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Islamic Online University

Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies

Aqeedah 101 Assignment


Question: 1. Did he bring anything new in the religion?

2. How did his aqeedah differ to those of his contemporaries?
3. Did his opinions differ from earlier scholar such as Ibn Taymiyah and
Imam Ahmad etc?
4. Shaykh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab was from a place called Najd;
explain the issue mentioned by the Prophet (saw) when he said that

Biography of Shaykhul Islaam Al `Imaam Muhammad
ibn 'Abdil Wahhaab
His lineage:
He is the `Imaam Ash Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhaab ibn
Sulaymaan ibn 'Aliyy ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Raashid ibn Bareed ibn
Muhammad ibn Bareed ibn Ma-sharif ibn 'Umar ibn Ba'daad ibn Rays ibn
Zaakhir ibn Muhammad ibn 'Aliyy ibn Waheeb An Najdiy At Tameemiy from
the Banee Tameem tribes. 1
His birth:

1 See Taarikh Najd, p. 106

He was borned in Uyainah which is among the Yamaamah villages at

1115 A.H. And he grew up, was raised and educated in the house with the
knowledge nuance and the religion nuance. His father Abdul Wahaab and his
grandfather Sulaymaan are scholars in his time. 2
His growth and his journey to gain knowledge:
He completed memorizing the Qur'aan before reach ten year age,
before `Ihtilaam. Then, he studied fiqhul hanbaliy, tafseer, and hadeeth. His
father very amazed about his strong memorization. He was been serious in
gaining knowledge. Bi`ithnillah, he was able to memorize many of scientism
texts in many knowledge branches. Then he migrated in order to search
knowledge in Najd, Makkah and he read to the scholars there. Afterwards, he
migrated to Al Madeenah An Nabawiyyah and he read in front of the scholars
there. And so he migrated to many countries in searching knowledge. Some
of them give him `Ijaazah (authorization) also. He read many books of Ibnul
Qayyim and Shaykhul `Islaam Ibnu Taymiyyah rahimahumallah and become
very influenced with them.
His Mashaayikh (Teachers)3:
1. Ash Shaykh Abdullaah ibn `Ibraaheem ibn Sayf from Aalu Sayf An
2. Ash Shaykh Abdul Baaqiy Al Hanbaliy.
3. Ash Shaykh Al Muhaddith Muhammad Hayaah As Sindiy.
4. Ash Shaykh Aliyy Afnadiy Ad Daaghistaaniy.
5. Ash Shaykh `Ismaaeel Al Ajlooniy.
6. Ash Shaykh Abdul Lateef Al Afaaliqiy Al `Ihsaa`iy.
7. Ash Shaykh Muhammad Al Afaaliqiy Al `Ihsaa`iy.
8. Ash Shaykh Muhammad Al Majmooiy.
9. Ash Shaykh Abdul Lateef Ash Shaafiiy.
Issues about his da'wah:
After he had journeyed to many countries, he went back to his country,
Najd, the country which he was born. He saw so many practical of shirk,
grave worshiping, innovations and superstitions. Despite that, the political
situation was not good, robbery, chaos, murder was happening often between
every tribes there. So, with Allah's permission he began his da'wah, he joined
with Muhammad ibn Su'ood (one of the head tribes there). With Allah's help
2 See Sharh Kashf Ash Shubuhaat by Muhammad ibn Saalih Al Uthaimeen, p.
3 See Ash Shayikh Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahaab Aqeedatuhu As-Salafiyyah
Wa Dawatuhu Al `Islaahiyyah Wa Thanaa` Al Ulamaa alayhi, Pp. 11-13.

his da'wah become acceptable and spread widely, and so he was won by
Allah's help.
Some people which don't like da'wah's shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdil
Wahhaab spread this fitnah to peoples. They called his da'wah as Da'wah
Wahhaabiyyah which they connected to some bad rumors. They say that
Shaykh Muhammad brought new in the religion which was not be brought by
the earlier scholars. Some of them are 4 :
1. They accused Shaykh Muhammad be conviced that Muhammad is not
the closing Nabiy.
2. They accused him that he denied the shafaa'at of Nabiy .
3. They accused him that he considered everyone as disbeliever excepet his
4. They accused him that he denied the karaamah of waliyy (pl. `auliyaa`)
5. They accused him that he believed in math-hab Khawaarij
6. They accused him that he was a mujassim5.
7. They accused him that he infringed the scholars.
But then, these proclaims are truly wrong. As we can see in many
books of Shaykh Muhammad that he is among scholars who very very
seriously oppose any kind of shirk, bid'ah and khuraafaah (polytheism,
innovation/invention and superstitions).
Ash Shaykh Dr. Saalih ibn 'Abdil Azeez As-Sindy said:
"Some people say: Indeed Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdil Wahhaab
surely infringed every scholars in whom he invited on. He wasn't looking a
glance in the scholar's saying, and he wasn't using their books as references.
What he had done was doing something new in the religion, and he brought
the fifth math-hab.6
He said again7 : And the best explanation of the reality is coming from
the Shaykh Muhammad himself. As he stated:
4 See Maqaalah Tas-heehu Mafaaheem Khaati`ah Fee Qadiyyah
5 Give Allah the adjective of the creation.
6 Tas-heehu Mafaaheem Khaati`ah Fee Qadiyyah Muhimmah.

We are just following Al Qur`an and As Sunnah and saalih salafil

`ummah, and what the `Imaams of the four math-habs based their
opinions: `Aboo Haneefah An Nu'maan ibn Thaabit, Maalik ibn `Anas,
Muhammad ibn `Idrees (Ash Shaafi'iyy), and Ahmad ibn Hanbal
rahimahumullah.8 9
If you heard that indeed I had issued a fatwa which was
exceeding/overstepping the consensus of scholars, show me to it. 10 11
If you suspect that the scholars was crossing/opposing my believes.
These are their books here (open it and clarify yourself). 12 13
I was (always) disputing/comparing someone (his saying) that
ascribes to math-hab hanafiy to the Hanafiy late scholars. And also
someone ascribes to the math-hab Maalik, Shaafi'iyy and Hanbaliy, all
of them, I was disputing/comparizing their saying to the late scholars
which was credibled by their.14 15

7 Tas-heehu Mafaaheem Khaati`ah Fee Qadiyyah Muhimmah.

8 Muallafaat Ash Shaykh Al `Imaam Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhaab, part 5:
Ar Rasaa`il Ash Shakhsiyyah, p. 96.
9 The arabic text is : :

10Ad Durar As Saniyyah Fee Al Ajwibah An Najdiyyah, part 1: p. 53.

11 The arabic text is :

12 Ad Durar As Saniyyah Fee Al Ajwibah An Najdiyyah, part 2: p. 58.

13 The arabic text is :

14 Ad Durar As Saniyyah Fee Al Ajwibah An Najdiyyah, part 1: p. 82.

And the conclusion is, something that I was disavowing was the belief
in the creation which was not allowed for them. If whom I said was
from my opinion only, throw it away. Or from a book which was not
credibled, throw it away also. Or from what I quote from the follower of
my math-hab, throw it away. And if whom I said was from Al Qur'aan
and As Sunnah and from the consensus of the scholars in every mathhab. It didn't proper for a believer of Allah and the last day to reject it
because of people in his time, nor because of people in his country,
neither because most people in his time reject it. The end of
quotation-.16 17
From these statement above we know that Ash Shaykh Muhammad
didn't bring any new religions nor invention, and didn't differ the earlier
scholar nor made a new math-hab. He just simply following the Quran, As
Sunnah, `Ijmaa and the opinion of credibled scholars. He taught people to
release themselves from taqleedul `amaa18.
Therefore, there are so many scholars gave him rahimahullah praise,
both the scholars in his time, his contemporaries either the late scholars. And
we can find that easily in their books. Some of scholars in his contemporaries
are As San'aaniy and Ash Shawkaaniy rahimahumallah, they made a
qaseedah19 for Shaykh Muhammad which praise his da'wah and his
knowledge. And if we want to know more about it, we can compare the
masterpiece of As San'aaniy named Tat-heerul `I'tiqaad and the masterpiece
of Ash Shawkaaniy named (Maj'muuah Rasaa`il Ash Shaukaaniy (Al
15 The arabic text is :

16 Ad Durar As Saniyyah Fee Al Ajwibah An Najdiyyah, part 1: Pp. 89-90.

17 The arabic text is :

18 Following blindly somebodys opinion without understanding the

19 A religious poetry in arabic.

Aqeedah))20 and the masterpiece of Shaykh Muhammad named Kitaabut

Tauheed. Finally, we will get the similarity between their aqeedah.
Also among scholars -who was his contemporaries- who praised
Shaykh Muhammad is 'Allaamatul 'Iraaq As Sayyid Mahmood Shukriy Al
`Aloosiy, as he stated in the end of his historioghrapy of Najd. He praised him
with saying in meaning-, And no left jaahil21 of common people in Najd, but
all of them are studying religion now until this day (because of Shaykh
Muhammad dawah).22 23
Issues about Najd:
Some peoples who are "the enemy" of Ash Shaykh related him to the
hadeeth of the Satan's horn. They proclaimed that Nabiy had stated:
O Allah bless us in our Shaam and our Yaman. The companions
asked, And in our Najd? Nabiy said, There will happen disaster
and fitan (sg. fitnah) and there will arise the horn of Satan.24 25
And narrated also by Muslim from Al Layth from Naafi' from Ibnu
20It is in origin assembled from three risaalah of him by Jaami'ah Islaamiyyah
Madeenah Markaz Shu`uunid Da'wah.
21 Lit. Jaahil means stupid, but here, the meaning is the opposite of knowing.
22 Who wants to see more about the scholars praises to Shaykh Muhammad
can read : Ash Shayikh Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahaab Aqeedatuhu AsSalafiyyah Wa Dawatuhu Al `Islaahiyyah Wa Thanaa` Al Ulamaa alayhi, Pp.
57-89, by Ahmad ibn Hajar ibn Muhammad Aalu Bootaamiy Aalu ibn Aliyy. He
wrote 42 scholars who gave praise to Shaykh Muhammad.
23 Taarikh Najd, Pp. 106-115.
24 Saheeh Al Bukhaariy, vol. 2, p. 33, hadeeth no. 1037. Also in vol. 9, p. 54,
hadeeth no. 7094 and Saheeh Muslim, vol. 4, p. 2288, hadeeth no. 2905.
25 The complete arabic text is (the sanad is taken from Saheeh Al Bukhaariy
hadeeth no. 1037) :

Truly, he heard the Rasool SAW and he was facing in the East, he was
saying: Caution, verily the fitnah (will happen) here. Which will arise
the horn of Satan.26 27
In other lafath (saying):

Nabiy said with pointing his hand in east direction.


And so, they swallowed these hadeeths rawly and spread this fitnah to
people. However, the scholars had explained this very clearly. And this
hadeeth is not the only one that explain about the Satan's horn, there are
some hadeeths that also explain the arising of the horn of the Satan. In
example hadeeth from Ibnu Umar radiyallaahu anhu:
I saw Nabiy are pointing his finger to the 'Iraaq. In here verily Al
fitnah (will happen) here, verily al fitnah (will happen) here. Nabiy
said three times. Which is the place where the horn of Satan will
arise.29 30
As the rule in `Usool Al Fiqh, the best tareeqatul` istinbaat31 is not crashing
one hadeeth with the others (which known as At ta'aarud). But if we can
compromize (Al jam') the both hadeeth or all of the hadeeths, we will take
them all and we can give the best interpretation by compromising them. So
by the tareeqatul jam'32 we can get the mean that the Najd in the first
hadeeth is 'Iraaq. We can summarize that at least by this two point.
26 Saheeh Muslim, vol. 4, p. 2228, hadeeth no. 2095.
27 The arabic text is : . "

28 Saheeh Muslim, vol. 4, p. 2229, hadeeth no. 2095.

29 Musnad `Ahmad, vol. 10, p. 390, hadeeth no. 6302.
30 The arabic text is :


31 The way to extract hukm.

1. Najd in arabic term means high place, Ibnul Manthoor said in the Lisaan :
Al Akhfash said: All the high places from Tihaamah until the 'Iraaq's
area that is Najd.33 34
Al Khattaabiy rahimahullah said about Najd:
All places those are high in the earth.35


Al Haafith Ibnu Hajar also explained in the same meaning.37

From this point, we know that the term Najd can't be meant by only
one meaning, but it can have many meanings. The author of Mu'jamul
Buldaan mentioned twelve Najds that was being used by the Arabian, and of
course 'Iraaq is included among places that is named by Najd. 38
2. The east direction which is stated in the hadeeth, is not meant the east as
the opposite of the west. But east direction that is mentioned there also
mean northeast, that because the Arabian in the old times don't know the
northeast, they only know four air direction (north, south, east, west).
Nabiy said about Dajjal:
Ad Dajjaal is going out from the east. It said: Khuraasaan. 39


32 The way to compromize.

33 Lisaan Al Arab, vol. 3, p. 413.
34 The arabic text is :

35 Ghareebul Hadeeth, vol. 2, p. 146.

36 The arabic text is :

37 See Fat-hul Baariy, vol. 13, p. 47.

38 Mujamul Buldaan, vol. 5, p. 265.
39 Sunan At Tirmithiy, vol. 4, p. 509, hadeeth no 2237 corrected by Al

Indeed Ad Dajjaal is going out from Yahoodi `Asbahaan.41


As we know if we look on the map, we will know that Khuraasaan and

`Asbahaan is not in the east, but in the northeast from Al Madeenah An
Nabawiyyah. That is also explaining that `Iraaq is in the east which mean
norteast from Madeenah. Besides all of that, many scholars had interpreted
and explained that Najd as 'Iraaq, such as Ibnu Hajar43, Al Khattaabiy44, Ibnu
Abdil Barr45, and the others.
His masterpiece:
Some of them46 :

Al Kitaabul Jaleel Al Mufeed Al Musammaa Kitaabut Tawheed.

Kashfu Ash Shubuhaat.
Kitaab Al Kabaa`ir.
Mukhtasar Al `Insaaf Wash Sharh Al Kabeer.
Mukhtasar Zaad Al Ma'aad.
Fataawaa wa Rasaa`il assembled with the name Majmoo'ah
Mu`allafaat Al `Imaam Muhammad ibn 'Abdil Wahhaab.
7. Mukhtasar Seerah Ar Rasool Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam.
8. Al Qawaa'id Al `Arba'.
9. Al `Usool Ath Thalaathah.
10.Al `Usool As Sittah.
11.Fadlul `Islaam.
12.Nawaaqidul `Islaam.
13.Al 'Aqeedah.
40 The arabic text is : :

41 Musnad Ahmad, vol. 41, p. 15, hadeeth no. 24467.

42 The arabic text is :

43 Fat-hul Baary, vol. 13, p. 47.

44 Idem.
45 At Tamheed, vol. 1, p. 279.
46 See Muallafaat Ash Shaykh Al `Imaam Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhaab.

14.Mabhathul `Ijtihaad Wal Khilaaf.

15.Kitaabut Tahaarah.
16.Shuruut As Salaah Wa `Arkaanuhaa Wa Waajibaatuhaa.
17.Kitaabu `Aadaabul Mashyi `Ilas Salaah.
18.`Ahkaamu Tamanniy Al Mawt.
19.Tafseer `Aayaat Minal Qur`aan Al Kareem.
20.Fadaa`ilul Qur'aan.
21.Ar Rasaa`il Ash Shakhsiyyah.
22.Mukhtasar Tafseer Suurah Al `Anfaal.
23.Ba'du Fawaa`id Sulhul Hudaybiyyah.
24.Risaalah Fee Ar Radd 'Alaa Ar Raafidah.
25.Al Khutab Al Minbariyyah.
His death:
Ash Shaykh Muhammad passed away in 1206 A.H. May Allah forgive all
of his sins, and reward him with the best reward, and put him in the Firdaws
Al A'laa.
1. Al Maktabah Ash Shaamelah.
2. Mahmood Shukriy Al `Aloosiy, Taarikh Najd corrected by Muhammad
Bahjah Al Athariy, (Egypt: Maktabah Madbooliy).
3. Muhammad ibn Saalih Al Uthaimeen, Sharh Kashf Ash Shubuhaat
arranged by Fahd ibn Naasir ibn `Ibraaheem As Sulaymaan, (Riyad: Daar
Ath Thurayaa).
4. Dr. Saalih ibn Abdil Azeez As Sindiy, Tas-heehu Mafaaheem Khaati`ah Fee
Qadiyyah Muhimmah, Article.
5. Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhab, wrote, arranged, and corrected by 'Abdul
'Azeez ibn Zayd Ar-Rawyy, Dr. Muhammad Baltaajiyy and Dr. Sayyid
Hijaab, Mu`allafaat Ash Shaykh Al `Imaam Muhammad ibn Abdil
Wahhaab, (Egypt: Maktabah ibn Taymiyyah).
6. Group of scholars assembled by Abdur Rahmaan ibn Muhammad ibn
Qaasim Al Aasimiy An Najdiy, Ad Durar As Saniyyah Fee Al Ajwibah An
Najdiyyah 6th ed., (Daar Al Qaasim, 1996).
7. Ahmad ibn Hajar ibn Muhammad ibn Hajar ibn Ahmad ibn Hajar ibn
Taamiy ibn Hajar ibn Sind ibn Sadoon `Aalu Bootaamiy `Aalu ibn Aliyy,
Ash Shayikh Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhaab Aqeedatuhu As-Salafiyyah
Wa Dawatuhu Al `Islaahiyyah Wa Thanaa` Al Ulamaa alayhi introduced
and corrected by Abdul Azeez ibn Baaz, (Makkah: Matbaah Al Hukoomah,
8. Muhammad ibn `Ismaaeel Aboo Abdillah Al Bukhaariy, Al Jaami Al
Musnad As Saheeh Al Mukhtasar Min `Umuuri Rasoolillaah salla Allahu
alayhi wa sallam Wa Sunanuhu Wa `Ayyaamuhu corrected by Muhammad
Zuhayr ibn Naasir An Naasir 1st ed., (Daar Tawq An Najaah, 2001).

9. Muslim ibn Al Hajaaj Abul Hasan Al Qashyariy An Naysaabooriy, Al Musnad

As Saheeh Al Mukhtasar Binaqlil Adli Anil Adli `Ilaa Rasoolillaah salla
Allahu alayhi wasallam corrected by Muhammad Fu`aad Abdul Baaqiy,
(Beirut: Daar `Ihyaa At Turaath Al Arabiy).
10.`Aboo Abdillah Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hanbal ibn Hilaal ibn Asad Ash
Shaybaaniy, Musnad Al `Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal corrected by Shuayb
Al `Arnawt, Aadil Murshid, and others, (Muassasah Ar Risaalah).
11.Muhammad ibn Mukrim ibn Aliy Aboo Al Fadl Jamaal Ad Deen ibn
Manthoor Al Ansaariy Ar Ruwayfiiy Al `Ifreeqiy, Lisaanul Arab 3rd ed.,
(Beirut: Daar Saadir, 1414 A.H).
12.`Aboo Sulaymaan Hamd ibn Muhammad ibn `Ibraaheem ibn Al Khattaab
Al Bastiy, Ghareebul Hadeeth corrected by Abdul Kareem `Ibraaheem Al
Gharbaawiy, (Daar Al Fikr, 1982).
13.Ahmad ibn Aliyy ibn Hajar Aboo Al Fadl Al Asqalaaniy Ash Shaafiiy, Fathul Baariy Sharh Saheeh Al Bukhaariy, (Beirut: Daar Al Marifah, 1379).
14.Yaaqoot ibn Abdillah Al Hamawiy Ar Roomiy Al Baghdaadiy Shihaab Ad
Deen `Aboo Abdillah, Mujamul Buldaan, (Daar Saadir, 1993).
15.Muhammad ibn Eesaa ibn Sawrah ibn Moosaa ibn Ad Dahaak At Tirmithiy
`Aboo Eesaa, Sunan At Tirmithy corrected, commented by Ahmad
Shaakir, Muhammad Fu`aad, and `Ibraaheem Atwah, (Egypt: Sharikah
Maktabah Wa Matbaah Mustafaa Al Baaniy Al Halabiy, 1975).
16.`Aboo Umar Yoosuf ibn Abdillaah ibn Muhammad ibn Abdil Barr ibn
Aasim An Namariy Al Qurtubiy, At Tamheed Limaa Fee Al Muwatta` Minal
Maaaniy Wal `Asaaneed corrected by Mustafaa ibn Ahmad Al Alawiy and
Muhammad Abdil Kabeer Al Bakriy, (Marocco: Wizaarah Umoom Al
Awqaaf Wash Shu`uun Al `Islaamiyyah, 1387 H).

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