1994. [edition of In Ioh. hom. 23B-35, plus notes]
, Un vangile pr-johannique. III. Jean 5,1-47 (tudes bibliques n.s. 28-29), 2 vols, Paris:
Librairie Lecoffre, 1996. [edition of In Ioh. hom. 36-42, plus notes]
J. Childers (ed., trans.), The Syriac Version of John Chrysostoms Commentary on John. I.
Mmr 1-43 (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 652, Scriptores Syri 250-
251), Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 2013.
I. Garzn Bosque & S. Garca-Jaln with A. Viciano & A. Del Zanna, San Juan Crisstomo.
Homilas sobre el Evangelio de San Juan (Biblioteca de patrstica 15), Madrid: Ciudad
Nueva, 1991.
I. Garzn Bosque, Homilas sobre el Evangelio de San Juan (Biblioteca de patrstica 54), vol. 2,
Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 2001.
, Homilas sobre el Evangelio de San Juan (Biblioteca de patrstica 55), vol. 3, Madrid:
Ciudad Nueva, 2001.
Sr Thomas Aquinas Goggin, Saint John Chrysostom: Commentary on Saint John the Apostle
and Evangelist (Fathers of the Church 33 and 41), Washington, DC: Catholic
University of America Press, 1957, 1960.
J. Childers (ed., trans.), The Syriac Version of John Chrysostoms Commentary on John. I.
Mmr 1-43 (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 652, Scriptores Syri 250-
251), Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 2013.
C. Tirone, Le Omelie su S. Giovanni Evangelista, I-V (Corona Patrum Salesiana, Ser. Graeca
10-13), Torino: Soc. ed. internaz., 1944-1948.
A. del Zanna, Commento al Vangelo di Giovanni, 3 vols, Roma: Citt nuova Ed., 1969-1970.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Commentaire sur lvangile selon saint Jean. dition
abrge, tablie et prsente par, Perpignan: Artge, 2012.

In Acta apost. hom. 1-55 (CPG 4426)
J. Walker, J. Sheppard, H. Browne, rev. by G.B. Stevens (trans.), The Homilies of St. John
Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on the Acts of the Apostles, in P. Schaff
(ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,
Series 1, vol. 11, 1888.

M. Merino Rodriguez, Juan Crisstomo. Homilas a los Hechos de los Apstoles (Bibloteca de
patristica 80-81), 2 vols, Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 2010.

In Rom. hom. 1-32 (CPG 4427)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. I, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854.
Bejarano, B., San Juan Crisstomo. Homilas sobre la Carta a los Romanos, Tomo I (Los
Santos Padres 21), Sevilla: Apostolado Mariano, 1990.
Bejarano, B. y A. Lopez, San Juan Crisstomo. Homilas sobre la Carta a los Romanos, Tomo II
(Los Santos Padres 22), Sevilla: Apostolado Mariano, 1990.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 2. Lettre aux
Romains, Lettre aux phesiens (coll. Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert,
J.B. Morris, W.H. Simcox, rev. by G.B. Stevens (trans.), The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom,
Archbishop of Constantinople, on the Epistle of St. Paul the apostle to the Romans,
in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the
Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 11, 1888.
P. Papageorgiou, St. John Chrysostom. Homilies on Romans, vol. 1, Brookline, MA: Holy Cross
Orthodox Press, 2013. {= hom. 1-15)
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 1. Homilias sobre a cartas aos
Romanos, Comentrio sobre a carta aos Glatas, Homilias sobre a carta aos fesios
(Patristica 27/1), So Paulo: Paulus, 2010.

In I Cor. hom. 1-44 (CPG 4428)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 2, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
C. Tirone, S. Giovanni Crisostomo. Commento alle Lettere di S. Paolo ai Corinti, 2 vols, Siena:
Catangalli 1962.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 1. Lettres aux
Corinthiens (coll. Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert, 2009.
T.W. Chambers (trans.), The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of
Constantinople, on the epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select
Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol.
12, 1889.

So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 2. Homilias sobre a primeira cartas

aos Corntios, Homilias sobre a segunda carta aos Corntios (Patristica 27/2), So
Paulo: Paulus, 2010.
In 1 Cor. hom. ??
J. Marsaux, Jean Chrysostome. Leucharistie cole de vie: slection de sept homlies sur
leucharistie (Pres dans la foi 99), Paris 2009. [trans.; CPG 4467, 4333, 4336, 4424,
4428, 4440, 4686]
In 1 Cor. hom. 34
Salamito, Jean-Marie, Jacky Marsaux, Marie-Hlne Congourdeau, Christian Bouchet,
Antoine Hrouard, Gillaume Bady et Matthieu Cassin (dd. et trad.), Riches et
pauvres dans lglise ancienne: Clment dAlexandrie, Basile de Csare, Grgoire de
Nazianze, Jean Chrysostome, Ambroise de Milan, Augustin dHippone, Paris: Pollen,
2011. [contains trans. in French of De Lazaro hom. 1, In Ps. 48:17 hom. 2, In Matt.
hom. 63, In 1 Cor. hom. 34]

In II Cor. hom. 1-30 (CPG 4429)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 3, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
C. Tirone, S. Giovanni Crisostomo. Commento alle Lettere di S. Paolo ai Corinti, 2 vols, Siena:
Catangalli 1962.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 1. Lettres aux
Corinthiens (coll. Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert, 2009.
T.W. Chambers (trans.), The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of
Constantinople, on the epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select
Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol.
12, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 2. Homilias sobre a primeira cartas
aos Corntios, Homilias sobre a segunda carta aos Corntios (Patristica 27/2), So
Paulo: Paulus, 2010.

In Gal. comm. (CPG 4430)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 4, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
W. Stoderl, Des hl. Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus Kommentar zu den Briefen des hl.
Paulus an die Galater und Epheser (Bibl. der Kirchenvter Zweite Reihe, Bd 15 = Der
heiligen Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus ausgewhlte Schriften Bd. 8),

Mnchen: Ksel & Pustet, 1936.

S. Zincone, Giovanni Crisostomo. Commento alla Lettera ai Galati. Trad., introd. e note
(Collana di testi patristici 35), Roma: Citt Nuova, 1982.
S. Zincone y I. Garzn, Juan Crisostomo. Commentario a la carta a los Glatas (Biblioteca de
patrstica 34), Ciudad Nueva, Madrid 1996.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 3. Lettre aux Galates,
Lettre aux Philippiens, Lettre aux Colossiens, Lettres aux Thessaloniciens (coll.
Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert, 2009.
G. Alexander (trans.), The Commentary and homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of
Constantinople, on the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to the Galatians and
Ephesians, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 1. Homilias sobre a cartas aos
Romanos, Comentrio sobre a carta aos Glatas, Homilias sobre a carta aos fesios
(Patristica 27/1), So Paulo: Paulus, 2010.

In Eph. hom. 1-24 (CPG 4431)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 4, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
W. Stoderl, Des hl. Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus Kommentar zu den Briefen des hl.
Paulus an die Galater und Epheser (Bibl. der Kirchenvter Zweite Reihe, Bd 15 = Der
heiligen Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus ausgewhlte Schriften Bd. 8),
Mnchen: Ksel & Pustet, 1936.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 2. Lettre aux
Romains, Lettre aux phesiens (coll. Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert,
G. Alexander (trans.), The Commentary and homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of
Constantinople, on the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to the Galatians and
Ephesians, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 1. Homilias sobre a cartas aos
Romanos, Comentrio sobre a carta aos Glatas, Homilias sobre a carta aos fesios
(Patristica 27/1), So Paulo: Paulus, 2010.
In Eph. hom. 11

Mayer, W. and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 59-72.

In Phil. hom. 1-15 (CPG 4432)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 5, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
W. Stoderl, Des hl. Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus, Erzbischofs von Konstantinopel,
Kommentar zu den Briefen des hl. Paulus an die Philipper und Kolosser (Bibl. der
Kirchenvter 45), Mnchen: Ksel & Pustet, 1924.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 3. Lettre aux Galates,
Lettre aux Philippiens, Lettre aux Colossiens, Lettres aux Thessaloniciens (coll.
Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert, 2009.
P. Allen, John Chrysostom, Homilies on Pauls Letter to the Philippians (Writings from the
Greco-Roman World 16), Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,
primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.

In Col. hom. 1-12 (CPG 4433)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 5, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
W. Stoderl, Des hl. Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus, Erzbischofs von Konstantinopel,
Kommentar zu den Briefen des hl. Paulus an die Philipper und Kolosser (Bibl. der
Kirchenvter 45), Mnchen: Ksel & Pustet, 1924.
C. Piazzino, Omelie sulla lettera di S. Paolo ai Colossesi (Coronoa patr. Sales., Ser. Graeca 6),
Torino: Soc. ed intern., 1939.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 3. Lettre aux Galates,
Lettre aux Philippiens, Lettre aux Colossiens, Lettres aux Thessaloniciens (coll.
Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert, 2009.
J.A. Broadus (trans.), The homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople,
on the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to the Philippians, Colossians, and
Thessalonians, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene

Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 13, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,
primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.
In Col. hom. 7
Mayer, W. and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 73-84.

In I Thess. hom. 1-11 (CPG 4434)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 5, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 3. Lettre aux Galates,
Lettre aux Philippiens, Lettre aux Colossiens, Lettres aux Thessaloniciens (coll.
Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert, 2009.
J.A. Broadus (trans.), The homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople,
on the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to the Philippians, Colossians, and
Thessalonians, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene
Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 13, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,
primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.

In II Thess. hom. 1-5 (CPG 4435)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 5, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 3. Lettre aux Galates,
Lettre aux Philippiens, Lettre aux Colossiens, Lettres aux Thessaloniciens (coll.
Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de Guibert, 2009.
J.A. Broadus (trans.), The homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople,
on the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to the Philippians, Colossians, and
Thessalonians, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene

Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 13, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,
primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.

In I Tim. hom. 1-18 (CPG 4436)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 6, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
G. Di Nola, Giovanni Crisostomo. Commento alla prima lettera a Timoteo (Collana di testi
patristici 124), Roma: Citt Nuova, 1995.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 4. Lettres
Timothe, Lettre Tite, Lettre Philmon (coll. Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de
Guibert, 2009.
P. Schaff (trans.), The homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on
the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, in P. Schaff (ed.),
A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series
1, vol. 13, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,
primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.

In II Tim. hom. 1-10 (CPG 4437)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 6, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 4. Lettres
Timothe, Lettre Tite, Lettre Philmon (coll. Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de
Guibert, 2009.
P. Schaff (trans.), The homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on
the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, in P. Schaff (ed.),
A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series
1, vol. 13, 1889.

So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,

primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.

In Titum hom. 1-6 (CPG 4438)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 6, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
W. Fick, Les homlies de Jean Chrysostome sur les ptres Tite et Philmon: texte grec,
traduction et commentaire, unpub. diss., Universit de Strasbourg 2, 1992. [edition
of the 3 homilies In Titum and 6 homilies In Philemon]
M. Konstantinidou, Prolegomena to an edition of John Chrysostoms Homilies on the letters
of Saint Paul to Titus and Philemon, unpub. diss., Oxford University, 2001.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 4. Lettres
Timothe, Lettre Tite, Lettre Philmon (coll. Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de
Guibert, 2009.
P. Schaff (trans.), The homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on
the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, in P. Schaff (ed.),
A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series
1, vol. 13, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,
primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.

In Philemon hom. 1-3 (CPG 4439)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 2, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
W. Fick, Les homlies de Jean Chrysostome sur les ptres Tite et Philmon: texte grec,
traduction et commentaire, unpub. diss., Universit de Strasbourg 2, 1992. [edition
of the 3 homilies In Titum and 6 homilies In Philemon]
M. Konstantinidou, Prolegomena to an edition of John Chrysostoms Homilies on the letters
of Saint Paul to Titus and Philemon, unpub. diss., Oxford University, 2001.
J. de Penthos, Jean Chrysostome. Homlies sur les ptres de saint Paul. 4. Lettres
Timothe, Lettre Tite, Lettre Philmon (coll. Religion), Paris: Francois-Xavier de
Guibert, 2009.
P. Schaff (trans.), The homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on
the epistles of St. Paul the apostle to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, in P. Schaff (ed.),

A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series
1, vol. 13, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,
primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.

In Heb. hom. 1-34 (CPG 4440)
F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 7, Oxford:
Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862.
B. Borghini, B. Giovanni Crisostomo, Omelie sullEpistola agli Ebrei, Alba: Ed. Paoline, 1967.
M. Merino Rodrguez, Juan Crisstomo. Homilas sobre la carta a los hebreos (Biblioteca de
patrstica 75), Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 2008.
F. Gardiner (trans.), The homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on
the epistle to the Hebrews, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-
Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 14, 1889.
So Joo Crisstomo, Comentrio s cartas de So Paulo. 3. Homilias sobre as cartas,
primeira e segunda a Timteo, a Tito, aos Filipenses, aos Colossenses, primeira e
segunda aos Tessalonicenses, a Filemon, aos Hebreus (Patristica 27/3), So Paulo:
Paulus, 2013.
In Heb. hom. ??
J. Marsaux, Jean Chrysostome. Leucharistie cole de vie: slection de sept homlies sur
leucharistie (Pres dans la foi 99), Paris 2009. [trans.; CPG 4467, 4333, 4336, 4424,
4428, 4440, 4686]

Nov homili (CPG 4441)
Nov. hom. 13 (lacuna)
A. Wenger, Restauration de lHomlie de Chrysostome sur Elazar et les sept frres
Macchabes (PG 63, 523-530), in J. Dummer, J. Irmscher, F. Paschke and K. Treu
(eds), Texte und Textkritik. Eine Aufsatzsammlung (TU 133), Berlin Akademie Verlag,
1987, 599-604.
Nov. hom. 1
Mayer, W. and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 85-92.
Nov. hom. 7

N. Saletta, S. Giovanni Crisostomo: Il discorso sul circo, Roma: Istituto Grafico Tiberino, 1964.
Mayer, W. and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers), London: Routledge,
2000, 118-125.
Nov. hom. 9
Sibiescu, V.G., Lactivit missionaire de saint Jean Chrysostom parmi les Goths VIIIe
Homlie, Glasul Bisericii 32 (1973) 375-388.
Nov. hom. 13
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 119-134.
A.B. Schneider, Jdisches Erbe in christlicher Tradition: ein kanongeschichtliche
Untersuchung zur Bedeutung und Rezeption der Makkaberbcher in der Alten
Kirche des Ostens, diss. Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg, 2000. [chapter 7
focuses on C and the veneration of the martyrs in Antioch; the dissertation also
contains a translation of the complete homily De Eleazaro et septem pueris in an
R. Ziad, Les martyrs Maccabes: de lhistoire juive au cult chrtien. Les homlies de Grgoire
de Nazianze et de Jean Chrysostome (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 80), Leiden-
Boston: Brill, 2007. [trans. in appendix]
Nov. hom. 15
W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 2006, 239-255.

Comm. in Iob (CPG 4443)
U. and D. Hagedorn, Johannes Chrysostomus. Kommentar zu Hiob (Patristische Texte und
Studien 35 ), Berlin: De Gruyter, 1990. [edition and translation]
H. Sorlin avec L. Neyrand, Jean Chrysostome. Commentaire sur Job. Tome I (Chapitres I-XIV).
Tome II (Chapitres XV-XLII) (SC 346 et 348), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1988.
J. Fantini, De la vanagloria y de la educacin de los hijos. Homila sobre Job, Salamanca: Ed.
Perficit Colegio de S. Estanislao, 1959.
U. and D. Hagedorn, Johannes Chrysostomus. Kommentar zu Hiob (Patristische Texte und
Studien 35), Berlin: De Gruyter, 1990. [edition and translation]
R.C. Hill, St John Chrysostom: Commentaries on the Sages, vol. 2, Commentary on Job,
Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006.

H. Sorlin avec L. Neyrand, Jean Chrysostome. Commentaire sur Job. Tome I (Chapitres I-XIV).
Tome II (Chapitres XV-XLII) (SC 346 et 348), Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1988.
L. Enache, Sfantul Ioan Gura de Aur. Comentariu la Iov, Iasi 2012.

Comm. in Prov. (CPG 4445)
G. Bady, Le Commentaire indit sur les Proverbes attribu Jean Chrysostome.
Introduction, dition critique et traduction, 2 vols, doctoral dissertation, Universit
Lyon, 2003.
G. Bady, Le Commentaire indit sur les Proverbes attribu Jean Chrysostome.
Introduction, dition critique et traduction, 2 vols, doctoral dissertation, Universit
Lyon, 2003.
R.C Hill, St John Chrysostom: Commentaries on the Sages, vol. 2, Commentary on Proverbs.
Commentary on Ecclesiastes, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006, 29-

De inani gloria et de educandis liberis (CPG 4455)
S. Haidacher, Des hl. Joh. Chrysostomus Bchlein ber Hoffart und Kindererziehung samt ein
der Blumenlese ber Jugenderziehung, aus seinen Schriften bersetzt und
herausgegeben, Freiburg i. B. 1907. [edition and trans.]
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur la vaine gloire et l'ducation des enfants (SC 188),
Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1972.
A. Ceresa-Gastaldo, A., Vanit. Educazione dei figli. Matrimonio (Coll. di testi patrist. 7),
Roma: Citt Nuova, 1977.
Modern Greek
B.K. Exarchos, Peri kenodoxias kai hopos dei tous goneas anatrephein ta tekna, ber Hoffart
und Kindererziehung. Mit Einleitung und kritischem Apparat (Das Wort der Antike 4),
Mnchen: Hueber, 1953. [poss. also 1952, 1954]
S. Haidacher, Des hl. Joh. Chrysostomus Bchlein ber Hoffart und Kindererziehung samt ein
der Blumenlese ber Jugenderziehung, aus seinen Schriften bersetzt und
herausgegeben, Freiburg i. B. 1907. [edition and trans.]
M. Grtner, Die Familienerziehung in der Alten Kirche. Eine Untersuchung ber die ersten vier
Jahrhunderte des Christentums mit einer bersetzung und einem Kommentar zur der
Schrift des Johannes Chrysostomus ber Geltungssucht und Kindererziehung (Klner
Verffentlichungen zur Religionsgeschichte 7), Kln 1985. [Bern: Univ. Diss. 1984]
M.L.W.Laistner, Christianity and Pagan Culture in the Roman Empire, together with an
English translation of John Chrysostoms Address on Vainglory and the Right Way for

Parents to Bring Up Their Children, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1951. [3rd
edn, 1978]
A.-M. Malingrey, Jean Chrysostome. Sur la vaine gloire et l'ducation des enfants (SC 188),
Paris: Les ditions du CERF, 1972.
H. Paprocki, W. Kania and A. Slomczynska, Sw. Jan Chryzostom, Wybor pism. Modlitwy
liturgiczne. Pisma o charakterze wychowawczym (Pisma Starochrzescijanskich Pisarzy
13), Warszawa: Akad. Teol. Katol., 1974.
J. Fantini, De la vanagloria y de la educacin de los hijos. Homila sobre Job, Salamanca: Ed.
Perficit Colegio de S. Estanislao, 1959.

Ad illuminandos cat. 1 (CPG 4460)
A. Pidagnel, Jean Chrysostome. Trois catchses baptismales (SC 366), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.
R. Kaczynski, Johannes Chrysostomus, Catecheses Baptismales (Taufkatechesen) I-II,
Griechisch-Deutsch (Fontes Christiani 6.1-2), Freiburg: Herder, 1992.
W. Kania and M. Starowiesky, Jean Chrysostome. Catchses, Lublin 1993. [title in Polish]
W.R.W. Stephens, Instructions to Catechumens, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9, 1889.
A. Pidagnel, Jean Chrysostome. Trois catchses baptismales (SC 366), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.

Cat. de iuramento (CPG 4461)
A. Pidagnel, Jean Chrysostome. Trois catchses baptismales (SC 366), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.
R. Kaczynski, Johannes Chrysostomus, Catecheses Baptismales (Taufkatechesen) I-II,
Griechisch-Deutsch (Fontes Christiani 6.1-2), Freiburg: Herder, 1992.
W. Kania and M. Starowiesky, Jean Chrysostome. Catchses, Lublin 1993. [title in Polish]
A. Pidagnel, Jean Chrysostome. Trois catchses baptismales (SC 366), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.

Cat. ultima ad baptizandos (CPG 4462)

A. Pidagnel, Jean Chrysostome. Trois catchses baptismales (SC 366), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.
R. Kaczynski, Johannes Chrysostomus, Catecheses Baptismales (Taufkatechesen) I-II,
Griechisch-Deutsch (Fontes Christiani 6.1-2), Freiburg: Herder, 1992.
W. Kania and M. Starowiesky, Jean Chrysostome. Catchses, Lublin 1993. [title in Polish]
A. Pidagnel, Jean Chrysostome. Trois catchses baptismales (SC 366), Paris: Les ditions du
CERF, 1990.

Ad illuminandos cat. 2 (CPG 4464)
A.G. Hamman and J. Danilou, Linitiation chrtienne. Cyrille de Jrusalem: Catchses
mystagogiques; Ambroise de Milan: Trait des mystres; Jean Chrysostome: Sermon
aux nophytes, Paris: Descle de Brouwer, 1980.
W.R.W. Stephens, Instructions to Catechumens, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9, 1889.

Catecheses 1-8 (CPG 4465-4472)
A. Wenger, Jean Chrysostome: Huit catchses baptismales indites (SC 50 bis), 2nd ed,
Paris: ditions du Cerf, 1970.
C. Brigatti, S. Giovanni Crisostom. Catechesi battesimali (Patristica e del pensiero cristiano),
Alba: Ed. Paoline, 1975.
N. Nocilli (trad. e noti), Giovanni Crisostomo. Le catechesi battesimali (Classico dello spirito
40), Padova: Ed. Messaggero 1988.
L. Zappella, Giovanni Crisostomo. Le catechesi battesimali (Letture cristiane del primo
millennio 27), Milano: Paoline, 1998.
Modern Greek
Anon., Ioannou tou Chrysostomou. To Mega Axioma. Neoellenike apodosis ton dodeka
Katecheseon tou hierou Chrysostomou, Athenai: Ekdosis ton ergasterion grafikon
technon To Phos, 1959.
P.W. Harkins, St. John Chrysostom: Baptismal Instructions (ACW 31), Westminster, Md.:
Newman Press, 1963.
R. Kaczynski, Johannes Chrysostomus, Catecheses Baptismales (Taufkatechesen) I-II,
Griechisch-Deutsch (Fontes Christiani 6.1-2), Freiburg: Herder, 1992.
W. Kania and M. Starowiesky, Jean Chrysostome. Catchses, Lublin 1993. [title in Polish]

V. Madureira, Oito catequeses baptismais (Origens do Cristianismo 1), Lisboa-S. Paolo:
Verbo, 1974. [Greek text and translation]
A. Velasco trans.) y A. Ceresa-Gastaldo (introduccin y notas), Juan Criststomo. Las
Catequesis Bautismales (Biblioteca de Patrstica 3), Madrid: Ciudad Nueva 1988.
A. Soler i Nolasc del Molar with A. Olivar & S. Janeras, Joan Crisstom. Catequesis
baptismals; Tractat sobre el scerdoci (Clssics del cristianisme 14), Barcelona:
Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya Enciclopdia Catalana, 1990.
A. Wenger, Jean Chrysostome: Huit catchses baptismales indites (SC 50 bis), 2nd ed,
Paris: ditions du Cerf, 1970.

Comparatio regis et monachi (CPG 4500) = ps-C (Voicu)
D.G. Hunter, A Comparison Between a King and a Monk/Against the Opponents of the
Monastic Life. Two Treatises by John Chrysostom (Studies in the Bible and Early
Christianity 13), Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1988.

De beato Abrahamo (CPG 4514) = genuine (Tonias 2014)
D. Tonias, Abraham in the Works of John Chrysostom (Emerging Scholars series),
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2014, 189-198 (=Appendix A).

De capto Eutropio (CPG 4528) = ps-C (initial paras may be genuine)
J. Pantini, Juan Crisstomo (San.). Homila en defensa de Eutropio. Introduccon, texto y
comentario, Madrid: Escelicer, 1958. ??
W.R.W. Stephens, Two homilies on Eutropius II. When he had quitted the asylum of the
church, and had been taken captive, in P. Schaff (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene
and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1, vol. 9, 1889.

De Chananaea (CPG 4529)
J.R. McKevitt, A critical edition of two homilies from the collection of 38 Latin homilies of
Saint John Chrysostom. De muliere Cananaea and De Pentecoste, unpub. PhD diss.,
New York University, 1975.

Comm. in Ecclesiasten (CPG 7433) = genuine [Bady 2005, Hill 2006]

S. Leanza (ed.), Procopii Gazaei catena in Ecclesiasten necnon Pseudochrysostomici

Commentarius in eundem Ecclesiasten (Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 4),
Brepols: Turnhout, 1978.
R.C. Hill, St John Chrysostom: Commentaries on the Sages, vol. 2, Commentary on Proverbs.
Commentary on Ecclesiastes, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006, 167-197.

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