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Proverbs 20:29

Luke 16:8
The glory of the young is their strength. The grey hair of experience is the
splendour of the old. It is expected of the old to have experience. When you
see grey hair on an old person's head you exoect to learn something from him.
He might not be a great person but he can share wise words with you.
Luke: Jesus speaks of the sons of this world who are wiser than the sons of
light. God has given us young people but we don't recognize or acknowledge
their power. An old person can desire to do something lack the energy. The
young are eager.
In the church we lack captains and commanders to use their wisdom in using
young people for God's work. In one country it took one young person to
remove his people and country's shame. Senior people should be planning wars
and strategising on how to engage the yound young. They should be setting
and placing the young in order while they are still in their early years.
It is up to the young people to shake the boat when the rest of the church is
sleeping. Let the past stay in the past. Leaders of the world, when they want
to change the regime, always befriended the youth because they understood
that strength, power, zeal or energy was with them.
Young people are the key for now and for the future. God trusts young people.
God does not, in the Bible, call old people for ministry. He anoints people
before they are born.
Lenin called the Russian youth when he was planning the Russian revolution.
He told his conspirators, "Go and train the youth ... Go to hundreds of students
and workers. Supply them with a simple recipe on how to make a bomb.
Others will blow up police stations and others rob banks. Teach others how to

assault the police."

Adolf Hitler raised the Nazis as teenagers, saying, "Strength through joy" that
will change their minds, filling them with patriotism to fight for their country.
The China Red Guard were mostly teenagers and they turned China around. We
need to wake up and realize the potential within the church. In any case, the
church is becoming younger and younger so if their power is not harnessed they
will lead the church astray.
Liberation in South Africa came about when the youth came to the stage,
believing their blood would water the tree of freedom. They were told this by
their leaders. What are we telling the young people in our churches? In old
age, we should see ourselves in the youth. What is wrong with the church I am
serving? We are busy with trivialties. Our young people need to know that
they are not tomorrow's church! They are today's church!
God promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. In the Bible God does things
beyond our comprehension.
David was:
1. The youngest of eight boys in Jesse's family.
2. A sheperd. The experience of being a sheperd was better than that of
serving in the army.
3. An anointed musician. His anointed fingers alleviated Saul's problem. This
shows that God is no respector of persons.
4. Anointed by Samuel before his family. His brothers saw this young boy get
anointed with oil. We are jealous of the young and instead of encouraging
them, we crush them.
5. Skillful
6. A brave armour-bearer

7. A man of valour
8. A man with good judgment
9. Good-looking
10. Walking with God
Young people must be given time to exercise what God has put inside of them,
helping them grow their ministry. Starting to walk with God must begin as
early as possible. A person must walk with Jesus early in his salvation.
People with the ability to recognize the gifts are necessary. As a church leader
you need manpower anyway! If you do not have a team you will die from stress
and hypertension prematurely because you want to be a jack of all trades.
11. David was a soldier
He had brought his brothers some food. He was not there to fight with his
brothers because he was not a soldier yet. You may not have any position in
church but you are there for a purpose. Nobody can claim that he is somebody.
We are all nobodies. Once you become somebody, God does not use you.
Issues faced by David:
Goliath boasted before God's armies
Saul and the army were terrified, disarrayed and Saul was in his tent. Three of
David's brothers were in the army and they too were terrified. He was a thorn
in his brothers' flesh because of his anointing. Goliath mocked for forty days
and they feared. They were all scared - from leader to follower.
A nobody came and told the king, "Fear not, my lord." The young boy was bold
enough, confident in His God to say, "My God."
We have plenty Davids in our church who cannot say, "My God". He was only
known by his brothers who chased him off and asked, "What shall be done for

the one who kills this giant?" You do not know God's plans for your life; that is
why you must stay connected to Him. David told of killing a lion and a bear
with his bare hands without a spear. "This Philistine will be like one of them."
We are taking too long to introduce young people to their God. Groom them to
be faithful even in your absence. "My lord, your armor will get me killed".
Young person, what weapons do you have? We need young champions. We
have many champions in the world, where are champions to bring down satan's
kingdom? It is not by power nor by might but by His Spirit. Let us make every
young person and baptize them with the Holy Spirit. David's secret was not in
the power of the youth but the Spirit of God, the anointing.
Ephisians 3:3
God's intention today is to raise up such young people. With God there is
neither male nor female, the spirit has no gender. His intention now is to
reveal his manifold wisdom to the powers and principalities in the air.
We need young people anointed by od without any positions in the church.
Youthful energy combined with God's anointing will rock and shake the devil's
kingdom. All the evil things we see down here are planned in the heavenly
places. Young people this is your time to be champions. The secret is in the
anointing. Hallelujah! You should be able to feel the Spirit of the Lord and
say, "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me ... "
Come up!

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