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Science Sheet of Objectives Ch.


1) Be able to define pressure mathematically and state the

units it is measured in. Be able to define a Pascal.
Pressure is the force exerted over on area on the surface
of an object more simply Pressure= force/area. Pressure is
measured in pascals. This si unit takes the name from the
French mathematischian blace pascal who discovered how
pressure is transmitted in a fluid. More exactly a pascal is
equivalent to Pascal = One Newton per square meter
(1n/1meter 2)
2) Be able to explain how pressure works using a practical
example (such as snowshoes).
Force and pressure are closely related. Pressure increases
as Area decreseas: The larger the are a force is distributed
the smaller the pressure. For example: if you stand on
snow with your every day snekers you exert pressure on
both soles. The Area under the soles usually when
standing in snow is not enogh to keeep you up because
the bothe measure about 500 cm 2 in area and so you sink
but fi you put on snow shoes with a greater area such as
1100 cm 2 you are morelikely if your weight (or the force
you exerton the ground isn’t execcive) to flot above the
snow. + Example of tacchi a spillo
3) Be able to describe fluid pressure and how it varies with
elevation and depth.
A fluid is a material that can easily flow. In the phases of
matter it is the phase between gas and solid.Fluids are made
up of particles that constatnatly collide together and with
other surfaces. The combination of all the forces exserted by
the singleparticles makes up fluid pressure. Fluid pressure =
Total force exerted by the combind particles that make u the
fluid divided by the are over which it’s exerted.
Air pressure = weight of the air created (the weight ) by the
force of gravity
Balanced Pressure:
Why aren’t we destroyed or crusged by the huge
atmospheric pressure that lies around us? Well the reason
for life on earth resides inside balanced pressure. The
pressure in the atmosphere is everywhere so as you are
pushed down by pressure the same pressure pushs you up
so cancelling out itself. As for the same thing is why don’t we
collapsebecause of ths tremendous pressure pushing us on
all sides. Well the answer is that within us there are some
fluids which balance out the air pressure around us as water
in a bottle . as you pull away the air in a bottle it collapses .
the same is for us air and other fluids that inhabit us balance
out the Atmospheric pressure that otherwise would crush us.
As you change position in respect to the earth pressure
changes: As elevation increases atmospheric pressure
decreases ( sketch with plane, Mt. everest helicopter and
skydiver plus sea level scuba diver , fish and submarine)
Water Pressure and Depth:Fluid pressure depnds on depthAs
you descend in any fluid (Ex: water and diving) pressure
increases because of the direct proportionality : water
pressure icreases as dpth increases.

4) Be able to state Pascal’s Principle and briefly explain what

it means using a practical example.
When force is applied on a confined fluid the change
pressure is transmitted equally throughout (to all parts) the
fluid…. This relationship between pressur e and fluids is
known as pascals principal
Ex: If you squeeze a bottle the pressure is the
baottlechanges in the ame way o top on the bottom from left
to right ( sketch)

Say something on brakes of a car and how they work larger

area/ larger force…

5) Be able to state Archimedes’ Principal and explain how it

works using a practical example.
Archimedes princial is a rule explaning Buoyancy: the ability
to float. This principe states that the buoyant force acting on
a submerged object it’s equivalent to the weight of the fluid
the object displaces. Fro example : Why do ships fload? Well
they float because the buoyant force acting on them is
greater than the force pulling them down…… Take
twoobjects that weight the same amount for example a ship
and a block of solid steel. The ship floats because the form of
it’s hullcauses the ship to diplace great quantities of water.
Instead the stells sinks because the water it diplaces is not
enogh to keep up with his weight.So since the ship displaces
more water than the steel a grater buoyant force acts on the
ship and as Archimedes principal states the buoyant force =
the weight of the fluid displaced by a suberged object.
Archimedes principal helps explin why submarines float and
sinkand many other things. ( a ship floats because it’s
complexive density so weight is less than or equal to the
weight of the water diplaced by a suberged ship-
Density mass per unit of volume (D=m/v)
Changing density ( submarine Ex)
Be able to state Bernoulli’s Principle and explain how it works using a
practical example.
Bernoulli’s principal has made it possible for humans too fly.
As the speed within a moving fluid decreases the pressure within it

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