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will / be going to + V1


was / were + Ving

am / is / are + Ving

will be + Ving


had + V3

have / has + V3

will have + V3


had been + Ving

have / has been + Ving

will have been + Ving


A-General statements of fact
Bu tense doa olaylar, bilimsel bulgular, snflandrmalar, genellemeler ve ataszleri-deyimler gibi her zaman
geerlilii olan olay ve durumlar ifade etmek iin kullanlr.
The earth revolves around the sun. Dnya gnein etrafnda dner.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Gnde bir elma doktoru uzak tutar.
The sun rises in the east. Gne doudan doar.
It rains a lot in winter. Kn yamur ok yaar.
Everybody knows her. Onu herkes tanr.

B-Habitual daily activities

Her zaman alkanlk haline getirilmi eylemler ve beceriler ile her gn, her hafta, her ay, her yl gibi zamanlarda
tekrar eden olaylar ifade etmek iin kullanlr.
He always drinks milk. O her zaman st ier.
I always get up early. Ben daima erken kalkarm.
She always brushes her teeth. O daima dilerini fralar.

C- A present state of affairs

Belirli olaylarn u anki durumunu gstermek iin de kullanlr.
My brother lives in Alanya. Erkek kardeim Alanyada oturur.
Mr. Alperen teaches English. Bay Alperen ngilizce retir.
Hande speaks five languages fluently. Hande be dili akc bir ekilde konuur.

D-Future schedules / timetables

Belirli bir izelge ya da plana (rnein, ders programlar; uak, gemi, tren, otobs tarifeleri; sinema, tiyatro gibi
etkinliklerin balama ve biti saatleri; gezi programlar) uygun olarak, SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE gelecek
zamanda meydana gelecek bir olay anlatmak iin de kullanlr.
The bus leaves at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Otobs sabah saat 8:00de hareket edecek.
Our school begins next Monday. Okulumuz gelecek Pazartesi balayacak.
The play starts at 9:00 tonight. Oyun bu gece saat 9:00da balayacak.
E-A future situation (In adverbial clauses of time)
after, before, by the time, when, until / till, as soon as, once, immediately, as long as gibi balalarla kurulmu
zaman bildiren yan cmleciklerde gelecek zaman bildirmek iin bu zaman kullanlr.

We leave for Ankara tomorrow. Yarn Ankaraya gidiyoruz.

My father arrives in Ankara next week. Babam gelecek hafta Ankaraya varacak.
Final exams begin next week. Final snavlar haftaya balayacak.
Our bus leaves at eight o'clock tomorrow night. Otobsmz yarn akam saat sekizde kalkacak.
The concert begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.30. Konser 7.30da balayacak, saat 9.30da bitecek.
F-A past activity or event in newspaper headlines
Gerekte gemi zamanda olmu bir eylem ya da durum gazete balklarnda bu tense ile ifade edilir.

Galatasaray beats Leeds United. Galatasaray Leads Unitedi yendi.

Ayn ekilde, aslnda gemi zamanda anlatlm bir olay ya da hikaye bu tense ile anlatlabilir.

One day Nasreddin Hodja loses his donkey. Nasrettin Hoca bir gn eeini kaybetti.
G-Criticism or appraisal of artistic work
Bu tense bir sanat eseri zerinde yaplan olumlu ya da olumsuz eletirilerde kullanlr.
Thomas Hardy usually depicts woman characters as victims.
Thomas Hardy kadn karaterleri kurbanlar olarak anlatr.
Picassos works reflect the beauty of nature.
Picassonun eserleri tabiatn gzelliini yanstr.
H- GENELDE -ing almayan FLLER
Mental state
know, realize,
believe, feel,
suppose, think
Emotional state
love, like, appreciate hate, dislike
Sense perceptions
taste, smell,
Other existing states seem, look, appear

hear, feel
cost, owe

imagine, doubt
remember, forget

want, need, prefer,


fear, envy

mind, care

be, exist

belong to
consist of, contain,



NOT: Bold olarak yazlanlar hem -ing alarak hem de almadan kullanlrlar.


A-An activity in progress right now.
Konuma esnasnda devam eden olaylar anlatmak iin kullanr.
I cant come with you because I am doing my homework right now.
u an ev devimi yaptm iin seninle gelemem.
My father is reading an interesting novel at the moment.
Babam u an ilgin bir roman okuyor.
I am watching the news now. u anda haberleri izliyorum.
B- A general activity that takes place over a period of time.
Konumann getii anda o eylemi yapmyor olsak bile o sralarda yapmakta olduumuz ileri anlatrz. Genellikle
u zaman zarflar kullanlr: nowadays, these days, this term, this quarter, this semester, this year, this month
Teenagers are eating pizza nowadays. imdilerde genler pizza yiyor.
What are you doing to improve your language skills these days?
Bu gnlerde dil becerilerini gelitirmek iin ne yapyorsun?
C-Future arrangements (plans)
nceden planladmz ve kesin olarak yapmay dndmz ileri anlatrken.
We are playing football this week. Bu hafta futbol oynuyoruz.
We are introducing the new project next week. Gelecek hafta yeni projeyi tantyoruz.
He is taking two main projects this year. Bu yl iki ana proje alyor.
We are spending ten days in Antalya. Antalyada 10 gn geireceiz.

D-An attitude of annoyance

ikayet ya da kzgnlk belirtmek iin bu tense, constantly always, continually, perpetually, forever gibi zarflar ile
birlikte kullanlr.
Mike is always coming in late. (I don't like it.) Mike hep ge geliyor.(Houma gitmiyor.)
My brother is always leaving his dirty socks on my bed.
Erkek kardeim kirli oraplarn hep yatamn stnde brakyor.
He is always borrowing money from me. Srekli benden bor para alyor.

E. Kararllk ifadelerinde:
You are not coming with me. Benimle gelmiyorsun.


hear (duymak): I hear the noise. Grlty iitiyorum.
taste (tatmak): It tastes good. Onun tad iyidir.
smell (koklamak): It smells nice. Ho kokuyor.
see (grmek): I see your car there. Orada senin araban gryorum.
sound (kulaa ho gelmek):
A: Shall we throw a party next weekend? nmzdeki haftasonu bir parti verelim mi?
B: It sounds good. Why not? Kulaa ho geliyor, Neden olmasn?


know (bilmek, tanmak): I know him very well. Onu ok iyi tanyorum.
belive (inanmak): I believe he is a nice man. Onun ho bir adam olduuna inanyorum.
think (sanmak): I think I will come back soon. Yaknda dneceimi sanyorum.
understand (anlamak): I understand it. Onu anlyorum.)
recognize (tanmak): I recognize him. Onu tanrm.)
remember (hatrlamak): I remember good old days. Eski iyi gnleri hatrlyorum.
mean (kastetmek): I dont mean it . Onu kastetmiyorum.


A-An action which began and ended at a particular time in the past.
Gemite belli bir zamanda olmu bitmi (tamamlanm) eylemleri ifade etmek iin kullanlr.

I saw him on the bus last night. Dn gece onu otobste grdm.
Columbus explored America in 1492. Kolomb Amerikay 1492de kefetti.
B-An activity that took place regularly in the past.
Gemite dzenli aralklarla olmu eylemleri anlatmak iin de kullanlr. Bu bakmdan USED TO gibi kullanlr
ama bu kullanm nadirdir.

We came together every week to work on the project.

Proje zerinde almak iin her hafta bir araya gelirdik.

They went to school every day last year.

Geen yl hergn okula giderlerdi.
C-In reported speech and wish clauses.
Dolayl anlatm ve dilek yaplarnda:

He said that they came here that day. Onlarn buraya o gn geldiklerini syledi.
We all wish we were rich. Hepimiz zengin olmay arzu ederiz.


A-An activity that was in progress at a particular time in the past.
Gemite belli bir anda devam etmekte olan olaylar anlatmak iin kullanlr.
I was sleeping when the telephone rang.
Telefon aldnda uyuyordum.
I was waiting for the bus when the accident happened.
Kaza olduunda otobs bekliyordum.
B-An event or activity that was planned but not fulfilled in the past (also with was / were going to).
Gemite tasarlanm ama yaplamam eylemleri anlatmak iin kullanlr.
She was going to write his homework on the computer, but the electricity went off.
Bilgisayarda devini yapacakt ama elektrik kesildi.
C-Koul cmlelerinde (koul, tercih, dilek bildirmek iin) kullanlr.
I wish I were visiting my friends in Alanya right now.
imdi Alanyada arkadalarm ziyaret ediyor olsaydm.
D- Bir hikayede bir sahne veya durumu tasvir ederken kullanlr.
It was a nice day. Gzel bir gnd.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Gne parlyor, kular akyordu.
E-Ayn anda srmekte olan iki paralel eylemi anlatrken kullanlr.
While I was studying, my brother was sleeping. Ben alrken kardeim uyuyordu.


A-An activity or action that happened at an unspecific time before now.
inde bulunduumuz ann ncesinde olmu ancak zaman tam olarak bilinmeyen eylemleri ifade eder. Bu
zamanda nemli olan eylemin zaman deil sonucudur.

I have had an operation. Bir ameliyat geirdim.

I have seen that film. O filmi grmtm.

B-An action that happened repeatedly before now.

Bu kullanmda olayn tekrar tekrar yapldn belirtir. today, this morning, this week, this month gibi zaman
zarflar kullanlr.
It has snowed three times so far this winter. Bu k defa kar yad.
She has visited me once so far this year. Bu yl beni bir kez ziyaret etti.
C-An action that began in the past and continues up to the present. (often used with for and since)
(Eylem belli bir sre iinde gerekleir.) Ksaca bu tense belli bir noktada balam ve halen devam eden
eylemleri ifade eder.
I have lived in zmir since 2000. (= and I still do.) zmirde 2000den beri oturuyorum. (hala oradaym.)
D-An action that recently occurred
Ksa bir sre nce tamamlanm eylemleri ifade etmek iin kullanlr.

We have just seen her. Onu yeni grdk .(ksa bir sre nce)
He has just arrived in Ordu. Orduya henz vard.
E-An action to be completed in the future, in adverbial clauses
Zarf cmleciklerinde gelecekte tamamlanm olaca vurgulanan eylemleri ifade eder.
If you have finished all the work, you may leave early today.
Tm ii bitirirsen (bitirmi olduunda), erken kabilirsin.
As soon as they have finished the project, they will start a new one.
Projeyi bitirdiklerinde (bitirir bitirmez), yeni bir tanesine balayacaklar.


A-An activity that began in the past and continues up to the present.
Present Perfect Tenseden farkl olarak bu zaman yaplan eylemin srekliliini de n plana karr.
Murat has been studying English since 2004.
Murat 2004den beri ngilizce alyor.
B-A general action lately in progress (no specific time is mentioned)
Bu kullanmda da eylemin srekliklik gstermesi nemlidir ve recently, lately, all day, all week, all yearvb.
zaman zarflar kullanlr.

People have been searching the space for hundreds of years.

nsanlar yzlerce yldr uzay aratryorlar.
I have been painting the house lately.
Son zamanlarda evi boyuyorum.
People have been collecting smoking pipes for hundreds of years.
nsanlar yzlerce yldr pipo koleksiyonu yapyorlar.


A-An action that occurred before another activity in the past.
Gemite yaplan iki eylemden, nce olan ya da gemite belli bir noktadan nce gerekleen eylemleri ifade
etmek iin kullanlr.
I had never seen such a boring film until I watched it in Ankara.
Ankarada izleyene kadar byle skc bir film grmemitim.
I had never seen such a beautiful seaside before I went to Turun.
Turuna gitmeden nce byle gzel sahil grmemitim.
I had never seen such a beautiful sight before I came here.
Buraya gelmeden nce byle gzel bir manzara grmemitim.
My friends had already eaten dinner by the time I got home.
Ben eve geldiimde arkadalarm akam yemeini yemiti (bile).
B-An action that was expected to occur in the past.
Gemite belli bir noktadan nce olmu ancak etkileri o noktada devam eden eylemleri ifade ederken kullanlr.
By the time the Iran-Iraq War concluded in 1988, the town had been evacuated.
1988de ran-Irak sava bittiinde, kasaba boaltlmt.
C-Ayrca bu tense, reported speech ve koul cmlelerinde (Conditional Sentences) de kullanlr.
They told me that the meeting had been cancelled. (Reported Speech)
Bana toplantnn iptal edildiini sylediler.
The politicians wished he hadnt voted for the new mayor.( a wish clause)
Politikaclar onun yeni belediye bakanna oy vermemi olmasn dilediler.
They wished he hadnt behaved so foolishly.
Onun yle aklszca davranmam olmasn dilediler.


A-An activity that was in progress before another activity in the past.
Gemite belli bir zamandan ya da eylemden nce gerekleen olayn srekliliini vurgulamak iin kullanlr.

The train had been leaving when I arrived at the station.

stasyona geldiimde tren ayrlyordu.
B-In reported speech
Dolayl anlatmda past progressive ve Present Perfect Progressive yerine Past Perfect Progressive kullanlr.
He said that he had been working there for years.
Yllardr orada altn syledi.

9.FUTURE (Be Going To)

A-Expressing a prediction
Gelecekte meydana gelme olasl bulunan bir olaydan ya da gelecee ynelik bir tahminden sz ediliyorsa BE
GOING TO kullanlr. Bu ynyle willin kullanmna benzer. Ancak ok yakn gelecekte olma olasl yksek
olan tahminlerde BE GOING TO kullanlr.
According to the weather forecast, it is going to be a beautiful day today.
Hava tahminine gre bugn gzel bir gn olacak.
B- Expressing a future plan or intention.
nceden tasarlanm eylemleri ifade ederken kullanlr. Bu kullanmyla BE GOING TO ve PRESENT
CONTINUOUS TENSE birbirinin yerine kullanlabilir:
The military forces are moving towards here. They are going to pull down the building where I live.
Askeri gler buraya doru geliyorlar. Oturduum binay ykacaklar.
1. Gelecekte yapmaya niyetlendiimiz ilerden sz ederken:
I am going to buy a car.
Bir araba satn alacam.
2. Kuvvetli beklenilen bir olaydan sz ederken:
It is cloudy. It is going to rain.
Hava bulutlu. Yamur yaacak.
I think it is going to snow this evening.
Sanrm bu akam kar yaacak.


A- Expressing a prediction:
Gelecee ynelik bir tahminden sz ediliyorsa will kullanlabilir:
According to the weather forecast, the southern parts of Turkey will be snowy tomorrow.
Hava tahminine gre Trkiyenin gney blgeleri yarn karl olacak.

B-(with I / we) to express a spontaneous decision:

Ani alnan bir karar anlatrken.
I'll pay for the books by credit card. Kitaplar kredi kart ile deyeceim.
C- Expressing willingness / unwillingness or making a decision at the time of speaking:
Konuma annda yapmaya o an karar verdiimiz eylemleri anlatrken:
- What will you buy?
- Ill buy a Mercedes.
D- to express willingness:
Bir teklifte bulunurken:
I'll do all the washing-up. Tm bula ben ykayacam.(ykarm)
I 'll carry your bag for you. Senin yerine antan tayacam.(tarm)
Ill phone you later. Daha sonra seni arayacam. (ararm)

E- Umut, phe, tahmin belirten ifadelerde:

I hope you will pass the exams. Umarm snavlar geersin.
I am afraid we will miss the train. Korkarm treni karacaz.
I think he will come back soon. Sanrm (bence) yaknda dnecek.
F. Birisinden bir ey yapmasn rica ederken:
Willl you pass the salt please? Tuzu uzatr msnz ltfen?


A An activity that will be in progress at a particular time in the future.
Gelecekte belli bir anda devam etmekte olacak eylemleri ifade etmek iin kullanlr.
This time next week you will be working in your new office.
Gelecek hafta bu zamanlar yeni ofisinde alyor olacaksn.
They will be staying in Konya for the next few days.
Gelecek birka gn onlar Konyada kalyor olacaklar.
Many people will be attending the conference next week.
Gelecek hafta konferansa pek ok kii katlacak.
B- An activity that will occur at an unspecified time in the future.
Tam olarak ne zaman olaca bilinmeyen ancak gelecekte olacak eylemleri ifade etmek iin bu tense kullanlr.

Dont worry, we will be visiting your uncle very soon.

zlme amcan yaknda ziyeret ediyor olacaz.
Our firm will be marketing its products all over the world in the future.
Firmamz gelecekte tm dnyaya rnlerini pazarlyor olacak.
C- A future activity that has already been decided.
Gelecekte olmas kesin olan eylemlerin ifade edilmesinde kullanlr.
Right after the meeting, I will be meeting the new manager.
Toplantdan hemen sonra yeni yneticiyle buluacam.
Mr. Kariner is tired, so he will be leaving the party very soon.
Bay Kariner yorgun, bu nedenle yaknda partiden ayrlyor olacak. (ayrlacak)

D- Polite requests
Kibar bir ekilde soru sorarken kullanlr.
Will you be attending the meeting? Toplantya katlacak msnz?
Will you be bringing your child with you? ocuunuzu getirecek misiniz?


A-An activity that will be completed before another activity in the future.
Gelecekte belli bir olay ya da andan nce tamamlanm olacak eylemler bu tense ile ifade edilir.

By this time next week, I will have worked for this company for 24 years.
Gelecek hafta bu firmada 24 yl alm olacam.

I'll have been here for six months on June 23rd.

Haziran 23de burada alt ay bulunmu olacam.

We will have finished the project by this time next week.

Gelecek hafta bu vakitler projeyi bitirmi olacaz.

The thesis will have been reviewed by experts by this time next month.
Tez gelecek ay bu vakitler uzmanlar tarafndan incelenmi olacak.


A-Emphasizing the duration of an activity that will be in progress before another activity in the future.
Gelecekte belli bir olay ya da andan nce tamamlanacak eylemin gsterdii devamllk bu tense ile ifade edilir.

By the end of your course, you will have been learning English for five years.

Kursunuzun bitiminde 5 yldr ngilizce reniyor olacaksnz.

We will have been working on the project for two months by September.
Eyllde proje zerinde iki aydr alyor olacaz.

He will have been studying English for two years by the end of next month.
Gelecek ayn sonunda iki yldr ngilizce alyor / almakta olacak.
They will have been running for six hours by ten oclock.
Saat onda onlar alt saattir kouyor olacaklar.

BTM KPLKLER -Perfect with modals


could have : gemite gerekleme ihtimali az olan olumlu yaplarda kullanlan

zne+could + Perfect infinitive (--could have + past participle).

You could have asked me earlier. Bana daha nce sorabilirdiniz.

You could have told me you were ill. Hasta olduunuzu bana syleyebilirdiniz.
You could have accepted this job. Bu ii kabul edebilirdiniz.
I could have bought a sport car. Spor bir araba alabilirdim. (but I didnt =ama almadm)

may / might have + V3

He may have missed the bus. Otobs karm olabilir.
You might have heard the rumour. Sylentiyi iitmi olabilirsiniz.
She might have taken additional responsibility. Fazla sorumluluk alm olabilir.
She might have walked home. Eve yrm olabilir.
They came back late. They may / might have had a party tonight.
Onlar ge dndler. Bu gece bir parti vermi olabilirler.

may not have + V3 veya might not have + V3: olumsuz, dk ihtimal
They may not have seen our new car in front of the door.
Kapnn nndeki yeni arabamz grm olamazlar.

can't have + V3 veya couldn't have + V3: olumsuz, yksek ihtimal

She can't have gone to work. e gitmi olamaz.
They cant have missed the bus. Otobs karm olamazlar.
The students didnt study for the test. They cant have passed it.
renciler snava almadlar. Snav gemi olamazlar.


They couldnt have done such a mistake. Byle bir hata yapm olamazlar.

Should / ought to + have + V3: mesi gerekirdi / ama gerei yaplmam

The students should have paid more attention to the teacher.
rencilerin retmene daha fazla dikkatlerini vermeleri gerekirdi.


must have : gemiteki bir olasl, varsaym veya karm anlatr.

zne + must + have + V3 + tmle

I must have asked children ten times to be quiet.
ocuklara on defa sessiz olmalarn istemiimdir.
The burglars must have entered the shop through the front door.
Soyguncular maazaya n kapdan girmi olmallar. (bir karm)
She must have heard the bad news. Kt haberi duymu olmal.
mustn't have :yaplmam olmas gereken bir eyi anlatr.
You mustn't have touched that. Ona dokunmamalydn.

needn't have : gemite yaplmasa da olabilecek bir iin gereksiz yere yaplm olduunu
zne + needn't + have + V3 + tmle

You needn't have run away. Kaman gerekmezdi.

You neednt have done such a mistake. Byle yanl bir eyi yapmanz gerekmezdi.


GRAMMAR TEST - TEST ON TENSES 2 (intermediate)

1.-25. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. In the last decade, governments around the

world ---- increasingly more transparent.

6. The Pentagon ---- Israel ---- a military victory in

its war against Palestinian insurgents.

A) would have become

B) have become
C) could become
D) were become
E) become

A) will conclude / was achieving

B) concludes / would achieve
C) had concluded / achieved
D) has concluded / achieves
E) has concluded / will not achieve

2. The restrictions ---- most profound in the United

States and Canada where proposals to limit
national and local freedom of information acts

7. A soil survey ---- by the Department of

Agriculture that is still in print ---- from the state
or local office of the Natural Resources.
A) would have published / had requested
B) has published / requested
C) published / can be requested
D) published / requesting
E) had published / was requesting

A) have been / have been adopted

B) were / have adopted
C) had been / would have adopted
D) would be / had adopted
E) would have been / adopted
3. The Australian Law Reform Commission and the
Administrative Review Council ---- a joint report
in January 1995 calling for substantial changes
---- the law.


A) haven't believed / would be

B) didnt believe / has been
C) wouldn't believe / was being
D) cannot believe / can be
E) hadn't believed / will have been

A) would release / was being improved

B) released / to improve
C) releases / had been improved
D) was releasing / would have been improved
E) released / was improving
4. Members ---- clean and very friendly in the
forums and it ---- sure it remains in such a
positive atmosphere.


By the time people with HIV ---- AIDS, the virus

---- their immune systems.
A) develop / will have damaged
B) developed / will damage
C) will develop / was damaged
D) had developed / is damaged
E) developing / would have damaged

A) would be / was being made

B) have been / will be made
C) are / had been made
D) were / would have been made
E) will be / was made

I ---- that such a transport system ---- relied on

to get food to the remote parts of the country.

10. People with Parkinson's disease ---- completely

dependent upon levodopa, which ---- to help
restore their muscle function and retain their

Since 2000, eleven welfare laws ---- by

Parliament and by the end of 2007, we hope
seven or eight more ----.
A) had been passed / has passed
B) have been passed / will have been passed
C) is being passed / would pass
D) was passed / had passed
E) will be passed / was passing

A) would become / will have been used

B) have become / would be used
C) may become / is used
D) had become / would used
E) will become / may have been used


11. Schools that repeatedly ---- F grades from the

state ---- closed.

17. They ---- in all manner of crime on a scale we ---before

A) were receiving / will be

B) have received / will have to be
C) will receive / would be
D) had received / are being
E) received / were being


12. The accounts of incidents that I will relive on

these pages ---- from the official Department
Records that I ----.
A) would compile/ had been maintained
B) had compiled / was maintained
C) compile / maintained
D) will be compiled /have maintained
E) compiled / maintain

18. Even though most companies ----anti-virus

software, many ---- new technologies to stop
virus threats in 2006.

13. It ---- however, that the students ---- direction

and that a member of Facilities would be more
A) may have been pointed out / will need
B) has been pointed out / had played
C) had been pointed out / would need
D) was pointed out / could have needed
E) is pointed out / would be needed


had been made / was published

have been made / will be published
would be made / would be published
has been made / was being published
are made / published

20. Ireland's pioneering smoking ban ---widespread support despite fears it ---- pubs out
of business.

A) will have established / will begin

B) are going to establish / begin
C) established / began
D) established / have begun
E) establish / will have begun


15. Professional development as it ---- for years,

referred to a group of teachers listening to a
speaker who ---- an expert on the topic.

would win / had been put

have won / will be put
would be won / would be put
has won / would put
had won / was put

21. Recent research ---- that antioxidant

compounds like alphalipoic acid and acetyl -Lcarnitine ---- memory.
A) proves/ would boost
B) is proved / have boosted
C) had proved made / are boosted
D) would prove/ were boosted
E) has proved / will boost

has been known / might be

will be known / may have been
had been known / might not be
was known / may be
might have been known / may not be

16. His father ---- very busy these days since, as a

journalist, he ---- important people from the
business world.

had installed / had been evaluated

have installed / are evaluating
installed / has been evaluated
are installing/ were being evaluated
install/ are being evaluated

19. When all the reports ---- available and all

outstanding technical issues have been
resolved it ---- by us.

14. After the two countries ---- diplomatic ties,

economic cooperation ---- to develop in a
comprehensive manner.


have been involved / have never seen

had involved / were never seen
were involved / would never see
are involved / will never see
involved / had never seen

22. Since everybody was hungry we ---- for half an

hour and ---- our lunch packs.

would have been / is being interviewed

has been / has been interviewing
was / would interview
will be / is interviewed
is / has been interviewed

A) would stop / eat

B) had stopped / have been eaten
C) were stopping / had been eaten
D) are stopping / would have been eaten
E) stopped / ate


23. The United States ---- signing the treaty of

global warming because of fears that it ---patent rights in biotechnology.

would delay / had been limited

have delayed / will be limited
would be delayed / would be limited
delayed / could limit
had delayed / was limited

24. Social justice ---- one of the most important

values that we ---- to secure in critical
evaluation studies of educational reform.
A) would be / have hoped
B) will be / hoped
C) has been / will hope
D) is / should hope
E) was / would hope
25. Photosynthesis ---- the process by which green
plants ---- food for themselves-and, indirectly,
for all animals, including human beings.
A) is / make
B) may be / has made
C) has been / was made
D) had been / made
E) was / had made


GRAMMAR TEST - TEST ON TENSES 3 (upper-intermediate)

1.-25. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. We ---- that over 70% of this group ---- in the

education sector as postdoctoral
A) identify/ is employed
B) have been identified / employ
C) have identified / are employed
D) identified / employing
E) were identified / being employed

Doctors often ---- supplements of vitamin

D and calcium but scientists at the
University of Aberdeen in Scotland say they
A) recomend /had not worked
B) have recommended/should not work
C) recommend/ dont work
D) had recommended/were not working
E) was recommending/have not worked

3. The basic economic features of the EEC

treaty ----, and in 1968 all tariffs between
member states ----.
A) would have been implemented / eliminated
B) are implemented / will be eliminated
C) were implemented / were eliminated
D) had been implemented / was being
E) implemented / eliminating
4. The UN focused on the economic and social
problems of developing countries, and on
supporting colonial territories as they ---toward independence, as well as helping
nations that ---- independence recently.
A) move / would have been achieved
B) moved / had achieved
C) had moved / have been achieved
D) have moved / were achieving
E) is moving / had been achieved
5. By the time you ---- to my age, you ---- a
much different path than what youre
A) get / would have been taken
B) get / will have taken
C) had got / have been taken
D) have got / are taking

E) is getting / had been taken

6. When a person ---- as a suspect, the
program ---- reasonable effort to following
the progress of the investigation.
A) identified / has to devote
B) has identified / had to devote
C) will identify/ could devote
D) has been identified/ should devote
E) identifies/ would devote
7. Hannibals soldiers took livestock and ---farm buildings, while Roman farmers ---their fields to fight the war.
A) has destroyed / neglected
B) was destroyed / is neglected
C) has been destroyed / was neglected
D) destroyed / neglected
E) will be destroyed / would be neglected
8. 19th century Italian astronomer Giovanni
Schiaparelli ---- several books and magazine
and newspaper articles on the subject and
---- extensively about his theory around the
country to sold-out audiences.
A) was writing / had lectured
B) had written / would lecture
C) has written / lectures
D) would have written / could lecture
E) wrote / lectured
9. Assessing Modernism after the half century
in which it was dominant, commentators
----out that even though it by big business
and big government, the general public
never grew fond of it.
A) will be pointed / will be embraced
B) was pointed / were embraced
C) pointed / was embraced
D) pointed / had embraced
E) would point / been embraced
10. Picasso ---- to advanced classes at the
academy after he ---- in a single day the
entrance examination that applicants
traditionally were given a month to finish.
A) had admitted / completed
B) will admit / would have completed
C) has admitted / will complete

D) was admitted / completed

E) admitted / have completed
11. As industrial and agricultural production ----,
the per capita share of water resources in
the region ---- falling.

develops / keeps
is developing / kept
will develop/ will produce
was developing / will be kept
developed/ was keeping

12. By the end of 2007, hundreds of older diesel

buses ---- with new clean-fuel buses.
A) will have been replaced
B) have been replaced
C) would've been replaced
D) will replace
E) were being replaced
13. For over three hundred years men ---- to
make a gun that ---- more than one shot
without reloading.
A) have been tried / fire
B) have to be tried / are firing
C) are being tried / have fired
D) had tried / fires
E) had been trying / would fire
14. Anyone who ---- practice with the Phoenician
writing ---- no difficulties in reading correctly
the individual signs of the Greek system.
A) will have / have
B) has had / would have
C) had / have had
D) has / will have
E) had had / had
15. Several people among the thousands of
stranded hurricane evacuees ---- while ---outside the building, with no sign of
imminent help on the way.
A) will die / wait
B) died / had waited
C) died / waiting
D) had died / will wait
E) die / have waited
16. Students ---- a foreign culture's customs and
write stories pretending they are on vacation
with a friend from the country they ----.
A) had researched/ are researched
B) research / would have researched
C) have researched/ researched
D) will research / have researched

E) will research/ were researched

17. The Spanish dream of finding great riches in
America ---- when Hernando Cortez ---- the
empire of the Aztecs in Mexico in 1519-21.
A) realized / will conquer
B) will realize / was conquered
C) was realized / conquered
D) realize / has conquered
E) have realized / conquering
18. Many ancient societies ---- that mental
illness ---- from supernatural causes, such
as the anger of gods or possession by evil
A) thought / resulted
B) was thinking / had resulted
C) think / is resulting
D) have thought / results
E) have thought / was resulted
19. Based on the findings, the researchers ---that smoking is likely to ---- to up to 30,000
cases of the disease in Britain.
A) estimated / linked
B) were estimating / had linked
C) estimate / are linked
D) have estimate / links
E) estimate / have been linked
20. If the date for accession negotiations ---- at
the end of the year at the latest, a vital
threshold ----.
A) finalized / had been passing
B) are finalized / will have been passed
C) were finalized / would have passed
D) have finalized / would pass
E) had finalized / would have been passed
21. The laboratory work needs ---- in living
asthma patients, but ---- the disease is more
complex and far-reaching than anyone
A) will confirmed / had showed
B) to be confirmed / shows
C) would confirm / is showing
D) confirmed / has showed
E) has confirmed / showed
22. He ---- how to use the computer, which ---- it
impossible for him to get the job.
A) didn't know / made
B) hadnt known / would make
C) wouldnt know / could have made
D) wasnt knowing / had made

E) has known / makes

23. The short life span of many animals as
---- to humans is an advantage to
experimenters since it ---- them to
observe several generations.
A) compared / allows
B) wil compare / allowed
C) had compared / has allowed
D) compare / had allowed
E) have compared / will allow
24. During the 19th century, hydroelectricity ---and railroads ----, opening up the area.
A) was developed / were constructed
B) had developed / are constructed
C) developed / have been constructed
D) have developed / constructed
E) were developing / might construct
25. Tourism ---- a major Alpine industry
during the 20th century as Europe ---- and
air, auto, and rail transportation to the
Alps improved.
A) had been become / prospers
B) became / prospered
C) is being become / was prospered
D) will be become / have prospered
E) will become / prospering

(The limits of my language means the limits of my world)
Yabanc dil renme srecinde SZCK BLGS en nemli blmdr. Gramer yaplarn eksiksiz renen bir kii
temel kelime bilgisine sahip olmad srece snavda baarl olamaz. Dilbilimciler kelime renme konusunda
uzun almalar yapm ve en verimli yntemleri ortaya koymulardr. Bu dergimizde szck renme teknikleri
konusundaki almalar sizlere sunacaz. Zorunlu renmeniz gereken temel szckleri listeler halinde
Bu blm, baz ipularndan yararlanarak bilinmeyen szckleri anlayabilme ve szck renme
almalarn iermektedir. Ek olarak kelime renmenize yardmc olabilecek altrma ve aktivitelere de yer
En ok kullanlan FLLERdir. ngilizce cmle kalbnn en nemli basamaklarndan biri olan fiilleri rnekleriyle
birlikte renirseniz aklnzda daha kolay kalacaktr.
En ok kullanlan SMLERdir. ngilizce cmle kalbnn en nemli basamaklarndan biri olan isimleri rnekleriyle
birlikte renirseniz aklnzda daha kolay kalacaktr.
En ok kullanlan SIFATLARdr. ngilizce cmle kalbnn en nemli basamaklarndan biri olan sfatlar da
rnekleriyle birlikte renirseniz aklnzda daha kolay kalacaktr.
En ok kullanlan ZARFLARdr. ngilizce cmle kalbnn en nemli basamaklarndan biri olan zarflar da
rnekleriyle birlikte renirseniz aklnzda daha kolay kalacaktr.
En ok kullanlan DEYMLERdir. ngilizce cmle kalbnn en nemli basamaklarndan biri olan deyimleri de
rnekleriyle birlikte renirseniz aklnzda daha kolay kalacaktr.
Snava hazrlanmann en nemli basamaklarndan biri olan SINAV SZCKLERN rnekleriyle ve szck
testleriyle birlikte renirseniz aklnzda daha kolay kalacaktr.
Snava hazrlanrken snavda hangi szcklerin hangi sklkta ktn bilmek ve buna gre almalarnz
ynlendirmek size nemli bir avantaj salayacaktr.




Cmlede bo braklan
yere uygun den szck
ya da ifade

Adjectives : 1 ADET(steady)
Nouns : 1 ADET((detriment)
Verbs :
1 ADET(assess)
Adverbs: 1 ADET(notably)
Phrasal Verb: 1 ADET(caught on)




NOT: Yukarda grdnz dalm son yllarda ufak deiikliklerle hep ayndr.
Szck bilgisi sorularn, Content Words ve Function Words eklinde 2 balkta inceleyebiliriz.
1.Content Words: Bunlara Open Set Words (Ak Szckler) de diyebiliriz.
Bu gruptaki szckler:

verb (eylem),
noun (ad),
adjective (sfat)
Interjections (nlem)
adverb (zarf-belirte)
Yes / No cevaplarndan oluur.

2.Closed Set Words (function words: grammatical or structure words): Bunlar ilevsel szckler olarak
da adlandrlrlar. Bu szckler cmle kuruluunda deiik dilbilgisi ilevlerini ilemektedir. Tense yaplarnda
kullanlan auxiliary verb gibi ilevsel veya kapal szck trlerinden olumaktadr.
Bu gruptaki szckler:

prepositions (ilge),
determiners (ad belirleyicileri),
conjunctions (balalar),
auxiliary verb (yardmc eylemler),
pronouns (zamir-adllar),
intensifiers (pekitireler),
qualifiers (niteleyiciler) den oluur.
nce szck trlerini tanmamz gerekir. Szck trleri ksa bir zet olarak aada verilmitir.



Parts of Speech

Szck Tr

Ak Szck Trleri

Kapal Szck Trleri


Her dilde kapal szck trleri vardr. Bunlar cmlede eitli dilbilgisel ilevler yapmak iin kullanlrlar. Bunlara tretme
eklerinin eklenmesiyle yeni szckler tretebilirsiniz. Bu da sizin szck daarcnzn gelimesinde nemli rol oynar. te
yandan, kapal szck trleri daha ok dilbilgisi konularna eilirken renmeniz gereken szck bilgisidir.
En nemli nokta, belirli bir szcn, her eyden nce fiil mi, isim mi, sfat m veya zarf m olduunu bilmektir. Bunlardan
birini tespit ettikten sonra ayn szckten dier szck trlerini, rnein fiillerden isim, sfat ve zarf tretilebilir.


ine ekmek

e ekme, emilme

e ekici

account / hesap

accountant, accountancy Accountable /

muhasebeci, muhasebe

educate / eitmek

education / eitim
educator / eitimci
educationist / eitimci

educated / eitilmi
educational / eitici


educationally /
eitim ynnden
educatedly /
eitimli ekilde


01. The river Danube rises in Germany and ---- through central Europe and into the Black Sea. (2000 Mays KPDS)
A) cruises
B) spreads
C) flows
D) conducts
E) covers
02. Bacteria have a remarkable capacity for ---- tolerance to previously lethal drugs. (2001 Kasm KPDS)
A) repudiating
B) recovering
C) denouncing
D) deceiving
E) acquiring
03. Our understanding of the development of behaviour has long been hampered by the tendency to ---- sharply
between "innate" and "acquired" behaviour. (2001 Mays KPDS)
A) exclude
B) separate
C) distinguish
D) infer
E) assess
04. Using the dam to generate power would not ---- the treaty with the neighbouring country, but diverting water
out of the river. (2002 Kasm KPDS)
A) intimidate
B) betray
C) violate
D) convert
E) fetch

05. The American constitution with its various constraints ---- to protect citizens can actually shield criminals.
(2002 Kasm KPDS)
A) discovered
B) complained
C) persuaded
D) designed
E) displayed
06. Japan is often ---- as an example of a country that has managed to keep its national defence orientated
industries entirely separate from foreign-owned companies. (2002 Mays KPDS)

The general feeling in the court was that several of the witnesses were ---- information that could have a direct
bearing upon the case. (2002 Mays KPDS)


08. A fresh look at the final months of the presidency of John F. Kennedy ---- that a second Kennedy term might
have produced a rapprochement with Cuba. (2003 Kasm KPDS)


09. Each year, large amounts of carbon monoxide are into the atmosphere by automobiles and factories. (2003
Mays KPDS)


10. America's subsidies to its cotton farmers have long been a noteworthy example of the harm that rich
countries' subsidies ---- on the poor. (2004 Kasm KPDS)
A) enforce
B) inflict
C) exceed
D) provide
E) employ
11. For the control of the deadly brain disease in cows (BSE), surveillance is being stepped up in Canada, but the
US claims to be testing enough cattle already to ---- the risk. (2005 Mays KPDS)
A) assert
B) assess
C) consult
D) exceed
E) discourage

12. What are some of the things that differentially affect siblings and help ---- their success or failure? (2006 Mays
A) pursue
B) recognize
C) recreate
D) determine
E) reinstate
===== ===== ====== ====== ===== ===== ===== ====== ====== =====

NOT: Szcklerin yannda verilen (*) yldzlar o kelimenin snavlarda daha fazla kma olasln iaret etmektedir.




diminish, subside, dwindle, lessen, decrease

The storm abated.

hafiflemek, azaltmak


relinquish, step down, renounce

The King abdicated when he married a divorcee.

brakmak, terk etmek


end, abrogate, do away with, remove,cancel

yrrlkten kaldrmak
Slavery was abolished in the mid-19th century in America and in Russia.


shorten, condense, contract

The novel was abridged for students.



abolish, cancel, repeal

Congress abrogated the treaty.

yrrlkten kaldrmak, iptal etmek


soak up, take up, take in

This work really absorbs me.

emmek, iine almak


maltreat, misuse, exploit

He abused his friend during an argument.

ktye kullanmak, suistimal etmek


assent, adhere, assent, give in

raz olmak
The government acceded to the terrorists' demands.


reach, obtain, retrieve

She accessed to our offices and records.

erimek, ulamak


achieve, attain
She accomplished her goal despite setbacks.

baarmak, baaryla yerine getirmek


pile up, heap, aggregate

ylmak, birikmek
Pesticides in our food tend to accumulate in the body over time, and can be quite unhealthy.


accomplish, attain, reach

baarmak, ulamak
You will never achieve your goals if you don't believe in yourself.


obtain, gain, attain

elde etmek, kazanmak
The museum has managed to acquire an important work by Dali.


adjust, alter, conform

uyarlamak, adapte etmek


They adapted his office for meetings.

adapt, acclimatize, conform
adapte olmak, uymak
When you adjust to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your behaviour
or your ideas.


accept, approve, select

kabul etmek, benimsemek, evlat edinmek
They decided to adopt a child after they realized they weren't able to have one of their own.


support, uphold, back

Do you advocate the death penalty for murderers?


join, become linked to, incorporate

kabul etmek (yelik vb)
The local women's club affiliated itself with the national organization some years ago


harm, trouble, distress

Disease and poverty afflict many people.


worsen, exacerbate, intensify

ktletirmek, zorlatrmak
He was aggravated by his inability to find the right word.


estrange, distance, separate

She alienated her friends with her hostility.


assert, claim, state

iddia etmek, ileri srmek
The newspaper reporters allege that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.


allot, assign, designate

I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip.

ayrmak, tahsis etmek


allocate, assign, designate

We were alloted new uniforms.

ayrmak, tahsis etmek


imply, refer to, mention

ima etmek, ksaca bahsetmek
He alluded to the problem but did not mention it.


modify, shift, vary

This dress needs to be altered.


ameliorate, improve, revise

dzeltmek, deitirmek, iyiletirmek
The editor improved the manuscript by amending certain passages.


increase, enlarge, augment, inflate, expand

The stereo amplified the sound superbly.


destroy, obliterate, exterminate

yok etmek
it was too late; the plague annihilated an entire population.


irritate, bother, disturb

I did not want to annoy him.


invalidate, nullify, rescind

geersiz klmak, iptal etmek
The death sentence was annulled under a new decree.


forecast, predict, expect

tahmin etmek, beklemek, ummak
The meteorologists are anticipating rain for tomorrow.


request, ask, solicit

She appealed the verdict.

istemek, rica etmek, yalvarmak


evaluate, assess, rate


harap etmek, zarar vermek

yabanclamak, soutmak, uzaklatrmak

deimek, deitirmek

artrmak, bytmek

cann skmak, kzdrmak

The diamond necklace was appraised at over two thousand dollars.


accept, favour, support

uygun grmek, kabul etmek
My parents don't approve of me staying out after midnight.


organize, sort, plan

ayarlamak, dzenlemek
I have arranged a flight for you leaving tomorrow at noon.


rise, go up, climb

The airplane ascended into the sky.


attribute, attach, link

balamak, atfetmek
The politician ascribed the failing economy to high taxes.


crave, desire, be ambitious

He aspires to power and fame.

ok istemek, can atmak


attack, assault, set upon

Loud music assailed our ears.

saldrmak (iddetli)


attack, assail, set upon

A bandit assaulted me with a knife.



state, claim, declare

I assert my independence.

iddetle savunmak, srar etmek, ileri srmek


evaluate, estimate, appraise

He assessed his situation carefully.

deerlendirmek, deer bimek


appoint, designate
The teacher assigned homework.

tayin etmek, atamak


alleviate, soothe, ease

hafifletmek, azaltmak
The king assuaged the fears of his nobles about a war.


suppose, guess, presume

I assume the rightness of your position.

sanmak, tahmin etmek


accomplish, fulfil, realize

She attained to wisdom and grace.

ulamak, elde etmek


go to, be present, appear, care for

gitmek, katlmak ,hizmet etmek
Nurses attend sick persons. Which courses have you attended?


ascribe, refer, attach

I attribute the bad weather to pollution.


preclude, ward off, thwart

We averted a loss in the stock market by selling our shares early, before the stock fell.


balamak, atfetmek


prohibit, forbid, disallow

Smoking is banned in this building.

yasaklamak, men etmek


exile, deport, eject, force out

srmek, snr d etmek
She banished from her mind all thoughts of failure.


restrain, impede, obstruct

engellemek, mani olmak

If someone is barred from a place or from doing sth, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do

surround, encircle, enclose

An army besieged the fortress for days.



present, confer, endow

(onur vb) vermek
Many honors were bestowed on the champion.


accuse, charge, indict

We blamed the accident on her.


be proud of, pride oneself on, brag

vnmek, gururlanmak
The zoo boasts the largest collection of reptiles in the world.


produce, lead to, bring about

Fear breeds in violent neighborhoods.


beslemek, dourmak, yol amak


stop, discontinue, halt

Will this snow never cease?

durmak, durdurmak, kesmek


foster, nourish, sustain

The child cherished the homeless kitten.

beslemek, gtmek, srdrmek


ponder, contemplate, deliberate

derin dnmek
I've been cogitating all day and getting nowhere.


happen at the same time, concur

The two events coincided.


fight, struggle, battle

savamak, mcadele etmek
We must combat the prejudices against other races.


begin, initiate, start

We will commence building work in August of next year.


do, carry out, perform

yapmak, ilemek, gerekletirmek
The priest committed himself to a life of poverty.


force, impel, urge

zorlamak, mecbur etmek
As a school boy he was compelled to wear shorts even in winter.


vie, struggle, contend

Both girls compete for their father's attention.


gather, accumulate, amass

toplamak, derlemek
We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.


agree, concede, strike a deal

uzlamak, anlamaya varmak
The nuclear secrets of the state were compromised by the spy.


hide, cover, disguise

saklamak, gizlemek
I tried to conceal my surprise when she told me her age.


accept, admit, acknowledge

kabul etmek, itiraf etmek
The Government has conceded (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster.

akmak, ayn zamana rastlamak

yarmak, rekabet etmek


understand, apprehend, comprehend

anlamak, kavramak
I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old.


approve, validate, verify

dorulamak, onaylamak, tasdiklemek
The leader's speech was impressive and confirmed her faith in the party.


face, encounter, deal with

karlamak, kar karya gelmek
As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds who tried to block her way.


preserve, protect, maintain

korumak, muhafaza etmek
The nationalists are very keen to conserve their customs and language.

consult *

ask, refer to, seek advice

danmak, bavurmak
If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor.


oppose, deny, differ

tersini sylemek, kar kmak, elimek
If you're both going to lie, at least stick to the same story and don't contradict each other!


gather, meet, assemble

toplanmak, bir araya gelmek
The Prime Minister convened (a meeting of) his ministers to discuss the matter.


change, transform, switch

dntrmek, evirmek, deitirmek
Could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom?


persuade, prove, satisfy

ikna etmek
Im convinced that there are more disadvantages than advantages.


include, comprise, encompass

Much of the country is covered by snow.


peak, climax, conclude

zirveye ulamak, son noktaya ulamak
A series of events for teachers and students will culminate in a Shakespeare festival next year.


develop a relationship, seek the friendship of gelitirmek (dostluk vb)

The surrounding area would have been cultivated.


check, bridle, restrict

durdurmak, frenlemek
The Government should act to curb tax evasion.


reduce, lessen, cut

ksaltmak, ksmak
The last government severely curtailed trade union rights.

kapsamak, iermek

======= ======= ===== ======= ======= ======= ===== =======

TEST ON VERBS-1 (pre-intermediate)


The energy from sunlight is ---- by a green substance

in the leaves called chlorophyll.
A) occupied
B) absorbed
C) collected
D) faded
E) engaged
The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine, as
is a petrol engine, because it ---- the fuel inside the
A) charges
B) burns
C) blasts
D) rubs
E) fires

3. There are several large national parks, where

wildlife is ----.
A) reacted
B) persecuted
C) replaced
D) placed
E) protected


Balloons and airships are classed as lighter-than-air

craft to ---- them from airplanes, gliders, and
A) prevent
B) decline
C) suffer
D) distinguish
E) cheat
If an object held near the surface of the earth is
released, it will fall and accelerate, or pick up speed,
as it ----.
A) alters
B) increases
C) descends
D) influences
E) affects


Most archaeological sites are ---- by archaeologists

who have set out to look for them.
A) maintained
B) discovered
C) failed
D) complained
E) stressed


High oil prices helped Venezuela to ----, two years ago,

from a long recession.
A) accomplish
B) allocate
C) commence
D) stimulate
E) emerge

D) reduce

E) escape

14. Hundreds of people travelled vast distances to trade

goods, arrange marriages, and ---- in social and
cultural activities.
A) differ
B) deal
C) participate
D) consult
E) overcome
15. The main way in which we ---- with each other is by
using words, either by speaking and listening or by
reading and writing.
A) pass
B) experiment
C) communicate
D) transmit
E) convey
16. Magnetic and other measurements ---- an internal
temperature of the Moon as high as 1600C.
A) present
B) involve
C) disturb
D) attack
E) indicate
17. Symbols ---- people to develop complex thoughts and
to exchange those thoughts with others.
A) oppose
B) defend
C) debate
D) allow
E) practice
18. Road networks are ---- to help traffic flow, for example
with one-way systems, bus lanes and parking
A) designed
B) eradicated
C) disappointed
D) exaggerated
E) estimated
19. The steam locomotive was ---- by the British engineer
Richard Trevithick in 1804.
A) gifted
B) compiled
C) invented
D) analyzed
E) collected


Traffic controllers also use television cameras to ---traffic conditions and to record accidents.
A) notice
B) comment
C) observe
D) study
E) explain

20. Excavators and bulldozers also have tracks because

they ---- in difficult conditions and need to grip the
ground strongly in order to exert a lot of force.
A) place
B) operate
C) use
D) manage
E) rule


Words allow us to give and ---- information, ideas and

A) send
B) practice
C) receive
D) form
E) point

21. In Britain electric vehicles are mainly used to ---- the

A) establish
B) assert
C) yield
D) deliver
E) enforce

10. To prevent as many accidents as possible,

governments make laws that people must ---- when
driving or riding vehicles.
A) content
B) call
C) obey
D) spare
E) go

22. Louis Armstrong was one of the first musicians to ---a solo style in jazz .
A) create
B) withhold
C) alter
D) enter
E) penetrate

11. The engine of a motorcycle ---- the back wheel by

means of a chain or shaft.
A) serves
B) speeds
C) carries
D) drives
E) places

23. Edinburgh University, famous for its medical

expertise, was one of the first universities to ---women (from 1889).
A) announce
B) confess
C) admit
D) judge
E) declare

12. Many countries have networks of special roads which

---- the cities.
A) connect
B) plug
C) divide
D) part
E) separate

24. During adulthood young people are expected to ---several goals.

A) arrange
B) accomplish
C) win
D) receive
E) attempt

13. People who drive or ride can do many things to help

---- accidents on roads.
A) offend
B) ignore
C) curtail

25. Electric vehicles such as vans carry large batteries to

---- the electricity to drive their motors.
A) adapt
B) form
C) invent
D) achieve
E) provide

Mini Dictionary
absorb: iine ekmek, emmek
accomplish: yapp bitirmek, baarmak, becermek
adapt: bir eye uydurmak, tatbik etmek
allocate: tahsis etmek, yerini tayin etmek
assert: ileri srmek zerinde durmak
blast: tahrip etmek ykmak, yakmak
chlorophyll: klorofil
compile: toplayp liste haline getirmek
confess: itiraf etmek, ikrar etmek, teyit etmek
consult: danmak, ba vurmak
convey: tamak, nakletmek
curtail: kesmek, ksaltmak, azaltmak
deliver: datmak, teslim etmek
descent: inmek
enforce: zorla kabul ettirmek, yrtmek
engage: megul etmek, tutmak

eradicate: kknden skp atmak

exaggerate: abartmak, bytmek
excavator: ekskavatr, kazma makinas
indicate: iaret etmek, gstermek
internal combustion engine: iten yanmal motor
manipulate: el ile iletmek
negotiate: grmek, mzakere etmek
occupy: tutmak, zaptetmek, igal etmek
offend: kabahat ilemek, su ilemek
participate: katlmak, itirak etmek
penetrate: girmek, ilemek, etkilemek
persecute: zulmetmek
wildlife: yabanl hayat
withhold: elinde tutmak, vermemek, kstlamak
yield: vermek, demek

KPDS, DS, YDS gibi ngilizce snavlarda, Reading Comprehension yani Okuduunu Anlama sorular
snavn kaderini tayin eden en zor ve en ok sorunun olduu blmdr. Bu tr sorularn doru cevaplanabilmesi
iin paragrafn anlamsal btnlnn yan sra, yapsal (dilbilgisel) ipularna da dikkat etmek gerekir. Bu
sorular yapabilmek iin paragraf organizasyonunu iyi bilmek ve ok soru zmek temel bir zorunluluktur. Bu
fasikllerde bu tip sorularn zm ipular ve rneklerini vereceiz. Bu blmde ayrca odd-one out (redundant)
ve paragraph completion sorularna da yer verilecektir.
1. Bu tip sorularda klarda verilen kelimelerden hangisinin parada verilen alt izilmi kelimenin yerine
geeceine dikkat edilmelidir.
2. Burada sorulan sorular isim, sfat, fiil, zarf tr tek kelime olduu gibi 2-3 kelimeden oluan bir phrase de
3. Bazen sorulan kelimenin bir tanm (definition) da istenebilir. Bu durumda verilen parann genel yaps
iindeki anlamna (context) dikkat etmek gerekecektir.
Verilen kelimenin;
1. E-anlamna (Synonym),
2. Parada verilen o kelimeyle ilgili rneklemelere,
3. but gibi balalarla verilen ztlklara (contrast),
4. Parann genel fikrine (general context) bakarz.

RNEK PARAGRAF-1 (2005 mays)

For two decades after World War II, mass production reigned supreme. Mass-production techniques pushed
companies into standardized products, long product life cycles, and rigid manufacturing, emphasizing efficiency
and low cost over flexibility. Special orders cost more. But today's consumers are very choosy. They want quality,
value and products specially tailored to their needs, but always at the lowest possible price. For now mass
customization has come to the fore. Mass customization uses information technology to produce and deliver
products and services designed to fit the specifications of individual customers. Companies can customize
products in quantities as small as one with the same speed and low cost as mass-production methods. Masscustomization systems use information taken from the customer to control the flow of goods.
1. By the phrase "mass customization", as it is used in the passage, is meant the production of goods
A) in very large quantities and for general use
B) to meet standardized specifications which will please everyone
C) at high speed regardless of cost
D) designed to have a long life
E) designed to meet the specific needs of individual customers
Mass customization: bireysel tketicinin isteklerine gre retim ekli
2. Find the best replacement for flow of goods in the passage.
A) a special offering
B) production and delivery of products
C) specific to a person
D) common or usual
E) having a specific function
RNEK PARAGRAF-2 (2006 Mays)
In this century, the wealth and success of nations will depend like never before on the ability to produce
and use knowledge. Universities have long been instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. But
in an increasingly globalized world, and in the face of rapid scientific change, they will need to think about a
set of new challenges and how best to prepare their students for the coming decades. Universities will
need to teach a new kind of literacy, in which global awareness will play an important role. They also
need to deal with the dilemmas posed by the accelerating pace of change brought on by scientific
and technological advances. We are on the brink of once-in-human-history progress in combating
disease through the application of modern science.Doctors will have at their disposal blood tests that will
tell you with substantial predictive power how long you will live and from what diseases you are likely to
suffer. The Internet and the application of information technology may well represent the most profound
change in the way knowledge is disseminated since the printing press. We are close to understanding the
first second of the history of the cosmos.
1. The phrase, once-in-human-history progress is saying ----.
A) we cannot expect or, indeed, hope for such progress ever to happen again
B) this is only the first of many spurts of progress
C) this is the first instance of a widespread application of science
D) there has never been such progress ever before and there may not be again
E) this is the highest possible peak of progress

2. The phrase, profound change means----.

A) effective change
B) severe progress
C) extreme application
D) much replacement
E) great improvement
3. Find the best replacement for cosmos ----.
A) living things
B) cosmic creatures
C) the earth
D) the universe
E) creation
1.Bu tip sorularda he, she, it, them, gibi ZAMRLER (PRONOUNS) veya verilen bir ifadenin (EXPRESSION)
parada neyi anlatmak istedii (neyi iaret ettii veya neyi ifade ettii) sorulmaktadr.
2.Bu tip sorulan sorular en kolay bulunabilecek okuma sorulardr. Bunun iin ilgili blm, nce ve sonra gelen
cmleleri dikkatli okumak ve zne ile zamir ilikisine bakmak yeterlidir.
Under the great Moghul emperors, artists emerged from their previous anonymity. They were allowed, for the first
time, to sign their work, and even encouraged to include self-portraits in their paintings. And the artists' skills did
not go unrewarded: one emperor even presented a favourite painter with an elephant, the ultimate status symbol
of the age. Yet little is known about the artists' lives. The more successful may have enjoyed an economic status
similar to lower-level nobles. However, their simple dress in the self-portraits suggests that the rewards for many
painters did not always match their unquestionable talent.
SORU: In the passage, the word "anonymity in the first sentence refers to a condition in which ----.
A) the people had to live in extreme poverty
B) the artists were well-respected
C) the emperors employed only very talented artists
D) the artists worked for very little money
E) the artists of paintings were not known by name
Fahrenheit is the system of measuring the temperatures, how hot or cold something is, used by many people in
Britain. The freezing point of Fahrenheit is 32 degrees. So a cold winter's day in Britain would have temperature
of 38 F (3 centigrade), and a hot summer's day would have a temperature of 90 F (32 centigrade). The
Fahrenheit scale was invented by the German scientist Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1710. Today in Britain most people
over twenty-five know the Fahrenheit scale but the centigrade system (Celcius) is being used more and more.
Weather forecasts on television and in newspapers show temperature in both scales.
SORU: The term "Fahrenheit" refers to ----.
A) the popularity among young people
B) the centigrade system
C) the scale of temperature between 32 and 90
D) the weather forecasts

E) the name of a German scientist

Yukarda belirtilen noktalar, aslnda Okuma teknikleri bilgisini de kapsamaktadr. Bu teknikleri u ekilde
A) Ana fikri bulma (Finding the Main Idea)
B) Analiz yapma (Analysing the Main Article)
C) Metin iinde kelime bilgisi (Vocabulary in Context)
D) Paradan alnt yaparak bir karara varma (Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions)


Ana fikri bulmak iin ncelikle ilk ve son cmleye bakarz. Bazen ilk cmle bize ana fikri vermeyebilir. Yazar,
bu durumda ana fikri vermeden nce bir ka giri cmlesi vermi de olabilir. Bu nedenle bu giri cmlelerini
takip eden cmleyi inceleyerek ana fikre ulaabiliriz. Eer ana fikir ak olarak burada da verilmemise, bu
durumda parann tmn okuyarak gizlenmi olan ana fikri yakalamaya alrz. Ana fikri yakalamak iin
paragraf yapsn iyi tanmak gereklidir. imdi tipik bir paragraf yapsnn nelerden olutuuna bir gz atalm:
Tipik bir paragraf blmden meydana gelir. cmle paragrafn kalbi olan (Topic Sentence) konu cmlesini kapsar. Konu cmlesi (ayn zamanda tez veya
anahtar cmlesi de denir) paragraf konusunun yeni bak alarn ierir.
2.kinci blm bu bak alarnn gelitirildii cmlelerdir. Bu cmleler, ne srlen delil ve
hususlar, aklamalar, ayrntlar, rneklemeler ve dier destekleyici fikirlerden oluabilir.
3.Paragrafn son cmlesi genellikle paragraf zetleyen bir sonu cmlesinden oluur. Bu ifade Topic
sentencen baka kelimeler kullanlarak verilmi dier bir eklidir, yani onunla rtr.

KPDS-UDS-YDS snavlarnda en ok soru olan blm, okuduunu anlama sorusu blmdr. Metinle ilgili olan
bu sorular sadece okuma becerisini lmekle kalmayp, ayn zamanda okuyann ne anladn, bak asn
ve paradan hkm karabilme yeteneklerini lmektedir. Ayn biimde adayn metni analiz edip
edemediini lmektedir. Bu adan snava girenlerin baaramama korkusu tad blm bu Para okuma
blmdr. Snava girenlerin ou parada kullanlan kelimeleri bilmediini, buna bal olarak da paray
anlayamadn ifade etmektedir. Bunun sonucu olarak da sorulara doru cevap veremediklerini
dnmektedirler. Bu tam olarak doru bir sav deildir. Para sadece bir ka kelime zerine kurulmu olamaz.
Buradan yola karak parada geen kelimelerin anlamn, parann tamamn okuyarak da tahmin edebiliriz.
Bununla ilgili olarak aadaki blmde kelimenin anlamn bulma teknikleri verilmitir. Bir baka sorun ise,
paray Trkeye evirmeye alarak gereksiz ve fazla zaman harcamaktr. Bu da yanl bir yntem
Eliminating poverty is largely a matter of helping the children born into poverty to rise out of it. Once families
escape from poverty, they do not fall back into it. Middle-class children rarely end up poor. The primary reason
poor children do not escape from poverty is that they do not acquire basic mental skills. They cannot read,
write, calculate or articulate. Lacking these skills, they cannot get or keep a well-paid job. The best mechanism
for breaking this vicious cycle is to provide the poor with better educational opportunities. Since children born
into poor homes do not acquire the skills need from their parents, they must be taught these skills at school.

1- The writer makes the point that, once people have overcome poverty, ----.
A) the skills of reading and writing cease to be important for them
B) they cease to live socially with the poor
C) they soon learn to adopt middle-class manners and ways
D) it is most unlikely that they will ever become poor again
E) they become eligible for well-paid employment in industry
2- According to the writer, if poverty is to be overcome ----.
A) the only effective means for this would be to provide better education
B) more well-paid jobs should be offered to the poor
C) all children, regardless of their social class, should receive the same formal education
D) middle-class children should be given better educational opportunities
E) the education of children should be based on mental skills alone
3- The main argument of the passage is that ----.
A) the elimination of poverty can only be achieved if the poor and the rich attend the same schools
B) middle-class children do need to learn basic mental skills at school since they learn them at home
C) the children of the poor must learn basic mental skills at school so that they can escape from poverty
D) since basic mental skills are not being taught efficiently at schools, educational reform is essential
E) a child born into a poor family will inevitably stay poor all through his life
4. Poverty means ----.
A) The act of making someone poor
B) The state of having little or no money
C) Something that people do or cause to happen
D) A manifestation of insincerity
E) An area composed of subdivided lots
5. The word articulate" is closest in meaning to----.
A) Provide with a joint, as of two pieces of wood
B) Put into words or an expression
C) Speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
D) The territory occupied by a nation
E) Utter with vibrating vocal chords

eliminate: karmak, ihra etmek, hari tutmak, atmak, bertaraf etmek
poverty: yoksulluk, fakirlik, parasizlik, zaruret, ihtiya, yetersizlik
end up: bitirmek, nihayet vermek
middle-class: orta tabakadan, burjuva olan
acquire: elde etmek, kazanmak
calculate: hesaplamak
articulate: ifade etmek, aka sylemek
lacking: eksik olma
a well-paid job: dolgun cretli bir i
vicious cycle: kt ark (dzen)
end up: bitirmek, son vermek


KONUSU: Paragrafn konusu fakir insanlarn neden fakirlikten kurtulamad ve kurtulmann yollardr.
Soru kkndeki The writer makes the point ifadesi bize paradan ak bir yargy bulmamz istemektedir.
once people have overcome poverty (nsanlar bir kez fakirliin stesinden gelselerdi), Paradaki Once
families escape from poverty, they do not fall back into it. Middle-class children rarely end up poor. ifadeleriyle
rtmekte olup, burada fakirlii yenmenin tekrar fakir olmayacaklar anlamna gelmediini anlatmaktadr. Bu
ipucundan yola karak D kknn doru olduunu buluyoruz.
According to the writer soru kk bizim paradan aka belirtilen bir yargy bulmamz istemektedir. if
poverty is to be overcome (Eer fakirliin stesinden gelinecekse) ifadesinden bir zm yolu
istenmektedir.Buna karlk gelecek ifade paradaki:
The best mechanism for breaking this vicious cycle is to provide the poor with better educational
opportunities. cmlesinden eitimin fakirlii yenmekteki neminden sz edilmektedir.Bu da A kknda verilen
the only effective means for this would be to provide better education (Buna en etkili are daha iyi eitim
salamaktr) ifadesiyle rtmektedir. (anahtar kelimeler :Better education = Educational Opportunities)
Soru kkndeki The main argument of the passage ifadesi bize parann konusunu sormaktadr. Parann
konusunu paragrafn son cmlesinden bulabiliriz:
Since children born into poor homes do not acquire the skills they need from their parents, they must be taught
these skills in school Bu ifade bize fakir ailelerin ocuklarnn okullarda temel zeka eitimine ihtiya
duyduklarn ancak bu yolla fakirlikten kurtulabilecekleri dncesini vermektedir. Bu da C kknda verilen the
children of the poor must learn basic mental skills at school so that they can escape from poverty
(Fakir ocuklar temel zihinsel yetenekleri okulda renmeliler bylece fakirlikten kurtulabilirler) ifadesiyle
poverty: (yoksulluk) The state of having little or no money (az para olmas veya hi para olmamas hali)
articulate: (ifade etmek) Put into words or an expression (dncelerini ifade etmek)
In 1964, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development was held. For the first time, the poorer
nations of the world came together to act as a pressure group on trading matters. The Conference made the
following recommendations: developing countries should be given free access to world markets for their
manufactures and semi-manufacturers by the elimination of quotas and tariffs; and international commodity
agreements should be made for each major primary commodity in world trade to stabilize commodity prices.
Moreover, compensation schemes, whereby the underdeveloped countries are compensated for the declining
prices of their primary products, were recommended for consideration. The Conference also resolved that the
developed countries should aim to provide at least 1 percent of their national income as aid for the
underdeveloped countries.

1. As can be understood from the passage, the 1964 United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development was remarkable because ----.

A) the developing countries now had the chance , for the first time , to have free access to the markets of the
developed countries.
B) it failed to formulate a policy that would ensure the stabilization of world commodity prices
C) all the demands of the underdeveloped countries were accepted without reservation by the developed
D) a number of deadlines were set for the signing of international commodity agreements
E) the worlds poorer countries participating in the Conference took joint action to influence the resolutions on
trading matters
2. With reference to this Conference, one development mentioned in the passage was that ----.
A) each country was to benefit from compensation schemes
B) the idea of compensation schemes came to the fore
C) developed countries should not benefit from compensation schemes
D) compensation schemes were to be put into effect as soon as possible
E) the poorer countries should be compensated for their general trade deficits
3. From the passage we learn that one of the resolutions adopted by the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development ----.
A) was soon revoked due to strong pressure coming from underdeveloped member countries
B) considerably raised the world trade tariffs up for a variety of commodities
C) concerned the amount of aid to be given by the developed countries to the underdeveloped
D) envisaged a step by step lifting of the worlds trade barriers
E) made it imperative for the developed countries to open up their markets to the manufactured goods for
the underdeveloped countries
4. Find the best definition for elimination----.
A) the bodily process of discharging waste matter
B) the act of removing or getting rid of something
C) the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
D) the act of removing the contents of something
E) the act of making unavailable; bar from sale or distribution
5. The word "compensation" is closest in meaning to ----.
A) the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience
B) secure against future loss, damage, or liability; give security for
C) money given or received as payment or reparation
D) gradual decline in amount or activity
E) the disadvantage that results from losing something
United Nations Conference: Birlemi Milletler Konferans
hold: toplanmak, (toplant) yapmak
pressure: bask, tazyik, basn
recommendation: tavsiye, vme, bonservis
free access: serbest giri
world markets: dnya pazarlar
manufacture: imal etmek
elimination: karma
quota: hisse, pay, kota
tariff: gmrk tarifesi, vergi koymak, ithalat ve ihracat vergisi
international commodity agreements: uluslararas ticari mal anlamalar
commodity: mal, emtia, eya, yararl ey
stabilize: salamlatrmak, tespit etmek, istikrar kazandrmak
compensation schemes: tazminat, telafi planlar
whereby: vastasyle
underdeveloped: az gelimi, geri kalm

compensate: tazmin etmek, bedelini demek

decline: azalmak, ini, gerileme
resolve: karar vermek, tasarlamak
national income: milli gelir
KONUSU: Paragrafn konusu Birlemi Milletlerdeki Ticaret ve Gelime zerine yaplan bir konferanstr.
As can be understood from the passage soru kk bizden bir karmda bulunmamz istemektedir.1964de
yaplan konferansn neden nemli olduunu paradan bulmamz gerekmektedir.
PUCU paragrafn 2.cmlesidir: For the first time the poorer nations of the world came together to act as a
pressure group on trading matters.
lk kez Dnyann fakir lkeleri ticaret meselesinde bir bask grubu olurak hareket etmek iin bir araya geldiler.
Bu ifadeden yola karak E kknda verilen ifadeye ulayoruz.
the worlds poorer countries participating in the Conference took joint action to influence the resolutions on
trading matters (Konferansa katlan dnyann fakir lkeleri ticaret konusundaki kararlar etkilemek iin bir ortak
eyleme giritiler.)
Soru kknden, konferanstaki bir gelimeden szedildiini anlalmaktadr. Bu sorunun yant paragrafta dorudan
Moreover, compensation schemes, whereby the underdeveloped countries are compensated for the declining
prices of their primary products were recommended for consideration. ifadesi (Geri kalm lkelerin, temel mal
fiyatlarnn dmesini telafi etmeleri iin tazmin projelerinin yrtlmesinin tavsiye edilmesi....) Bu ifadeden yola
karak B kknda verilen ifadeye ulayoruz.
the idea of compensation schemes came to the fore(Telafi planlar dncesinin n plana kmas)
Soru kknden From the passage we learn bir karmda bulunulmas istenmektedir.
pucu, paragrafn SON blmdr: Moreover, compensation schemes....... were recommended for
consideration (Tazmin etme planlar nerildi) ve Conference also resolved that the developed countries should
aim to provide at least 1 percent of their national income as aid for the underdeveloped countries.
(Konferans gelimi lkelerin yzde bir oranndaki milli gelirlerini, gelimemi lkelere bir gelir olarak vermelerinin
gerekli olduuna karar verdi.) Bu ifadeden yola karak C kknda verilen ifadeye ulayoruz. envisaged a step
by step lifting of the worlds trade barriers (Dnya ticaretindeki engelleri adm adm kaldrmay ngrdler.)
elimination: (eleme) The act of removing or getting rid of something (bir eyden kurtulma, defetme hareketidir)
compensation :(tazmin, telafi) Money given or received as payment or reparation (tazminat olarak verilen
veya alnan para)

1. Verilen blmnn ana cmle mi yoksa yan cmle mi olduunu belirleyiniz. Balalara dikkat ediniz.
2. Verilen seenekler ile soru cmlesinin zaman, zne, nesne, oulluk-tekillik uyumlarna dikkat ediniz.
Birletirdiiniz kla birlikte cmlenin genel anlamn bir kontrol ediniz.
3. Parann ana fikrine uymayan ok genel ve ok zel anlam tayan ifadelere dikkat ediniz.
1. Yan cmlede bulunan clause markerlara bakarak cmle tipini belirleyiniz.

Adverbial Clause ve coordination yaplarda ana cmlenin zaman ile yan cmlenin zamannn
uyumlarna dikkat ediniz.

Relative Clause yaplarnda da isim + who / which / that eklinde giden uyuma bakarak verilen
seenekler iinde cmleyi bir relative clause olarak tamamlayabileceklere dikkat ediniz.

te yandan, ska yaplan yanltc, yanl klardaki hatal noun / pronoun tekrarna dikkat ediniz.
Burada Relative Clause ve Non-defining Relative Clause gibi yaplara dikkat ediniz.

2. Seenekleri teker teker eleyiniz.

3. ki kka drdnzde, nce yap, sonra da anlam asndan bu klarn soru cmlesiyle olan
uygunluunu denetleyiniz.
4. Zaman uyumu asndan bize nemli ipular veren: when, until, by, after, since, by the time, while, as
zaman balalarna dikkat ediniz.
5. In spite of, so that, such that, because, because of, owing to etc gibi balalarla oluturulan yaplara
dikkat ediniz.
6. on one hand ve on the other hand gibi birbirini tamamlayan ardk yaplara dikkat ediniz.
A) Relative Clausedan meydana gelebilir.
The helicopter has the ability to climb vertically, ----.
A) if it can take off in a very restricted space
B) even though the winds were blowing at gale force
C) whenever the pilot felt himself obliged to make a forced landing
D) which, in certain circumstances, is its main advantages over other types of aircraft
E) if the cost of its uptake hadn't been a heavy burden on the budget

Darwin's theory of evolution was based on the observation ----.

A) whether his insight really was revolutionary
B) why many people of his own age were reluctant to admit it
C) white amassing evidence for 25 years in support of it
D) since the multiplicity of the unique forms emerged
E) that all individuals of the same species are not identical
B) Noun Clausedan meydana gelebilir.
The tourist wanted to know ----.
A) whether all the carpets were made by hand
B) all the carpets were made by hand
C) if all the carpets had been made by hand
D) that all the carpets are made by hand
E) whether all the carpets have been made by hand
---- how long it would take us to finish the experiment.
A) Contrary to what we all expected
B) No one has ever attempted
C) Our parents are exceedingly upset
D) He simply wanted to know
E) The decision was final
1. Dolayl anlatm yaps:
The professor asked me ----.
A) why no objection has been shown to anybody leaving early
B) if the results obtained from the study are significant
C) that I can pass on the next item on the agenda
D) whether I am awarded a prize for by new discovery
E) to help the newly recruited research assistant with the experiment.
2. It+sfat+that yaps:
Its splendid that we finished the experiment. Deneyi bitirmemiz ok gzel.
Its strange that there are no people on some islands. Baz adalarda hi kimsenin olmamas tuhaftr.
3. EKMSZ SIFATLAR: bu sfatlardan sonra gelen fiil yaln V1 olur:
It is urgent that a patient learn much about his illness.
Hastann hastal hakknda ok ey renmesi kanlmazdr. (zorunludur.)
4. It + a verb + that yaps bir fiil kullanlr:

It appears to me that we have come to the wrong direction.

Bana yanl yne geldik gibi geliyor.
5. that + subject + should yaps:
We agreed that a birthday party should be arranged.
Bir doum gn partisinin ayarlanmasnda anlamaya vardk.
---- that the continents are drifting slowly across the surface of the globe.
A) It is generally agreed
B) It was impossible to avoid asking the questions
C) Dr Robertson has been wondering
D) This is an article on the British royal family
E) I was introduced to a historian
6. WH gibi SORU KELMELER ile:
He asked where I wanted to go. Nereye gitmek istediimi sordu.
We believe whatever you tell us about it. Bize onunla ilgili ne sylersen inanrz.
I wonder who told all these to you. Btn bunlar sana kimin anlattn merak ediyorum.
---- why some elements do not form alloys.
A) There is nothing to be ashamed of
B) I really didnt know
C) We are all extremely worried
D) There wasnt an explanation
E) Nobody had understood
7. the fact that yaps ile:
The fact that he's the company chairman doesn't give him the right to give all the orders. (cmle banda)
Onun irketin bakan olmas (olduu gerei) ona tm emirleri vermesi hakkn vermez.
He accepted the fact that his idealized country was imaginative. (cmle ortasnda)
O idealindeki lkenin hayali olduu gereini kabul etti.
An alcoholic must accept the fact that there is a real problem (cmlesonunda)
Bir alkolik, gerekten bir problem olduu gereini kabul etmelidir.
8. Whether ile:
Have you ever eaten snake? Hi ylan yedin mi?
He asked if / whether I had ever eaten snake. Benim hi ylan yiyip yemediimi sordu.
Whether you have enough money or not isnt my problem.
Yeterince paran olup olmad benim sorunum deil.
C) Adverbial Clausedan meydana gelebilir.
As heavy rain had been forecast for the area, ----.
A) the resulting floods caused widespread hardship
B) I can't imagine why they neglected to take all necessary precautions to avoid flooding
C) farm labours would have to work overtime and at weekends

D) record harvests are expected this year

E) they would presumably cancel the excursion to the ruins in the valley
Some avalanches move no faster than 40 km per hour, ----.
A) despite the fact that snow lying on a steep slope is always liable to avalanche
B) even if the damage they did was minimal compared with the destruction caused by hurricanes and
C) while others have been estimated to have a speed of about 300 km per hour
D) so that in such areas measures may be taken to prevent large avalanches
E) for the wind sometimes reaches a force almost equal to that of a tornado
If energy can be produced efficiently by clean methods ----.
A) most governments would have invested in them
B) the production of coal had to be reduced
C) a lot of firms might have been expected to contribute generously
D) oil prices were expected to rise again
E) then these methods should obviously be preferred
----, there is enough food and water for everyone.
A) If they had used their resources properly
B) Though nature would have been spoiled
C) Unless we take care of our green fields
D) If we learned to respect the environment
E) Provided that they are used well
D) Comparison Clause
The better I know science ----.
A) the more the outcome had seemed unpredictable
B) I'm afraid I really cant stand him
C) I realized to what extent they had been involved
D) the more I like it
E) the more reliable were the data
E) Conjunctions-Connectors ve dier yaplar:
----, it was not long before they could resume broadcasting.
A) Since the maintenance team were on leave
B) Once the fault in the system had been found
C) However unwelcome the delay might be
D) If only their permit had been renewed
E) So long as the electrical supply remains stable


Since these new printers weigh less than 900 grams, ----.
A) their performance is invariably admirable
B) they really deserve to be called portable
C) they were readily available at all the best retailers
D) most people have been misled by their price
E) the research team has already moved on to a new project
----, despite the fact that we had received many warnings.
A) Admittedly, he is extremely bored with his job
B) I still haven't forgiven him
C) The others have always supported him
D) Clearly he is not the only one to blame
E) We repeatedly forgot about the fact of earthquake


01. A question that often arises when furniture is to be bought is ----.
A) whether or not one is getting value for money
B) that new designs will soon be coming in
C) how the colour of the carpet would have been matched
D) to consult an interior designer who had had great experience
E) to what extent a reduction in the price could have been made
02. It is not wise to come between two people ----.
A) that they were both interested in the same post
B) who are quarrelling
C) because they hadnt realized how strong they were
D) although one had met the requirements
E) until both sides took the opportunity to settle their problem
03. They live so far out of the town ----.
A) even though they enjoyed all the advantages of city life
B) who have lost contact with so many good friends
C) as one can get there only by taking a taxi
D) because the land they had bought was extremely cheap
E) that they can rarely get to a concert or a theatre
04. Once the final draft of the contract is approved, ----.
A) the United Nations agreed not to intervene any further
B) the members of the two delegations would have worked out their differences
C) it will then be typed and submitted for ratification
D) the next stage was to estimate the costs
E) a number of concessions were to be made by both sides
05. As the miners have called off the strike, ----.
A) the daily coal production had increased considerably
B) the Coal Board is prepared to reconsider the proposals of the union leaders
C) the chairman of the Coal Board expressed his satisfaction
D) there would have been a sense of relief nation-wide
E) the extent of the dispute was being ignored
06. ---- which allows you to overdraw on your account up to an
agreed amount.
A) The company had made a bargain
B) He got a loan from the bank
C) The firm you work for would have come to an agreement with the bank on the shares
D) An overdraft is simply an agreement with your bank
E) Some of your clients had complained about the low interest rates
07. ---- why their wages had not been raised as expected.
A) One of the important changes made in the pay scheme concerns
B) Even the secretaries have been disappointed
C) The clerk was ordered by the judge himself
D) The major problem facing the new director right away involves
E) The employees were anxious to find out

08. After the new law comes into effect next month, ----.
A) there will be a radical change in the structure of local administration
B) we should have prepared the way for a smooth political transition
C) the policy on industrial relations had to be abandoned
D) all the hospitals in the country had been made accountable to the Ministry of Health
E) the case may have been reconsidered
09. If energy can be produced efficiently by clean methods, ----.
A) oil prices were expected to rise again
B) the production of coal had to be reduced
C) then these methods should obviously be preferred
D) most governments would have invested in them
E) a lot of firms might have been expected to contribute generously
10. I wished I hadnt given him a job in the firm ----.
A) although he is less efficient than I once assumed
B) unless he makes a big effort to prove he can be useful
C) wherever a suitable vacancy may occur
D) that my father was a founding member
E) when I saw him behaving in such an irresponsible manner
11. ----, I dont think it will be able to hold off an attack of the rebels.
A) As the war in Bosnia is drawing to its close
B) Until more troops were mobilised
C) Wherever there are skirmishes along the frontier
D) Since our allies had promised more reinforcements
E) Unless the peace keeping force gets adequate reinforcements
12. ----, we will not stray from the basic policies that our party has always upheld.
A) When the polling, which had been heavy, was over
B) Although we are bitterly disappointed at the outcome of the recent elections
C) Whichever party got the majority of the votes
D) Even if he had a landslide victory
E) Since the results of the elections came in so slowly
13. ----, the judge would almost certainly have been more lenient towards him.
A) Despite the fact that he forgot the title indeed
B) If only we could bribe one of the witnesses
C) Had he admitted his part in the affair from the start
D) While our lawyer was negotiating the terms of settlement with their lawyer
E) Because the legal procedures make this unavoidable
14. ----, such a restrictive policy is likely to cause a lot of damage.
A) As soon as the new managing director took up his position
B) Should the monetary situation have deteriorated
C) In case the receipts turned out to be forgeries
D) Just as the world economy was picking up
E) As far as the long term interests of the company are concerned
15. ---- that most of the evidence submitted by the plaintiff could not be sustained.
A) In his appraisal of the case the lawyer reminded us
B) As was expected, the witnesses were brought into the courtroom
C) The judge himself has been accused
D) The trial has lasted long enough
E) The final verdict has still to be given

16. So long as certain countries continue to shelter terrorists, ----.

A) the hope of preserving international security was sheltered
B) the United Nations should have taken suitable action against them
C) the government had taken the matter to the Helsinki Conference
D) the chances of eradicating terrorism unfortunately remain silent
E) their aims would have been publicly condemned throughout the West
17. However relentlessly they pursue this policy of austerity, ----.
A) we would be determined to withstand any political pressure
B) the country would have benefited from it enormously
C) the masses were deprived of the opportunity to improve their living conditions
D) the opposition had denounced it vehemently
E) they will never manage to put the economy onto a better footing
18. Cars entail a great many expenses, ----.
A) so long as one doesnt use them excessively
B) unless one could get a sufficient loan from the bank
C) in case a number of people cannot afford them
D) so its worth thinking carefully before buying one
E) however essential they were thought to be in business life
19. Undoubtedly, the life style we have today differs radically from that ----.
A) which our parents knew
B) one which had been vividly described before by various authors
C) because the Industrial Revolution would have brought about a major social transformation
D) as long as a majority of the people still work on the land
E) if the governments wage policy leads to an improvement in working conditions
20. Unemployment continued to rise during the first half of the decade ----.
A) even if the workers could have received additional fringe benefits
B) as the rate of inflation will go up accordingly
C) while most companies would have been badly hit by the recession
D) but thereafter stabilized at about six per cent
E) despite the fact that the volume of exports cannot be increased

(A) Burada whether or not yaps gereklidir.


(B) Bir 'relative' yaps olup burada 'people' +'who' relative pronoun yaps uyumu aranmaldr.


(E) that+ noun clause yaps gereklidir.


(C) Burada once balac ile yaplan bir cmlecik gerekir. Tense uyumuna dikkat etmek gerekir.


(B) As: -d iin balacyla balayan bir cmlecik olduundan anlam ve zaman uyumu bakmndan B
kk en doru cevap olur.


(D) Bir "which relative clause" yaps olduundan anlamca da uygun bir
tamamlayc ana cmlecie gerek vardr.lgi zamir.(which"in tanmlad bir
isme gerek duyulmakta. "your bank + which" yaps. Tense uyumuna dikkat ediniz.


(E) Bir "noun clause" yaps olduundan anlamca da uygun bir tamamlayc / yan
cmlecik yapsna gerek vardr. "to find out +why -noun clause" yaps. Tense" uyumuna dikkat


(A) Bir "time clause" yaps olduundan anlamca da uygun bir tamamlayc ana cmlecie gerek vardr.
"after+present+future" yaps. Tense uyumuna dikkat ediniz.


(C) Bir "if clause" yaps olduundan anlamca da uygun bir tamamlayc cmlecik yapsna gerek vardr.
"If energy can be+ then these methods should obviously be" yaps." Tense" uyumuna dikkat ediniz.


(E) Birinci cmlecik Simple Past yapda olduundan zaman uyumu ve anlam bakmndan yine bir
Simple past yap gelmelidir.


(E) unless: if not ile yaplm 1.tip koul cmlesi.


(B) Bir "adverbial clause of contrast" yaps olduundan anlamca da uygun bir tamamlayc neden
Cmleciine (although) gerek vardr. Tense uyumuna dikkat ediniz.
rnek: He bought me a lovely gift, although he can't really afford it.


(C) Bu cmle "3.tip koul cmlesi"nin "inversion (devrik)" eklidir.

"Had he admitted " = "If he had admitted, would (not) have + V3" gibi bir yap bekleniyor. Doru
seenek "C" kkdr.


(E) Noun + to be V3 (-ilecek/-lacak) yaps: As far as the long term interests of the company are
As far as I am concerned, I prefer the latter for the following argument.


(A) reminded us that. noun clause yaps.


(D) as long as/so long as (-dii srece) yaps.Tense uyumuna dikkat ediniz.


(E) Burada ztlk belirten bir balaca vardr. However+adj (present) +future yaps gereklidir.


(D) Burada bir sonu ifadesi gerekir.Bu da so ile yaplr.


(A) Bir "which+ relative clause" yaps olduundan anlamca da uygun bir tamamlayc ilgi cmleciine
gerek vardr.


(D) but bala yaps bileik cmle yaparken uygundur.


1. Soru cmlesi genelde istenilen durumu anlatan bir yklem, isim sfat ya da zarf tamaktadr.
2. Seenekleri incelemeden nce, sizden ne istendiini iyice belirleyin. Yani
A) zr dileme, teklif etme, reddetme, kabul etme gibi durumlardan hangisine gre bir cmle retmek
B) retilecek cmle normal cmle mi, emir cmlesi mi yoksa soru cmlesi mi, rica cmlesi mi olabilir?
3. Verilen klarda hangi belirgin yaplar/yklemler/sfatlar kullanlabilir? rnein, zr dileme ise sorry,
neri ise
Shall we / Let's / Why don't we / How about gibi.
Seenekleri inceleyin. stenilen duruma uygun birden fazla cmle varsa, sorulan duruma en uygun
olann belirleyin.

4. Ifadelerin iinde en kibar, nazik ve verilen duruma uygun olann seiniz.

agreeing / disagreeing: fikir birlii / ayrl
consoling: teselli etme
criticizing: eletirme
defending: savunma
disappointment: sknt
giving advice/suggestions: tavsiye, neri
giving information: bilgi verme
giving instruction: talimat verme
giving permission: izin verme
interrupting someone: birini engelleme / kesme
introducing someone: birini tantrma
inviting: devet etme
persuading: raz etme, ikna etme
refusing: reddetme
regretting: piman olma
requesting: rica etme
stating opinions: fikir ileri srme
warning: uyarda bulunma.gibi.
agreeing / disagreeing: fikir birlii / ayrl
apologizing: zr dileme
asking for help: yardm isteme
1. Someone who is known to be rather unreliable in money matters comes to you asking for a loan. You
refuse to give him a loan but want to do this in a kindly manner, making use of your family
commitments. You say:
A) I do wish I could have helped out but I have to pay the children's school expenses this month and there
will be nothing left over after that.
B) Yes, of course I will help you out; but you will have to pay me back at the beginning of next month
C) I thought I'd told you that I would never again lend you any money
D) My father would be very angry if he knew what I was doing
E) Why don't you ask your family to help you out? Surely they will
2. A friend has had a bad cough for several months. You think it is high time she consulted a doctor
about it and you decide to impress on her the need to take the matter seriously. You say:
A) Do please go to the chemist's and get a bottle of cough mixture
B) You know as well as I do that a cough can be a sign of something more serious. Go and get it checked.
C) Do what I do. Drink a glass of fresh grapefruit juice every morning. I'm sure it will do you good
D) The weather is getting warmer now so perhaps your cough will go away
E) I think you are coughing a bit less these days but I still think you should


01. As an eminent scholar you have been invited to give a series of lectures in South America. Since
recently you find you get tired easily, you feel the journey would be very exhausting for you; so, you
decline the invitation, giving your reason at the same time. You say:
A) Im afraid I cannot accept your kind invitation because, for a person at my age, the journey would prove too
B) I have to turn down the invitation since I understand it is unsafe to travel in your country.
C) Thank you for the invitation but I no longer accept invitations that involve much travelling, as I cannot afford
the time.
D) I would like to accept your invitation, but tell me first how much travelling is involved.
E) Though I fear the journey will be rather tiring for me I will look forward to visiting South America.
02. You learn that a close colleague of yours in the Economics Department has been nominated for the
Nobel Prize in economics. You feel thrilled for him and call immediately to congratulate him. He tells
you that he doesnt expect to receive the prize because there will almost certainly, be other
candidates better than he is. Thereupon, to encourage him, you say:
A) You are probably right: Youll just have to wait and see how it turns out.
B) True. And after all one never knows how much the issue is affected by the politics.
C) If I were you, Id not raise my hopes too high.
D) Surely you are one of the leading economists in the world and have as much chance as anyone else.
E) You should have pleased that at least youve been nominated.
03. In the office there has been some criticism of the secretary on account of her manners. But you are
more than satisfied with the quality of her work and so come to her defence, saying:
A) She may be sent off under the current disciplinary rules.
B) Shes not as polite as may be expected of a perfect secretary, but as for efficiency she is superb.
C) Obviously she lacks many of the qualities one looks for in a secretary.
D) I know she always yells at people and does not behave herself.
E) Her manners can be annoying and this makes her a difficult person to work with efficiently.
04. Your nephew has been offered several different jobs by various companies. He cant make up his
mind about which one to accept. So he comes to you for advice. You happen to know one of the
companies well and feel sure it has a lot to offer. You say:
A) I dont know much about the other companies but this one will give you excellent training and some useful
B) As far as Im concerned all of the offers seem to be desirable. You can choose any one of them.
C) With one exception, I feel they can all be recommended.
D) I dont think Im in a position to advise you on all of the offers. But this I know should be avoided.
E) I suggest you take the one that seems to offer better benefits.
05. As the chief organizer of a conference hosted by your university it is for you to introduce the first
speaker who is a world famous scholar in his field, and happens also to be a former professor of
yours. So in your introduction you say:
A) It gives me great pleasure to ask you to attend the conference and be the first speaker.
B) Im delighted you were able to join us, though not as a speaker, but of course we are hoping you will
participate in our discussion.
C) This is great moment for me as I am privileged to welcome so many famous speakers.
D) As your onetime student it is my privilege to welcome you as the most distinguished scholar in your field and
as the keynote speaker of the conference.
E) What a surprise this is! It is wonderful to run into you here in this way.

06. A friend of yours, with excellent credentials, has not been offered the job he had applied for. You see
that this has made him very discouraged and extremely upset. You want to help him regain his selfconfidence, so you say to him:
A) If you cant find anything better, I can probably try to take you into my company.
B) I reckon you must have offended someone; after all, you arent very sensitive.
C) This is not the end of the world; a person with your qualifications deserves better employment opportunities.
D) After all, you ought to be more considerate of other peoples feelings.
E) In this period of economic recession competition for executive posts is likely to continue for some time.
07. Youve moved to a new house and are looking for a fairly large, original picture to hang near the front
door. You have a friend whose taste you trust and who has a lot of friends in the art world. You think
he can help you find something suitable, so you say to him:
A) I wish youd keep an eye open for a picture that would look good on the wall by my front door.
B) I dont own a picture large enough to hang at the top of the stairs.
C) The picture neednt be large but it must be imaginative and colourful. I leave the rest to you.
D) Should I commission someone to paint a picture to hang on that wall?
E) How much would I have to pay for an original picture of the right size for this wall?
08. A neighbour is going to a big reunion dinner that you know your brother, who is a well-known local
figure, will also attend. You think the two of them should meet, so you say:
A) My brother is sure to be there at the reunion, and I expect hell recognize you.
B) If only Id be going too, I would have introduced you to my brother.
C) My brother is a lot like you, so its only natural that you should have got on well.
D) Ive told my brother about your suggestion, and he seemed interested.
E) My brother will also be there. Everybody knows him. So, do introduce yourself to him and give him my
09. You are in charge of a team of scientists doing fieldwork in the mountains. However, your work has
often been hampered by the wet weather, and you are worried that it may not be finished on time. As
this cannot be permitted, you say to your team members:
A) Since the weather has been so bad, I dont think it is wise to carry on with our work.
B) Due to the adverse weather conditions, Im afraid we are behind the schedule. Well have to make a much
bigger effort.
C) Despite the bad weather, the work goes forward as planned.
D) Given the weather conditions we have had so far, it is comforting to know that we have done a lot of work.
E) Even though the weather has always been unsettled, it has affected our work very little.
10. At three oclock today, you have an appointment with your dentist. However, your manager has called
you to say that, at the meeting at three oclock today, the board of directors would like to hear your
expert opinion on the reorganization of the company. So, as you are required to attend this meeting,
you have to cancel your appointment and say to your dentist:
A) I just cant attend a board meeting when Im in such pain with this tooth. Dont you agree?
B) I know I cancelled my 3 oclock appointment with you for today, but now I find I can come.
C) As far as I know there is no board meeting today, so 3 oclock should suit me fine.
D) Ill have to cancel this appointment with you if they call a board meeting at that our.
E) Im very sorry I cant make it today at three oclock, as Im obliged to attend a meeting of the board at that

11. Upon the publication of your new novel, which is politically quite provocative, you have caught the
attention of the public, and many journalists have been trying to do interviews with you. Yet you wish
to keep a low profile, and so turn down your requests. Again, you have been approached by a
journalist for an interview, but you say:
A) I could not have predicted that my new novel would catch the public attention to such an extent; Ive no
objection to being interviewed.
B) I am very grateful for everyones interest, and you will be given plenty of time to interview me.
C) I have been thrilled by the public reception of my new novel, and Im always delighted to meet the press.
D) Thank you for your interest in my novel, but I want to keep out of the public eye.
E) I have always had a very high respect for journalists; certainly it is a privilege for me to be interviewed by
12. Today is the birthday of your thirty-year-old brother, who, with his family, lives in another town. You
have always been very fond of him, but you have not seen him for quite a long time. So, you call him
and say:
A) Many happy returns. I wish I were there with you and your family to celebrate your birthday. Ive missed you
a lot.
B) Congratulations to all concerned, You deserved it
C) You must be feeling relieved. Now, take my advice and relax a bit.
D) This is just to wish you many happy returns. I expect you and your family will come to see me when you are
on leave.
E) I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I have the time and the means, Ill drop by.
13. You are the sales manager of a housing company and, as such, have the task of promoting a new set
of reasonably-priced villas in a pleasant setting. When approached by a prospective buyer for more
information, you say:
A) That particular house was built ten years ago but is in remarkably good condition.
B) You may find the price of our villas somewhat exorbitant, but they are set in a lush green landscape and
have breath-taking views.
C) No detail has been overlooked in our villas which have full resort amenities and are aimed at our privileged
well-to-do clients.
D) These villas are charmingly placed, with mountains behind them and lovely views of the sea. Moreover, they
are good value for your money.
E) At present house prices are falling, so it is a good time for making a purchase.
14. Recently you have seen the film version of Henry Jamess celebrated novel The Portrait of A Lady.
You have been much impressed by the quality of the film and in particular the vitality and force of the
presentation, for you have found reading the novel very hard going. In conversation with a friend who
has not seen the film you say:
A) Its one of the best films Ive seen for a long time, even though the story is rather superficial and tedious.
B) I very rarely enjoy a film of a novel that has given me pleasure.
C) I certainly enjoyed the film The Portrait of A Lady far more than the novel as it really brings the story alive.
D) The film, The Portrait of A Lady, changes Henry Jamess story beyond recognition.
E) The film doesnt follow the novel very closely but it is quite enjoyable to watch.
15. You have a vintage car which has to be handled with great care and really needs expert attention. You
ask a friend of yours to advise you on where to take it. You say:
A) As you know, not every car repairer can serve a vintage car. Do you know anyone who can?
B) You are good with cars. How about having a look at my vintage one?
C) I am looking a new place for the servicing of my vintage car, since I am not satisfied with the present one.
D) Have you ever dreamed of owning a vintage car? The only problem is getting them serviced.
E) I am afraid I will have to get rid of this vintage car; it is so hard to get it served, and so expensive

16. At the executive committee meeting of the company, several members have voiced their unease at
the adverse effect to the recession on profits. So, as the chairman you want to dispel this gloomy
atmosphere, and say:
A) I also feel disappointed by the situation, but lets not discuss it now.
B) Are you trying to tell me that the recession will continue well into next year?
C) I admit that sales as present are a little a lower than usual, but we have every reason to expect an increase
in the second half of the years.
D) Are you quite sure that the figures you have been given by the several departments do really reflect whats
E) We must introduce stringent measures straightaway if we are preventing a worsening of the situation.
17. A few of your paintings are to be on show at an exhibition to be opened next week. You want to give
an open invitation to all of your colleagues in the department, and say:
A) The exhibition I am holding next week is to raise money for charity. So I am hoping it will be very crowded.
B) If anyone interested in the exhibition of my works, let me know and I will get you an invitation.
C) There will be another exhibition, next week, of the works of amateur artists like myself. You will find it
D) I think you all know my paintings are going to be exhibited, starting Tuesday next week. I hope to see you all
E) This is the first time my works are going on exhibition, so, naturally, I am very excited.
18. You have just returned for international conference. Frankly, you were rather dissatisfied with the
quality of many of the papers presented. As your return, when your colleagues inquire about the
conference, you admit to being disappointed and say:
A) Had you been there, you would have been as enthusiastic about proceedings as I was.
B) I was really shocked by the lack of interest shown by the great majority of participants.
C) It was thrilling experience just to be with so many specialists in our field.
D) Like any other international conference, this turned out to be extremely exhausting.
E) Actually, several of the presentations fell short of my expectations.
19. As a professor of management you have been approached by the director of a bank for your opinion
of a candidate who was formerly one of your students. So, you want to reassure him and say:
A) Though he has a calm manner which may be misleading, he is actually dynamic, creative and resourceful.
B) Yes, he has shortcoming; but you have a good in-training programme, dont you?
C) As far as I recall, in my courses, I expected more from him than he was late to give.
D) It seems to me that the post on offer really requires very special skills.
E) I suggest you screen a wide range of candidates before deciding on anyone.
20. You managed a fairly large supermarket and feel you have lost customers recently due to the late
delivery of the goods you have ordered. You are extremely angry at this negligence and write a stiff
note of complaint to the wholesalers. In the note you say:
A) This is to inform you that, if I am to keep my customers, you must deliver goods at least twice a week.
B) If only youd sent to goods in time, my customers would have had far more choice.
C) I feel you should be warned that customers are not at all satisfied with the quality of the goods delivered.
D) Your irresponsibility in this matter has damaged my trade. Just make sure it doesnt happen again.
E) Your delivery system is no longer as efficient as it used to be; you really must do something to improve it.



(A) Davet edildiiniz uzak bir konferansa gitmemek iin en uygun cevap yanz ve yolun uzakln
mazeret olarak bildirmek olacaktr.


(D) Nobel dlne aday olan bir arkadanza moral vermek iin syleyebileceiniz en uygun ifade D


(B) Sekreterinizi savunmak iin syleyebileceiniz sz B kkndaki ifadedir.


(A) Yeeninize tandk bir firmada i ayarlamak iin ona syleyebileceiniz teklif cmlesi A kkndaki gibi


(D) Konferansta bir sunucu olarak mehur bir konumac ayn zamanda kendi hocanz olan bir profesr
tantyorsunuz. Bunu en iyi anlatan ifade "D" kkdr.


(C) ok iyi zellikleri olan bir arkadanz bavurduu ie kabul edilmiyor. Kendine gvenini kazanmas iin
ne sylersiniz. Bunu en iyi anlatan ifade "C" kkdr.


(A) Yeni tandnz eve bir tablo aryorsunuz. Bu konuda bilgili bir arkadanzn yardmn istiyorsunuz.
Bunu en iyi anlatan ifade "A" kkdr.


(E) Bir komunuz bir ziyafet verecek ve tannm biri olan erkek kardeinizin de onunla tanmasn
istiyorsunuz. Bunu en iyi anlatan ifade "B" kkdr.


(B) Arazide yaptnz bir almann kt hava artlar nedeniyle bitirilmesi zorunluluunu en iyi ekilde
yelere B kknda verildii gibi ifade edilir.


(E) Diinize olan randevunuzu erteleme zorunluluunuzu en iyi ekilde yelere E kknda verildii gibi
ifade edersiniz.


(D) Kamu oyunda yer almamak iin bir gazetecinin mlakat teklifini reddettiinizi E kknda verildii gibi
ifade edersiniz.


(A) Uzakta olan erkek kardeinizin doum gnn kutlamak iin telefonda sylenebilecek szleri en iyi A
kknda verildii gibi ifade edersiniz.


(D) Uygun fiyata satacanz villalar iin bir mteri adayn ikna etmek iin en uygun ifade D kknda
verildii gibi olacaktr.


(C) nl bir romann filmini kendisinden daha fazla beendiinizi bir arkadanza en iyi C kknda
verildii gibi ifade edersiniz.


(A) Eski antika bir arabay tamir ettirmek iin arkadanzdan bilgi istiyorsunuz. En kibar ifade A dr.


(C) Bir tartma ortamn gevetmek iin en uygun ifade C olur.


(D) Arkadalarnz kendi serginize davet etmek iin en uygun ifade D olur.


(E) Beenmediiniz bir konferans hakknda yapacanz en uygun yorum E kkndaki ifade olacaktr.


(A) Bir rencinizi bir greve uygun grdnz en iyi A kkndaki ifadeyle syleyebilirsiniz.


(D) Burada bir ikayet etme ifadesi yer alacaktr. En uygunu D olur.

1 - 5. sorularda, paralarda bo braklan

yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi

6 - 10. sorularda, paralarda bo braklan

yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi

Most people can prepare lettuce salad or other

foods (1) ---- written directions. But many foods,
including cakes and sauces, (2) ---- well (3) ---prepared according to a recipe. Many cookbooks
with a wide variety of recipes are available.
Recipes also appear on food packages and in
many magazines and newspapers. This article
discusses basic principles of planning meals and
preparing food. Some cookbooks give general
tips on (4) ---- topics in addition to providing
recipes. A beginner should first try simple recipes
and meals and (5) ---- go on to more difficult

Many people oppose the death penalty, chiefly

(6) ---- they consider it cruel. Critics also warn (7)
---- the risk of executing mistakenly convicted
people. Supporters of capital punishment believe
that, in certain circumstances, people (8) ---- take
human life deserve to lose their own lives. Many
supporters argue that the threat of death
discourages crime more (9) ---- than the threat of
prison does. But studies have shown no unusual
increase in murders (10) ---- the death penalty is





wont turn out

wont ask for
wont make for
wont put out
wont put up









as if
















11 - 15. sorularda, paralarda bo braklan

yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi

Inflation has many causes. It may result if consumers

demand (11) ---- goods and services than businesses
can produce. Inflation may also occur (12) ---- employers
grant wage increases that exceed gains in productivity.
The employers pass most or (13) ---- the cost of the
wage increase along to consumers by charging higher
prices. A government can try to control inflation by
increasing taxes, raising interest rates, decreasing the
money supply, reducing government spending, (14) ---setting limits on wages and prices. But the government's
task is difficult, chiefly (15) ---- it may trigger a recession
when it attempts to reduce inflation.

16 - 20. sorularda, paralarda bo braklan

yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi

Taxes are as old as government. The general level of

taxes (16) ---- through the years, depending on the role of
the government. In modern times, many governments-especially in advanced industrial countries--have rapidly
expanded their roles and taken on new responsibilities.
(17) ----, their need for tax revenue has become great.
Through the years, people have (18) ---- protested
against tax increases. In (19) ---- situations, taxpayers
have favored keeping services at current levels or
reducing them. Voters have defeated many proposals for
tax increases (20) ---- state and local governments.


as many






all of






because of
even if







has varied
is varied
will be varied


Such as
That is
As a result
In any case







21 - 25. sorularda, paralarda bo braklan

yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi

Astronomy is an ancient science. Like today's

researchers, ancient scholars based their ideas of the
universe on (21) ---- they observed and measured and on
their understanding of why objects move as they do.
(22) ----, the ancients developed some incorrect ideas
(23) ----the relationships between Earth and the objects
they saw in the heavens. One reason for their errors
(24) ---- that they did not understand the laws of motion.
For example, they did not know that a force--which we
know as gravitation--controls the movements of the
planets. (25) ---- reason was that their measurements did
not reveal the movements of the planets in sufficient



Owing to
In spite of




has been







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