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Laboratory Activities in EC 117/ES 117 | Engr. Victorino R. Tobias, Jr.

, MEP-ECE - Instructor


The Laplace Transform of a time domain function can be determined in Matlab by using the laplace,
ilaplace and syms commands. The syms instruction tells the matlab to construct symbolic objects.
The Matlab codes to determine the Laplace transform of et, e-t and sin at are as follows:
In M-file create the following:
syms s a t
% creating symbols s a and t
L1=laplace(exp(t)) % determining laplace of e^t
L2=laplace(exp(-t)) % determining laplace of e^-t
L3=laplace(sin(a*t))% determining laplace of sin at
When the program is run, the output should be:
L1 =
L2 =
L3 =
The ilaplace command is used to determine the inverse Laplace transform of an s-domain function.
To illustrate the process, create the following codes in M-file. The code determines the inverse
laplace transform of cos 2t and t2.
syms s a t
Activity 1
Write a Matlab code to determine the Laplace Transform of the following:
1. cos at
4. t3cos 2t
2. e
3. e-3t sin 5t
Note: Write your Matlab codes at the back of this page together with the output.

Laboratory Activities in EC 117/ES 117 | Engr. Victorino R. Tobias, Jr., MEP-ECE - Instructor

Activity 2
Write a Matlab code to determine the Inverse Laplace Transform of the following:
4. a/s2+a2

6. 2/(s+2)2

Note: Write your Matlab codes at the back of this page together with the output.

Polynomials (Source:

In Matlab, a polynomial is represented by a vector. To create a polynomial in Matlab, simply enter
each coefficient of the polynomial into the vector in descending order. For instance, let's say you
have the following polynomial:

s 4 3s 3 15s 2 2s 9
To enter this into Matlab, just enter it as a vector in the following manner
x = [1 3 -15 -2 9]
1 3 -15 -2 9
Matlab can interpret a vector of length (n+1) as an nth order polynomial. Thus, if your polynomial is
missing any coefficients, you must enter zeros in the appropriate place in the vector. For example,

s4 1
would be represented in Matlab as:
y = [1 0 0 0 1]
You can find the value of a polynomial using the polyval( ) function. For example, to find the value
of the above polynomial at s=2,
z = polyval([1 0 0 0 1], 2)

Laboratory Activities in EC 117/ES 117 | Engr. Victorino R. Tobias, Jr., MEP-ECE - Instructor

You can also extract the roots of a polynomial. This is useful when you have a high-order
polynomial such as

s 4 3s 3 15s 2 2s 9
Finding the roots would be as easy as entering the following command;
roots([1 3 -15 -2 9])
ans =
You can also construct a polynomial using poly( ) function.
r = [-1, -2];
p = poly(r);
ans = 1 3 2
You can interpret that the resulting polynomial is given by

s 2 3s 2
Activity 3
1. Write a Matlab code to store the 7th order polynomial:
s7 + 2s6 + s5 + 2s4 + 4s3 + 8s2 + 4s + 2
Also, write a code to determine the value of the polynomial when s = -2.
2. What is the code to determine the roots of the polynomial in no. 1? Record your result.
3. The roots of a certain polynomial are :
0.9974 + 1.9667i
0.9974 - 1.9667i
-0.5103 + 2.1782i
-0.5103 - 2.1782i
-1.1036 + 0.9600i
-1.1036 - 0.9600i
Write a Matlab code to display the polynomial.
Note: Write your Matlab codes at the back of this page together with the output.

Laboratory Activities in EC 117/ES 117 | Engr. Victorino R. Tobias, Jr., MEP-ECE - Instructor

Partial fraction expansion to perform inverse transform

In Matlab, you can perform partial fraction expansion using residue( ) function. The following is
how to use the residue( ) function:

Usage: [r, p, k] = residue(num, den)

r is PFE coefficients
p is poles
k is direct term

You would like to find the inverse Laplace Transform of F(s) given by

F ( s)

s 2 12
s 3 5s 2 6 s

For this you have to decompose F(s) into simple terms uing partial fraction expansion:
Matlab code
num =[1 0 12];
den = [1 5 6 0];

% Generate numerator polynomial

% Generate denominator polynomial

[r,p,k] = residue(num, den)

This gives the following answer:
% Result:

Laboratory Activities in EC 117/ES 117 | Engr. Victorino R. Tobias, Jr., MEP-ECE - Instructor

Find the inverse Laplace Transform of

I L ( s)

384 10 5
s( s 2 64,000s 16 108 )

In order to find it, we need to perform partial fraction expansion. The following Matlab M-File
provides us with the partial fraction expansion coefficients.
Matlab code
num = [38400000];
den = [1 64000 1600000000 0];
[r, p, k] = residue(num, den)

This gives the following answer:

-0.0120 + 0.0160i
-0.0120 - 0.0160i
1.0e+004 *
-3.2000 + 2.4000i
-3.2000 - 2.4000i

24 10 3
20 10 3 126.87
20 10 3 126.87
I L ( s)

s 32,000 j 24,000 s 32,000 j 24,000
The above results indicate that we have the following expression for I L (s) : Simple manipulation
shown in the class ends up with the current in the time domain :

i L (t ) 24 10 3 40 10 3 e 32,000t cos(24,000t 126.87 ) [A]


Laboratory Activities in EC 117/ES 117 | Engr. Victorino R. Tobias, Jr., MEP-ECE - Instructor

Activity 4
Write a Matlab code to determine the poles of the function below. After which, based from the
poles obtained, find the inverse Laplace transform of the function.

Note: Write your Matlab codes and your answer at the back of this page together with the output.

Time Domain Responses from Transfer Function G(s)

System responses and associated commands
Consider a transfer function shown below:
G(s) = p(s)/q(s) = num(s)/den(s).
We can create a LTI system by using
sys = tf(num,den)
where output sys is the tf object. (Type "help ltiprops" for details.)
Now, we can compute the various time domain responses from the transfer function object using
the following commands:
1) Impulse response
yi = impulse(sys,t)
2) Step response
ys = step(sys,t)
3) Responses to general inputs
yg = lsim(sys,u,t)
Note: t represents time (column) vector, u represents input (column) vector, and yi, ys, and yg are
all column vectors.
Compute the impulse and step response from t = 0 to t = 10 of the following transfer function:
Matlab code

G( s)

s 2s 10

Laboratory Activities in EC 117/ES 117 | Engr. Victorino R. Tobias, Jr., MEP-ECE - Instructor

den=[1 2 10];
sys = tf(num,den);

% Generate time vector

% Assign numerator polynomial
% Assign denominator polynomial

y_i = impulse(sys,t);
y_s = step(sys,t);

% Compute impulse response

% Compute step response

title('Output of Example')
subplot(2,1,1), plot(t,y_i), ylabel('Impulse response') % plot impulse response
subplot(2,1,2), plot(t,y_s), ylabel('Step response') % plot step response
xlabel('time in seconds')
This gives you the plot below:

In order to compute the response to ramp function and noise, we can do the following procedures.

% Generate ramp function

% Generate 101 by 1 random vector

y_g = lsim(sys,ramp,t);
y_n = lsim(sys,noise,t);

% Compute the response to ramp function

% Compute the response to random noise


Laboratory Activities in EC 117/ES 117 | Engr. Victorino R. Tobias, Jr., MEP-ECE - Instructor

title('Output of Example LSIM( )')

subplot(2,1,1), plot(t,y_g), ylabel('Ramp response') % plot response to ramp input
subplot(2,1,2), plot(t,y_n), ylabel('Noise response') % plot response to noise
xlabel('time in seconds')
This gives you the following plot.

Note: Perform all the given examples.

Activity 5
1. Write a Matlab code to determine the impulse and step response from t = 0 to t = 10 of
the system with the following transfer function. Sketch the all the figures generated.

2. Write a Matlab code to generate a ramp and noise signals and sketch the response of the
system with these inputs.
Note: Write your Matlab codes and your answer at the back of this page together with the output.

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